For what it's worth
Born in 54 in central Ohio, still here. Only child of an only child which can make life interesting. Disfunctional was not in play back then you just sucked it up.
Wanted a horse from the time I was knee high to a short sheep. At 14 that happened and spent many (wonderful) years raising and showing Quarter Horses. Other passion, cars. First car was a 67 Chevelle and after mods, sum fun, did a picture perfect hole shot:D Hung around with the guys wreching on motors always getting a different car. Worked for Gloria Marshall figure salons in the mid to late 70's, making way too much money. Spent way too much money on clothes and Corvetts. Still love the old muscle cars, still love to drive them when I get the chance.
Married the first time for a 1-1/2 years, knew it was a mistake from the get go. Then came Don and for soon to be 26 years my best friend, love of my life. For almost all of that time we have been working on an historic home, the Money Pit about sums it up. Wildlife Rehab, been doing that about 9 years, very emotional profession. With rehab as come travel and PLANES! Still not thrilled with flying but doesn't take a double Jack and a valium to get me on one anymore Through the good and bad, no regrets, things I would/should have done or not done, sure.
Cameras have always been a part of my life. Have taken tons of pictures over the years, but never really learned how to. The old better camera will take better pictures thing. It wasn't till the 717, DPP that it all sunk in, it's the idiot behind the camera. Most times I don't think I'll ever get it figured out, but with the help here some progress is being made maybe
Where do you live? currently Wichita the very near future Prague Czech Republic.
Family? 1brother and 2 sisters
How long have you been shooting? a looooong time...over 40 yrs off and on Film? over 40 yrs Digital? about 3yrs
What's your favorite subject? wildlife, landscapes
What do you do for money? Work for Wichta State University as the Performance FAcilites Manager...a support group of 6 staff and about 25 student employees taht do staging, boxoffice, sound and lights for various events on / off campus.
What other hobbies do you have? hunting, fishing, travel (not as much as I'd like).............
I currently have 2 kiev 88 and 1 kiev 66, nikon f70, yashica electro 35, minolta a2 and 7d....and adobe cs.....get very frustrated with post and have almost ditched the digital to return totally to film....but got backinto right mind and will be posting all film cameras for sale. :
my turn
After lurking for 3 mos and then being a member for a couple more, I just found this thread - thanks to Art for the bump.
I'm sort of a "Dr. Jeckle/Mrs. Hyde" kind of a person and almost feel like I lead two distinct lives.
On the Dr. Jeckle side, I'm a biologist, teaching and attempting to do research at a Masters level university in So Cal. We get every one from the best of the best and those that really shouldn't be there. My favorites are the ones that "find themselves" while in school and really come to believe that they are truly capable of succeeding in our field. That they really can do this stuff is a real eye opener for a lot of the 1st generation/low socio-economic group of college kids.
I got tenure a few years ago , so now things are not so pressured, allowing me to indulge in the Mrs. Hyde side of me. We started our family late in life (after grad school) and have two boys, 12 and 9, and I am truly the epitomy of a soccer mom. I/my family would have cameras laying around and occassionally I would take pictures, but I would never take the time to take them to be developed I got my husband a p&s digicam for his birthday about 5 yrs ago and then promptly took it over to start shooting pictures of the kids playing soccer their 1st season. The 5x optical zoom was sufficient at that time due to the small sized fields they played on. It was fun being able to go home and down load the pictures right after I took them - I finally got to see what I took pictures of That 1st year, I got the crazy idea that it would be fun to put together a "players program" of each kid on their teams, complete with individual pictures and action shots. I had enough bkgd in computers/Word/PowerPoint and the parents were thrilled at the end of the season, particularly when I gave them a CD w/ all the pictures! So now my kids expect me to do it every year. Within a couple of seasons, the p&s limitations became obvious and my great guy of a husband saw that I was really getting into the sports shots and got me a Canon Rebel for the fall 04 season. Even with the increase in pixels, we realized the zoom on the kit lens wasn't enough and that Christmas he got me a Promaster (Tameron) 28-200 zoom. I've had a lot of fun with that, but, still the fields are getting bigger as the kids do and since my oldest will be on close to a full sized field this coming year and since Canon was kind enough to offer their rebates and since we sold a cabin in the local mtns, I very recently got a 20d and the Canon 100-400 L IS USM ultra zoom and its been hard since it came between seasons and I really want to try it out and their next games aren't for another month :uhoh [So, yes, I've been infected w/ the 'gotta get more/better lenses' bug!]
I have definately enjoyed my association w/ dgrin and have to thank Ann McRae for her inadvertently hooking me up. I turned up her smug mug site and a link to dgrin on a google search for youth soccer pictures and have been looking/learning ever since.
PS - my older son (in yellow) this fall - he's really blossomed from the gangly kid who was just kind of there to one who really contributes and it's been really fun to watch!
How old are you? Where do you live? Family? What do you do for money? Hi, I’m Bella, aged 36, single, from south west London – yes, another Brit! I’ve been a smugmugger for a couple of years, but only discovered this site a few days ago. I wish I could tell you I had a glamorous job, but I work as a project manager in a HR consultancy (yawn!).
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? I started in my early teens with an old SLR. I had fun with it all through my college years, but no idea what any of the functions were for. I really gave that camera some abuse! Later I moved on to point and shoots. At some point I got the travel bug and started taking increasing amounts of photos as holiday mementos. The more photos I took, the more interested I grew in the visuals, the whole idea of what’s the best angle to shoot from, etc and I wanted more control over the shots. I realised I needed an SLR, but I didn’t buy one for ages. Two years ago I bought a Canon EOS100 from a friend who had just gone digital, and I love it. As far as technical ability goes, I’ve done a couple of courses, but I still consider myself a beginner. When I’m shooting pictures I can do the basics, but there’s a lot of technical stuff I forget or just never got! I hope to find time to progress with more photo courses in future (and time to read all the great tips on this forum!).
What other hobbies do you have? I get a huge kick out of live music. I try to make the most of living in the big city by seeing as many gigs, cinema, photo exhibitions, etc. as I can. There is so much on offer here, I am always spoiled for choice. My love of gigs was one of the reasons for my first digital purchase last year – a Canon Powershot A95 with the dinky little flip screen. I was sceptical at first, but now I use it to take pictures of my favourite bands in action, and it’s also a handy second camera for when I tire of schlepping the heavy EOS around. Suddenly having all these digital photos to store and manipulate has also got me interested in Photoshop, which I’m currently learning.
