Glad you like the app Shrekie. I answered the same question over at SmugFoto, and I'll add the reply here for the benefit of anyone here wondering the same thing:
"I haven't looked at the impact that SmugFoto has on Google Analytics, nor SmugMug's stats. SmugFoto doesn't really leave a 'footprint', but perhaps facebook may turn up as a referer. So... it's a distinct unknown at this point.
If you have any suggestions as to an optional parameter (or something) you want to pass through for album/image viewing I'd certainly consider it. The possibility may even be there for a custom include, but facebook may inhibit such attempts; once again, I'm unsure."
For anyone receiving a 'not found' error after clicking the link off their profile, please remove 'new.' from the url and Smugfoto should load up as expected. It will automatically repair the profile link from there.
Today I have finally implemented embedded video into Smugfoto, so all your videos should play just as they do in SmugMug. It works very nicely, thanks for the video stuff SmugMug!
Also if you haven't looked at Smugfoto for a little while you will find some other new niceties like breadcrumbs, image-to-image navigation from the large image view, and finally, I have yet to see facebook throw a timeout tantrum since I've made recent performance improvements, even in testing with larger accounts.
Aside from the URL change, facebook appears to be slowly stabilising; there have been numerous connection failures, timeouts and other nasties associated with the new facebook transition. I bet a LOT of applications were lost to the transition.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
protecting the photo on facebook
Sorry if this comes off as a newbie question - but when using Smugfoto can facebook users "right click" and save a copy of the photo. I am hesitant to post a photo on Facebook if people can just save off a copy to their harddrive. Thanks.
Sorry if this comes off as a newbie question - but when using Smugfoto can facebook users "right click" and save a copy of the photo. I am hesitant to post a photo on Facebook if people can just save off a copy to their harddrive. Thanks.
There isn't any right-click protection at this stage but I'll put it on the todo list. Thanks for raising this.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Since on one else has mentioned it, I would be very careful what you post on facebook. If you've not read their Terms of Use, I would highly recommend doing that before you post anything there.
Since on one else has mentioned it, I would be very careful what you post on facebook. If you've not read their Terms of Use, I would highly recommend doing that before you post anything there.
This was actually a big question for me:
Does the FB terms of use for photos apply through this app? (somewhat rushed, Chicken Little summary is: FB has full rights to any image you post and can do anything they want with it without further permission. All this just 'cuz you uploaded to their site)
I'm _not_ interested in turning my photos over en masse for FB's use.
(PS: also very interested in knowing: is watermarking still kept? Has right-click been disabled yet? Thanks!)
If responding to a picture I've posted: please, provide constructive criticism. Destructive criticism can go take a flying leap.
If we don't know what could be improved or could have been done differently, we'll never know how to get better at what we're doing.
@inkmantpa, I fixed a bug and checked your account using an FB test account and it's all working again.
As for FB's terms on uploading photos, utilising Smugfoto is not uploading any content to facebook (or Smugfoto for that matter); it is simply drawing content directly from SmugMug. Their terms for photos would apply to photos you upload directly to FB. Otherwise, arguably, someone else could display your SM photos and FB would take legal possession of all of them - this would not be supported in a legal dispute, and FB would be silly to even think about taking that on.
Right-click protection is on the roadmap for Smugfoto, you can see that here:
...If you click around in there you will see other things roadmapped; feel free to suggest more .
Not to be a pain (heh heh), but I looked around and didn't find something for watermarking?
It would be even cooler if I could watermark an image shown through SmugFoto and not watermark it in SM. (i.e.: my portfolio)
(I _am_ looking forward to using this, I think it'll be great!)
If responding to a picture I've posted: please, provide constructive criticism. Destructive criticism can go take a flying leap.
If we don't know what could be improved or could have been done differently, we'll never know how to get better at what we're doing.
Watermarking is now available. Due to processing constraints on the server Smugfoto is hosted on, watermarking is only switched on for images larger than thumbnail. Also, you can't specify which images get watermarked, so ALL images beyond thumbnail size will be watermarked.
