I was wondering if there will be a "redeem your print credits" option? For those of us that do wedding photography and offer a print credit in the pricing, this would be an AWESOME feature. Or will the coupons be flexible enough to accommodate a feature such as that?
If the print credit option is feasible, how would payment on our end work?
I really think this would be a wonderful feature for most people and would drive higher profits for a lot of people.
It's possible but it's not part of coupons that we're talking about right now, AFAIK.
I'm not arguing that multi-pro-cart-coupons won't happen, just that it seems less important to support than gallery-specific coupons. Food for thought. Your decision.
Makes a lot of sense. I don't have my head around what the various tradeoffs mean to the schedule. Gotta find out from BigWebGuy.
I was wondering if there will be a "redeem your print credits" option? For those of us that do wedding photography and offer a print credit in the pricing, this would be an AWESOME feature. Or will the coupons be flexible enough to accommodate a feature such as that?
If the print credit option is feasible, how would payment on our end work?
I really think this would be a wonderful feature for most people and would drive higher profits for a lot of people.
Can you describe a little more about what this means? BigWebGuy and Andy may understand, but I'm not sure I do.
Does it mean that as you buy prints you build up credits that you can apply to more print purchases?
Can you describe a little more about what this means? BigWebGuy and Andy may understand, but I'm not sure I do.
Does it mean that as you buy prints you build up credits that you can apply to more print purchases?
That could be one way it is used but another way I would use it would be up sale a package and get some credit towards your picture purchase. Like if you order package #3 you get a $50.00 credit towards your picture purchase at our online store. Package #4 you get a $100.00 store credit. I think the coupon would be able to fit this though instead of x$ it could be x%. Just depends on the coupon. Just my thoughts I may be off
Can you describe a little more about what this means? BigWebGuy and Andy may understand, but I'm not sure I do.
Does it mean that as you buy prints you build up credits that you can apply to more print purchases?
They way I understand it, it ties into packages and other odds and ends.
For example:
I shoot a full day's worth of dance portraits for a local ballet studio. During the photo day, the parents can "buy" photos. Meaning they pay me $25 for package #1. I give them a coupon code "2as034d". A few days later they go online and enter their code and select the pose for their package. They have already paid for the photos, so all they need to do is pay for tax and shipping.
Obviously, these particular codes would need to be sinlge use codes only. Before the picture day I would go online and generate 100 or so codes (depending on the size of the event) and then hand them out individually as parents bought packages.
The thought process is, that parents will pay for a single package, and when they go online to redeem their coupon/select their pose, they will be so in love with the rest of the photos that they will order additional photos/poses.
Obviously, in a situation like this, the cost of the prints would need to be paid from the pro account. I'm not sure how to handle tax/shipping. Those would most likely be charged to the customer. If the customer did order additional photos/poses then the profits from those prints could be used to pay for the print costs of all the photos in the order.
It sounds complicated, but it is the direction that a number of event photographers are going. I am aware of a couple of online photo hosting companies that have this system in place.
Can you describe a little more about what this means? BigWebGuy and Andy may understand, but I'm not sure I do.
Does it mean that as you buy prints you build up credits that you can apply to more print purchases?
What I think when I hear "print credit" is essentially equal to a gift certificate for use in ordering prints. I've thought about this a little bit and here is an example of how I could see it working (note that the amounts are pulled from thin air and I make no claims as to their being a valid pricing structure)
-Photographer offers a wedding package for $500 with $100 of print credit.
-Photographer sets up a print credit code for $100 (possibly with an expiration date)and gives that code to client.
-Client goes to photographer's website purchases 2 8x10s for $50 each (total of $100), uses print credit code. Client pays only for shipping and handling, as they have $100 in print credit.
-Photographer's existing profit balance is hit for the actual costs and smugmug profits that would have been received if the coupon had not been used. If the profit balance isn't sufficient to cover it their credit card is hit for this amount. By issuing the code the photographer would be agreeing to this potential hit.
