My photo appears UNDER the thumbnails...
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
This is still consistantly happening for me. Only in Firefox and not only on my Smugmug site but many others. So far there's been no solution that I know of. It only happens on my Vista desktop computer and not on my XP laptop.
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
I'm still having the same problem that jfriend was describing where the main image gets pushed down below the thumbs. This happens for me only in Firefox and not in IE7. Seems to happen in all my albums.
Changing the window size doesn't seem to help. At first the main image will be to the right of the tumbs but as soon as I move the cursor over the main image it jumps below the thumbs everytime.
This is still consistanly happening for me. Only in Firefox and not only on my Smugmug site but many others. So far there's been no solution that I know of. It only happens on my Vista desktop computer and not on my XP laptop.
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
You had a bunch of unclosed DIV and UL tags in your customizing, the favicon code was in your header, I put that in your head tag where it belongs, and most importantly, you had extra margin left and right in your CSS body statement - that was causing Firefox to render the page wrong for your site. I fixed all of these (and commented out the margin-left and margin-right in your body statement).
You had a bunch of unclosed DIV and UL tags in your customizing, the favicon code was in your header, I put that in your head tag where it belongs, and most importantly, you had extra margin left and right in your CSS body statement - that was causing Firefox to render the page wrong for your site. I fixed all of these (and commented out the margin-left and margin-right in your body statement).
should be all better now?
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I put up gladly with some of the little Smugmug foibles. Name one other company that gives this kind of support!
Thanks Andy, it sure looks fixed now. Thanks for this. I know enough about web design to be dangerous :-)
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I put up gladly with some of the little Smugmug foibles. Name one other company that gives this kind of support!
Thanks Andy, it sure looks fixed now. Thanks for this. I know enough about web design to be dangerous :-)
This is still consistanly happening for me. Only in Firefox and not only on my Smugmug site but many others. So far there's been no solution that I know of. It only happens on my Vista desktop computer and not on my XP laptop.
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
Well folks, it still is happening to all my galleries. It is only occurring in Firefox. I'm running XP. Opera and IE7 are okay. My screen resolution is 1680x1050. I'm a Power User, but with no customization at this point. Here is a gallery you can check: Warbirds.
The problem only occurs in when the window is expanded to full screen. On any size less than full screen, the page renders correctly.
I've emptied the cache, restarted firefox, gotten rid of all my toolbars in FF, but nothing helps. The only solution I've found is to no view my window in fullscreen mode, but that negates the benefits of a larger, wider screen!
You guys are great, and the coding is awesome, but this "bug" is frustrating!
Well folks, it still is happening to all my galleries. It is only occurring in Firefox. I'm running XP. Opera and IE7 are okay. My screen resolution is 1680x1050. I'm a Power User, but with no customization at this point. Here is a gallery you can check: Warbirds.
The problem only occurs in when the window is expanded to full screen. On any size less than full screen, the page renders correctly.
I've emptied the cache, restarted firefox, gotten rid of all my toolbars in FF, but nothing helps. The only solution I've found is to no view my window in fullscreen mode, but that negates the benefits of a larger, wider screen!
You guys are great, and the coding is awesome, but this "bug" is frustrating!
Thanks for any help!
Can you take a screenshot of your entire FF when it's at full screen please? Post it here. Thanks!
Can you take a screenshot of your entire FF when it's at full screen please? Post it here. Thanks!
Interestingly, I can't provide that tonight. Using FF on my laptop undocked, the screen resolution is at 1280x800 and the pages render correctly. No problems at all with stacking of the main photo underneath the thumbnails.
I checked on my wife's computer using FF, and she doesn't have a problem either at a resolution of 1280x960.
SO, it appears to be an issue, at least for me, only at a screen resolution of 1680x1050. I'll be sure to upload a screenshot tomorrow once I connect back to my external monitor at work.
Interestingly, I can't provide that tonight. Using FF on my laptop undocked, the screen resolution is at 1280x800 and the pages render correctly. No problems at all with stacking of the main photo underneath the thumbnails.
I checked on my wife's computer using FF, and she doesn't have a problem either at a resolution of 1280x960.
