Show Us Your New SmugMug Customized Sites!



  • tomoscotttomoscott Registered Users Posts: 92 Big grins
    edited January 18, 2014
    Nice site, Petr, even though I couldn't read a word of it!
    I assume you're paying for a premium site? If you are, then I'd suggest you eliminate the SmugMug header -- it just confuses the branding.
    Good work!
  • CarosuCarosu Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
    edited January 20, 2014
    Very nice photos Petr :)
  • GrjonesGrjones Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited January 20, 2014
    Website Critique
    I'd really appreciate some critique on my newly formed website built by me;

    Any suggestion on how to improve it would be welcomed

    All the best,

  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited January 20, 2014
    Grjones wrote: »
    It looks like you have a good start.

    From a look & feel perspective I would remove some of the empty space above your logo. The more space used like this the less is available to view your photos, forcing your viewers to scroll.

    You should change the largest display size to something other than Original. Allowing access to the Original images means you are making your images available for free. I know, you have right click protection turned on. That is a poorly named feature - it doesn't protect anything. If an image is viewed in a browser it is in the browser cache and can be easily grabbed. See ORIGINALS = a gateway to free photos, & right click protection is NOT PROTECTION.

    The text on your contact form is not readable. You might want to change the color to something lighter; dark gray against black doesn't work.

    --- Denise
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited January 20, 2014
    pekr wrote: »
    Very nicely done!

    It looks like you have only uploaded small images but you have allowed access to the Originals. You might want to block access to the originals unless you were intending to allow downloads of the images.

    --- Denise
  • tomoscotttomoscott Registered Users Posts: 92 Big grins
    edited January 20, 2014
    Grjones wrote: »
    I'd really appreciate some critique on my newly formed website built by me;
    Any suggestion on how to improve it would be welcomed

    Nice site, Gary. Just a couple of very small points:
    • In the text for weddings, you use "I"; in the text for events, you use "We". That made me a little confused about your business -- are you one photographer, or a group of them?
    • Everything but Events and Portfolio is centered in the page; those two are left aligned. Doesn't seem quite consistent.
    • On the Portfolios page, you've got a "Gallery is Empty" on the bottom. I would get rid of that.
    • From everything I can tell, you are one person, but on several pages, you use the plural, e.g., "Photographic Unique are. . .". Unless you really are a collective, I think it would make more sense to use the singular.
    Like I say, these are all minor points.
  • GrjonesGrjones Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited January 21, 2014
    Tomoscott, really valid points, that's why I like to ask for critique.
    Not sure how to remove the empty gallery as below the portfolio. If I'm honest, I've had a nightmare putting this together!

    Thanks for e pointers though everyone!
  • psenior1psenior1 Registered Users Posts: 125 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2014
    Just about there with my site now, happy to receive contructive comments - Only thing left for me to do is work out why I can't insert a footer that stays at the bottom of my homepage.
    website -
    facebook - my facebook page please LIKE me!
  • StudioGucciardoStudioGucciardo Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
    edited January 24, 2014
    Hello everyone,
    Just unveiled my updated site:, and seeking any feedback and answers to a few questions if anyone can help...

    1- Favicon still not showing up
    2- I used a different "preview image" for a video on my homepage. it works when viewed on a desk/ or laptop, but not when viewed on an ipad.
    3- Does anyone know if there has been changes to the video compression within smugmug, because to me it doesn't seem the same as the old one.
    4- How can I add a downloadable PDF resume?
    5- Is there a way to make all the video containers on my site the same size?

    Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you

  • PhotoDavid78PhotoDavid78 Registered Users Posts: 939 Major grins
    edited January 24, 2014
    Hello everyone,
    Just unveiled my updated site:, and seeking any feedback and answers to a few questions if anyone can help...

    1- Favicon still not showing up
    2- I used a different "preview image" for a video on my homepage. it works when viewed on a desk/ or laptop, but not when viewed on an ipad.
    3- Does anyone know if there has been changes to the video compression within smugmug, because to me it doesn't seem the same as the old one.
    4- How can I add a downloadable PDF resume?
    5- Is there a way to make all the video containers on my site the same size?

    Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you


    First of all, Beautiful work and I like the nice, clean & simple design of your site.
    -The Favicon is showing up on Google Chrome and Fire Fox. I think IE has issues with favicons.
    -The video player is different than the old one and in my opinion worse. My videos have a lot of glitches and freezes during playback.
    -To change the containers on the site click on the little triangle thing on the blue window while you are in customize mode.
    David Weiss | Canon 5D Mark III | FujiFilm XT-4 | iPhone
    My Website
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  • StudioGucciardoStudioGucciardo Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
    edited January 24, 2014
    Thank you!
    Dear David,
    Thank you very much for taking the time and for the response, very much appreciate it.