The point of this is that to some customers will view this as essentially only costing $400 in event fees, since it includes $100 in print credits, however the photographer is guaranteed the profits from that $100 in print sales. If the photographer offered their services for $400 and didn't offer print credits there is no way to be sure that the customer would spend $100 on prints. If the code has an expiration date and is never used than the $100 becomes pure profit after the expiration date.
As I was writing this I thought of another way to describe this in terms of coupons. It could be viewed as one time use coupon for $s off your total order. The potential difference there would be that a gift certificate model would to me as a client imply that you could make partial use of it multiple times (a $50 order today, a $25 order tomorrow when Mom comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants, a $25 when new mother-in-law comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants thus using up the $100 of value over 3 purchases), while a one time use coupon would to me as a client imply that I need to place all three parts at the same time, that if I only ordered $50 and used the $100 off coupon I would loose $50 of value.
What I think when I hear "print credit" is essentially equal to a gift certificate for use in ordering prints. I've thought about this a little bit and here is an example of how I could see it working (note that the amounts are pulled from thin air and I make no claims as to their being a valid pricing structure)
-Photographer offers a wedding package for $500 with $100 of print credit.
-Photographer sets up a print credit code for $100 (possibly with an expiration date)and gives that code to client.
-Client goes to photographer's website purchases 2 8x10s for $50 each (total of $100), uses print credit code. Client pays only for shipping and handling, as they have $100 in print credit.
-Photographer's existing profit balance is hit for the actual costs and smugmug profits that would have been received if the coupon had not been used. If the profit balance isn't sufficient to cover it their credit card is hit for this amount. By issuing the code the photographer would be agreeing to this potential hit.
The point of this is that to some customers will view this as essentially only costing $400 in event fees, since it includes $100 in print credits, however the photographer is guaranteed the profits from that $100 in print sales. If the photographer offered their services for $400 and didn't offer print credits there is no way to be sure that the customer would spend $100 on prints. If the code has an expiration date and is never used than the $100 becomes pure profit after the expiration date.
As I was writing this I thought of another way to describe this in terms of coupons. It could be viewed as one time use coupon for $s off your total order. The potential difference there would be that a gift certificate model would to me as a client imply that you could make partial use of it multiple times (a $50 order today, a $25 order tomorrow when Mom comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants, a $25 when new mother-in-law comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants thus using up the $100 of value over 3 purchases), while a one time use coupon would to me as a client imply that I need to place all three parts at the same time, that if I only ordered $50 and used the $100 off coupon I would loose $50 of value.
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I really think this is an important feature to offer... I'm in a flickr group for wedding photographers and there is a discussion topic about this exact subject. People were complaining that they didn't like smug-mug for this reason and saying that they liked photocart (http://www.picturespro.com/) better because it offers this feature. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE my smugmuggy! I really want this feature to be integrated asap. It's a great way to put more money in ALL of our pockets.
There's one thing that I think is very important about this feature though...
I see a lot of people saying it could be represented as "$XX OFF" total purchase and such. I think it's very important make this seem as though it's a free purchase to the client. I, as a very avid female shopper, would be happier if I saw that I could just redeem my print credit... like its free money sorta, instead of $XX off my purchase. I would feel like it wasn't a credit, but just a "discount" that is pressuring me into making mor purchases. I guess I mean to say that it would turn me off to this service because of the wording... I hate when things are misrepresented.
Sorry folks, I'm kinda easier to talk to face-to-face.
There's one thing that I think is very important about this feature though...
I see a lot of people saying it could be represented as "$XX OFF" total purchase and such. I think it's very important make this seem as though it's a free purchase to the client. I, as a very avid female shopper, would be happier if I saw that I could just redeem my print credit... like its free money sorta, instead of $XX off my purchase. I would feel like it wasn't a credit, but just a "discount" that is pressuring me into making mor purchases. I guess I mean to say that it would turn me off to this service because of the wording... I hate when things are misrepresented.