What's your favorite subject? Well if I look back on the majority of my photos, I’d say I specialize in out of focus travel photography, and blurry rock photography! Travel is what drives my interest in photography generally. I love how new places make me look at things in a different way. I’m particularly interested in Asia, and have just come back from a holiday in Laos, where I spent a lot of time stalking monks and their wonderful orange robes!
As for other subjects, I’d like to have a go at proper macro one day. My photo attempts on the flowers in my garden using a modest macro filter have been, erm, mixed! Now I’m at the stage where I find myself hungry for more knowledge, and increasingly tempted to buy a digital SLR, despite my initial misgivings about digital. The heavy ad campaign we’re getting for the Canon EOS 350D is killing me right now! My friends did warn me this would be an addictive and expensive hobby, and they were right. Oh boy, this has got lengthy so. I will stop now. Thanks for reading!
Where do you live? Illinois
Family? Wife and mother of 4
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? For about 5 yrs, digital and film What's your favorite subject? Kids! What do you do for money? I am a photographer What other hobbies do you have? None really... does shopping count?
Hello Grinners : I'm a humble newbie at Dgrin. My name is Christy, currently 26 years old. I live near the Rocky Mountains in Canada. I first became interested in photography as a teenager. Back then I had a (rather cheap) film camera, I can't remember now what kind it was. I enjoyed taking casual snapshots during family holidays, but being quite young, I was unsure of how to pursue this interest more seriously.
A few years later my family began visiting the Rocky Mountains regularly, and I fell in love with the beautiful scenery and nature there. In 2003 I had a pleasant surprise when I received my first digital camera, a Canon Powershot A200. It was wonderful fun to re-discover my interest in photography, and to combine it with another wonderful hobby, the computer! :
Currently I use a Kodak Dx7630 digital camera. My favorite photography subjects are landscapes, nature, and trains. I'm only an amatuer, but hoping to learn more at Dgrin.
Other hobbies/interests include reading and web design/customization (amateur).
How old are you? 27
Where do you live? Nelson BC
Family? Lovely Wife and 2 cats
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? Film - really never. Digital - first digital camera Canon Powershot A95 in May 2005.
What's your favorite subject? Shadow my cat What do you do for money? Civil Engineer
What other hobbies do you have? Guitar, photography, and lots of travel.
I'm saving up for my first dSLR - Canon Digital Rebel XT and about 3 peices of glass. But other family priorities frist. Just got into photography and am loving it. Hoping to get my first sell by the end of the year - I know, it's January - I've got time.
Glad to be here...and thanks for checking out my site!
Thinking Outside The Box My name's JD Brandenburg, J for James, D for Drew; my son of 20 years.
My handle "DirtyRat" raises eyebrows from some, and smiles from others. When you tell people you take photographs and they see the name DirtyRat; automatically their minds fall into the gutter of porn. Shame but thats the world today.
Actually I got the name from a fellow chess player named Quick Cat. Before computers (internet) we played chess via snail-mail. He anticipated my next move and when I played something else he played back stating I was a dirty rat! The name stuck.
DirtyRatJim became my smugmug name.
I grew up in Southern California, often taking my film camera for walks on the beaches and skimboarding when not shooting.
I've lived in eight states and some 30 cities before settling down in West Virginia. Unemployment kept me hopping. No work here, let's try here! Sadly my history was left behind in photos. Though I do have some lingering snap-shots, most are in my mind. Hard to show those off!
Though I enjoyed the transformation of film to digital I wasn't happy with the P&S's. So I invested in the SLR's by getting the Canon 20D. A friend who's into horses suggested I go shoot the local horse show and I haven't quit since. I travel the state with some ventures into Kentucky and Ohio to capture those beautiful animals and their trainers. People, "victims" have said I have "the gift". I feel good with the joy of photography hoping my camera will (correctly) capture what it is I see. To record history through photography, I'm glad to be a part and to be able to compete with the best!
Family? Too Expensive - ha ha......maybe one day. I have been living with my girlfriend for 2 years, but we're far from making any moves further.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? My grandmother got me into photography when I was around the age of 6 (she still shoots with a Canon A1). I got into digital P&S about 4 years ago, and moved to DSLR in 2005.
What's your favorite subject? Anything I can get Quality out of. I used to only shoot cars, but am branching out to portraits, birds, and scenary. Lately Macro has been a blast!
What do you do for money? Director of e-Commerce for a large automotive Dealer Group in Southern Virginia. I also do some side work with a local race prep shop and do numerous things with computers for folks.
What other hobbies do you have? Surfing, Cars, Spec E30 Racing, Computers, Women (not always in that order ).
What equipment do you currently use?
Canon 20D, Sony DSC-F717 with Hoya 72
Canon 18-55mm kit lens, 50mm f1.8 II, 35mm f2, EF-S 60mm Macro, Eyepeice extender (best buy yet!), EX550 Flash
Sigma 70-200mm f2.8, 1.4x TC
Tamron 28-75mm f2.8
Tokina 12-24mm f4
Zenitar 16mm f2.8 fisheye
Adobe CS2 Suite, SmugMug , Shutterfly (for freebies)
AMD, SLi, Raptor - all the latest and greatest
Canon 1Ds Mark II, but will settle for a 5D Sigma Bigma 50-500mm Sigma 150mm Macro
Sigma 300-800mm
I must say that the Digital Grin has been a much more comfortable home as a photography forum than any other I've joined. Everyone here comes off as kind and courteous
I am Awais Yaqub 21 years old , Pakistani living in capital Islamabad shooting since end of 2004 about 1 and 1/2 years 1st digicamera never shot with SLRs DSLRs actually dad had an old SLR T50(1980's) with Albinar lens and Flash which i sold for Minolta point and shoot small camera :cry which my elder bro threw into water in 2001 i didn't knew anything about cameras etc thats why i sold SLR then when internet got popular here i saw digital photos and cams but were way to expensive for Dad afterall prices came down in 2004 and dad bought me a digital camera sony W1 it is 1st digi i ever touched i chose w1 after joining dpreview STF forum where i learnt everything........i loved photos since i was littel kid but never thought to get into it reels were expensive for dad everything became possible with digital and internet
about past and my Life : After dad got Scholorship for Phd me and family went to USA colorodo Fort collins year was 1988 dad bought Slr T50 and shot a lot of photos in USA.......and also went to Canada for few days.
