bigWebGuy is thoroughly exhausted after releasing the shopping cart and he has some tuning to finish, like banning the color button for pros.
But... Then he's ready to work coupons. We wanted to check that we're up to date on the latest coupon feature list. Far as I know, it's:
1. The ability to set fixed dollar amounts or percentages.
2. Ability to set an expiration date. I heard a little rumbling about wanting to set a number of uses/coupon. Is that important?
3. Ability to withdraw coupon amounts from pro profits and if the reserve isn't high enough, then charge the card on file to make up the difference.
4. Some reporting.
We hope you're not asking to make coupons gallery-specific, because that's hard.
Your thoughts.
I"m thrilled just to see this thread, but, yes, all of the above are important, especially the expiration date.
I had envisioned a code that would be entered, like "summer20" for 20% off an order placed during the summer. No code, no discount. That code would expire after a date set by the photographer. THe photographer could create several codes throughout the year.
I see it done that way on other ecommerce sites--that's kinda what I'd hoped for.
Keyword-based coupon: Minimum order : Stop-loss
1. How about tying the coupon to a keyword -- that way it tracks with any gallery/subgallery/event .....
[ Is there an easy way to batch-update keywords for existing galleries? ]
... and then show which pictures are couponable ?
2. I'd like a 'minimum order' scheme ... where discounts apply after a minimum order. But I'm not sure that needs to be tied to coupons.
3. I'd like the system to warn if I'm setting a discount which takes the price below cost. But sometimes I might want to give away a free picture, so it should be an option. Maybe a stop-loss amount for an order.
I am SO GLAD you guys are addressing coupons. Everything else is fabulous and i am certain your implementation of this much wanted feature will be too.
my comments are, i realy like the way zenfolio does it so if you can make the same capabilities then that would be awesome.
Basically, a % off with how many times it can be used and if you want a minimum purchase requirement.
Heres a screen shot of their workflow to create a coupon.. hope you dont mind.
What I think when I hear "print credit" is essentially equal to a gift certificate for use in ordering prints. I've thought about this a little bit and here is an example of how I could see it working (note that the amounts are pulled from thin air and I make no claims as to their being a valid pricing structure)
-Photographer offers a wedding package for $500 with $100 of print credit.
-Photographer sets up a print credit code for $100 (possibly with an expiration date)and gives that code to client.
-Client goes to photographer's website purchases 2 8x10s for $50 each (total of $100), uses print credit code. Client pays only for shipping and handling, as they have $100 in print credit.
-Photographer's existing profit balance is hit for the actual costs and smugmug profits that would have been received if the coupon had not been used. If the profit balance isn't sufficient to cover it their credit card is hit for this amount. By issuing the code the photographer would be agreeing to this potential hit.
The point of this is that to some customers will view this as essentially only costing $400 in event fees, since it includes $100 in print credits, however the photographer is guaranteed the profits from that $100 in print sales. If the photographer offered their services for $400 and didn't offer print credits there is no way to be sure that the customer would spend $100 on prints. If the code has an expiration date and is never used than the $100 becomes pure profit after the expiration date.
As I was writing this I thought of another way to describe this in terms of coupons. It could be viewed as one time use coupon for $s off your total order. The potential difference there would be that a gift certificate model would to me as a client imply that you could make partial use of it multiple times (a $50 order today, a $25 order tomorrow when Mom comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants, a $25 when new mother-in-law comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants thus using up the $100 of value over 3 purchases), while a one time use coupon would to me as a client imply that I need to place all three parts at the same time, that if I only ordered $50 and used the $100 off coupon I would loose $50 of value.
package pricing
package pricing would be very beneficial. Example; gallery has 8 photos total, individual photos priced at $25.00 each or the customer can purchase complete gallery for $150.00. That circumstance would be the equivelant of a 25% discount, but in the case of othepr galleries containing 10 photos or 7 photos the "gallery pricing" could remain the same.
I hope this hasn't been covered to death, but I have a lot of questions from purchasers of downloads in particular, whether once they buy the low-res image, they would need to pay full-price for the hi-res if they decide they like it and need more.