In other news, Smugfoto will now work in a tab. Once again there is a catch (there is always a catch in facebook) - the user has to click a thumbnail image once to 'activate' the tabbed application before they can actually start clicking into galleries. This is really annoying, so hopefully one day I'll find a way around it.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Problems on Smugfoto
Hi, left a message on Smugfoto as well, but did not list my URL
My Smugfoto does not seem to work anymore. Originally, I had access to my photos there, but now I just get a blank page. I saw a post about unloading and reloading, that at least created the tab on my profile, but the first two times I tried to re-add, the app indicated that I was not a Smugmug member. It finally added the app and new tab, but I still get a blank page. Am I missing a step somewhere.
@John, I tested your account and it seems fine now. I was making some changes to do with watermarking and the migration from test to production wasn't as smooth as I would have liked. It should be fine now though.
@peestandingup, the photos themselves are served to the page directly from the SmugMug servers, they don't go through any translation. I have placed profiling timers in my sourcecode and it is performing actual processing in milliseconds. The home page loads up only a few milliseconds slower than it takes to get the album information from SmugMug (slower because of the milliseconds processing my code adds to the mix). Facebook adds its own overhead; it would be interesting to run Smugfoto as a standalone web plugin and see if it runs any faster outside of Facebook. Performing that test might even make way for releasing Smugfoto as a web page plugin.
The code itself has been re-factored about 5 times now, and with profiling figures I think any further re-factoring will be purely academic. Pictures served with watermarking enabled on Smugfoto will serve up much slower because the picture first has to be read onto the Smugfoto server, then processed and served back to the Facebook page from the Smugfoto server. The server that Smugfoto is hosted on would not have anywhere near the performance of SmugMug's own servers, but I can't justify the several hundred dollars per month to speed things up when Smugfoto has a zero dollar return.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
For a brief time, it worked today . . . kind of. I could see all my categories, drill down to galleries and albums, but then, when I clicked on an individual picture, I would get a very long error message. I had planned to copy it and paste it here, but now I'm back at the blank page. I'm going to assume that you are making some changes. Just wanted to let you know what I'm seeing, in case it helps. I love the application and look forward to having it back again.
@John, I tested your account and it seems fine now. I was making some changes to do with watermarking and the migration from test to production wasn't as smooth as I would have liked. It should be fine now though.
@peestandingup, the photos themselves are served to the page directly from the SmugMug servers, they don't go through any translation. I have placed profiling timers in my sourcecode and it is performing actual processing in milliseconds. The home page loads up only a few milliseconds slower than it takes to get the album information from SmugMug (slower because of the milliseconds processing my code adds to the mix). Facebook adds its own overhead; it would be interesting to run SmugFoto as a standalone web plugin and see if it runs any faster outside of Facebook. Performing that test might even make way for releasing SmugFoto as a web page plugin.
The code itself has been re-factored about 5 times now, and with profiling figures I think any further re-factoring will be purely academic. Pictures served with watermarking enabled on SmugFoto will serve up much slower because the picture first has to be read onto the SmugFoto server, then processed and served back to the Facebook page from the SmugFoto server. The server that SmugFoto is hosted on would not have anywhere near the performance of SmugMug's own servers, but I can't justify the several hundred dollars per month to speed things up when SmugFoto has a zero dollar return.
Cool. Thanks for taking the time with the explanation. It does seem snappier today than recently, so maybe the code re-do's have helped in that regard.
One question. Is there a way to hide some of the text below the albums/folders (like the updated text)? I've noticed it can get really messy if there's a lot of them & can be very busy looking:
I ultimately had to remove the app. It just wasnt working correctly too many times. Using my wife's FB account, I tried to view my profile & the app multiple times & it wouldn't get passed the thumbnail activation screen. Everytime I clicked on a thumb, it just kept reverting back to her FB Home.