I understand, but its just a matter of wording.
Most people (myself included) would like "$XX off a purchase of $YYY or more"
The print credit could simply be worded as "$XX off any single purchase, no minimum purchase required". Any amount below the credit that they don't use is lost.
Most people (myself included) would like "$XX off a purchase of $YYY or more"
The print credit could simply be worded as "$XX off any single purchase, no minimum purchase required". Any amount below the credit that they don't use is lost.
I guess the best way to deal with the "print credit" feature would be to make the wording completely customizable so that it's application is not limiting.
Shouldn't the number of uses of a particular coupon be tied to the buyer's information as well?
For example - I have the coupon "save10" where "new buyers" get 10% off. The coupon could be good for the next six months, no matter how many times it's used, but I only want each person to be able to use it once.
In that case SM would need to keep track of which buyers had used which coupons, right?
That's how coupons work at most online stores but I hadn't seen much about it in this thread (sorry if I missed it!).
In that case SM would need to keep track of which buyers had used which coupons, right?
That's how coupons work at most online stores but I hadn't seen much about it in this thread (sorry if I missed it!).
I can't really see that happening. I also don't think that is how it works at most online stores. I think that would be a bit impractical for Smugmug to track and try and control.
Limit the total number of uses? Yes
Put an expiration date on the coupon? Yes
Limit by user? I doubt it.
Here's what I want...
First things first... lust:ivarbow
OK, now... what I'm after is more like what ellarue, foochar, and brjphoto have discussed. Not interested in xx% off; in fact, I wouldn't have any use for that feature at all.
What I really want is this, except of course I don't want the part that involves being a customer of some image host other than Smugmug. http://printroom.com/info/Photo_Pass.asp
We've got kids who have to raise funds to pay activity fees for sports, performing arts, that sort of stuff. Their parents are sick to death of buying candles, cookie dough, and cheap wrapping paper. The idea is for the kids to be able to pre-sell photos of the activities they're taking part in and/or T&I style photos representing those activities.
In a perfect world (in which, say, Smugmug owned Printroom but still had the soul of Smugmug), the school's (and theatres') workflow would look like this:
Kids take orders and collect money for coupons. A coupon is for X prints of Y size, or (as a much, much less desirable alternative) $Z worth of prints, postage paid.
School collects orders and purchases one-time-use (thoroughly randomized) coupon codes from SM at print cost plus whatever method SM uses to decide on a price (with Printroom, it's print/shipping cost plus a buck per printed coupon). School delivers coupons in a manner of its choosing (with Printroom, it's a pre-printed card of the photographer's design -- a card is optional imho).
Before their respective expiration dates, coupon purchasers visit the Web site, choose photos, and apply their coupon code(s) to the purchase. Standard shipping is included. No credit card transactions necessary.
A coupon for, say, two 5x7 prints would not require that they be prints of the same image or (in my case) that both prints be from the same gallery. Expiration dates would ideally be up to the school, although I could live with a fixed timeframe if the timeframe spans a full school year.
Really, I think any other implementation of coupons is pretty meaningless to my application. The only purpose I have for coupons is youth fundraising, and we can't sell a "10% off" or "buy 12, get one free" coupon. Coupons for a dollar amount might be workable like school Scrip programs, but would be kind of icky for theatre applications. Coupons for postage-paid prints are the Holy Grail for me.
I think this is similar to what the wedding and portrait folks would need, albeit on a smaller scale. Maybe it doesn't come until you implement packages. If that's the case, I'm praying you implement packages this year.
Thank you again! You guys are the best of the best!
I can't really see that happening. I also don't think that is how it works at most online stores. I think that would be a bit impractical for Smugmug to track and try and control.
I agree that it's unlikely here, but it absolutely is how it works at many other online stores. While 'a' coupon can be used limitless times, until it expires, I can only use the coupon once.
Ever signed up for the free two week trial at Netflix using a coupon? Blockbuster online? 10% off new customers at Buy.com or Amazon?