SO, it appears to be an issue, at least for me, only at a screen resolution of 1680x1050. I'll be sure to upload a screenshot tomorrow once I connect back to my external monitor at work.
Thanks again!
Okay, here are my screenshots from my 1680x1050 work computer. I hope these help to get to the bottom of the issue.
The first is a shot of a "minimal thumbnails" example:
Here is a shot of a "numerous thumbnails" example - top of the page only:
For jkhasson and tittelba, can you give us some more specifics?
The browser and its exact version in combination with the operating system would be a great! Thanks!
For jkhasson and tittelba, can you give us some more specifics?
The browser and its exact version in combination with the operating system would be a great! Thanks!
All Thumbs & Stetchy?
I was wondering if they'll ever be making the all thumbs view "stretchy" so we can get the maximum thumbs on our monitors. Is this in the plans for the future of stretchy?
I was wondering if they'll ever be making the all thumbs view "stretchy" so we can get the maximum thumbs on our monitors. Is this in the plans for the future of stretchy?
I have seen some mention of "other views going stetchy", but as always no timing. I'd agree that the all thumbs view is a stretchy natural (and the algorithm for all-thumbs stretchy should be pretty straightforward).
I was wondering if they'll ever be making the all thumbs view "stretchy" so we can get the maximum thumbs on our monitors. Is this in the plans for the future of stretchy?
For jkhasson and tittelba, can you give us some more specifics?
The browser and its exact version in combination with the operating system would be a great! Thanks!
A little more info on this strange behavior...the main image is not kicked down to the postion below the thumbnails until after a window scroll bar is inserted on the right side of the window. It appears that if any screen is rendered in SmugMug that exceeds the window dimension, the main picture is kicked to below the thumbnails in a type of "wrapping" function and the page scroll bar inserted.
Resizing the windows down from full screen effectively resizes the main image and the main image gets put back in the correct page position AND the window scroll bar goes away.
This windows scroll bar seems to be the culprit for kicking the image down on the page. Now, what is causing the image to not size correctly and initiate the scroll bar?
Journal style stretchy??
I've always preferred journal style for many of my galleries (like vacation diaries). I'm assuming (hoping) that "stretchiness" will eventually be achieved in journal style...same basic vertical scroll layout (with alternating left and right registered images and captions placed to the side of the image) as it's always been, but with much larger images than currently formatted.
But after seeing that CSS can already be used for "All thumbs" style...I have to ask... is there a corresponding CSS for the Journal style to make it stretchy???
I've always preferred journal style for many of my galleries (like vacation diaries). I'm assuming (hoping) that "stretchiness" will eventually be achieved in journal style...same basic vertical scroll layout (with alternating left and right registered images and captions placed to the side of the image) as it's always been, but with much larger images than currently formatted.
But after seeing that CSS can already be used for "All thumbs" style...I have to ask... is there a corresponding CSS for the Journal style to make it stretchy???
This would be great, but why doesn't SmugMugs all thumbs act like pbase where you click on the thumbnail and it opens the picture and when you click on the picture it goes back to the thumbnail page?
In SmugMugs all thumbs when you click on a thumbnail it opens with scrollbars only 800 pixels wide, you then have to click on it again for the picture to open wide, if you click on it again it only closes back to 800 pixels wide with scrollbars and you can't get back to the thumbnail page.
This would be great, but why doesn't SmugMugs all thumbs act like pbase where you click on the thumbnail and it opens the picture and when you click on the picture it goes back to the thumbnail page?
In SmugMugs all thumbs when you click on a thumbnail it opens with scrollbars only 800 pixels wide, you then have to click on it again for the picture to open wide, if you click on it again it only closes back to 800 pixels wide with scrollbars and you can't get back to the thumbnail page.
Hi Dennis, well, the simple answer is we're not Pbase
That behavior is on SmugMug style, though. All thumbs and traditional go to the next size up... or your "preferred size" if you've chosen one. There are hacks that can be used to force lightbox from allthumbs or traditional, just make a post in the customizing forum and ask for it
Hi Dennis, well, the simple answer is we're not Pbase
You have many features that pbase doesn't have, that's why I'm moving here. I like the large sizes. I upload most of my pictures as 1920x1080. I used to be able to look at them full size on my 1920x1200 monitor. Something has changed. Explorer now always has a scrollbar on the side. even when all of the window is showing.