returned in 1991 and still here dad usually go to USA Mexico Turkey but not me
Elder bro is Geo scientist 24 and littel is in 7th grade 14 year old and i am Bcom student i hate commerce but my only option was commerce seriously wanted to join photography institute but no one bothered to build it here :cry
Had a fiance but i refused childhood engagements living peaceful life lol
dont like crazy things of girl friends and this and that just straight simple life
Dream camera
Rebel XT with 28-200 lens and a macro 105 mm lens or DSC R1 sony
Love CARL ZIESS (name and design got me 1st dont know about quality)
About type of photography : i am undecided
any other thing which i missed ?
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
Had a fiance but i refused childhood engagements living peaceful life lol
dont like crazy things of girl friends and this and that just straight simple life
How old are you?
I am of the ripe young age of 23
Where do you live?
I live on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois in a town called Kenosha...commonly called around here as Kenowhere
Someday soon. No girlfriend or anything but hey, the right one hasnt come my way yet.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? About 3 years ago I bought I very cheap 2mp camera and had some great shots, or so I thought until I actually looked at them. Frustrated by crappy pics I bought the Olympus c4000 Zoom camera and had it for 10 days before one of my friends drop it and destroyed it. Thankfully my credit card had 30 days insurance. So I got my money back and then bought an Olympus c50. Had that till last november when I bought the Rebel. It totally revolutionized my photo life. Then about 20 days ago I bought the rebel XT.
What's your favorite subject?
I really love landscape photography and people photography.
What do you do for money?
I am an IT technician for a laminate wood flooring company called Alloc Inc. We sponsor Lance Armstrong and have a parent company in Norway.
What other hobbies do you have?
I am very involved with my church/faith and also like to do freelance computer work, read a good novel, hang out with my friends, and occasionally do some writing.
I'm 24 Where do you live?
Des Plaines, Illinois, Suburb of Chiago Family?
Wife, no kids yet, at least for another 2-3 years How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
Since i was a kid i always had something for photography. Finally over 3 years ago i got myself Canon Rebel 2000 and began real shooting. I was working mostly with slides sometimes regular film. I had really hard time getting my pix right after scanning so decided that i need to become the convert and got myself used Digital Rebell instead of Slide Scanner. What's your favorite subject?
Landscapes are primary focus but i love shoting cars in action (rally) and pretty much anything that looks interesting What do you do for money?
I'm an Ocean Import Coordinator for one of Logistics companies What other hobbies do you have?
I love racing cars (rally cross and autoX), i'm also involved in local autoklub. I love to travel and see new places. I hike sometimes and ride a bike.
My Gear:
Canon Digital Rebel
28-80 EF Canon Lense
75-300 Tamron Tele/Makro
Sunpak Flash
Circular Polarizer
Half Gray filter
How old are you? Where do you live? Family? How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? What's your favorite subject? What do you do for money? What other hobbies do you have?
Hello everyone! I was born in 1949 (egads!) you figure it out! I am a native of California. Born in Fullerton, grew up in Santa Ana, spent my married years in Huntington Beach and currently live in Orange. So you can see I haven't traveled far! I am single, having divorced 10 years ago. I have a son who lives near by in Seal Beach and I am fortunate to have a brother and sister and numerous nieces and great nieces and one great nephew involved in my life.
I have always been drawn to photography as a hobby as far back as I can remember. I still remember my little Kodak Instamatic that went everywhere with me. In my teens I was our "family photographer". I recorded our family history for years. In 1977 or so, I studied photography at the Newport School of Photography in Newport Beach, California under master photographer Al Belson. Al was a charming old Englishman who was a croney of Ansel Adams. Al also worked in black and white. I took many classes under Al and went on one shootout in Yosemite which was a blast. It was in the print-making class that I fell in love with the dark room and quickly turned my master bathroom into my own private lab!! So obviously, I have been around since the "film" age...long before digital and Photoshop. Eventually my life turned to other things. A divorce and lack of funds caused me to give up my darkroom and equipment, and my Fuji SLR and lenses spent more and more time in the closet.
The digital age came along and I couldn't resist just like everyone else. I seriously doubted (and still can't believe) that film is really dead. But I get pretty much the same kick out of working in Photoshop that I did working in the darkroom...not quite...but almost. There is nothing to compare to seeing that image appear in a tray of developer!!! I sure don't miss the chemicals, however. Right now I am shopping for a DSLR, in fact I was out tonight trying to find some Nikons to "try on for size". I have looked at the Canon line. I am currently shooting with a little Canon S80 (8 megapixel). I can't stand not having lenses though, and can hardly wait to make a decision and a purchase. I had given myself "permission" to buy a pretty decent camera, as I feel this will probably be my last as well as my first DSLR (You're probably laughing by now!) I was looking at the D20 even considering the soon to be released D30, but surprisingly I was not impressed with the way it felt in my hands. The Rebel XT was more comfortable for me. Still, I would like to see the Nikon D200 and can't find one anywhere to hold. Amazing how few camera shops there are these days. I went to Ritz camera and they have a waiting list of over a hundred, but not even one in their shop to look at....what a way to do business, Ritz!!!
My favorite subjects right now are varied. I used to shoot people a lot, but now it's more landscape. After seeing all the great bird photography on Dgrin, I am tempted to buy a long lens!!! Currently I am working on the Daily photo idea and finding it lots of fun. It makes me come up with ideas for photos I wouldn't ordinarily take, since I don't always have time to get out and shoot much except on weekends. One of my other hobbies is trying to learn to play guitar....notice I said "trying". The other night for my Daily picture I took the photos below. Not great....kinda blurry. But i kind of like them anyway.
I work in a small company that provides accounting services for escrow companies. I'm basically a number-cruncher and customer service person. Been doing that for way too long and wish I could retire, but I'm not in a position to do that for quite a while!