I agree that it's unlikely here, but it absolutely is how it works at many other online stores. While 'a' coupon can be used limitless times, until it expires, I can only use the coupon once.
Ever signed up for the free two week trial at Netflix using a coupon? Blockbuster online? 10% off new customers at Buy.com or Amazon?
but all those places require you to register before you buy. us, not so much.
we dont require people to register so we have no way to reliably track returning purchasers. we could set a cookie, but thats unreliable at best.
but all those places require you to register before you buy. us, not so much.
we dont require people to register so we have no way to reliably track returning purchasers. we could set a cookie, but thats unreliable at best.
Right - setting a cookie wouldn't work and requiring registration would be necessary unless you wanted to keep a large DB of e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, credit card numbers, or some other information that people would get angry that you were keeping.
I agree that it's unlikely here, but it absolutely is how it works at many other online stores. While 'a' coupon can be used limitless times, until it expires, I can only use the coupon once.
Ever signed up for the free two week trial at Netflix using a coupon? Blockbuster online? 10% off new customers at Buy.com or Amazon?
Not the same and you know it. You are talking about a company selling subscriptions vs a 3rd party seller of prints on behalf of another company (me). I HATE HATE HATE HATE when I have to register in order to make an online purchase. I will not put my customers through the same pain.
but all those places require you to register before you buy. us, not so much.
we dont require people to register so we have no way to reliably track returning purchasers. we could set a cookie, but thats unreliable at best.
BigWebGuy, could we have any guess as to when this might be even close to ready? Is this like an end of July thing or something that you foresee taking many months?
BigWebGuy, could we have any guess as to when this might be even close to ready? Is this like an end of July thing or something that you foresee taking many months?
Not gonna give you a date but we're working on it right now and this is very important to us
With respect to coupons applicable to only one or more galleries....
For me, the event (wedding, whatever) is in a number (1 or more) galleries, all of which are in a sub-cat.
Maybe I'm being a bit naive, so I'm wondering what I'm missing.
Assume that an event photog doesn't have all the photos in a sub-cat, but instead they are scattered across a (small) number of galleries (but that's all that's in those galleries).
The photog gets a SmugMug generated coupon code and applies it to one or more of these galleries. We have a one-to-many relationship going here.
SmugMug already maintains the one-to-many relationship between the gallery and the photos (has to in order to display the photos assigned to a gallery).
The user selects the photos he/she wants from whatever galleries, does the sizing and cropping yada, yada, yada. Does the address stuff, selects the shipping method.
Next screen is "Enter your coupons, please!" and click Next.
Next screen shows which coupon(s) are used for which print, based on gallery membership. Totals are computed, user clicks OK. Done.
But, I hear you say, what about the coupon(s) that are applicable across all the galleries. From the photog perspective, there's a CheckBox to indicate that it's for all galleries. From the user's perspective, he sees nothing different.
If you really want to make life easy for those that have organized their galleries, allowing a coupon to apply to a sub-category (or category) would be nice, but I think we could live without it.
If you really want to make life easy for those that have organized their galleries, allowing a coupon to apply to a sub-category (or category) would be nice, but I think we could live without it.
Bingo, that (coupons by cat/subcat) would work very well for me.
It would be nice to have an option for shipping too, which would be charged back to me (but only for the service method I select, ie "free standard delivery" included).
Possible workaround for gallery-specific coupons?
If someone wants to make a coupon applicable to only a specific gallery, category, or subcategory, could they use the proof-delay feature to catch inappropriate use of coupons? Could they put a hold on the order until the customer makes a correction? COULD a customer go back and make a correction to an order?
I don't know how you would correct the order without upsetting the customer, but it's just a thought.
Amorphus Idea re Coupon Implementation.
GREAT dialog!!:ivar
For discussion sake, here's a general idea of a way to address many of the concerns detailed here:
Perhaps the coupon application could be tied to the 'set prices' dialog, which is already set up to custom define pricing by 'image, gallery, galleries or portfolio'.
