What's your story?



  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 15, 2004
    SnapApple and gingerSnap
    snapapple wrote:
    My name is snappy. I'm married to a lawyer and I work as a paralegal. My hobbies are gardening, crafts and photography.

    I've always been an artistic person. I had a number of my water colors displayed in the "display case" when I was in grade school. My favorite class in highschool was art. I wanted to go to art school after highschool, but my parents said it was frivolous. So, I got a job with the phone company and then got married after a year. (Amazingly, my husband and I are still married after all these years. And, happily, I might add.) I continued working for the phone company as a service rep until I had my first child. I have three kids now, all grown, and my son has twin boys, age 7.

    I've always been a snapshot taker. Hence the name (plus my last name). But


    That name thing is interesting. I, for a few years, have signed things, Photography by ginger. That was taken at smugmug, so I finally came up with gingerSnap. An old boy friend used to call me "snap", for gingersnap, so the name means something to me. I don't like using a last name, I have my legal name, Mary, after my mother, I use it for legal type things, I am proud of it. but I have been "ginger" all of my life. I have been married more than once, I say that my name, ginger, has been the constant with all the last names coming and going. I don't use one now if I can help it.


    I never made trouble, trouble made me.
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2004
    We seem to have something in common...
    ginger_55 wrote:

    About the name, my last name is actually appel. It means apple in Dutch. I used apple with the snap because people often call me apple. I guess we both have been "snapshot" takers. So we are both snappy. My first name is actually Susan.

    My daughter majored in Literature and Art in college. I guess you and I are both "right brained" people who passed the gene on to our kids. My husband is a "left brained" person. Majored in Math and Science. Numbers and I do not get along well. I am happiest in a creative environment.

    I was born in California. Have lived here all my life. I do love to travel though. I love to see the photos of the different locales on this site.

    I grew up in Los Angeles. We lived, for a few years, in the high dessert. We had 11 acres and some chickens, ducks, sheep, & several dogs and cats. I rode the horses of my friends even though I didn't have my own horse. I always wanted one.

    My husband and I started out in Northern California. He was going to college there. We moved to San Diego in 1973 because he took a new job. We moved out here to the country in 1999 to decompress. We wanted space and peace and quiet.

    This is more like the place where I lived as a kid. Lots of people have horses. Some even have a few chickens. We have 4 acres, fruit trees, a big vegetable garden, and two large dogs. The coyotes howl at night and the crickets sing outside the bedroom window. I have a bird feeder outside the breakfast room window and several hummingbird feeders in the garden. I can't get pictures of the hummingbirds because I don't have a big enough zoom on my camera. I guess I could get out the film camera with the Tamron lens. But, I don't want to scan pictures.

    Enough rambling... I'll have to post some more pictures of my yard and view. Good to know you, ginger.
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 16, 2004
    Speaking of heaven, we live in heaven too. We have peace, quiet, and open space. Our kitchen windows have a view that looks across the valley to the ocean. We are so high that we often look down on the fog. Here's one of my favorite pictures of the view from our deck. Taken after a rain in March.


    Here's one of a foggy morning in January. I took this from the hill above the house where I used to hike every day with the dogs. I will be hiking up there again soon. I am almost completely recovered from my heart attack.

    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    You must be in the East county then, Snappy, yes? Or north? I sort of miss San Diego, but am so very much looking forward to my impending move up to Tahoe.
    WAIT! That wasn't taken up on Cowles Mountain, was it? If so, I used to live off Lake Murray, and my apartment had a view of the peak of Cowles. I wish you the best in your recovery. I miss the hikes I would take with my dog (and all the neighbor's dogs), I'll never again be able to do such hiking. A shame considering what there is up in Tahoe, but you have to roll with the punches, don't you? (I wouldn't be very nice to be around were I to have worse handicaps, I'm afraid.)

    Ginger, the words, with the picture, are incredibly evocative. Truly the artist, it seems to permeate everything you do and say.
    Youth and Enthusiasm
    Are No Match For
    Age and Treachery
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    lost response...........
    I answered you, Seamaiden, and Snappy, a long heartfelt correspondence. When I tried to send it I lost my server......lost my post........

    I will try to send something later.

    Snappy, you do live in heaven.

    Seamaiden, why won't you be able to hike?