I joined Dgrin to inspire myself to get out and take photos again. I am always bemoaning the fact that I don't have anything "new" to work on in Photoshop. All of you have inspired me greatly with your excellent work and the comraderie amongst you in critiquing work is great. I even subitted an entry into Challenge 59, which was the first contest I ever entered. Did not expect to win, but just was pleased with myself for doing the assignment. Thanks to all for your inspiration! ~Saurora
Whats your name? Daniel Bauer How old are you? 14 Where do you live? Lenexa, Kansas. A suburb of Kansas City. Family?parents and an 18 yr old brother. How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? about 14 years film, and 4 months digital. What's your favorite subject?Landscapes What do you do for money? does mowing lawns and doing yard work count? What other hobbies do you have?Guitar, and Painting/Drawing.
*don't have a picture of it finished.... and i fixed the wing feathers*
Family? lol like said before Too Expensive - I want a family someday . I live alone right now and loving it.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? Wow since I was about 6, my dad had an old 35mm minolta and that got me into photography he taught me how to use the camera and been taking pictures ever since, then I was introduced to the computer & digital cameras came along a little later and that really added to my addiction
What's your favorite subject? Basically anything I can get good photo from. Right now I have a little niece that loves the camera so I am always taking pictures of her or my family, I love taking pictures of NYC landmarks, cars, airplanes
What do you do for money? Right now I just got a new job that I love, as a graphic designer/production coordinator I design books catalogs, advertisements and do/or help out with photoshoots.
What other hobbies do you have?
Drawing, bowling, my car (always adding something), football, biking
I would love to visit & photograph in pakistan Awais. I will do it one day & get you to show me around a bit.
ya sure why not be my guest all of you camera in hand saves a day from radicals:): what i have seen here. I live about 2 mint walk from Afghan rafugee strong hold mostly kids and women i am very shy to photograph them Afghani Burgur is great meal talking about to much of them because they live all around my area will visit some cultural areas where no one has gine before
Sorry for late reply
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
Since I have no new photos for the past two weeks other than my destruction project in the bathroom, I will join in:
Some starter questions: How old are you? 36 and counting
Where do you live?
East Bloomfield, NY Beautiful and rural. Can shoot guns here without killing your neighbor.
Family? Just the wife and I in this house, but I have a LOT of extended family in the area, holidays can be rough.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? Now this is a fun question. When I grew up my dad was a chemical engineer fo Eastman Kodak in Rochester. He worked with very thin slices of film and an electron microscope to diagnose problems, and help develop new processes. He brought home GOBS of free film. It was so prevalent in our house that I had no interest in it, besides I had ants to collect and fires to build. I dabbled with pinhole cameras, and played in development chemicals for a few school projects, but never got overly involved.
My dad shot occasionally, mostly on slide film. We still come over to watch slides, and nothing really compares to it. Digital has a ways to go to catch up to a 100" projection IMHO.
I picked up a Pentax P&S camera for a trip to the mountains one summer, as an upgrade to my P&S people cam (did nothing fancy with it), and took some panoramic images, but wasn't all that enthused. A big SLR was out of the question since I was already toting a 100lb pack, or riding a mountain bike.
Then along came digital, and I started to get the itch. I am a gadget nut, and a digital camera really appealed to me. However I waited until 5Mp was common so my pickiness would match my expectations. I went and bought a Sony V1 since it had fantastic output and a manual setting so I could learn.
I have learned a LOT since that camera, but I am still only a casual photographer. I still have the V1 and its battery munching abilities, but now I have the R1, and that is really a challenging camera for me to use. DOF? Something you couldn't play with much on the V1 and its tiny aperture. The R1's aperture by comparison is a monster, and I had to learn DOF really fast. Now I shoot about 50 pics a week, and only manage to delete about 20, when I should really delete 48. Hard drive full... What's your favorite subject? My cat. He is a real cutie. Actually my favorite subject is lightning, as I am a high voltage experimenter when I have the time. Lightning fascinates me immensely, but storms seem so few that are favorable for this type of work. WNY is just a bad place for severe storms, in the sense we have very few. What do you do for money? As much as I can. During the day I work as an sr. electrical engineer for Vanteon ( ) and in the evening I am a home contractor to earn a couple extra $$$s
What other hobbies do you have? Gardening/landscaping, shooting, high voltage experimentation (doesn't mix so well with digital), camping, hiking, biking, weather, and flying RC planes.
What do you shoot with? I am currently using the Sony R1, and have the V1 for pocket work. Also shoot with my SS .22 magnum rifle, but don't kill anything, yet.
33 Next Week Where do you live?
Downtown Jersey City, 6 minutes by Path from the WTC and olny a 2 minute walk from Ibby's Falafel. Look upon my neighborhood, ye mighty, and despair.
Family? One Portuguese wife. A bunch of strange Latin relatives by marriage. Even stranger Alabama/Tennessee relatives by birth. Very very distant cousins to the Presleys, but I got neither the Talent, nor the money.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? Strange, looking at the previouis post. My Dad was a chemical engineer for Eastman Chemical in Kingsport, Tennessee. He worked with acetates. So we couldn't even THINK about letting a roll of Fuji film into the house.
I don't remember the model of my first camera. I was around 9. A disposable kodak with the flash cubes and the 135 canister. My first "real" camera was a Minolta I borrowed occasionally fom my Dad. I then moved up in the early 90s to my favorite set of Cameras ever. A Praktica fully manual for 35mm, and a Flexaret VI for medium format. A Zenit TTL for backup. I got both for under $10 each, and they worked great. A crackhead (I assume) broke into my house in 2001 and stole all my gear, so I went back to an old Konica that my Uncle was getting rid of.
Now I shoot a 20d for Digital (I got into digital purely due to cost, but found that the high volumes possible have made me a much better photographer.) and a venerable Pentacon Six TL for film. What's your favorite subject? Abandoned and wierd places, people doing strange stuff. I like to feel that, with my photos, I am showing people things that they wouldn't normally see. Those are the kinds of photos I like to see from other people as well. What do you do for money? Chemical Industry. Specifically- chemicals prodcued from Cashew Nutshell Liquid. Yes, Industrial nuts.
What other hobbies do you have?
Learning Foreign Languages. Reading bad SciFi and detective novels. Visiting places on vacation that make my mother very nervous.