The 'coupon manager' interface could perhaps be a new section below the 'Commercially Licensed Digital Downloads' section that already exists within the 'set prices' dialog.
Another idea is to treat the coupons like watermarks. Create them in one dialog, apply them selectively in another.
A hybrid of the two ideas could perhaps provide even greater utility -- a 'create coupon' interface could be added to the 'Control Panel.' Here, users would be able to generate coupons (sort of like watermarks) which can, in turn, be selected and linked within the 'set prices' dialog.
In my control panel I select from a set of predefined coupon attributes to generate a generic 25 percent discount coupon called 'Initial Order Print Discount.' This coupon is added to my library of custom coupons and becomes available in the 'set prices' dialog.
Then, while setting prices, I can select the coupons I would like to have active and assign them on an 'image, gallery, galleries or portfolio' basis. Each coupon link generates a distinct 'coupon code' which can then be provided to the client(s).
When a client enters a gallery or selects a photo to which a coupon has been linked, a dialog is generated telling them to have their coupon codes ready when they check out.
Upon check out, an 'enter coupon code' dialog becomes part of the settlement flow. No coupon code, no discount. Repeat or stale-dated codes can be refused.
If a coupon is applied, the coupon code is appended to the sales notice for reporting purposes.
(Co-branding could perhaps use the 'apply watermark' model too? Create a simple logo and have it applied to the fulfillment documents and address labels. But that's another discussion, I know.)
It would be nice to have an option for shipping too, which would be charged back to me (but only for the service method I select, ie "free standard delivery" included).
I think this a great idea for the people that want to include print credits!
GREAT dialog!!:ivar
Perhaps the coupon application could be tied to the 'set prices' dialog, which is already set up to custom define pricing by 'image, gallery, galleries or portfolio'.
I'm no IT guy, but to me that sounds like a plausible way to tie in the coupons and it gives a solution that can be gallery specific, because in effect we are giving an option to potential change the amount charged, if a correct coupon code is entered.
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
Not the same and you know it. You are talking about a company selling subscriptions vs a 3rd party seller of prints on behalf of another company (me). I HATE HATE HATE HATE when I have to register in order to make an online purchase. I will not put my customers through the same pain.
Whoa. Settle down.
Buy.com and Amazon aren't subscription models. They're companies that have long standing coupon codes that work for first time customers. I was simply asking if such a feature would be available here and the answer appears to be no.
I'm not really upset. I'm just afraid basic coupons are going to be derailed because of peripheral requests.
All I need is:
xx% off.
Expires xx/xx/xxxx
There is more that I want, but if we could just get that basic functionality, it would be a giant step forward in my mind.
For the record, I've used the netflix coupons multiple times to sign up for free trials. In theory, those are the coupons you are talking about (i.e. new customers only, one time use). It doesn't work that way in the real world, and I don't think Smugmug wants to be the arbiter of every single coupon complaint.
Buy.com and Amazon aren't subscription models. They're companies that have long standing coupon codes that work for first time customers. I was simply asking if such a feature would be available here and the answer appears to be no.
What would be nice, is in the price list, to be able to have another category with a number of prints of a certain size like 2,3 or more of the same picture and be able to set a price for it.
Or a number of prints of a certain size (of different pictures) for a certain price. (more complicated)
Or even better, combined sizes for a certain price (of the same or different pictures).
What would be nice, is in the price list, to be able to have another category with a number of prints of a certain size like 2,3 or more of the same picture and be able to set a price for it.
Or a number of prints of a certain size (of different pictures) for a certain price. (more complicated)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Awww. Do you know if it's something thats on the worklist for the future?
Does it mean that as you buy prints you build up credits that you can apply to more print purchases?
for you" and there/ their is no grammar check yet so please forgive me Jesus did.
My Web site:
My blog: http://glory2jesus4photography.blogspot.com/
They way I understand it, it ties into packages and other odds and ends.