    Not sure what to do about the video issue. i'll drop the "heroes" a note and see what they say. I'm going to go and play with the boz sizes too. I've tried it but it acts a bit weird, maybe I just have to play with it a bit.
    First of all, Beautiful work and I like the nice, clean & simple design of your site.
    -The Favicon is showing up on Google Chrome and Fire Fox. I think IE has issues with favicons.
    -The video player is different than the old one and in my opinion worse. My videos have a lot of glitches and freezes during playback.
    -To change the containers on the site click on the little triangle thing on the blue window while you are in customize mode.
  • StudioGucciardoStudioGucciardo Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
    edited January 24, 2014
    New site
    Hello everyone,
    I just unveiled my new updated site: Any comments, suggestions, or feedback appreciated.

  • macromeistermacromeister Registered Users Posts: 490 Major grins
    edited January 26, 2014
    4- How can I add a downloadable PDF resume?

    I've taken the option off my site now, but have a look here
    I'm Rob Ashcroft - MACROMEISTER IMAGES . . . .
  • xyzmuralixyzmurali Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited January 26, 2014
    Here is my New Smugmug Customized Site The discussions in this forum have helped me a lot in doing many of the advanced customizations for my website. Thanks to everyone who is a part of this forum answering the queries.
    I would be glad to get feeedbacks and improvement suggestions from the experts here

  • TallPhotoGuyTallPhotoGuy Registered Users Posts: 160 Major grins
    edited January 26, 2014
    Dupont24 wrote: »
    Love the new designs, great job people. Easy to use...thumb.gif

    What is the color code for your green text, looks nice.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited January 26, 2014
    What is the color code for your green text, looks nice.
    There are a number of free tools available to determine the color shown online. Do a search for determine color on screen to pull up a list.

    --- Denise
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited January 29, 2014
    Hi everyone,
    I re designed my website. please have a look and thank you for any feedback.

  • tomoscotttomoscott Registered Users Posts: 92 Big grins
    edited January 29, 2014
    essex1970 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    I re designed my website. please have a look and thank you for any feedback.


    Very nice! It has a clean, finished look. A couple of very small points:
    • On the home page, you might want to right-align the "Photo Sharing by Smugmug" instead of having it intrude on your menu. Or, if you want to break the "rules", you can get rid of it completely -- just do a search in this forum.
    • Any reason why there's no search function? Using tags and having a search is a good way for people to find images they've forgotten, or to filter out favorites.
    • No "About" page?
    Small points, I know.
  • JeffC230JeffC230 Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited January 29, 2014
    Hello everyone! I have slowly created my site at and am not sure if i like it.....I'm really wanting to create a new banner across the top with links but am not sure where to go to. So any input or guidance would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!! And I take constructive criticism pretty damn well! haha thanks everyone
    Jeff K.
    Newbie in Action
  • CarosuCarosu Registered Users Posts: 26 Big grins
    edited January 30, 2014
    JeffC230 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I have slowly created my site at and am not sure if i like it.....I'm really wanting to create a new banner across the top with links but am not sure where to go to. So any input or guidance would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!! And I take constructive criticism pretty damn well! haha thanks everyone

    I created mine in CS6, not so fancy but best I could do :D

    There are alot of guides on the internet so try to google some and you find some nice guides in creating watermarks, banners ect..

    Edit: Nvm I was thinking about something else lol
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited January 30, 2014
    JeffC230 wrote: »
    It looks like you have a good start.

    I think the fake wood background gives your site a dated look. I would recommend removing it.

    You have "Your text here" at the bottom of the page. Why?

    Are you aware you can remove the smugmug footer?

    At least one of your galleries is set to hide owner = yes. This removes all traces of your customization. Are you sure that's what you want?

    --- Denise
  • JeffC230JeffC230 Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2014
    It looks like you have a good start.

    I think the fake wood background gives your site a dated look. I would recommend removing it.

    You have "Your text here" at the bottom of the page. Why?

    Are you aware you can remove the smugmug footer?

    At least one of your galleries is set to hide owner = yes. This removes all traces of your customization. Are you sure that's what you want?

    --- Denise

    ok so this is what I've done so far.....removed the "your text here" (I was trying to add a "back to top" link but could not completely figure it out), I removed the header, and I did it before but the "log in" link disappeared before so i put it back on. And I found the gallery that had the hide owner as yes and clicked no, but what do you mean it removes all traces of the customization?? thanks for your input by the way, i'm going to mess around with themes regarding the background.
    Jeff K.
    Newbie in Action
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited January 30, 2014
    JeffC230 wrote: »
    And I found the gallery that had the hide owner as yes and clicked no, but what do you mean it removes all traces of the customization??
    Hide Owner set to yes removes your URL and your customizations. See help page at for a detailed explanation.