What do you shoot with? Canon 20d, the queen of mid range cameras. 35-135 USM
Pentacon 6 TL, 80mm 2.8 Zeiss Jena Biometar
Wow, never noticed this thread before, i guess i'll tell ya about me!
How old are you?
I'm 17 soon to be 18
Where do you live?
I live in East TN, but I was born in Ontario Canada
I have 2 brothers, 1 sister, 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 parents and 1 family who hides when the camera comes out
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
I pretty much started with digital, I decided to join the yearbook staff at school last year and got spoiled with a Digital Rebel and various other film SLRs. I bought a Sony W1 soon after that and just recently got my Nikon D50. Now i'm the editor and can use (or talk the advisor into buying) pretty much any camera
What's your favorite subject?
I'll pretty much shoot anything, but my favorite is sports. I love being able to capture the action.
What do you do for money?
Right now I'm working at a K Mart as a cashier (I really really hate retail!!!!) but i'm going to college to become a CPA (exciting to the max!)
What other hobbies do you have?
I'm a Little League umpire and enjoy calling ball games, I also love just messing arround with different computer programs trying to figure out how they work.
Well for starters my name is David, I'm 30 (going to be 31 in a week give or take). I live in Iowa and I hate the cold. My wife and I bought a digital camera (Kodak C310) a few weeks ago and I just started playing with it. I have some ideas for pictures I would like to take when it gets a little warmer. Have a great day all!
Well for starters my name is David, I'm 30 (going to be 31 in a week give or take). I live in Iowa and I hate the cold. My wife and I bought a digital camera (Kodak C310) a few weeks ago and I just started playing with it. I have some ideas for pictures I would like to take when it gets a little warmer. Have a great day all!
Welcome to Dgrin Vlad. Nice to finally have a real impaler here!
Born in 54 in central Ohio, still here. Only child of an only child which can make life interesting. Disfunctional was not in play back then you just sucked it up.
Wanted a horse from the time I was knee high to a short sheep. At 14 that happened and spent many (wonderful) years raising and showing Quarter Horses. Other passion, cars. First car was a 67 Chevelle and after mods, sum fun, did a picture perfect hole shot:D Hung around with the guys wreching on motors always getting a different car. Worked for Gloria Marshall figure salons in the mid to late 70's, making way too much money. Spent way too much money on clothes and Corvetts. Still love the old muscle cars, still love to drive them when I get the chance.
Married the first time for a 1-1/2 years, knew it was a mistake from the get go. Then came Don and for soon to be 26 years my best friend, love of my life. For almost all of that time we have been working on an historic home, the Money Pit about sums it up. Wildlife Rehab, been doing that about 9 years, very emotional profession. With rehab as come travel and PLANES! Still not thrilled with flying but doesn't take a double Jack and a valium to get me on one anymore
Cameras have always been a part of my life. Have taken tons of pictures over the years, but never really learned how to. The old better camera will take better pictures thing. It wasn't till the 717, DPP that it all sunk in, it's the idiot behind the camera. Most times I don't think I'll ever get it figured out, but with the help here some progress is being made
Where do you live? currently Wichita the very near future Prague Czech Republic.
Family? 1brother and 2 sisters
How long have you been shooting? a looooong time...over 40 yrs off and on Film? over 40 yrs Digital? about 3yrs
What's your favorite subject? wildlife, landscapes
What do you do for money? Work for Wichta State University as the Performance FAcilites Manager...a support group of 6 staff and about 25 student employees taht do staging, boxoffice, sound and lights for various events on / off campus.
What other hobbies do you have? hunting, fishing, travel (not as much as I'd like).............
I currently have 2 kiev 88 and 1 kiev 66, nikon f70, yashica electro 35, minolta a2 and 7d....and adobe cs.....get very frustrated with post and have almost ditched the digital to return totally to film....but got backinto right mind and will be posting all film cameras for sale.
After lurking for 3 mos and then being a member for a couple more, I just found this thread - thanks to Art for the bump.
I'm sort of a "Dr. Jeckle/Mrs. Hyde" kind of a person and almost feel like I lead two distinct lives.
On the Dr. Jeckle side, I'm a biologist, teaching and attempting to do research at a Masters level university in So Cal. We get every one from the best of the best and those that really shouldn't be there. My favorites are the ones that "find themselves" while in school and really come to believe that they are truly capable of succeeding in our field. That they really can do this stuff is a real eye opener for a lot of the 1st generation/low socio-economic group of college kids.
I got tenure a few years ago
I have definately enjoyed my association w/ dgrin and have to thank Ann McRae for her inadvertently hooking me up. I turned up her smug mug site and a link to dgrin on a google search for youth soccer pictures and have been looking/learning ever since.
PS - my older son (in yellow) this fall - he's really blossomed from the gangly kid who was just kind of there to one who really contributes and it's been really fun to watch!
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Hi, I’m Bella, aged 36, single, from south west London – yes, another Brit! I’ve been a smugmugger for a couple of years, but only discovered this site a few days ago. I wish I could tell you I had a glamorous job, but I work as a project manager in a HR consultancy (yawn!).
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
I started in my early teens with an old SLR. I had fun with it all through my college years, but no idea what any of the functions were for. I really gave that camera some abuse! Later I moved on to point and shoots. At some point I got the travel bug and started taking increasing amounts of photos as holiday mementos. The more photos I took, the more interested I grew in the visuals, the whole idea of what’s the best angle to shoot from, etc and I wanted more control over the shots. I realised I needed an SLR, but I didn’t buy one for ages.
Two years ago I bought a Canon EOS100 from a friend who had just gone digital, and I love it. As far as technical ability goes, I’ve done a couple of courses, but I still consider myself a beginner. When I’m shooting pictures I can do the basics, but there’s a lot of technical stuff I forget or just never got! I hope to find time to progress with more photo courses in future (and time to read all the great tips on this forum!).
What other hobbies do you have?
I get a huge kick out of live music. I try to make the most of living in the big city by seeing as many gigs, cinema, photo exhibitions, etc. as I can. There is so much on offer here, I am always spoiled for choice.
My love of gigs was one of the reasons for my first digital purchase last year – a Canon Powershot A95 with the dinky little flip screen. I was sceptical at first, but now I use it to take pictures of my favourite bands in action, and it’s also a handy second camera for when I tire of schlepping the heavy EOS around. Suddenly having all these digital photos to store and manipulate has also got me interested in Photoshop, which I’m currently learning.
