add support for sign in (for comments) > Google, others

Right now comments are only allowed to be posted by individuals logged on to smugmug or to facebook. I'd like to see the ability for comments to be posted by viewers who are not signed on.
I understand this was removed because of the posting of offensive comments. I believe whether anonymous comments are allowed should be up to the owner of the site.
I understand this was removed because of the posting of offensive comments. I believe whether anonymous comments are allowed should be up to the owner of the site.
- default setting can (should) be to disallow anonymous comments
- site owner should be able to allow anonymous comments on a gallery, a folder, or site-wide level ...
Musings & ramblings at
Musings & ramblings at
I find the signin requirements for leaving comments to be very restrictive. Most viewers of my site do not have smugmug logins, and many have a problem with (i.e. will not use) Facebook.
Please add support for Google sign-ins for comments.
I'm sure there are many others that will be requested as well.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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Please, even if it is an option, site owners should be able to get anonymous comments.
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That's been my experience as well.
My Smugmug Site
Denise, with the new smugmug we lost all the gallery comments right?
What did you do with them? I remember that you have a hundred messages in yours.
Me too.
I haven't done anything with mine yet. Without the ability to have both Google signin and/or anonymous comments I won't implement a comments box on my site. If (I hope when) either of the two are implemented I will set up a new guestbook page.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I believe the post I was referring to was about something that isn't implemented yet. When a number of us started asking about gallery comments (as opposed to photo comments) a question was asked about whether moving our old gallery comments to a page would be a good thing to do. I think the consensus was yes. Gallery comments from legacy smug aren't visible in the new smug but apparently they are still there. So hopefully a tool for moving them will be made available to us.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
That doesn't answer this feature request but it does address the losing comments issue.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I also need G+ implementation with comments, such as a way to post comments without being connected to a social media site !
My Homepage
SM login,
FB login,
G+ login,
other login ?,
No login,
Review before making public with no login,
I suppose a Review before making public with login,
Did I miss any?
Also, when I do corporate work, they can have tight restrictions on what is allowed. Some do not allow the use of G+, or FB, etc..
A solution needs to be forthcoming soon.
I understand the need for protection. Let this be configurable. If the site owner decides to allow anonymous comments, then there should be no liability for SM.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
A password protected gallery, or a gallery that is in a protected folder, should be able to have anonymous, unmoderated comments. Perhaps public galleries could allow anonymous moderated comments, although I believe that a site owner who allows unmoderated comments on a public folder or gallery bears the responsibility to monitor those comments and delete ones are "inappropriate".
Have people been asking for the removal of anonymous comments, or is this smugmug covering their @ss?
Have log in and go to Account Setting > Stats > Comments > Details every day to check.
My Website index | My Blog
What about giving people the option to allow public comments? Is that a possibility? I've never received a spammy comment, and requiring people to log in to leave a comment will be a major headache for me (okay, only a minor one, but still... .)
Thanks. I appreciate that you're caught between a rock and a hard place.
I thought I remembered an option to "moderate" comments, but perhaps that was in legacy. And certainly if users are getting tonnes of spammy or trolling comments they don't want to be bothered approving/denying each comment. On the other hand if they allow anonymous comments that's the price they pay.
But certainly anonymous comments can be allowed in protected galleries? That seems to be what the pros need, and would solve my problem too.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Combined with the ability to moderate before publishing comment, and if you want, all the other social logins, but please re-add no login and moderate. thanks!