For a brief time, it worked today . . . kind of. I could see all my categories, drill down to galleries and albums, but then, when I clicked on an individual picture, I would get a very long error message. I had planned to copy it and paste it here, but now I'm back at the blank page. I'm going to assume that you are making some changes. Just wanted to let you know what I'm seeing, in case it helps. I love the application and look forward to having it back again.
@John, I tested your account and it seems fine now. I was making some changes to do with watermarking and the migration from test to production wasn't as smooth as I would have liked. It should be fine now though.
I've fixed a number of new bugs in the last hour that were causing blank screens and signup issues.
@peestandingup, if there are recurring issues as you explained I will fix them if I have some specific info, such as a smugmug account name and type & version of web browser used. There are a couple of thousand users now, so any bug fixes are going to benefit a lot of people.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Change the project at the top right to 'Smugfoto'. There you can see bugs & requirements and basically any future roadmap planning that may come up. I have added the new requirement of having optional update times displayed with the albums.
edit: showing last updated times is now an option in settings.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Last Updated text can now be switched off in Smugfoto settings, and I've fixed the busted behaviour when a visitor tries to click in the tab view. Issues for new signups over the last day have also been fixed and preventative measures put in place so the same problem won't happen again.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Blank screens were happening again. Everything was working in testing, so I can't really understand what the problem was, but I suspect facebook started caching part of the page call so that the user's SmugMug session was never updated. I successfully tested the session updating everytime a user initially accesses Smugfoto so hopefully that particular problem is gone.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
"Please wait while we perform maintenance on Smugfoto..."
Been happening all day long.
Maintenance mode is now off, and that message should be gone, thankyou. Of course, I didn't see that message because it is programmed to run through if it is me looking at it. I also had new testing code blocks that threw my routine out - I didn't want to lose the current behaviour that was going on - sometimes you go back to the proper test-production routine and the error goes away.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Hey, thanks for all these updates & listening to feedback. Its really coming along great.
One other thing I noticed about the Custom URL setting. It doesnt work if you leave right-click protection off & a visitor clicks on one of the sizes below a photo. It takes them to the Smugmug address & not the custom address.
Today I have finally implemented embedded video into Smugfoto, so all your videos should play just as they do in SmugMug. It works very nicely, thanks for the video stuff SmugMug!
Also if you haven't looked at Smugfoto for a little while you will find some other new niceties like breadcrumbs, image-to-image navigation from the large image view, and finally, I have yet to see facebook throw a timeout tantrum since I've made recent performance improvements, even in testing with larger accounts.
Aside from the URL change, facebook appears to be slowly stabilising; there have been numerous connection failures, timeouts and other nasties associated with the new facebook transition. I bet a LOT of applications were lost to the transition.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Sorry if this comes off as a newbie question - but when using Smugfoto can facebook users "right click" and save a copy of the photo. I am hesitant to post a photo on Facebook if people can just save off a copy to their harddrive. Thanks.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
1. It would be fantastic if this can be (optionally) integrated as a tab on the profile page.
2. It would be great if the features (!) photo is taken for the gallery image. Currently it seems to take a random pic.
THANKS for that.
My Website | My Blog | My Facebook Page | My YouTube
@Markus, thanks for your input;
#1. I'm looking into it, I took the hard road for development (.Net); I'll see if I can push development past where it is.
#2. That should already be working, I'll re-check.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
SmugFoto SmugMug Categories
There are no publicly viewable albums to show.
Albums are public, external links are allowed, they are not password protected. is my site
My Galleries
My Photo Blog
Here's a good read on the subject:
This was actually a big question for me:
Does the FB terms of use for photos apply through this app? (somewhat rushed, Chicken Little summary is: FB has full rights to any image you post and can do anything they want with it without further permission. All this just 'cuz you uploaded to their site)
I'm _not_ interested in turning my photos over en masse for FB's use.
(PS: also very interested in knowing: is watermarking still kept? Has right-click been disabled yet? Thanks!)
Member, Livingston County Photographers Group (
If responding to a picture I've posted: please, provide constructive criticism. Destructive criticism can go take a flying leap.
If we don't know what could be improved or could have been done differently, we'll never know how to get better at what we're doing.