What's your favorite subject?
Well if I look back on the majority of my photos, I’d say I specialize in out of focus travel photography, and blurry rock photography! Travel is what drives my interest in photography generally. I love how new places make me look at things in a different way. I’m particularly interested in Asia, and have just come back from a holiday in Laos, where I spent a lot of time stalking monks and their wonderful orange robes!
As for other subjects, I’d like to have a go at proper macro one day. My photo attempts on the flowers in my garden using a modest macro filter have been, erm, mixed!
Now I’m at the stage where I find myself hungry for more knowledge, and increasingly tempted to buy a digital SLR, despite my initial misgivings about digital. The heavy ad campaign we’re getting for the Canon EOS 350D is killing me right now! My friends did warn me this would be an addictive and expensive hobby, and they were right.
Oh boy, this has got lengthy so. I will stop now. Thanks for reading!
Where do you live? Illinois
Family? Wife and mother of 4
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? For about 5 yrs, digital and film
What's your favorite subject? Kids!
What do you do for money? I am a photographer
What other hobbies do you have? None really... does shopping count?
Hello Grinners
A few years later my family began visiting the Rocky Mountains regularly, and I fell in love with the beautiful scenery and nature there. In 2003 I had a pleasant surprise when I received my first digital camera, a Canon Powershot A200. It was wonderful fun to re-discover my interest in photography, and to combine it with another wonderful hobby, the computer!
Currently I use a Kodak Dx7630 digital camera. My favorite photography subjects are landscapes, nature, and trains. I'm only an amatuer, but hoping to learn more at Dgrin.
Other hobbies/interests include reading and web design/customization (amateur). (or)
Where do you live?
Nelson BC
Lovely Wife and 2 cats
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
Film - really never. Digital - first digital camera Canon Powershot A95 in May 2005.
What's your favorite subject?
Shadow my cat
What do you do for money?
Civil Engineer
What other hobbies do you have?
Guitar, photography, and lots of travel.
I'm saving up for my first dSLR - Canon Digital Rebel XT and about 3 peices of glass. But other family priorities frist. Just got into photography and am loving it. Hoping to get my first sell by the end of the year - I know, it's January - I've got time.
Glad to be here...and thanks for checking out my site! [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
My name's JD Brandenburg, J for James, D for Drew; my son of 20 years.
My handle "DirtyRat" raises eyebrows from some, and smiles from others. When you tell people you take photographs and they see the name DirtyRat; automatically their minds fall into the gutter of porn. Shame but thats the world today.
Actually I got the name from a fellow chess player named Quick Cat. Before computers (internet) we played chess via snail-mail. He anticipated my next move and when I played something else he played back stating I was a dirty rat! The name stuck.
DirtyRatJim became my smugmug name.
I grew up in Southern California, often taking my film camera for walks on the beaches and skimboarding when not shooting.
I've lived in eight states and some 30 cities before settling down in West Virginia. Unemployment kept me hopping. No work here, let's try here! Sadly my history was left behind in photos. Though I do have some lingering snap-shots, most are in my mind. Hard to show those off!
Though I enjoyed the transformation of film to digital I wasn't happy with the P&S's. So I invested in the SLR's by getting the Canon 20D. A friend who's into horses suggested I go shoot the local horse show and I haven't quit since. I travel the state with some ventures into Kentucky and Ohio to capture those beautiful animals and their trainers. People, "victims" have said I have "the gift". I feel good with the joy of photography hoping my camera will (correctly) capture what it is I see. To record history through photography, I'm glad to be a part and to be able to compete with the best!
26 - I'll be 27 this March
Where do you live?
Virginia Beach
Too Expensive - ha ha......maybe one day. I have been living with my girlfriend for 2 years, but we're far from making any moves further.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
My grandmother got me into photography when I was around the age of 6 (she still shoots with a Canon A1). I got into digital P&S about 4 years ago, and moved to DSLR in 2005.
What's your favorite subject?
Anything I can get Quality out of. I used to only shoot cars, but am branching out to portraits, birds, and scenary. Lately Macro has been a blast!
What do you do for money?
Director of e-Commerce for a large automotive Dealer Group in Southern Virginia. I also do some side work with a local race prep shop and do numerous things with computers for folks.
What other hobbies do you have?
Surfing, Cars, Spec E30 Racing, Computers, Women
What equipment do you currently use?
Canon 20D, Sony DSC-F717 with Hoya 72
Canon 18-55mm kit lens, 50mm f1.8 II, 35mm f2, EF-S 60mm Macro, Eyepeice extender (best buy yet!), EX550 Flash
Sigma 70-200mm f2.8, 1.4x TC
Tamron 28-75mm f2.8
Tokina 12-24mm f4
Zenitar 16mm f2.8 fisheye
Adobe CS2 Suite, SmugMug
AMD, SLi, Raptor - all the latest and greatest
Canon 1Ds Mark II, but will settle for a 5D
Sigma Bigma 50-500mm
Sigma 150mm Macro
Sigma 300-800mm
I must say that the Digital Grin has been a much more comfortable home as a photography forum than any other I've joined. Everyone here comes off as kind and courteous
about past and my Life : After dad got Scholorship for Phd me and family went to USA colorodo Fort collins year was 1988 dad bought Slr T50 and shot a lot of photos in USA.......and also went to Canada for few days.
returned in 1991 and still here dad usually go to USA Mexico Turkey but not me
Elder bro is Geo scientist 24 and littel is in 7th grade 14 year old and i am Bcom student i hate commerce but my only option was commerce
Had a fiance but i refused childhood engagements living peaceful life lol
dont like crazy things of girl friends and this and that just straight simple life
Dream camera
Rebel XT with 28-200 lens and a macro 105 mm lens or DSC R1 sony
Love CARL ZIESS (name and design got me 1st dont know about quality)
About type of photography : i am undecided
any other thing which i missed ?
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I am of the ripe young age of 23
Where do you live?