    (Where are all the people? I mean like Lynnma, Rutt and can't think who else.)
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Yep, East County
    Seamaiden wrote:
    You must be in the East county then, Snappy, yes? Or north? I sort of miss San Diego, but am so very much looking forward to my impending move up to Tahoe.
    WAIT! That wasn't taken up on Cowles Mountain, was it? If so, I used to live off Lake Murray, and my apartment had a view of the peak of Cowles. /QUOTE]

    If you look closely in the first picture you will see, just to the left of center, Mt. Helix; just to the right of center is Cowles Mountain. We follow the seasons by the sun's transit between Mt. Miguel and Cowles Mountain. Right now it sets just a hair south of Cowles Mt. At the solstice, on June 22, it set directly behind Cowles Mt. In December it will be behind Mt. Miguel. I take lots of pictures of sunsets, but the best are in the winter. It's too hazy now. Smog on the horizon, I think. On a clear day in Winter we can see San Clemente Island. We can also see the big flag at the Tijuana border crossing, with binoculars of course. It's just a red speck without them.

    We were just in Lake Tahoe for my neice's wedding in June. It's so beautiful. I'm sure you"ll love it. You can take lots of great pictures to share with us.
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • happysnapperhappysnapper Registered Users Posts: 224 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2004
    About me
    I have just read through this thread, and what a great idea....
    Its been good to read all about the different people on this site and put somewhat of a 'face' to the names.

    Well heres me...

    I am 33 years old and married (for 2 1/2 years). We have no children to date and both Anthony and I work full time. Anthony is a youth worker and I work for the Australia Government. By the way, my name is Yvette! (pronounced E-vet). We live in Adelaide, South Australia, which I think is the most beautiful state in Australia. We have so much in this state.... national parks, deserts, prestine coastlines, amazing beaches, parklands galore, vineyards (x many) blah, blah, blah... I love South Australia. My family all live on the East Coast (near Sydney and Canberra), and my husbands family all live here in South Australia.

    I have always had a keen interest in photography and bought my first camera when I was 14 y/o (it was bright red and I even had a name for it). About 4 years ago I lashed out and boughht an SLR Minolta with 2 lenses and later that year bought a macro lens too. This is where I really started to experiement. I have completed a few short courses at the local TAFE where I have picked up some very useful tools/tips. I only bought my digital camera approx 4 months ago... and I only found the digital zoom last weekend!!! I am learning heaps from theis website (so thanks to all everyone for making this web site the best)... I love shooting people (thats really my thing) and I loooooove close ups, although today I viewed the blur thread and I can see this fast becoming a favorite. I also life shooting still life, but again close ups... I love MACRO.

    My favorite hobby is photography (without a doubt) and after spending a few weeks skanking through this web site realise I want to learn so much more... a dream would be to one day sell some of my photos. Im so inspired by the people on this web site... thank you!
    Im looking into studying next year (just part time) something in Arts (majoring on photography) or something along these lines anyway..

    Other favorite things to do for me.... walking along the beach (we live approx 5 mins from the beach), going on big drives in the country and movies.... lurve movies.

    well thats me.... look forward to getting to know you all better and seeing some great drive by shootings!!!

    :roflhappily snapping
  • nadinadi Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited October 20, 2004
    hello hello
    Thought I may as well introduce myself too...

    My real name's Corina ("nadi" has evolved over the last 7 years from my first email addy). I'm 24, but having a birthday in just over a week to commemorate a quarter-century inhabiting this body of mine. I live in Perth, Western Australia.

    Like happysnapper's man, I am a youth worker. I am also one of those seemingly dying breeds of people who just love their jobs. I work in a youth detox centre, helping young people coming off drugs. Its hard work but a lot of fun and very rewarding. Next year I plan to try my luck getting into postgrad study in counselling, and do that while working at the same time.

    I haven't been into photography that long, though I've always been interested in it. I went to high school in a small town where only a few students got the chance to learn photography, and I always had a chip on my shoulder about missing out. Later I just didn't have the money to get hold of the resources. My first big purchase when I got my first "real" job 18 months ago was my Canon EOS 300D (think its called a "rebel" in the US), and a photo printer. My housemate gave me his copy of photoshop, and I was all set. The only thing I had to do was learn! And so here I am....

    Some people may not like this, but my favourite part of digital photography is the computer work. This may be because its the fastest part to learn, so I'm better at it than the technical camera work. But I love to get an image and really mess with it creatively, changing it to something really different from the original. I love the freedom of knowing if something I do just doesn't work, I can always undo it or just start again. A lot of the time I don't alter my photos much at all, but my favourite images are always the extreme photoshop makeovers.