I would ask that at the time of purchase, we have the option to select an "allow future price discounts" option. In other words, if a customer buys a low-res image, at checkout they are sent a "coupon" email or presented with a code which allows them a certain discount toward a future upgrade purchase of the same image (either hi-res or original). Perhaps the same might be possible for print "upgrades" of a certain image, with some percentage of the price of a 5x7 going toward the 24x36 of the same image. I find that many are wary of online purchases and order small until they see that it's decent quality, shipped quickly, and not a rip-off, and for those customers it might be nice to allow some "loyalty" discount.
I am SO GLAD you guys are addressing coupons. Everything else is fabulous and i am certain your implementation of this much wanted feature will be too.
my comments are, i realy like the way zenfolio does it so if you can make the same capabilities then that would be awesome.
Basically, a % off with how many times it can be used and if you want a minimum purchase requirement.
Heres a screen shot of their workflow to create a coupon.. hope you dont mind.
Any news??
I am very interested in this feature. If 'coupons' become available smugmug will end up with all of my business. As of now I do include a 'print credit' in my wedding packages that I have to fulfill locally.
Thanks!!! Val
I don't work for Smugmug, but I know what they are going to say...
"You are very important to us. We will have coupons as soon as possible."
Let me translate... "Other stuff is more important than coupons and we may or may not have coupons implemented by Fall of 2012. Tough luck suckers."
No, I'm not a little bitter.
I guess we live in a world of such convenience it's hard or sometimes less obvious to realize that there are always other options and alternative solutions. I think you just have to decide what is most important to you.
Smugmug is happy to offer drop shipping for their customers so while you'd have to accept cash or check (or credit cards through paypal, google checkout or other merchant services provider) you could make your own coupons, accept your own payment and then drop ship the prints if offering the coupon is your top priority.
I just noticed this thread as I've been waiting for coupons for quite awhile myself and I wanted to gift a frequent customer a $50 coupon for Christmas. If coupons aren't done by then I'll let them know that they can place the order through me. The ordering process is so user friendly that I have no problem at all putting the order through myself, especially if it makes my customer and myself happy.
From what I've seen in my time as a Smugmug customer the company really steps up and tries hard to appease the masses. I think it's great that they ask for and LISTEN to customer input.
1. The ability to set fixed dollar amounts or percentages.
Either/or would be great. I generally set prices 10% discounted for the first week and then I have to go in and change them later. Having the ability to offer a coupon for that 10% would be a nice time and step saver, but I'd also like to give certain customers "x" dollars off too, like a gift certificate.
2. Ability to set an expiration date. I heard a little rumbling about wanting to set a number of uses/coupon. Is that important?
Again, both of these are great options. I'm probably more likely to use the expiration date though because as I said in answer to number one I always have a discount the first week and having the coupon expire after one week would again remove another step.
3. Ability to withdraw coupon amounts from pro profits and if the reserve isn't high enough, then charge the card on file to make up the difference.
That works, but would the coupon be applied to shipping costs too or just prints and pro markups?
4. Some reporting.
I saw lots of great ideas for reporting, I think something basic and simple would work, like a notice on the "who loves ya" e-mail subtracting the coupon from the total.
We hope you're not asking to make coupons gallery-specific, because that's hard.
I don't think gallery specific is needed, but I would like to be able to turn off coupons in a gallery. I'm not sure how coding stuff works, but could there be a way for pros who make their coupons to apply them to gallery like they apply watermarks in the customize menu? Probably not...but it's an idea. My prices are pretty consistant across the board so I'm not worried but I can understand how people with wildly varying prices could take a hit if all coupons are eligible for all galleries.
And 2 months later...
are we any farther along? I know, I know, you'll let us know when this most important feature is ready. I bet you wish you could tell us and had a better answer for us. Hello mpix 2.0 and Richmond Pro Lab.