    --- Denise
  • JeffC230JeffC230 Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2014
    Hide Owner set to yes removes your URL and your customizations. See help page at for a detailed explanation.

    --- Denise

    You're the best! I did not know that. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
    Jeff K.
    Newbie in Action
  • snoupisnoupi Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited February 1, 2014
    I long resisted converting to the new SmugMug, because I had done much customizing to numerous galleries over time. I wasn't looking forward to having to go through all that again, and I was troubled by the loss of JavaScript and embed support. Nevertheless, tired of the hoops I had to jump through to continue to use my legacy site, and propelled by the hint from the heroes that legacy would be DC'd in "many months", not years, I finally took the plunge.

    I have spent the last two weeks creating and tweaking customizations to my site and various galleries. I'm neither a professional photographer, nor web-designer, so nothing fancy, but here it is: snoupi's studio

    I have also individually customized several galleries to match, (more or less,) the websites and blogs with which they are associated. Below are links to one example of each:
    Ma Normandie -
    The Jealous Sea -
    Tony's Music -
    À Pied à Cheval et à Vélo -
    Hideaway Galleries -

    And one gallery I individually customized "just because": Autumn's Child

    Other than missing the JavaScript and embed options, I'm pretty happy with the customizations I was able to accomplish -- and in a fairly short time, compared to the first time around. In that respect, the new SmugMug is certainly an improvement. thumb.gif
    "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 2, 2014
    snoupi wrote: »
    I have spent the last two weeks creating and tweaking customizations to my site and various galleries. I'm neither a professional photographer, nor web-designer, so nothing fancy, but here it is: snoupi's studio

    I have also individually customized several galleries to match, (more or less,) the websites and blogs with which they are associated. Below are links to one example of each:
    You have a nice clean approach to your smug site.

    The method you've used to match galleries to your other sites you have left your viewer without a path back to your smugmug site. That means in order to view other galleries the viewer must remember the original URL in order to get back to the starting point. That works nicely if your viewer started from the other site but it does not if your viewer started from your smugmug site. Do you want your viewers to transfer permanently to the other site or do you want to support further viewing of your smugmug site?

    --- Denise
  • snoupisnoupi Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited February 2, 2014
    You have a nice clean approach to your smug site.

    The method you've used to match galleries to your other sites you have left your viewer without a path back to your smugmug site. That means in order to view other galleries the viewer must remember the original URL in order to get back to the starting point. That works nicely if your viewer started from the other site but it does not if your viewer started from your smugmug site. Do you want your viewers to transfer permanently to the other site or do you want to support further viewing of your smugmug site?

    --- Denise
    Thank you, Denise. As you saw, I removed the breadcrumbs on those pages, because I thought they would be confusing to the viewer who arrived via the associated sites. There are links a Smugmug viewer can follow to other galleries within the folder from which they arrived, and I did add a link on all of them, "Galleries hosted on snoupi's SmugMug studio," to my SmugMug 'Browse' page, (which, interestingly, never shows up on breadcrumbs!)
    "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
  • TallPhotoGuyTallPhotoGuy Registered Users Posts: 160 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2014
    Feedback on new site
    I just published a separate site off my main page. Its for the school basketball team, so kids and family are the viewers. I customized the folder, school colors, etc... There is a folder password - sfhs - 4 letters. There is a linkage back to my main smugmug site thru the home icon in the breadcrum. That will ask for a different pw. Ignore that linkage. The site i would like feedback on is at Any feedback welcome. If there is more I can do for social media for the kids, letmeknow. I had several earlier questions on a variety of things. Thanks for all the feedback on those questions.
  • fuguefugue Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited February 2, 2014
    CSS for Rounded Corners
    Hi Rob,

    I have become a real fan of yours. I am very impressed with your photography and website. You have an excellent aesthetic eye!
    Question for you - "Where do you put the CSS for the rounded corners. I have tried on Homepage and Galleries to no avail. How did you get it going.


    Still using Legacy at

    Your site is very good. Clean simple look in pale colours. Your images are very good, especially the people shots. You are fortunate to live in Venice - it must present great opportunities for photography. I do also like your 'about'. Very simple and to the point. I never know what to write in those things.

    The CSS code for my lightbox is as follows. Send me a message if you get stuck
    /* Round image corners and displayed in the Lightbox */
    .sm-lightbox-image {
        border:1px solid #c2c2c4;  
        border-radius:8px; /* round off the corners*/
        max-width: 90%;
        box-shadow: 8px 20px 18px -10px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
    Bill Hough
    Bonita Photos
    Capturing the beauty around us
  • kyllitedrekyllitedre Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    edited February 2, 2014
    Here's mine:

    I was looking for a clean look with simple navigations. I hope I managed, altho there are still some things I'd like to change a bit, but I can't (the way lightbox shows photos for example).
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