    My other major interest is tarot, which I've been doing since I was 12. After I finished uni I worked in a new age shop doing readings for a while (and loved it, it just wasn't a career), but now that I have other mean$ I read the cards for free, via word of mouth. One of my dreams is to use digital photographs to make my own deck of cards and have them published.

    Other than that, I'm also into yoga and sailing, and I love live music more than almost anything.

    Looking forward to learning more from you all, and sharing what I can...
    The careful man tries to dodge the bullets.... while the happy man takes a walk.
    Mark Oliver Everett
  • Head in the CloudsHead in the Clouds Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2004
    ok, ok, ok, my turn!!

    mmmm where to start.....

    i'm 26 years old, married to a wonderful man called Tim and have a gorgeous little girl called Morgan (that's her in my avatar) she's 8 1/2 months old and is (as we speak) pulling washing off the clothes horse (this has kept her entertained long enough for me to read most of this thread!!!)

    I live in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. I agree with Yvette, Adelaide is, without a doubt, the best State in Australia (sorry Nari! - i have heard Perth is very pretty though!:D )

    I actually work with Yvette, so we get to talk about the wonderful happenings on 'dgrin' at work! Its really nice to be able to share the photography passion ! Before working for the Goverment, I was a Para Legal/Legal Secretary in a Family Law Firm. That was way to draining and didn't pay well..... so here I am - a public servant! rolleyes1.gif

    I am an only child and was raised by two hippy arty farty parents (both the most wonderful people on the planet). They both regularly sell their own art, have exhibited, and worked in the industry for about 30 odd years. BUT somehow I came out with only a vague ability to draw/paint etc. Needless to say i'm a little anoyed about that, i mean - what are the odds!.

    But, that is what got me into photography. My inability to create a beautiful image with my hands meant that i had no choice but to use this wonderful medium called photography to do it for me!

    My parents bought me a minolta slr after they thought i was going to trash their's, and it was probably cheaper for them to get me my own!. All they really told me about photography was to make sure the little arrow in that line thing was in the middle of the line, do that by moving this things at the front around, and i should be able to get some good photos. Amazingly enough it worked. headscratch.gif

    But when I bought my digital camera, I realised just how little i knew about photography ie: apature, shutter speed, f stops, ISO, lenses etc etc. Soooooo, I have promised myself that I won't take my camera out of 'manual' setting until I understand exactly what it all does!

    So, that's me. Thanks to those to who take the time to read.
    I love this site and it is really inspiring and gets me out learning and having fun!clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif

    Enjoying (online) photography!

    Canon EOS 30D
    Sigma 10-20
    Canon 75-300 f4-5.6
    Canon 18-55
    Canon 50 f1.8
    Canon 430EX
  • miketaylor01miketaylor01 Registered Users Posts: 318 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2004
    All About Me...
    Alright im normally pretty long winded here so I will try to keep this short.. Im sure some of you are saying good luck right nowrolleyes1.gif

    You all already know my name and I am 24 and single. I was born just outside of DC and lived outside of annapolis until I went off to college. Funny I lived in the same town for the first 17 years of my life and in the last 7 years I have lived in 3 states and 3 different countries. I went to college at West Point in New York and after graduation in 2001 I went straight into flight school in southern Alabama. I fly Uh-60 Blackhawks now. That was a long but fun year and a half after which I was assigned to a unit in Ansbach, Germany just west of Nurnberg. Traveled all over Europe to include Spain, Italy, Czech, Croatia, Switzerland and Austria in the first year I was in Germany. At the end of that year my unit was deployed and i am now currently living in one of Saddam's old palaces in Tikrit.

