The coupon feedback thread

bigWebGuy is thoroughly exhausted after releasing the shopping cart and he has some tuning to finish, like banning the color button for pros.
But... Then he's ready to work coupons. We wanted to check that we're up to date on the latest coupon feature list. Far as I know, it's:
1. The ability to set fixed dollar amounts or percentages.
2. Ability to set an expiration date. I heard a little rumbling about wanting to set a number of uses/coupon. Is that important?
3. Ability to withdraw coupon amounts from pro profits and if the reserve isn't high enough, then charge the card on file to make up the difference.
4. Some reporting.
We hope you're not asking to make coupons gallery-specific, because that's hard.
Your thoughts.
But... Then he's ready to work coupons. We wanted to check that we're up to date on the latest coupon feature list. Far as I know, it's:
1. The ability to set fixed dollar amounts or percentages.
2. Ability to set an expiration date. I heard a little rumbling about wanting to set a number of uses/coupon. Is that important?
3. Ability to withdraw coupon amounts from pro profits and if the reserve isn't high enough, then charge the card on file to make up the difference.
4. Some reporting.
We hope you're not asking to make coupons gallery-specific, because that's hard.
Your thoughts.
This discussion has been closed.
1. Yup - Percentages are what I'm looking for. Fixed dollar amounts... not so much. I need to be able to offer 10% off, 20% off, etc...
2. Yup - Number of uses doesn't bother me. It would be nice, but it isn't critical. As long as there is an expiration date, that would serve the same purpose for me. If people want to share the coupon, that just means more traffic to the website and more sales for me.
3. Yup, draw from the profits. I'm never going to offer a coupon that puts me in the negative so that doesn't really apply, but I can see where some would want that.
4. Yup, I kind of figure that if a coupon is used it will show up in the "Who loves ya" email and on the order summary sheet. Beyond that, I can keep track on my own. Maybe a tab that shows all active coupons for my account would be nice.
No, coupons do not need to be gallery specific. They can be global for all the pictures I sell.
One thought... will we be able to generate our own codes (i.e. dadsday) or will the code be a smugmug generated string (i.e. 3u2l8ytz)? You can guess which I would prefer. I suppose the tab that allows us to track active coupon codes could also be used to generate codes.
shoots and not all past shoots.
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Gallery specific (or, better for me category/subcategory specific) would be nice, but definitely NOT worth holding up the release.
Also, setting an optional minimum purchase for the coupon (like $5/10% off a minimum $50 purchase) would be very nice.
Self generated (by me) codes would be outstanding.
1/ Choice of features always helps. There are times I would like to offer a fixed percentage. But I'm also interested in giving free prints of a fixed size. "Have a free 5X7 on me" sort of thing.
2/ Expiration date and number of uses are important options. I may want to give a family member 40 percent off at all times, but I may want to give a perspective client only a restricted number of free prints.
3/ Haven't thought that one through. Taking from profits certainly makes sense, but I don't think I want to ding my card unless I have the ability to place limits on the coupons.
4/ Reporting is always good.
5/ The ability to specify applicable galleries would be a very useful feature too.
Other Thoughts:
A tab in the control panel for configuring and issuing coupons would be a great feature. It could double as a place to track coupon inventories and report coupon use too. Might even be a good spot to set up the 'thank you' inserts (mentioned in another thread) within a coupon profile.
Example coupon profile:
coupon number xyz123456 applies to gallery XXX.
It is good for one free 5X7.
It expires on December 32nd 2012.
'Thank you' note number 04 is to be added to the order.
Another quick thought:
An 'Enter Your Coupon Code Here' dialog could be useful in directing the client to the applicable gallery. That way I could set up a free print coupon and specify the applicable gallery in the coupon profile. When a coupon code is entered the client is taken directly to the gallery specified for that coupon. (Not sure how to make the coupon 'stick' to the client right through to the cart though.)
Placement of the 'Insert Coupon Code' dialog should probably be customizable. I may want it front and center on my home page, or I may choose to place it only on specific galleries, categories or subcategories.