I would really love for this to come out soon. I think it would give my customers (who are mostly women) an incentive to visit my website and buy because they are getting a better deal. I think much is to be learned from printroom. I really like what they have to offer as far as promotions go. I sell to local sporting fans and I would love to expand my veiwing audience to more than just my local county. Below I think would be an amazing way to drive traffic to my site and yours!
Use Photo Pass as a tool to send new customers to your site.
You shoot sporting events for Little League and teen sports. Because most parents at a sporting event are there to watch their children and are not prepared to purchase photos, you ask if they would like a free 4x6 copy from the game. You hand them a Photo Pass, with a free 4x6 print, and they go to your site to look at the photos that you have taken. On your storefront, you decide to offer several print sizes, or maybe a custom template or gift item as well. The new customer redeems the free print and may pick up an extra print or gift item for another member of the family. There's no commitment on their part, so they're happy to go to your site to see your photos, redeem their gift, and perhaps order more items from your storefront.
My Smugmug Site! Canon Qualityl Canon 30D l Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 "L" IS Lens l Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 IS Lens l Canon 580ex ii Flash l Canon 580ex Flash l Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip Strobist 101 kit l Bogen / Manfrotto Super Clamp l Westcott Umbrellas - Soft Silver Collapsible and Optical White 43" l Bogen / Manfrotto 3373 Light Stand l Photoflex Multiclamp
Coupons and Mpix/Richmond are things I really look forward too. I'd be very happy if I could have them before the holiday season, or at the latest, before 2009.
RE: photo pass
I really like the photo pass idea and would love to see it at Smugmug. Giving busy little league parents more incentive to visit our sites I think would really help sales. I always hear from too many parents how they intended to go online and buy, but things come up and they forget. A little "free" might help them remember better.
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited September 10, 2008
Painful as it was to pull BigWebGuy off of coupons temporarily, I felt we had to do it so that we could integrate to a pro lab before we got too deep into the 4th quarter when we'd lose our window of opportunity because they'd be too busy.
I've mentioned before that it was our intent for a long time to integrate with Mpix but with dozens of test orders through them we just couldn't get consistent quality. Plus we have the added pressure of pros who tell us they won't take us seriously if we integrate with another prosumer lab.
The good news is we're working hard and making good progress on integration with another lab whose quality we're hearing raves about, but the bad news is it's quite a project. In the meantime, BigWebGuy has had to bite his lip over not being able to get coupons out faster.
Take this in the spirit in which it's intended (with a huge smile ) ...
Being a software support contractor, I completely understand that there are priorities and the hotest priority get's the support firstest....
BUT it really sucks when you priorities and mine aren't the same. :cry :
But I do understand. Looking forward to the announcement of which pro lab(s) you have selected and how the integration/user interface is going to look.
Painful as it was to pull BigWebGuy off of coupons temporarily, I felt we had to do it so that we could integrate to a pro lab before we got too deep into the 4th quarter when we'd lose our window of opportunity because they'd be too busy.
I've mentioned before that it was our intent for a long time to integrate with Mpix but with dozens of test orders through them we just couldn't get consistent quality. Plus we have the added pressure of pros who tell us they won't take us seriously if we integrate with another prosumer lab.
The good news is we're working hard and making good progress on integration with another lab whose quality we're hearing raves about, but the bad news is it's quite a project. In the meantime, BigWebGuy has had to bite his lip over not being able to get coupons out faster.
Baldy -
I am looking forward to both. May I say that this is what we (at least I have been waiting for) a little better communication from you. No offense to Andy and all who has helped me at times in a jam but it is nice to hear sometimes "here's what we are doing and why" as opposed to we like to surprise you.
I can infer that coupons are still huge for you but something else has come up (even bigger) and I can take a good guess when the first thing will arrive and feel better about the second.
Sometimes its all about communication so Thanks and I am really looking forward to both.
...but it is nice to hear sometimes "here's what we are doing and why" as opposed to we like to surprise you... Sometimes its all about communication so Thanks and I am really looking forward to both.
I heartily agree. Thanks for the update Baldy. It is important to know what page our business partners and suppliers are on.
bigWebGuy is thoroughly exhausted after releasing the shopping cart and he has some tuning to finish, like banning the color button for pros.
