Remove 1000 Keyword Limit [Limit raised to 5000]

Please remove the 1000 keyword limit on the /keyword page.
If this is not resolved before "unveil" I'll have no way to fix this as I'll only see a 1000. So I guess it
would be up to Smugmug to pick which ones are shown on the /keyword page. :huh
This will cause a tremendous amount of work, which of my 2357 "warble" keyworded photos did Smug
decide to keep? Do I have to go through all 2357 and remove keywords from 1357 so my best 1000
transfer under the NewSmug? And I'm guessing each time I add more I'll have to remove the KW's from
some old ones so the new ones show?
If this is not resolved before "unveil" I'll have no way to fix this as I'll only see a 1000. So I guess it
would be up to Smugmug to pick which ones are shown on the /keyword page. :huh
This will cause a tremendous amount of work, which of my 2357 "warble" keyworded photos did Smug
decide to keep? Do I have to go through all 2357 and remove keywords from 1357 so my best 1000
transfer under the NewSmug? And I'm guessing each time I add more I'll have to remove the KW's from
some old ones so the new ones show?
or the keyword page /keyword. Or coming from clicking keyword under a photo.
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OK, thanks for the clarification. I wonder if we need a separate feature request because I thought I had heard that the /keywords page only shows 255 keywords...I haven't verified that myself but I thought I'd seen some posts where folks were expressing consternation about that.
The predefined link /keyword "might" allow more but is at time being unpredictable; mine shows 100 keywords only, others complained about that they only see 50 keywords.
I vote to remove the 1000 image limit for images meeting a keyword search.
I vote that SMugMug takes a huge fast look at the whole keyword programming on the new system. Sometimes keywords find images and sometimes not. Very random. From all the different threads, the keyword software is very broken in multiple places (not just the new limits issues).
Watching this thread.... and created new topic for the 255 limit.
Since frequency count is already used to establish the top 255 limit. This should be easy to implement.
Rather than showing a long list with every keyword, I'm sure many would prefer to limit their keywords to those with 1,2,3, or more occurrences - whatever it takes to create a manageable list for viewers.
I guess we both (pelzmann and me) are talking about displaying options, not the results showing up by doing a search by keywords. Of course all hits / images should be returned when searching for a certain keyword and I believe they still do, even when at the moment only 1000 images are shown for a single keyword when clicked on it.
I just reply to Allen, who complained about the 1000 hit limit first, if I remember it right. Do you believe humans go through 118 pages with 2000something warblers or whatever? Do you? Would this kind of "structure" user friendly and nice?
But I shouldn't talk about things, I haven't encounter myself yet and can't prove. Maybe the 1.000 limit is just a rumor. Maybe indexing wasn't finished at that time.
That for I will upload 2.000+ images provided with the keywords "test" and see myself. The first 600 are already uploaded while typing this, but the keyword is not in the list, nore is to search for it yet.
like "hidden_photos" so I could pull up a list of all hidden photos, otherwise there was no way to locate
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100% Agree - it's always been a bit buggy - slow to update, no real mapping diagram from either EXIF or IPTC, broken/missing keywords on downloading originals.
Keywords are broken, full stop, so therefore this affect Smart Galleries.
KW photos to 1000.
I found a work-around to show all my keywords (~850) using the search page. I added an HTML box
above the search box showing ALL my keywords. I even started making each KW a link so when
clicked it brings up its page of photos. Going to take awhile though with that many. Haven't figure out
how to hide bottom scroll bar yet. In the screen shot I searched for the warblers KW then hovered the
flycatcher to show the hover highlight of one of the links I added.
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Looks like you have already made modifications, like got rid of the scroll bar, added a box around them, and they all appear to be clickable and they ALSO tell you how many images are tagged by each keyword! WOW!
Can you give us the code for how you did all this? Fabulous work! Now why could SmugMug not have come up with this?!
Here's the top part. Still adding links going down the list. "Just this page" CSS HTML box CSS - The "a" color is so I know what has added links and where I'm at in editing. I will eventually remove all the font color on the individual bullets when all links are added and just add the color the the CSS.