    How I got into Photography: It all started with a B&W photography class in HS where I bought my first SLR, a Minolta X-700. I From the first shots I took for that class I have never looked back and have an attachment to B&W images. This might also be fueled by the Ansel Adams calanders my mother always bought for my father every christmas and have adorned our kitchen since I can remember. Anyways.. I still own the X-700 and have been taking photos with it off and on for the last 10 years, but for some stupid reason thought it would be dumb to bring my whole SLR setup to the desert with me. Well I didnt miss not having it until after spending my first 6 months in Iraq flying I was sent to work as a liason officer in a headquarters where I spend 12 hours a day every day without ever having a day off sitting behind a desk with no entertainment besides the internet doing a job that is nowhere near as much fun as what I was doing previously. This is all leading somewhere dont worry.. lol. Well I bought a Sony DSC-T1 a couple months back as an easy way to take photos of here for family and friends back home but never really had the time to send that many of them back home. So when I got this job my father bought me a smugmug account so I would have a reason to share these pictures with them, hence my really lame username. So I uploaded all my pics to smugmug, which I love BTW, and then saw the link for the Dgrin challenges and decided to take a look. Lets just say I have gotten addicted. After looking at all the wonderful work that is done here I longed to take better images than my little T1 was capable of and this led to me looking into a DSLR. Once again my father to the rescue, when I told him this he get really excited and told me I should get the Sigma SD10. I did my research and found an auction offering 2 SD9 bodies and some lenses and now both of us are Sigma users who paid a fraction of what the equipment is worth. Lets just say after seeing what this camera is capable of in my untrained hands I am very very very happy with the decision.

    Ok all you who snikered when they read the first line in this post turned out to be right. Sorry this was so long but I couldnt stop typing once I got started and I thought alot of you might have been a little curious as to where I was coming from with my work. This site is by far the best forum I have encountered and am glad I found it when I did. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you stuck through to this point.

    Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
  • luckyrweluckyrwe Registered Users Posts: 952 Major grins
    edited December 25, 2004
    Hello there everyone! I just found these forums tonight and I felt right at home when I read the posts. I plan to plant myself here more often.

    My name is Robert and I live in Angelus Oaks, California. The town only has 190 people in it so you can stop by our little country store, ask for me, and they will point you my way. I am 42 years old but don't feel it at all.

    As for family, I married Amy in 1998, who also enjoys photography. In fact when I first met her (online) we talked about cameras and she mentioned that she had a Nikon FM (which is a manual camera). I asked who gave it to her, she said she picked it out herself to shoot black and white. We have been together since.

    No kids of my own, I spent too much time traveling the world in the Army to even think of putting a kid or kids through that mess.

    I got into photography when I was about 8. I was watching a "Tennessee Tuxedo" cartoon where he wanted to learn photography, and I was hooked. My big break came in 1980 in high school. Silver hit $50 an ounce and I had amassed a coin collection that was worth a pretty good Nikon setup after I cashed it in. I shot for my school paper and yearbook, and managed to get some shots published in the local paper.

    I have about 1500 rolls of film catalogued of all my shots. Then I went digital and really went crazy. My 6 month old Canon 1D Mark II has over 16,000 activations. I have owned Nikon, Canon, Leica, Minolta and Contax.

    My favorite subject is anything to do with fast action. Hummingbirds, people in stop action moments. Because of that my favorite lenses would be anything over 300mm and a 20mm with reverse lens adapter.
    Right now I do maritime photography. Here is a picture of me "at work." Best job I could ever love.

    Nice to meet everyone!

  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited December 25, 2004
    That is a very cool photo of you, Robert. Did your wife take it? Welcome to dgrin. It is a great place.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • luckyrweluckyrwe Registered Users Posts: 952 Major grins
    edited December 25, 2004
    Actually that photo was sort of an "initiation." I shoot from a car, boat, or helicopter. At this time I shot from a boat, and my driver "dared" me to step out onto the ship. I did and he pulled away and took this picture! Thankfully he came back and got me.

    Thanks for the welcome, Ginger. I hope I can contribute here!
  • chuckhchuckh Registered Users Posts: 224 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2004
    I was born in 1959 and live in Spokane, Washington. I am married to a beautiful woman and we have 6 wonderful children. The children range in age from 9 to 22 years old, with 2 in college right now. We are truly the Brady bunch and are always on the look-out for Alice the housekeeper! I am employed as the Enterprise Technology Architect for the MatrixOne group at Agilent Technologies.

    I completed a Basic Mountaineering course with the Mazama climbing club when I was 14 years old and I wanted to take pictures of my climbing activities. My first photos were snapped with a simple range finder. They were grainy but I really enjoyed sharing my pictures with my friends and family. I started spending time at a small photography equipment retail store in Gresham, Oregon and I had my eyes on a black body Canon FTb.

    I worked all Summer at a plant nursery where I earned enough money for my new Canon camera, climbing gear and a few school clothes. My parents still have a photo that I took when I was 15 while climbing the Reid glacier on Mt. Hood hanging on their wall.