But... Then he's ready to work coupons. We wanted to check that we're up to date on the latest coupon feature list. Far as I know, it's:
1. The ability to set fixed dollar amounts or percentages.
2. Ability to set an expiration date. I heard a little rumbling about wanting to set a number of uses/coupon. Is that important?
3. Ability to withdraw coupon amounts from pro profits and if the reserve isn't high enough, then charge the card on file to make up the difference.
4. Some reporting.
We hope you're not asking to make coupons gallery-specific, because that's hard.
Your thoughts.
I want the coupon to provide as a part of my wedding package. So actual dollar amounts are what I need. For example, my package would include x hours of coverage, a proof book printed from the gallery to blurb, and $150 in photo credit to be used in the couple's gallery. The coupon would allow me to have more client self-service and save me time in the mundane. The improvements in the shopping cart have really made the self service easier, and drive more business through the gallery.
As for a new lab, not so important to me. I LOVE the lustre prints from the current lab. The tonal quality, consistent exposure, spot on auto color balance, speed of delivery, customer service are all fantastic. Additional printing options are a nice to have, the coupon as described would improve my and your revenue stream immediately.
Is there an easier / quicker way to do a partial intro of a simpler type of coupon?
I'm not sure what it would be, but maybe something like a non-expiring generic code percentage off or dollar amount off could be implemented immediately through the current cart with more specific coupon options made available once the lab stuff is figured out.
What do you think?
I'd take pretty much any option at this point just to have 'something' to offer clients. Either a "xx% off on orders over $xxx" or "$xx off your first order" or something like that.
I want the coupon to provide as a part of my wedding package. So actual dollar amounts are what I need. For example, my package would include x hours of coverage, a proof book printed from the gallery to blurb, and $150 in photo credit to be used in the couple's gallery. The coupon would allow me to have more client self-service and save me time in the mundane. The improvements in the shopping cart have really made the self service easier, and drive more business through the gallery.
As for a new lab, not so important to me. I LOVE the lustre prints from the current lab. The tonal quality, consistent exposure, spot on auto color balance, speed of delivery, customer service are all fantastic. Additional printing options are a nice to have, the coupon as described would improve my and your revenue stream immediately.
I am a professional corporate event photographer and my clients often ask about the possibility of adding a cash coupon to the attendees packets at an event. The easiest way from our stand point is:
They would pay $xx per person and we would make a coupon with a code which the individuals would receive at the event. After the event they could input the code when placing their print order and only have to pay for any amount over and above that dollar amount.
If there was a deficit at the end of any given month it could be charged to the card on file.
I don't think there needs to be an expiration date but it does need to be a one time use per person coupon.
I don't think it needs to be gallery specific (although that would be nice) because I don't see people with a Sun Trust Bank Event coupon wanting to buy prints from a Bank of America Event (or whichever bank is still in business by the time this goes live!).
I don't know the ins and outs of how to make this work, I just know my clients want/need it and next year I need to be able to offer it somehow.
I"m thrilled just to see this thread, but, yes, all of the above are important, especially the expiration date.
I had envisioned a code that would be entered, like "summer20" for 20% off an order placed during the summer. No code, no discount. That code would expire after a date set by the photographer. THe photographer could create several codes throughout the year.
I see it done that way on other ecommerce sites--that's kinda what I'd hoped for.
1. How about tying the coupon to a keyword -- that way it tracks with any gallery/subgallery/event .....
[ Is there an easy way to batch-update keywords for existing galleries? ]
... and then show which pictures are couponable ?
2. I'd like a 'minimum order' scheme ... where discounts apply after a minimum order. But I'm not sure that needs to be tied to coupons.
3. I'd like the system to warn if I'm setting a discount which takes the price below cost. But sometimes I might want to give away a free picture, so it should be an option. Maybe a stop-loss amount for an order.
I am SO GLAD you guys are addressing coupons. Everything else is fabulous and i am certain your implementation of this much wanted feature will be too.
my comments are, i realy like the way zenfolio does it so if you can make the same capabilities then that would be awesome.