Hope this helps!
This one is very important to me. I want to encourage them to spend $50 or $100 and then get that all important 10% or 25% off.
Expiration or amount of times or a one time would also be good as well.
Select galleries to be applied to would be nice but not a show stopper.
for you" and there/ their is no grammar check yet so please forgive me Jesus did.
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1. Yes
2. Yes, but not super important to me
3. Would it withdraw the amount from the current order's profits? I mean, I can't imagine offering a coupon that would cost me MORE than the profit I am going to make off the current order...
4. Yes
5. Not important - We can just give the coupon code out to the people we want to have it
Re: Thank you prints - I would love to have a thank you print that has a coupon code on it to give to a friend for future orders! Would be nice to have multiple thank you prints and choose which ones go with which orders...
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This is an interesting point. Can the interface where the pro sets up the coupon not allow the discount to be more than the profit? Then there isn't any question of where the money comes from.
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Thing is, I offer job-specific prints at a far lower cost than, say, art prints. So if I give a new client a coupon for four free 5x7s, I'd like them to use that coupon to order prints from their shoot. I don't want it to debase the cost of the art prints.
To re-state: The coupons don't have to be gallery specific, but it would be nice is I could block coupon use in certain galleries or categories or for certain products.
Sounds complicated, don't it?
I was wondering if there will be a "redeem your print credits" option? For those of us that do wedding photography and offer a print credit in the pricing, this would be an AWESOME feature. Or will the coupons be flexible enough to accommodate a feature such as that?
If the print credit option is feasible, how would payment on our end work?
I really think this would be a wonderful feature for most people and would drive higher profits for a lot of people.
In my case an event is a separate event specific IS gallery specific also.................if I understand the hierarchy correctly....what is seen on the home page is the category...when category is cliked it brings up gallery.......right now with me that is where it ends....galleries are named for clients or clients events..................or will be as soon as I go public again
I certainly agree - I also price some sports galleries higher than others based upon teams etc or an agreement with the club. One of the things I will be doing is giving a discount for 2 weeks after an event.
I price my art/;nature galleries more than my sports galleries so a specific code for an event doesn't work if you can use that coupon anywhere....
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1) Great - although would also like to say buy 6 5x7 and get the 7th free
2) Expiration date
3) Don't see the point for me really since I would want an order and then either add on or deduct - but I see the point
Question - does smugmug take their 15% before the coupon or after the coupon? We are lowering our profit so if we take 10% off an order is that any different than doing the prices 10% less?
5) I personally like gallery specific since I charge more for my nature photos than my sport photos and I don't necessarily want to discount those.
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This may be a dumb question, but they WILL be owner specific, right? I mean, if someone orders from multiple smugmug users, the coupon will only apply to the user who created it, right?
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
1)Yes, but also do things based on things in the order. For example, I might want to offer a free medium sized digital download with an order of a print larger than 8x10. Or 5 free 4x6's with an order of $100 or more.
2) Number of uses would be nice, but it isn't important to me that this is in the initial release. If I see that a coupon is being used heavily, I'll just disable it. It is important that I have the ability to make a coupon expire instantly at any time. If this could be accomplished by setting the expiration date to a previous date, then there doesn't need to be a special button for this. I also need the cart to report expired codes as expired when they're used, not just incorrect.
3)Sounds good. Most of the time I'd just be offering discounts, not free stuff that would need a credit card. It would be nice for discounts that aren't covered by that order's profit to come out of my pro profits that haven't been paid yet just in case. It would be nice if the $10 earned from referrals could be used for coupons as well.
4) Reporting would be nice. I don't need anything super flashy with graphs and whatever, just a little table with the order number, code used, and discount amount or something like that.
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Yes, they would be owner specific and only apply to purchases of your photos.
We only take our percentage on the sale amount after the coupon is applied.
One reason the gallery-specific coupons get difficult is the possibility of buying from multiple galleries and do they expect to use multiple coupons and how do you explain it to them and report it to the pro without everyone squinting.