As for FB's terms on uploading photos, utilising Smugfoto is not uploading any content to facebook (or Smugfoto for that matter); it is simply drawing content directly from SmugMug. Their terms for photos would apply to photos you upload directly to FB. Otherwise, arguably, someone else could display your SM photos and FB would take legal possession of all of them - this would not be supported in a legal dispute, and FB would be silly to even think about taking that on.
Right-click protection is on the roadmap for Smugfoto, you can see that here:
If you click around in there you will see other things roadmapped; feel free to suggest more
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
It would be even cooler if I could watermark an image shown through SmugFoto and not watermark it in SM. (i.e.: my portfolio)
(I _am_ looking forward to using this, I think it'll be great!)
Member, Livingston County Photographers Group (
If responding to a picture I've posted: please, provide constructive criticism. Destructive criticism can go take a flying leap.
If we don't know what could be improved or could have been done differently, we'll never know how to get better at what we're doing.
In other news, Smugfoto will now work in a tab. Once again there is a catch (there is always a catch in facebook) - the user has to click a thumbnail image once to 'activate' the tabbed application before they can actually start clicking into galleries. This is really annoying, so hopefully one day I'll find a way around it.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Hi, left a message on Smugfoto as well, but did not list my URL
My Smugfoto does not seem to work anymore. Originally, I had access to my photos there, but now I just get a blank page. I saw a post about unloading and reloading, that at least created the tab on my profile, but the first two times I tried to re-add, the app indicated that I was not a Smugmug member. It finally added the app and new tab, but I still get a blank page. Am I missing a step somewhere.
My Smugmug site is
My Facebook name is John Dougherty.
Thanks in advance for any help
Like, is it serving up originals or does it stay at a certain size?
@peestandingup, the photos themselves are served to the page directly from the SmugMug servers, they don't go through any translation. I have placed profiling timers in my sourcecode and it is performing actual processing in milliseconds. The home page loads up only a few milliseconds slower than it takes to get the album information from SmugMug (slower because of the milliseconds processing my code adds to the mix). Facebook adds its own overhead; it would be interesting to run Smugfoto as a standalone web plugin and see if it runs any faster outside of Facebook. Performing that test might even make way for releasing Smugfoto as a web page plugin.
The code itself has been re-factored about 5 times now, and with profiling figures I think any further re-factoring will be purely academic. Pictures served with watermarking enabled on Smugfoto will serve up much slower because the picture first has to be read onto the Smugfoto server, then processed and served back to the Facebook page from the Smugfoto server. The server that Smugfoto is hosted on would not have anywhere near the performance of SmugMug's own servers, but I can't justify the several hundred dollars per month to speed things up when Smugfoto has a zero dollar return.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
For a brief time, it worked today . . . kind of. I could see all my categories, drill down to galleries and albums, but then, when I clicked on an individual picture, I would get a very long error message. I had planned to copy it and paste it here, but now I'm back at the blank page. I'm going to assume that you are making some changes. Just wanted to let you know what I'm seeing, in case it helps. I love the application and look forward to having it back again.
One question. Is there a way to hide some of the text below the albums/folders (like the updated text)? I've noticed it can get really messy if there's a lot of them & can be very busy looking:
Working today, no blank screens and able to drill down to photos and view. Looks good.
@peestandingup, if there are recurring issues as you explained I will fix them if I have some specific info, such as a smugmug account name and type & version of web browser used. There are a couple of thousand users now, so any bug fixes are going to benefit a lot of people.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Change the project at the top right to 'Smugfoto'. There you can see bugs & requirements and basically any future roadmap planning that may come up. I have added the new requirement of having optional update times displayed with the albums.
edit: showing last updated times is now an option in settings.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
Been happening all day long.
Try Smugfoto in Facebook for displaying your SmugMug galleries.
One other thing I noticed about the Custom URL setting. It doesnt work if you leave right-click protection off & a visitor clicks on one of the sizes below a photo. It takes them to the Smugmug address & not the custom address.