Shouldn't there be a way to view the pictures "fullscreen" and centered, like almost every picture viewing utility has, without the toolbars, scrollbars, headers, borders, etc.?
I used to be able to look at them full size on my 1920x1200 monitor. Something has changed. Explorer now always has a scrollbar on the side. even when all of the window is showing.
Ah, the large screen size gremlin has surfaced again. See some of my previous posts. There is something amiss with larger screen sizes rendering the pages incorrectly.
You have many features that pbase doesn't have, that's why I'm moving here. I like the large sizes. I upload most of my pictures as 1920x1080. I used to be able to look at them full size on my 1920x1200 monitor. Something has changed. Explorer now always has a scrollbar on the side. even when all of the window is showing.
Shouldn't there be a way to view the pictures "fullscreen" and centered, like almost every picture viewing utility has, without the toolbars, scrollbars, headers, borders, etc.?
Ah, the large screen size gremlin has surfaced again. See some of my previous posts. There is something amiss with larger screen sizes rendering the pages incorrectly.
Not sure exactly what's going on with your page but I'll ask another her0 to look at it.
I have to hack the pinstripe off so it is 1920 pixels, but this makes the other sizes look not as good.
There is always a scrollbar on the right side which causes a scrollbar on the bottom.
The scrollbar problem is twofold...
Internet Explorer seems to have developed a permanent scrollbar, even if the page fits on the screen.
The SmugMug page I came from can be seen through the black background which is semi transparent. That window is too big to fit the screen and causes a scrollbar.
A true "fullscreen" would just show the picture and leave all the rest behind.
Firefox main image under thumbs
I've searched for this and can't find any threads relating to it.
I'm running Firefox 2 and from time to time (not always irritatingly) when I view a gallery, the main image will load below the thumbs and off to the right a bit. As in the graphic below (x=thumbnail m=main image (ignore the dots as I had to put them in to force spacing)
I've searched for this and can't find any threads relating to it.
I'm running Firefox 2 and from time to time (not always irritatingly) when I view a gallery, the main image will load below the thumbs and off to the right a bit. As in the graphic below (x=thumbnail m=main image (ignore the dots as I had to put them in to force spacing)
this, frankly, sucks
any ideas?
Hi, we need details, link to the gallery... and what happens when you are doing this. Resizing window?
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
Cheers - Neil Gardner (
I recall seeing something about this somewhere, perhaps even earlier in this thread - but I can't seem to locate a specific answer as to whether it's a bug in the theme, in stretchy, or a pecularity with my PC (Vista, FF, 24" LCD).
The site in question is (
it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I can force the page to render correctly by adjusting the window size by any amount, but the problem often comes back after going to the next page etc...
Any hints or tips please? I love the idea of Stretchy, but the implementation as it works for me is so frustrating!
IT's because of errors in talkiet's customizing. I'm fixing them right now.
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You had a bunch of unclosed DIV and UL tags in your customizing, the favicon code was in your header, I put that in your head tag where it belongs, and most importantly, you had extra margin left and right in your CSS body statement - that was causing Firefox to render the page wrong for your site. I fixed all of these (and commented out the margin-left and margin-right in your body statement).
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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I put up gladly with some of the little Smugmug foibles. Name one other company that gives this kind of support!
Thanks Andy, it sure looks fixed now. Thanks for this. I know enough about web design to be dangerous :-)
Cheers - Neil Gardner (
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Well folks, it still is happening to all my galleries. It is only occurring in Firefox. I'm running XP. Opera and IE7 are okay. My screen resolution is 1680x1050. I'm a Power User, but with no customization at this point. Here is a gallery you can check: Warbirds.
The problem only occurs in when the window is expanded to full screen. On any size less than full screen, the page renders correctly.
I've emptied the cache, restarted firefox, gotten rid of all my toolbars in FF, but nothing helps. The only solution I've found is to no view my window in fullscreen mode, but that negates the benefits of a larger, wider screen!
You guys are great, and the coding is awesome, but this "bug" is frustrating!
Thanks for any help!
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I checked on my wife's computer using FF, and she doesn't have a problem either at a resolution of 1280x960.