Basically, a % off with how many times it can be used and if you want a minimum purchase requirement.
Heres a screen shot of their workflow to create a coupon.. hope you dont mind.
Can't wait for this enhancement!
What are the other optios in the dropdown labled "type"?
You can either specify an exact amount or a percentage off. So i guess you could say "Take $10 off a minimum order of $100 or more"
Nicely done.
On the coupons, I would like a limited number of uses, besides a date of expiration.
I'd also like to generate my own code, as mentioned elsewhere.
I don't think gallery-specific would be critical. That could be dealt with by either using unlisted galleries or passwords.
Just some thoughts. Keep up the good work!
YES YES YES! This is the way to do it!
My site:Fine Image Photography
package pricing would be very beneficial. Example; gallery has 8 photos total, individual photos priced at $25.00 each or the customer can purchase complete gallery for $150.00. That circumstance would be the equivelant of a 25% discount, but in the case of othepr galleries containing 10 photos or 7 photos the "gallery pricing" could remain the same.
I would ask that at the time of purchase, we have the option to select an "allow future price discounts" option. In other words, if a customer buys a low-res image, at checkout they are sent a "coupon" email or presented with a code which allows them a certain discount toward a future upgrade purchase of the same image (either hi-res or original). Perhaps the same might be possible for print "upgrades" of a certain image, with some percentage of the price of a 5x7 going toward the 24x36 of the same image. I find that many are wary of online purchases and order small until they see that it's decent quality, shipped quickly, and not a rip-off, and for those customers it might be nice to allow some "loyalty" discount.
My Galleries
I hope they add this feature soon, as I want to offer a $ print credit to my wedding customer.
I am very interested in this feature. If 'coupons' become available smugmug will end up with all of my business. As of now I do include a 'print credit' in my wedding packages that I have to fulfill locally.
Thanks!!! Val
Bless you guys for finally addressing this all important issue. I haven't checked in lately and just caught the ongoing discussion.
Most of my issues have been discussed in the above replys, but wanted to say a big thanks to SM.
Any idea when the coupon feature may be available for use? es posible for Football season '08?
We have started shooting for the fall sports season, would love to have coupons for the visiting teams.
I don't work for Smugmug, but I know what they are going to say...
"You are very important to us. We will have coupons as soon as possible."
Let me translate... "Other stuff is more important than coupons and we may or may not have coupons implemented by Fall of 2012. Tough luck suckers."
No, I'm not a little bitter.
Smugmug is happy to offer drop shipping for their customers so while you'd have to accept cash or check (or credit cards through paypal, google checkout or other merchant services provider) you could make your own coupons, accept your own payment and then drop ship the prints if offering the coupon is your top priority.
I just noticed this thread as I've been waiting for coupons for quite awhile myself and I wanted to gift a frequent customer a $50 coupon for Christmas. If coupons aren't done by then I'll let them know that they can place the order through me. The ordering process is so user friendly that I have no problem at all putting the order through myself, especially if it makes my customer and myself happy.
From what I've seen in my time as a Smugmug customer the company really steps up and tries hard to appease the masses. I think it's great that they ask for and LISTEN to customer input.
Baldy, Either/or would be great. I generally set prices 10% discounted for the first week and then I have to go in and change them later. Having the ability to offer a coupon for that 10% would be a nice time and step saver, but I'd also like to give certain customers "x" dollars off too, like a gift certificate.
Again, both of these are great options. I'm probably more likely to use the expiration date though because as I said in answer to number one I always have a discount the first week and having the coupon expire after one week would again remove another step.
That works, but would the coupon be applied to shipping costs too or just prints and pro markups?
I saw lots of great ideas for reporting, I think something basic and simple would work, like a notice on the "who loves ya" e-mail subtracting the coupon from the total.
I don't think gallery specific is needed, but I would like to be able to turn off coupons in a gallery. I'm not sure how coding stuff works, but could there be a way for pros who make their coupons to apply them to gallery like they apply watermarks in the customize menu?
Thanks guys!!