    My Senior year of High School, I was the photography editor of our yearbook. I enjoyed taking action, group and candid photos of my schoolmates. I spent a fair amount of time in the darkroom learning how to develop film and making prints for page layouts.

    I went to college for one year on an academic scholarship before climbing mountains and drinking beer became a higher priority for me. ne_nau.gif After my freshman year in college I purchased my first motorcycle. It was a brand new 1978 Kawasaki KZ650. I loved that bike and rode it to many climbs in the North Cascades.

    After 2 years off, I regained my senses, clap.gif returned to college and completed coursework for a Bachelor of Science Computer Science degree from the college of Electrical Engineering at the University of Idaho.

    I purchased a Canon EOS 10S several years later as my wife was finding it difficult to focus the Canon FTb camera manually. My renewed interest in motorcycling piqued my interest in digital photography. Our first digital camera was an Olympus C2040 . I purchased a 1996 R1100GS BMW located in San Diego, CA. I flew down and rode 1500 miles home in 2 days to Spokane, WA. I now ride a 2003 Yamaha FJR 1300 and participate in Iron Butt Association and MERA long distance riding events when possible.

    Because of the time to record an image (and other attributes) of the digicam I now enjoy taking pictures with my Canon 10D DSLR. I have much to learn about photography and Photoshop digital work flow. This forum has been a great learning resource. I enjoy the photos and knowledge of all the talented members who share their photography and their "world" with us here on dgrin.
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2004
    Lucky, that's an awesome photo! It's great to have you here, buddy. I really look forward to seeing your work. Do you have a site we can browse?

    Chuckie baby, glad to see you introduce yourself! Hey everybody, Chuck's a great citizen and a refugee from Baldy's other site, that scurrilous motorcycle place.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2004
    Uh, Lucky, I have a feeling there's something you're not telling us!


    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • fishfish Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2004
    I just reread this thread from the beginning for the first time in months. What a blast! It's a pleasure to meet all you fine people. Welcome to da grin.

    "Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston
    "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
  • chuckhchuckh Registered Users Posts: 224 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2004
    wxwax wrote:
    Chuckie baby, glad to see you introduce yourself! Hey everybody, Chuck's a great citizen and a refugee from Baldy's other site, that scurrilous motorcycle place.
    Thanks Waxie. thumb.gif
  • RedRed Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited January 1, 2005
    My story
    My name is Rachel, I have red hair and I am called by the nickname Red. I was born in Salt Lake City but grew up in Western Kentucky. As a child I hated my hair color and often wished it was different, not red. Growing up I often was called carrot top, but I retored with a carrot top is not red it is green and a carrot is orange.:D Ha! Ha! Now as I am now at the age of twenty-five I am learning that my hair, being red, has made me the person I am today. Now I can laugh at carrot top and even bought a shirt that said carrot top, also I now just hear the dirty jokes about redheads, but they make me laugh and I don't mind. I guess growing up I had to come up with something a bit more cleaver, but on the same maturity level so for people with brown hair I would call them potatoe heads, at least I had my colors right!!!!!!!!!!!!!clap.gif
    That was my childhood but as an adult I learned to appreciate the different, the unusual point of veiw, and up until recently. I discovered I inherited my mothers artistic perception and eye for art. Ansel Adams is also someone that inspired me to start taking pictures, but now I would have to say my friend Bobby has been a great inspiration for me. I have taken three years of black and white photography and learned also how to develope my own pictures, also we had to use cameras that would allow you to mannual set your camera. I have a fully mannual minolta camera that I learned on, it was very hard and I had a lot of blank rolls of film. Now I also have a minolta Dimage1, and by using this camera on mannual I have learned a great deal more on the settings of my f-stop and shutter speed. I hope to one day open my own studio and call it Studio RED!!!!!!!!!!!
    It was very nice to read about everyone and I hope to enjoy more of everyone's past, present and future in photography.
  • blackwaterstudioblackwaterstudio Registered Users Posts: 779 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2005
    Well lets see where to start.

    My name is Jeremy, I have lived in Western North Carolina for 25 years. I live in a town called Maggie Valley. I've had many hobby's growing up, shooting, hunting, fishing, etc. I got into photography about a year ago, started reading reviews on camera, etc. Photography has become my many hobby.

    When I'm not taking pictures I'm a full time police officer. I love my job, worked very hard to get where I am now. I'm also on the S.W.A.T. team. That has been one of the largest most hardest things to accomplish. I have also set a goal of becoming a K-9 officer, I have always loved working with dogs and thats one of the main reason's I wanted to get into law enforcement.