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When I click on a NEW keyword, it takes me to the search page, enters the keyword, finds images and tells me there how many images were found. With one keyword with over 400 images attached, it appears all the images show up. As I scroll down the page, the scroll bar keeps adding to itself as it builds more images beneath the screen. WOW! Like it really is going to show them all instead of that 70 or 170 glitch using the SmugMug method. I didn't get the box around the keyword, but maybe you did not supply that above or I put it in the wrong place.
I have TONS of real keywords, so this is going to take quite awhile adding in all the code in front of and surrounding each keyword - but folks, THIS IS WORKING (except showing the count at this time). Worth the effort to play with this! Can't show my results as still in Preview mode.
Obviously, with this method, you will have to go back to this list and add any of your new keywords for new images and you need to add them to the correct alpha placement.
Thanks Allen for working on this. Any help with my issues above?
I did some bulk "replace" in notepad. I started with the dots so could replace things like dots with
• with •
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When adding the css code to the keywords, found there needs to be a space at the end of each line (making one line per keyword so I can keep track better). That space is not showing up against my black background. That fixed my extra dots and needed spaces between "keyword . next keyword . etc". Hope this is helping someone! I will be stopping adding more clickable keywords until I can figure out why it does not show number of images attached to the keyword.
Hey Allen, coding genius, can you figure out how to get the most used keywords to be bolder?
You need to add /Custom Keyword Genius to your Customization FAQ Banner/Navbar/Slideshow Tutor in your address thingie!!!
Wow, that's a lot of work to get around SM's unreasonable keyword limit. I can only conclude that you rarely, if ever, need to add/change/remove keywords, right? Because otherwise the code on that page would be a bear to maintain.
Anyway, BigRed, I cannot argue with a thing you said!
Actually, I wonder if in Allen's NEW system whether it is giving the number of files attributed to each keyword...assuming we are still looking at his legacy system. Wondering if there is a css command for that or whether it is javascript that does that.
The whole thing would of been much easier and very much faster if I stated with excel adding all the segments into
columns and then &ing them back together. The 800+ would of been done in minutes.
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Well, I used Excel...cumbersome getting rid of stuff but came up with a method using multiple cells and using a formula (EX: B34&C34&D34&E34&F34 in cell A34). Worked like a champ. Then copied all the cells to reflect that. I had over 2000 keywords (need to clean some up still). Apparently, this is a huge tax on SmugMugs servers when you paste them into a TEXT block all at one time. If you have text and and the CSS code at the top of that TEXT block, do that first and get it just how you want it. Save it and then go back in to paste your keywords CSS routines. Once you paste that many in, it appears to freeze that window. WAIT! A warning block will appear saying the page may not be responding and you can either kill the page or click WAIT. CLICK WAIT! You may get this several times and then all your words appear in the text box and formatted on the screen underneath. Once done, SAVE again and Publish Now. You may get the wait box again. Keep clicking WAIT. Then, you have it - ALL your keywords are now clickable. If you go back in to change the text at the top, you are going to be kinda in trouble due to the delay...just can't seem to get anything done. I wound up getting out and deleting that TEXT block and just redoing it with the change, saving, going back in and pasting the words.
This really works, but you will be investing some time getting your keywords all set up and ready to copy and paste. It was worth the 3 hours or so it took me. Once doing this, you will have to keep modifying your Excel file with new keywords for your new images. Update your Excel. Delete the TEXT Block, recreate it and the CSS and Upper text. Save, go back in and Paste in the whole list again.
OR wait for SmugMug to figure out many of us WANT our whole keyword list available for our clients and see what they do to fix it so you don't have to go to this much trouble.
That's what I use to paste in text file. All the M$ apps seem to add a bunch of crap code. Never paste from
a app directly to a webpage, always go thru notepad.
I keep the html in a text file, easy to edit there. Add any new KW's I'll just edit/add in there. I copy whole text
and paste in new each time.
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<a href="/search#q=black_bellied+whistling_duck">Black‑bellied Whistling‑duck</a> <span style="color: yellow;">•</span>
<a href="/search#q=blue_headed+vireo">Blue‑headed Vireo</a> <span style="color: yellow;">•</span>
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You can also add this CSS to your theme instead to avoid wrapping inside keywords sitewide. (I haven't tested this code out yet, but it should work!)
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!