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
are we any farther along? I know, I know, you'll let us know when this most important feature is ready. I bet you wish you could tell us and had a better answer for us.
Canon Quality l Canon 30D l Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 "L" IS Lens l Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 IS Lens l Canon 580ex ii Flash l Canon 580ex Flash l Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip
Strobist 101 kit l Bogen / Manfrotto Super Clamp l Westcott Umbrellas - Soft Silver Collapsible and Optical White 43" l Bogen / Manfrotto 3373 Light Stand l Photoflex Multiclamp
Save $5 on a new Smugmug Membership
Host your website for just $3.45/mo with JustHost - Rated best web host of 2010
See my profile for a gear list & more
I really like the photo pass idea and would love to see it at Smugmug. Giving busy little league parents more incentive to visit our sites I think would really help sales. I always hear from too many parents how they intended to go online and buy, but things come up and they forget. A little "free" might help them remember better.
I've mentioned before that it was our intent for a long time to integrate with Mpix but with dozens of test orders through them we just couldn't get consistent quality. Plus we have the added pressure of pros who tell us they won't take us seriously if we integrate with another prosumer lab.
The good news is we're working hard and making good progress on integration with another lab whose quality we're hearing raves about, but the bad news is it's quite a project. In the meantime, BigWebGuy has had to bite his lip over not being able to get coupons out faster.
Take this in the spirit in which it's intended (with a huge smile
Being a software support contractor, I completely understand that there are priorities and the hotest priority get's the support firstest....
BUT it really sucks when you priorities and mine aren't the same. :cry
But I do understand. Looking forward to the announcement of which pro lab(s) you have selected and how the integration/user interface is going to look.
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
I am looking forward to both. May I say that this is what we (at least I have been waiting for) a little better communication from you. No offense to Andy and all who has helped me at times in a jam but it is nice to hear sometimes "here's what we are doing and why" as opposed to we like to surprise you.
I can infer that coupons are still huge for you but something else has come up (even bigger) and I can take a good guess when the first thing will arrive and feel better about the second.
Sometimes its all about communication so Thanks and I am really looking forward to both.
blog -
I want the coupon to provide as a part of my wedding package. So actual dollar amounts are what I need. For example, my package would include x hours of coverage, a proof book printed from the gallery to blurb, and $150 in photo credit to be used in the couple's gallery. The coupon would allow me to have more client self-service and save me time in the mundane. The improvements in the shopping cart have really made the self service easier, and drive more business through the gallery.
As for a new lab, not so important to me. I LOVE the lustre prints from the current lab. The tonal quality, consistent exposure, spot on auto color balance, speed of delivery, customer service are all fantastic. Additional printing options are a nice to have, the coupon as described would improve my and your revenue stream immediately.
I'm not sure what it would be, but maybe something like a non-expiring generic code percentage off or dollar amount off could be implemented immediately through the current cart with more specific coupon options made available once the lab stuff is figured out.
What do you think?
I'd take pretty much any option at this point just to have 'something' to offer clients. Either a "xx% off on orders over $xxx" or "$xx off your first order" or something like that.
Smugmug rocks!
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
This is exactly what I am needing also!!!!
my web home:
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I feel like a zombie stumbling around, but instead of moaning "brains" I'm moaning "coupons" and "packages"
I am a professional corporate event photographer and my clients often ask about the possibility of adding a cash coupon to the attendees packets at an event. The easiest way from our stand point is:
They would pay $xx per person and we would make a coupon with a code which the individuals would receive at the event. After the event they could input the code when placing their print order and only have to pay for any amount over and above that dollar amount.
If there was a deficit at the end of any given month it could be charged to the card on file.
I don't think there needs to be an expiration date but it does need to be a one time use per person coupon.
I don't think it needs to be gallery specific (although that would be nice) because I don't see people with a Sun Trust Bank Event coupon wanting to buy prints from a Bank of America Event (or whichever bank is still in business by the time this goes live!).
I don't know the ins and outs of how to make this work, I just know my clients want/need it and next year I need to be able to offer it somehow.
Thanks for asking!!