For example:
I shoot a full day's worth of dance portraits for a local ballet studio. During the photo day, the parents can "buy" photos. Meaning they pay me $25 for package #1. I give them a coupon code "2as034d". A few days later they go online and enter their code and select the pose for their package. They have already paid for the photos, so all they need to do is pay for tax and shipping.
Obviously, these particular codes would need to be sinlge use codes only. Before the picture day I would go online and generate 100 or so codes (depending on the size of the event) and then hand them out individually as parents bought packages.
The thought process is, that parents will pay for a single package, and when they go online to redeem their coupon/select their pose, they will be so in love with the rest of the photos that they will order additional photos/poses.
Obviously, in a situation like this, the cost of the prints would need to be paid from the pro account. I'm not sure how to handle tax/shipping. Those would most likely be charged to the customer. If the customer did order additional photos/poses then the profits from those prints could be used to pay for the print costs of all the photos in the order.
It sounds complicated, but it is the direction that a number of event photographers are going. I am aware of a couple of online photo hosting companies that have this system in place.
Make sense?
What I think when I hear "print credit" is essentially equal to a gift certificate for use in ordering prints. I've thought about this a little bit and here is an example of how I could see it working (note that the amounts are pulled from thin air and I make no claims as to their being a valid pricing structure)
-Photographer offers a wedding package for $500 with $100 of print credit.
-Photographer sets up a print credit code for $100 (possibly with an expiration date)and gives that code to client.
-Client goes to photographer's website purchases 2 8x10s for $50 each (total of $100), uses print credit code. Client pays only for shipping and handling, as they have $100 in print credit.
-Photographer's existing profit balance is hit for the actual costs and smugmug profits that would have been received if the coupon had not been used. If the profit balance isn't sufficient to cover it their credit card is hit for this amount. By issuing the code the photographer would be agreeing to this potential hit.
The point of this is that to some customers will view this as essentially only costing $400 in event fees, since it includes $100 in print credits, however the photographer is guaranteed the profits from that $100 in print sales. If the photographer offered their services for $400 and didn't offer print credits there is no way to be sure that the customer would spend $100 on prints. If the code has an expiration date and is never used than the $100 becomes pure profit after the expiration date.
As I was writing this I thought of another way to describe this in terms of coupons. It could be viewed as one time use coupon for $s off your total order. The potential difference there would be that a gift certificate model would to me as a client imply that you could make partial use of it multiple times (a $50 order today, a $25 order tomorrow when Mom comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants, a $25 when new mother-in-law comes to visit and picks out the shots she wants thus using up the $100 of value over 3 purchases), while a one time use coupon would to me as a client imply that I need to place all three parts at the same time, that if I only ordered $50 and used the $100 off coupon I would loose $50 of value.
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I really think this is an important feature to offer... I'm in a flickr group for wedding photographers and there is a discussion topic about this exact subject. People were complaining that they didn't like smug-mug for this reason and saying that they liked photocart (http://www.picturespro.com/) better because it offers this feature. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE my smugmuggy! I really want this feature to be integrated asap. It's a great way to put more money in ALL of our pockets.
There's one thing that I think is very important about this feature though...
I see a lot of people saying it could be represented as "$XX OFF" total purchase and such. I think it's very important make this seem as though it's a free purchase to the client. I, as a very avid female shopper, would be happier if I saw that I could just redeem my print credit... like its free money sorta, instead of $XX off my purchase. I would feel like it wasn't a credit, but just a "discount" that is pressuring me into making mor purchases. I guess I mean to say that it would turn me off to this service because of the wording... I hate when things are misrepresented.
Sorry folks, I'm kinda easier to talk to face-to-face.
I understand, but its just a matter of wording.
Most people (myself included) would like "$XX off a purchase of $YYY or more"
The print credit could simply be worded as "$XX off any single purchase, no minimum purchase required". Any amount below the credit that they don't use is lost.
I guess the best way to deal with the "print credit" feature would be to make the wording completely customizable so that it's application is not limiting.