I live on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois in a town called Kenosha...commonly called around here as Kenowhere
Someday soon. No girlfriend or anything but hey, the right one hasnt come my way yet.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
About 3 years ago I bought I very cheap 2mp camera and had some great shots, or so I thought until I actually looked at them. Frustrated by crappy pics I bought the Olympus c4000 Zoom camera and had it for 10 days before one of my friends drop it and destroyed it. Thankfully my credit card had 30 days insurance. So I got my money back and then bought an Olympus c50. Had that till last november when I bought the Rebel. It totally revolutionized my photo life. Then about 20 days ago I bought the rebel XT.
What's your favorite subject?
I really love landscape photography and people photography.
What do you do for money?
I am an IT technician for a laminate wood flooring company called Alloc Inc. We sponsor Lance Armstrong and have a parent company in Norway.
What other hobbies do you have?
I am very involved with my church/faith and also like to do freelance computer work, read a good novel, hang out with my friends, and occasionally do some writing.
My Gear:
Canon Rebel Xt
18-55mm Kit Lens
28-105mm USM Lens
Canon 430ex Speedlite
Canon 5D Mk.2/Grip || Canon 7D Backup
17-40 f/4L || 70-200 f/2.8L IS || 100mm f/2.8L Macro || 24-70mm f/2.8L
Wedding Photographer
I'm 24
Where do you live?
Des Plaines, Illinois, Suburb of Chiago
Wife, no kids yet, at least for another 2-3 years
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
Since i was a kid i always had something for photography. Finally over 3 years ago i got myself Canon Rebel 2000 and began real shooting. I was working mostly with slides sometimes regular film. I had really hard time getting my pix right after scanning so decided that i need to become the convert and got myself used Digital Rebell instead of Slide Scanner. What's your favorite subject?
Landscapes are primary focus but i love shoting cars in action (rally) and pretty much anything that looks interesting
What do you do for money?
I'm an Ocean Import Coordinator for one of Logistics companies
What other hobbies do you have?
I love racing cars (rally cross and autoX), i'm also involved in local autoklub. I love to travel and see new places. I hike sometimes and ride a bike.
My Gear:
Canon Digital Rebel
28-80 EF Canon Lense
75-300 Tamron Tele/Makro
Sunpak Flash
Circular Polarizer
Half Gray filter
I would love to visit & photograph in pakistan Awais. I will do it one day & get you to show me around a bit.
I have always been drawn to photography as a hobby as far back as I can remember. I still remember my little Kodak Instamatic that went everywhere with me. In my teens I was our "family photographer". I recorded our family history for years. In 1977 or so, I studied photography at the Newport School of Photography in Newport Beach, California under master photographer Al Belson. Al was a charming old Englishman who was a croney of Ansel Adams. Al also worked in black and white. I took many classes under Al and went on one shootout in Yosemite which was a blast. It was in the print-making class that I fell in love with the dark room and quickly turned my master bathroom into my own private lab!! So obviously, I have been around since the "film" age...long before digital and Photoshop. Eventually my life turned to other things. A divorce and lack of funds caused me to give up my darkroom and equipment, and my Fuji SLR and lenses spent more and more time in the closet.
The digital age came along and I couldn't resist just like everyone else. I seriously doubted (and still can't believe) that film is really dead. But I get pretty much the same kick out of working in Photoshop that I did working in the darkroom...not quite...but almost. There is nothing to compare to seeing that image appear in a tray of developer!!! I sure don't miss the chemicals, however. Right now I am shopping for a DSLR, in fact I was out tonight trying to find some Nikons to "try on for size". I have looked at the Canon line. I am currently shooting with a little Canon S80 (8 megapixel). I can't stand not having lenses though, and can hardly wait to make a decision and a purchase. I had given myself "permission" to buy a pretty decent camera, as I feel this will probably be my last as well as my first DSLR (You're probably laughing by now!) I was looking at the D20 even considering the soon to be released D30, but surprisingly I was not impressed with the way it felt in my hands. The Rebel XT was more comfortable for me. Still, I would like to see the Nikon D200 and can't find one anywhere to hold. Amazing how few camera shops there are these days. I went to Ritz camera and they have a waiting list of over a hundred, but not even one in their shop to look at....what a way to do business, Ritz!!!
My favorite subjects right now are varied. I used to shoot people a lot, but now it's more landscape. After seeing all the great bird photography on Dgrin, I am tempted to buy a long lens!!! Currently I am working on the Daily photo idea and finding it lots of fun. It makes me come up with ideas for photos I wouldn't ordinarily take, since I don't always have time to get out and shoot much except on weekends. One of my other hobbies is trying to learn to play guitar....notice I said "trying". The other night for my Daily picture I took the photos below. Not great....kinda blurry. But i kind of like them anyway.
I work in a small company that provides accounting services for escrow companies. I'm basically a number-cruncher and customer service person. Been doing that for way too long and wish I could retire, but I'm not in a position to do that for quite a while!
I joined Dgrin to inspire myself to get out and take photos again. I am always bemoaning the fact that I don't have anything "new" to work on in Photoshop. All of you have inspired me greatly with your excellent work and the comraderie amongst you in critiquing work is great. I even subitted an entry into Challenge 59, which was the first contest I ever entered. Did not expect to win, but just was pleased with myself for doing the assignment. Thanks to all for your inspiration!
How old are you? 14
Where do you live? Lenexa, Kansas. A suburb of Kansas City.
Family? parents and an 18 yr old brother.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital? about 14 years film, and 4 months digital.
What's your favorite subject?Landscapes
What do you do for money? does mowing lawns and doing yard work count?
What other hobbies do you have?Guitar, and Painting/Drawing.
*don't have a picture of it finished.... and i fixed the wing feathers*
28 years old
Where do you live?
Brooklyn, NY
lol like said before Too Expensive - I want a family someday . I live alone right now and loving it.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
Wow since I was about 6, my dad had an old 35mm minolta and that got me into photography he taught me how to use the camera and been taking pictures ever since, then I was introduced to the computer & digital cameras came along a little later and that really added to my addiction
What's your favorite subject?
Basically anything I can get good photo from. Right now I have a little niece that loves the camera so I am always taking pictures of her or my family, I love taking pictures of NYC landmarks, cars, airplanes
What do you do for money?
Right now I just got a new job that I love, as a graphic designer/production coordinator I design books catalogs, advertisements and do/or help out with photoshoots.
What other hobbies do you have?
