Cheaters never win! (an LPS example and lesson)
I guess it was only a matter of time, but after only 3 rounds, we've had our first cheater. It's not bringing me any joy to do this, but I want to make it clear that cheating will not be tolerated, hence, let me review what happened.
The entry in LPS3 had a manually typed date of April 08, 2007:

Very shortly after the close of the thread, and before I had a chance to review all the entries thoroughly myself, an anonymous user sent me a PM alerting me that this photo had been posted on another forum, some time ago. I was sent a screen shot from this forum:

To be thorough, I simply saved the image that was submitted to our contest and read the exif, and true enough, it indicated the shot was much too old for the contest:

This is a big contest, with really big stakes, and while I hope things stay very friendly around here, as is the dgrin way, this was a case of zero tolerance. The entry was disqualified, and the user has been banned.
What's the moral of the story here?
The entry in LPS3 had a manually typed date of April 08, 2007:

Very shortly after the close of the thread, and before I had a chance to review all the entries thoroughly myself, an anonymous user sent me a PM alerting me that this photo had been posted on another forum, some time ago. I was sent a screen shot from this forum:

To be thorough, I simply saved the image that was submitted to our contest and read the exif, and true enough, it indicated the shot was much too old for the contest:

This is a big contest, with really big stakes, and while I hope things stay very friendly around here, as is the dgrin way, this was a case of zero tolerance. The entry was disqualified, and the user has been banned.
What's the moral of the story here?
1) cheaters never win.
2) there's always someone watching!
But most importantly, and the main reason I'm doing this in public:
2) there's always someone watching!
3) EXIF is very important! We will have to be even more strict than before in demanding that proper date-shot information be included with all entries. This means manually entered date information is NOT sufficient! As the contest continues to grow we will not be able to PM everyone and hold your hand with this. If we are not satisfied that your entry was shot during the contest period, it will be disqualified, no discussion.
Thanks for reading, folks, now let's get back to shooting! :nod Since 2004...
Any suggestions on how to keep the quality on a large file without "Save for Web" which strips out the exif?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus
As for your tech question: You should be using "save as". This should not ruin your quality, at all. On the contrary, it preserves exif and all parameters. All "save for web" does is compress the image even further, particulary in terms of reducing the number of colors it saves. I may be mistaken here, so tech nerds, feel free to correct. I do however, use "save as" exclusively, and I can confirm that my linked images look great and they have their exif in tact.
Seriously, this is bad news. Good on the informant for letting us know
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus
I guess film and old P&S shooters are SOL here at LPS then - no exif whatsoever... Oh, well, it's "Digital Grin" afterall
You're right, this is Digital grin, but we don't want to limit this to the dslr crowd. There are ways of confirming photos. I don't want to get off on a specific tangent here, but let's just say we have, and will encounter this in the future, and will handle/have handled it on an individual basis.
Yup, just do a Save As... and that should work.
If you are using Photoshop Elements or Lightroom you should also be able to export from both at 800x800 with high quality and retain all your EXIF
I wouldn't use Save For web - that makes a lower quality image for use on the web rather than a high quality contest image.
Anyway, bummer about the cheater, but
Great job!
The only digi cams without exif? Mobile phones.
With 3.2MP mobiles getting common, it wont be long before someone takes a masterpiece shot with those. Infact any good 2MP phone cam can take great pics in bright sunlight.
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My kudos to you then!
Also. I always just shoot RAW (CR2), but I think SmugMug only accepts JPG files.
Also again. I have a love for HDR, healthy or not. I'm pretty sure this strips the EXIF. But I do hold on to the original(s), out-of-the-camera files. Would you be willing to verify from these?
Thanks for any help.
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That's exactly what I did and it's in the original instructions. In fact, I double checked before going out on my shoot just to be safe.
You're like the King of Answers. I guess I'm like a walking question-mark.
I'll try to behave.
If you are linking your photo from SmugMug, or anywhere else on the web that your image may be hosted, only the 800px size rule applies.
clear as mud?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus
Maybe I should've gabbed in these forums a bit, but I thought I'd spare everyone that pain. My wife doesn't even listen to me anymore, hehe.
The rules page could be clearer on this point. Here is what it says:
Note the "." after 150Kb in size? There's nothing in there at all about a linked vs. attached images. I would change it to something along the lines of
See some of Shay's other posts: we're stuck between writing a book of rules, that no one will read, and letting you figure some stuff out on your own. you're here to learn not only photo technique, but dealing with life as a photog. It ain't always gonna be handed to you on a platter.
btw, we're straying off the point with file sizes and rule technicalities here. this thread is about nailing down the importance of a very blunt point: play fair, and don't expect handholding - if your entry smells funny, we're throwing it out.
Does that mean I can't shoot spoiled cheese for LPS4 The Photo Section
(thanks, I needed that)
In the future, do you want exif for all involved exposures in an HDR? I submitted an HDR to challenge #2, and with it I sumbitted the EXIF of the middle exposure. Seemed fair and simple, but I wouldn't mind knowing exactly what you guys needed in the future.
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In my case it looks a little different than the original because I didn't do all my PP (cloning, etc) until after I did the merge, but it's obvous that the exif is from one of the merged photos.
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Yay, Slippy! Glad you're here.
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*runs & hides*
Lynne wasn't the only one that noticed....... you? behave?...... riigghhhttt!
I asked this before, and the answer was a big no no for submiting film entries...
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