For example - I have the coupon "save10" where "new buyers" get 10% off. The coupon could be good for the next six months, no matter how many times it's used, but I only want each person to be able to use it once.
In that case SM would need to keep track of which buyers had used which coupons, right?
That's how coupons work at most online stores but I hadn't seen much about it in this thread (sorry if I missed it!).
I can't really see that happening. I also don't think that is how it works at most online stores. I think that would be a bit impractical for Smugmug to track and try and control.
Limit the total number of uses? Yes
Put an expiration date on the coupon? Yes
Limit by user? I doubt it.
First things first...
OK, now... what I'm after is more like what ellarue, foochar, and brjphoto have discussed. Not interested in xx% off; in fact, I wouldn't have any use for that feature at all.
What I really want is this, except of course I don't want the part that involves being a customer of some image host other than Smugmug.
We've got kids who have to raise funds to pay activity fees for sports, performing arts, that sort of stuff. Their parents are sick to death of buying candles, cookie dough, and cheap wrapping paper. The idea is for the kids to be able to pre-sell photos of the activities they're taking part in and/or T&I style photos representing those activities.
In a perfect world (in which, say, Smugmug owned Printroom but still had the soul of Smugmug), the school's (and theatres') workflow would look like this:
- Kids take orders and collect money for coupons. A coupon is for X prints of Y size, or (as a much, much less desirable alternative) $Z worth of prints, postage paid.
- School collects orders and purchases one-time-use (thoroughly randomized) coupon codes from SM at print cost plus whatever method SM uses to decide on a price (with Printroom, it's print/shipping cost plus a buck per printed coupon). School delivers coupons in a manner of its choosing (with Printroom, it's a pre-printed card of the photographer's design -- a card is optional imho).
- Before their respective expiration dates, coupon purchasers visit the Web site, choose photos, and apply their coupon code(s) to the purchase. Standard shipping is included. No credit card transactions necessary.
A coupon for, say, two 5x7 prints would not require that they be prints of the same image or (in my case) that both prints be from the same gallery. Expiration dates would ideally be up to the school, although I could live with a fixed timeframe if the timeframe spans a full school year.Really, I think any other implementation of coupons is pretty meaningless to my application. The only purpose I have for coupons is youth fundraising, and we can't sell a "10% off" or "buy 12, get one free" coupon. Coupons for a dollar amount might be workable like school Scrip programs, but would be kind of icky for theatre applications. Coupons for postage-paid prints are the Holy Grail for me.
I think this is similar to what the wedding and portrait folks would need, albeit on a smaller scale. Maybe it doesn't come until you implement packages. If that's the case, I'm praying you implement packages this year.
Thank you again! You guys are the best of the best!
I agree that it's unlikely here, but it absolutely is how it works at many other online stores. While 'a' coupon can be used limitless times, until it expires, I can only use the coupon once.
Ever signed up for the free two week trial at Netflix using a coupon? Blockbuster online? 10% off new customers at Buy.com or Amazon?
we dont require people to register so we have no way to reliably track returning purchasers. we could set a cookie, but thats unreliable at best.
Right - setting a cookie wouldn't work and requiring registration would be necessary unless you wanted to keep a large DB of e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, credit card numbers, or some other information that people would get angry that you were keeping.
Not the same and you know it. You are talking about a company selling subscriptions vs a 3rd party seller of prints on behalf of another company (me). I HATE HATE HATE HATE when I have to register in order to make an online purchase. I will not put my customers through the same pain.
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For me, the event (wedding, whatever) is in a number (1 or more) galleries, all of which are in a sub-cat.
Maybe I'm being a bit naive, so I'm wondering what I'm missing.
Assume that an event photog doesn't have all the photos in a sub-cat, but instead they are scattered across a (small) number of galleries (but that's all that's in those galleries).
The photog gets a SmugMug generated coupon code and applies it to one or more of these galleries. We have a one-to-many relationship going here.