    Here's a photo of me after a raid on 5 meth houses, found 2 working meth labs, 6 arrested, 1 dead.

  • KbikeKbike Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
    edited February 4, 2005
    Hi All, I’m Clif in Boulder, Co. I’m 60 and a retired Television Engineer. I started riding British bikes in the 60’s and bought my first camera, a Minolta SRT-101 in Vietnam in 1968. Ever since, I’ve been riding and taking pictures. My problem is that I can’t seem to sell anything after I buy a new toy, so I have all of my film cameras including a Nikon N2002 and a couple of point and shoots. Digital cameras are a Nikon 885, Pentax S40, and a Canon Digital Rebel. I also have 10 motorcycles in the garage and the basement.

    I just joined this group, although I’ve been viewing it off and on for the last year. Photography is just a hobby for me, but I’ve learned a lot from all of the discussions on this list, and hope to learn a lot more.

    Most of my pictures are from vacations and motorcycle trips. Now that I have free time on my hands I hope to travel with my SO to more exotic places.

    You can some of my pictures at http://www.kbike.smugmug.com


  • purifiedpurified Registered Users Posts: 173 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2005
    My name is Kelly and I am young at the age of 16. I have a feeling I am the youngest member here.

    I live in Rochester, MN with my family, of course. I've been a photographer for almost a year now. I take a photographer's course and I currently take pictures for a local newspaper and for Helpingteens.org, a teen forum. Photography is not a fling for me, I am seriously considering it as a profession in a few years. If not, I am at least going to get a major in it. I spent 6 months using a very very cheap, 1.0mp camera and recently bought a very nice 6.0mp canon. Although, I am now saving for a much more expensive one. After taking pictures a few weeks, I knew I had something and sought out every opportunity I could to gain more experience.

    I love doing portraits and still life. Since I have many limits because of my age, most are self-portraits, so I do not spend much time on portraits anymore. Color is so important to me in a photograph, so I rarely use black and white unless it fits the photograph perfectly.

    For money, I work at a theatre box office. Not much, but it's what I need to save up for a better camera. :)

    My other hobbies include charcoal drawing, creative writing, digital art, and music composition (piano and viola).

    I love it here and hope to learn a lot from others.
    Purified Photography
    Updated June 5 2007

  • GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2005
    fish wrote:
    This is one of those "Tell us about yourself" threads.

    Some starter questions:

    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
    What's your favorite subject?
    What do you do for money?
    What other hobbies do you have?
    I am 26 years old, ive been told I look around 20 years old, but I feel around 30 years old, hehe.

    I live in Eastern Ontario, Canada.

    Im currently engaged to a beautiful southern belle.

    Ive been shooting film for quite a while, but most of that was with a p&s film camera. Starting around 2000 I started to get more intersted in photography and took as many pictures as I could afford at the time. Then a couple years ago I got my first/only digital camera, Fuji 3800. Since getting that camera, I think ive taken over 15,000 pictures but im not sure, it resets the counter each time I download the pictures, and I erase the ones I dont like right away. It did what I needed at the time but its time to upgrade.

    I would love to get the Canon 20d. Well Id love to get the Canon 1Ds Mark II but thats not realistic any time soon. But due to finances I may have to go for the Rebel 300d for the time being, then use it for a backup when I get a better one. And also the lenses I would like to get for it would be something like the Sigma 28-105mm F2.8-4 for weddings/portraits/scenery, and a Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 for wildlife. Thier both around the $200us mark.

    Ive taken some photography and photoshop college classes so out of that I got a canon rebel film slr, Vivitar 285hv flash, and alot of b&w negatives and slides. Ive learned how to use a slr manually which I prefer to do now, at least in aperature/shutter priorities depending on the situation. And ive learned how to use an off camera flash. Im pretty familiar with PS 7 and CS as well.

    My favourite subject for now is scenery and wildlife. I was able to take alot of pictures of some Canada geese last spring, so hopefully Ill be able to do the same thing this spring before I move down south. I havent really taken any pictures lately. Its been way to cold here, or ive been to busy or tired when we had warmish weather.

