Announcing Smugfoto for Facebook
Smugfoto is an application for facebook that will display photos on your profile, as well as in a tab for your personal profile or fan page. Photos on your profile can be either four random images, or one chosen image. Smugfoto is unique in that it will display all categories in the order that you have them on SmugMug, along with featured photos for each category. It is (and always will be) free for both personal page and fan page use.
Smugfoto will reproduce your public SmugMug albums on facebook how you want them to look according to your settings in SmugMug whilst respecting security and visibility settings without giving up your password. Options such as right-click protection and watermarking are delivered to help you keep your rights to your images.
You are welcome to test the application for yourself, the facebook app URL is:
Check out the fan page option at work here: fan page
Please report suggestions and issues directly to me and I'll ensure they receive proper attention. Thanks for looking!
Smugfoto will reproduce your public SmugMug albums on facebook how you want them to look according to your settings in SmugMug whilst respecting security and visibility settings without giving up your password. Options such as right-click protection and watermarking are delivered to help you keep your rights to your images.
You are welcome to test the application for yourself, the facebook app URL is:
Check out the fan page option at work here: fan page
Please report suggestions and issues directly to me and I'll ensure they receive proper attention. Thanks for looking!
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
It appears facebook recently lowered its API timeout threshold which means unless you can process the galleries lightning fast you're toast.
Fortunately I was able to optimise my code so that it has a *reasonable* chance of success. In my recent testing it appears that it does work 100% of the time, however I can't rule out that users will need to press the 'Try Again' button on facebook occasionally if there is a timeout.
What I found is that when I retrieve the tree from SmugMug it returns a whole lot of redundant (unused) categories which both add to the retrieval time and the loop-thru time. I hardly believe loop-through to be a problem, I suspect it is more in the retrieval.
I will continue to optimise the code to minimise any chance of a timeout.
To anyone who attempted to access this application in the last several hours and found timeouts and coding bugs this should be rectified - I was working on the optimisation. For future work I might consider making a dummy mirror app for testing, then migrate to production when I'm ready.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
p.s. One thing, could you make it so it automatically, magically fixes any 'soft focus' shots I have? Thanks in advance.
One bit of frustrating behaviour I've discovered (which is probably well known to API developers) is that images for some galleries are not being rendered in Smugfoto, and instead I'm getting the browser default 'no image' marker. The real strangeness takes place when I get the address of the 'no image' and place it into the address bar, it renders! Even stranger, is that after it renders, the picture is correctly shown in Smugfoto.
The only way I can explain this is that SmugMug does not render image sizes from some images until there has been a request for that image. Going further still, I'm speculating that SmugMug is referer-aware and will only render requests called directly to its own servers. Therefore, a call which comes from the facebook application host is not a SmugMug server and therefore the image rendering does not take place. A direct call from the address bar generates a null referer so SmugMug says that's ok and renders the image. Of course, I could be completely off the mark.
Without wanting to annoy the nice SmugMug people I probably won't start referer spoofing, so I await hopefully a nice simple answer to the problem!
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
As far as question-marks displaying in some galleries this is something I'll try and take up with SmugMug. Even though they provide the mechanism to retrieve images externally, some of those images aren't 'rendered' at the SmugMug server. I tested this by taking the address of a 'no image' placeholder and putting it into the browser address - the image loads correctly. Now when you go back to SmugPhoto the image is available. It hasn't done that on any of my galleries, so maybe it only happens on certain accounts or images uploaded some time ago?
I'll try to get these issues sorted out soon.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
I appreciate being able to have these accessible on Facebook, though!
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
One feature that would be great for SmugFoto would be to have SmugFoto respect my Featured Galleries setting for the thumbnails that show on the profile page, or otherwise to let me pick out the pictures that I specifically want to highlight in my profile. As it stands now, the photos that show up seem random -- I am sure that there's a specific basis on which they're selected, but I just haven't figured it out. Any thoughts?
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Clients\C3193\\public_html\SmugFoto\sfcommon.php on line 94
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Clients\C3193\\public_html\SmugFoto\sfcommon.php on line 94
Fatal error: Call to a member function attributes() on a non-object in C:\Clients\C3193\\public_html\SmugFoto\sfcommon.php on line 94
Or has that bug been there prior to the new Facebook update? I was using MySmugMug, but it also had some settings issues, so I figured I'd try SmugFoto, but no go. :-{
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Thanks Ebswift!!!
Apparently the new Facebook layout requires some additional coding to allow an app to be on your main profile page (far left column). Otherwise your app is essentially invisible, which really sucks:
Thanks for the heads-up, I hadn't switched over to the new layout, but I've checked it out and I see what you mean. I'll have a look at this today. At this stage I don't think too many people have been badly affected but I should have it fixed soon unless facebook has made it difficult or impossible.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
These are all public albums from
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Thanks -- I flipped the external link option on for all of my galleries last night, but SmugFoto seemed to be having other issues where the page would not load at all (it said a report was being sent). I guess your server had some problems?
Anyways, today all the gallery thumbnails are showing up properly, so that external link thing must've been the problem.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
This is a great app...thanks!
I was just wondering if hits via this Facebook app will show up on Google Analytics for the total number of hits to the photo's stats? How about Smugmug's stats as well (seeing as there is usually a big discrepancy between google analytics and smugmug stats).
"I haven't looked at the impact that Smugfoto has on Google Analytics, nor SmugMug's stats. Smugfoto doesn't really leave a 'footprint', but perhaps facebook may turn up as a referer. So... it's a distinct unknown at this point.
If you have any suggestions as to an optional parameter (or something) you want to pass through for album/image viewing I'd certainly consider it. The possibility may even be there for a custom include, but facebook may inhibit such attempts; once again, I'm unsure."
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.