SmugMug already maintains the one-to-many relationship between the gallery and the photos (has to in order to display the photos assigned to a gallery).
The user selects the photos he/she wants from whatever galleries, does the sizing and cropping yada, yada, yada. Does the address stuff, selects the shipping method.
Next screen is "Enter your coupons, please!" and click Next.
Next screen shows which coupon(s) are used for which print, based on gallery membership. Totals are computed, user clicks OK. Done.
But, I hear you say, what about the coupon(s) that are applicable across all the galleries. From the photog perspective, there's a CheckBox to indicate that it's for all galleries. From the user's perspective, he sees nothing different.
If you really want to make life easy for those that have organized their galleries, allowing a coupon to apply to a sub-category (or category) would be nice, but I think we could live without it.
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Bingo, that (coupons by cat/subcat) would work very well for me.
It would be nice to have an option for shipping too, which would be charged back to me (but only for the service method I select, ie "free standard delivery" included).
If someone wants to make a coupon applicable to only a specific gallery, category, or subcategory, could they use the proof-delay feature to catch inappropriate use of coupons? Could they put a hold on the order until the customer makes a correction? COULD a customer go back and make a correction to an order?
I don't know how you would correct the order without upsetting the customer, but it's just a thought.
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GREAT dialog!!:ivar
For discussion sake, here's a general idea of a way to address many of the concerns detailed here:
Perhaps the coupon application could be tied to the 'set prices' dialog, which is already set up to custom define pricing by 'image, gallery, galleries or portfolio'.
The 'coupon manager' interface could perhaps be a new section below the 'Commercially Licensed Digital Downloads' section that already exists within the 'set prices' dialog.
Another idea is to treat the coupons like watermarks. Create them in one dialog, apply them selectively in another.
A hybrid of the two ideas could perhaps provide even greater utility -- a 'create coupon' interface could be added to the 'Control Panel.' Here, users would be able to generate coupons (sort of like watermarks) which can, in turn, be selected and linked within the 'set prices' dialog.
In my control panel I select from a set of predefined coupon attributes to generate a generic 25 percent discount coupon called 'Initial Order Print Discount.' This coupon is added to my library of custom coupons and becomes available in the 'set prices' dialog.
Then, while setting prices, I can select the coupons I would like to have active and assign them on an 'image, gallery, galleries or portfolio' basis. Each coupon link generates a distinct 'coupon code' which can then be provided to the client(s).
When a client enters a gallery or selects a photo to which a coupon has been linked, a dialog is generated telling them to have their coupon codes ready when they check out.
Upon check out, an 'enter coupon code' dialog becomes part of the settlement flow. No coupon code, no discount. Repeat or stale-dated codes can be refused.
If a coupon is applied, the coupon code is appended to the sales notice for reporting purposes.
(Co-branding could perhaps use the 'apply watermark' model too? Create a simple logo and have it applied to the fulfillment documents and address labels. But that's another discussion, I know
I think this a great idea for the people that want to include print credits!
I'm no IT guy, but to me that sounds like a plausible way to tie in the coupons and it gives a solution that can be gallery specific, because in effect we are giving an option to potential change the amount charged, if a correct coupon code is entered.
Buy.com and Amazon aren't subscription models. They're companies that have long standing coupon codes that work for first time customers. I was simply asking if such a feature would be available here and the answer appears to be no.
All I need is:
xx% off.
Expires xx/xx/xxxx
There is more that I want, but if we could just get that basic functionality, it would be a giant step forward in my mind.
For the record, I've used the netflix coupons multiple times to sign up for free trials. In theory, those are the coupons you are talking about (i.e. new customers only, one time use). It doesn't work that way in the real world, and I don't think Smugmug wants to be the arbiter of every single coupon complaint.
Or a number of prints of a certain size (of different pictures) for a certain price. (more complicated)
Or even better, combined sizes for a certain price (of the same or different pictures).
These are called "bulk discounts"
These are called "packages"
From the sounds of it, packages will probably come after coupons.