    Last summer I worked as a wedding photographer assistant and I really enjoyed myself. I know itll probably be more stressful when I do it on my own since the responsabilities will be on my shoulder but I look forward to doing it. Ive also sold some prints at a craft show, but not nearly as much as I had hoped. I printed off twenty-four 8x10's, and I came out even by the end of the show, thanks to a woman that bought two framed prints, and a 3rd for 50% off, within half an hour of the show ending. Ive also sold some stock on istockphoto, and im near the $50us mark. Just gotta double that before I can cash out. And before anyone comments, I know istock isnt a great stock site, but until I get a dslr, and a few thousand top quality pictures, I cant aproach the stock sites that pay well/reasonable. So istock is a good learning site for 2nd takes. :0)

    Other hobbies of mine are drawing, web designing *only html and limited css/java* for myself, and I enjoy the odd game of backgammon, checkers *as of lately*, dominoes, etc. I use to mostly play on yahoo games but my fiancee told me about www.pogo.com where you earn tokens from the games, that you can redeem for tickets to win money.
  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2005
    Good to see you here Gerry, It's a fun forum.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2005
    welcome to all the new folks. thanks for sharing your stories :D
  • MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2005
    fish wrote:
    This is one of those "Tell us about yourself" threads.

    Some starter questions:

    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    How long have you been shooting? Film? Digital?
    What's your favorite subject?
    What do you do for money?
    What other hobbies do you have?
    I have been here for 2 months and just noticed the wide angle forum! I'll bite at this one.

    I am 40 years old and live in Clearwater, Florida. I am an Ear, Nose, and throat doctor (booger picker). I first got into photography shooting medical photos during medical school and residency. I shot film and slides with several Nikon cameras until I purchased a D70 6 months ago. Right now my favorite subject is my new daughter (2 weeks old yesterday). My other hobbies include tennis and fine wines.

    This web site has become addictive. The challenges have been great. I've been forced to take pictures and think out of the box!

  • CosmicCosmic Registered Users Posts: 219 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2005
    Hi everyone.

    My name is Heidi. I'm 24 years old, and live in Moncton, New Brunsick, Canada. I was born and raised here. It does get cold here in the Maritimes during the winter, but I love the changing of the seasons, and being so close to the ocean. :):

    I live with my future hubby, Calvin and step son, Tyler (12). I have a 3 year old Great Dane/Lab mix named Jetta. She's a big baby! :P

    I enjoy reading, writing, horses and horseback riding, fishing, swimming, hiking, movies and of course photography.

    I work P/T as a sales clerk and full time home maker.

    I've always held an interest in photography, but could never afford it what with the developing and film ect. I was happy when digital became big, and prices on digi cams started dropping.

    My hubs got me an HP Photosmart R607 and a 256 MB mem card for Christmas! iloveyou.gif I'm really enjoying it! It's a great little camera! I love all its various features, and the pictures seem to come out fab! Its a 4.1 MP with 3x optical/7x digital zoom, audio/video clip and 32 internal mem. With my 256 card, I can take 98 full quality pics and 20 minute vid clips.

    I love to capture animals and nature most.

    I hope to get a camera with better optical zoom someday, but for now, this cam suits me fine.


    Lead me not into Temptation. I can find the way myself....

  • 4labs4labs Registered Users Posts: 2,089 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2005
    I have been a member here for a few weeks now and just discovered this thread. It's been a pleasure seeing all the wonderful photographers on here.

    My name is Eric I recently moved to Long Island from Manhattan)4 dogs in a two bedroom apt was a bit difficult.
    I never was really into photgraphy until 9/11 and now it is my biggest passion bordering on obsession. I was a money manager and while I was lucky enough to have not been downtown at the time many of my friends/colleagues were.
    You realize quickly how precious life is and I want to capture every moment. My camera is always in hand and hopefully everyone here won't mind all my questions and I'll be able to develope a bit of skill with it.
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2005
    Lots of great new members! 4labs, Cosmic, Mitchell, welcome! clap.gif 4labs, I'm sorry that the tragedy of 9/11 got you into photography, but glad that you're into the hobby. Our Andy's in your neck of the woods, maybe someday you guys can hook up.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • 4labs4labs Registered Users Posts: 2,089 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2005
    wxwax wrote:
    Lots of great new members! 4labs, Cosmic, Mitchell, welcome! clap.gif 4labs, I'm sorry that the tragedy of 9/11 got you into photography, but glad that you're into the hobby. Our Andy's in your neck of the woods, maybe someday you guys can hook up.
    Thnxs Sid .. there is a bright side to everything I guess..I am hoping to take a workshop/private lesson with Andy which will be very cool...
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