SO, it appears to be an issue, at least for me, only at a screen resolution of 1680x1050. I'll be sure to upload a screenshot tomorrow once I connect back to my external monitor at work.
Thanks again!
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
The first is a shot of a "minimal thumbnails" example:
Here is a shot of a "numerous thumbnails" example - top of the page only:
and the bottom of the above page:
Thanks again for the help.
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
The browser and its exact version in combination with the operating system would be a great! Thanks! & smugmug
I was wondering if they'll ever be making the all thumbs view "stretchy" so we can get the maximum thumbs on our monitors. Is this in the plans for the future of stretchy?
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
I have seen some mention of "other views going stetchy", but as always no timing. I'd agree that the all thumbs view is a stretchy natural (and the algorithm for all-thumbs stretchy should be pretty straightforward).
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
You can do it yourself
Sample gallery (put it in all thumbs mode)
/* stretchy css for allthumbs */
#allthumbs, #allthumbs #photos {
margin-left: 15px !important;
margin-right: 15px !important;
min-width: 755px !important;
width: auto !important;
_width: expression(document.documentElement.clientWidth < 790? "760px" : "auto") !important;
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Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
I'm using Firefox with Windows XP SP2
Thanks again for the help!
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
Resizing the windows down from full screen effectively resizes the main image and the main image gets put back in the correct page position AND the window scroll bar goes away.
This windows scroll bar seems to be the culprit for kicking the image down on the page. Now, what is causing the image to not size correctly and initiate the scroll bar?
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
I've always preferred journal style for many of my galleries (like vacation diaries). I'm assuming (hoping) that "stretchiness" will eventually be achieved in journal style...same basic vertical scroll layout (with alternating left and right registered images and captions placed to the side of the image) as it's always been, but with much larger images than currently formatted.
But after seeing that CSS can already be used for "All thumbs" style...I have to ask... is there a corresponding CSS for the Journal style to make it stretchy???
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This would be great, but why doesn't SmugMugs all thumbs act like pbase where you click on the thumbnail and it opens the picture and when you click on the picture it goes back to the thumbnail page?
In SmugMugs all thumbs when you click on a thumbnail it opens with scrollbars only 800 pixels wide, you then have to click on it again for the picture to open wide, if you click on it again it only closes back to 800 pixels wide with scrollbars and you can't get back to the thumbnail page.
That behavior is on SmugMug style, though. All thumbs and traditional go to the next size up... or your "preferred size" if you've chosen one. There are hacks that can be used to force lightbox from allthumbs or traditional, just make a post in the customizing forum and ask for it
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
You have many features that pbase doesn't have, that's why I'm moving here. I like the large sizes. I upload most of my pictures as 1920x1080. I used to be able to look at them full size on my 1920x1200 monitor. Something has changed. Explorer now always has a scrollbar on the side. even when all of the window is showing.
Shouldn't there be a way to view the pictures "fullscreen" and centered, like almost every picture viewing utility has, without the toolbars, scrollbars, headers, borders, etc.?
Ah, the large screen size gremlin has surfaced again. See some of my previous posts. There is something amiss with larger screen sizes rendering the pages incorrectly.
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
Like this?
click for lightbox:
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As always, your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Jonathan Hasson Photography
California Dreamin' with the Hassons
Jonathan on Facebook
jkhasson on Twitter
Unfortunately I get this...
I have to hack the pinstripe off so it is 1920 pixels, but this makes the other sizes look not as good.
There is always a scrollbar on the right side which causes a scrollbar on the bottom.
The scrollbar problem is twofold...
Internet Explorer seems to have developed a permanent scrollbar, even if the page fits on the screen.
The SmugMug page I came from can be seen through the black background which is semi transparent. That window is too big to fit the screen and causes a scrollbar.
A true "fullscreen" would just show the picture and leave all the rest behind.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
I've searched for this and can't find any threads relating to it.
I'm running Firefox 2 and from time to time (not always irritatingly) when I view a gallery, the main image will load below the thumbs and off to the right a bit. As in the graphic below (x=thumbnail m=main image (ignore the dots as I had to put them in to force spacing)
this, frankly, sucks
any ideas?
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