Drawing, bowling, my car (always adding something), football, biking
What equipment do you currently use?
Canon Rebel XT
Canon 50mm 1.8
Sigma 70-300mm
Sigma 28-80mm
Sigma 105mm 2.8.
Canon 30D, Sigma 500mm, Canon 200mm 2.8, Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Last thing is thanks to everyone who has helped me with my site so far, lots of nice people here....
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
Hey Daniel, lets see some of those pictures from when you were 0-8 months old!
ya sure why not be my guest all of you
Sorry for late reply
My Gallery
My Gallery
Some starter questions:
How old are you?
36 and counting
Where do you live?
East Bloomfield, NY Beautiful and rural. Can shoot guns here without killing your neighbor.
Just the wife and I in this house, but I have a LOT of extended family in the area, holidays can be rough.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
Now this is a fun question. When I grew up my dad was a chemical engineer fo Eastman Kodak in Rochester. He worked with very thin slices of film and an electron microscope to diagnose problems, and help develop new processes. He brought home GOBS of free film. It was so prevalent in our house that I had no interest in it, besides I had ants to collect and fires to build. I dabbled with pinhole cameras, and played in development chemicals for a few school projects, but never got overly involved.
My dad shot occasionally, mostly on slide film. We still come over to watch slides, and nothing really compares to it. Digital has a ways to go to catch up to a 100" projection IMHO.
I picked up a Pentax P&S camera for a trip to the mountains one summer, as an upgrade to my P&S people cam (did nothing fancy with it), and took some panoramic images, but wasn't all that enthused. A big SLR was out of the question since I was already toting a 100lb pack, or riding a mountain bike.
Then along came digital, and I started to get the itch. I am a gadget nut, and a digital camera really appealed to me. However I waited until 5Mp was common so my pickiness would match my expectations. I went and bought a Sony V1 since it had fantastic output and a manual setting so I could learn.
I have learned a LOT since that camera, but I am still only a casual photographer. I still have the V1 and its battery munching abilities, but now I have the R1, and that is really a challenging camera for me to use. DOF? Something you couldn't play with much on the V1 and its tiny aperture. The R1's aperture by comparison is a monster, and I had to learn DOF really fast. Now I shoot about 50 pics a week, and only manage to delete about 20, when I should really delete 48. Hard drive full...
What's your favorite subject?
My cat. He is a real cutie. Actually my favorite subject is lightning, as I am a high voltage experimenter when I have the time. Lightning fascinates me immensely, but storms seem so few that are favorable for this type of work. WNY is just a bad place for severe storms, in the sense we have very few.
What do you do for money?
As much as I can. During the day I work as an sr. electrical engineer for Vanteon ( ) and in the evening I am a home contractor to earn a couple extra $$$s
What other hobbies do you have?
Gardening/landscaping, shooting, high voltage experimentation (doesn't mix so well with digital), camping, hiking, biking, weather, and flying RC planes.
What do you shoot with?
I am currently using the Sony R1, and have the V1 for pocket work. Also shoot with my SS .22 magnum rifle, but don't kill anything, yet.
33 Next Week
Where do you live?
Downtown Jersey City, 6 minutes by Path from the WTC and olny a 2 minute walk from Ibby's Falafel. Look upon my neighborhood, ye mighty, and despair.
One Portuguese wife. A bunch of strange Latin relatives by marriage. Even stranger Alabama/Tennessee relatives by birth. Very very distant cousins to the Presleys, but I got neither the Talent, nor the money.
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
Strange, looking at the previouis post. My Dad was a chemical engineer for Eastman Chemical in Kingsport, Tennessee. He worked with acetates. So we couldn't even THINK about letting a roll of Fuji film into the house.
I don't remember the model of my first camera. I was around 9. A disposable kodak with the flash cubes and the 135 canister. My first "real" camera was a Minolta I borrowed occasionally fom my Dad. I then moved up in the early 90s to my favorite set of Cameras ever. A Praktica fully manual for 35mm, and a Flexaret VI for medium format. A Zenit TTL for backup. I got both for under $10 each, and they worked great. A crackhead (I assume) broke into my house in 2001 and stole all my gear, so I went back to an old Konica that my Uncle was getting rid of.
Now I shoot a 20d for Digital (I got into digital purely due to cost, but found that the high volumes possible have made me a much better photographer.) and a venerable Pentacon Six TL for film.
What's your favorite subject?
Abandoned and wierd places, people doing strange stuff. I like to feel that, with my photos, I am showing people things that they wouldn't normally see. Those are the kinds of photos I like to see from other people as well.
What do you do for money?
Chemical Industry. Specifically- chemicals prodcued from Cashew Nutshell Liquid. Yes, Industrial nuts.
What other hobbies do you have?
Learning Foreign Languages. Reading bad SciFi and detective novels. Visiting places on vacation that make my mother very nervous.
What do you shoot with?
Canon 20d, the queen of mid range cameras. 35-135 USM
Pentacon 6 TL, 80mm 2.8 Zeiss Jena Biometar
How old are you?
I'm 17 soon to be 18
Where do you live?
I live in East TN, but I was born in Ontario Canada
I have 2 brothers, 1 sister, 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 parents and 1 family who hides when the camera comes out
How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
I pretty much started with digital, I decided to join the yearbook staff at school last year and got spoiled with a Digital Rebel and various other film SLRs. I bought a Sony W1 soon after that and just recently got my Nikon D50. Now i'm the editor and can use (or talk the advisor into buying) pretty much any camera
What's your favorite subject?
I'll pretty much shoot anything, but my favorite is sports. I love being able to capture the action.
What do you do for money?
Right now I'm working at a K Mart as a cashier (I really really hate retail!!!!) but i'm going to college to become a CPA (exciting to the max!)
What other hobbies do you have?
I'm a Little League umpire and enjoy calling ball games, I also love just messing arround with different computer programs trying to figure out how they work.
Only thing I don't like about the area is this weekend!
My Gallery
Well for starters my name is David, I'm 30 (going to be 31 in a week give or take). I live in Iowa and I hate the cold. My wife and I bought a digital camera (Kodak C310) a few weeks ago and I just started playing with it. I have some ideas for pictures I would like to take when it gets a little warmer. Have a great day all!
Welcome to Dgrin Vlad. Nice to finally have a real impaler here!