That gets my vote.
Would it be so bad to tell the customer that if they want to use a coupon that's for a particular site, they have to place an order that only contains photos from that site.
If they also want to buy photos from another site, they can just place a separate order.
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I could deal with coupons that applied to categories sports vs nature etc. then I could do events based on categories or sub-categories which would accomplish the same thing for me more or less.
My assumption is that you are trying to get something done rather quickly and if I need to have coupons that can't do galleries yet and then you plan on refining it in the second go around I understand.
As you guys allow us too I am a big fan of customization and therefore I like more granularity (its also why I am waiting for sub sub categories) hence my opinions.
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le pere de
When I shoot an event (such as a dance recital) I break things down into multiple galleries (30 to 40 is fairly typical) under a category/subcategory so that parents (I shoot kids mostly) can find the shots that are important to them without wading through hundreds of others.
I would want to be able to issue a coupon that would be good for pictures from any of those 30-40 galleries.
One other thing that would be super cool from a reporting standpoint. If I could give out a "buyatcost" coupon so that family members could buy photos at cost, but (finally!) the sales would show up in the control panel.
That said, I don't mind considering gallery-based coupons if we can figure out how to do them simply.
We have a lot of time pressure to integrate with a pro lab and put some focus into additional products to sell before we get close to the 4th quarter because it's not possible to do it then (the labs get too busy). If we spend too much time on coupons we put those other things at risk.
Sometimes the forums and feedback to our help desk are in sync and in the case of coupons, that's the case -- everyone wants them.
Sometimes they're not so much in sync and integration with a pro lab seems to be one of those features where the heat is on in emails to the desk but not so much on the forums. Not sure exactly why.
This is a great idea.
Also, gotta cast my vote in favor of gallery/event specific coupons.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Is anyone able to answer my question? Pleeeeaaase?
I'm surprised when multi-pro carts happen, and I don't have percentages on how often it happens, but we see it a lot.
One of my regrets is we haven't provided a search/browse interface for buying commercial photos. That would make a lot more mixed carts. We actually designed one and I posted about it but I let it get away from us because we got overwhelmed by the feature requests for rights-managed hierarchical keyword custom license yada yada, so we set it aside for things that wouldn't take forever to execute.
It seems very likely that many, many pros are going to want gallery-specific coupons. That's just how the real world (off the internet) works. A customer signs up for a deal that gets them some sort of discount on some specific product, not on any product the pro happens to offer. Photographers who do both event work and fine art work will likely want discounts to apply only to an appropriate event, not to all their works. Likewise, they don't want coupons given, sold or earned by one customer to be usable by a different customer for different goods. The best way to enforce all that is to allow coupons to be tied to a specific gallery, category or set of galleries that uniquely correspond to the customer you've given it to.
If you don't implement that now, then you will continue to see demand for it so it seems like it's worth thinking about in the original design even if it doesn't get implemented right away as that usually makes for less redesign later when you do try to implement it.
Since you said that multi-pro carts was one of the obstacles to an efficient implementation of gallery-specific coupons, I just suggested a trade-off to consider. Are more people going to be impacted by the lack of multi-pro-cart-coupons than by the lack of gallery-specific coupons? My intuition told me that not letting people do multi-pro-cart-coupons would be an acceptable tradeoff if it made gallery-specific coupons something that was a lot more doable. It's all a trade-off space. I'm not arguing that multi-pro-cart-coupons won't happen, just that it seems less important to support than gallery-specific coupons. Food for thought. Your decision.
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I guess one of the most important questions for Baldy to answer is where customers are going to enter coupons. Is it on the gallery page, the add to cart LB, or while in the cart itself (what seems most logical).
I think if you just enter a coupon in the cart, you can then fade in discounts to the products to which the coupon applies and show them right next to the subtotals for those products, thus deducting from the totals. This is pretty much how Dell's cart works when you enter a coupon, and it has always seemed fairly straightforward and simple to use and understand to me.