The Watermark Thread

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SmugMug Help - Watermarking
Some tips:
Another tip from Anne McBean:
SmugMug Help - Watermarking
Some tips:
- Make it readable!
- Use smooth, anti-aliased fonts
- Experiment with the "fade amount" and get it juuust enough but not too strong
Another tip from Anne McBean:
AnneMcBean wrote:Maybe this isn't not clear enough in the help section, but the watermarking in "customize gallery" refers to the automatic watermarking SmugMug can do as you add photos to that gallery.
For removing or adding watermarks after they are in a gallery, use the "watermarking" photo tool. You'll be able to select photos in bulk.
Note: No need to remove the proof watermark first, just add a different watermark and it will replace the PROOF automagically.
Anyhow, I would like to add that sizing seems to be a small issue, nothing major, but as a matter of convenience mostly. It would be ideal if a single watermark would have a proportional size, rather than its static size and if there were a slider to set "size" at the time we also set transparency. Just mt 2c, otherwise, BRAVO!!
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Andy, I have Photoshop CS, but it will not run on my MacBook. Won't even start. Was hoping it would run in Rosetta, but no go. Would love to make a custom watermark. Any other program you could suggest on the Mac?
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
I was not aware that CS won't run on a Macbook. Isn't it time you upgaded to CS2?
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Well, yes, I would love to. And will do that when I can. For now, I think I've figured something else out
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter ... not perfect, but will work for me for now
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
text size
width and height
and exact wording, I'd be happy to creat you one in PSCS2 and e-mail it to you... send me either an e-mail or PM if you want my aid...
WOW- this is great that you have added this feature - SUPER HAPPY!
I have found a few possible bugs in the system
If I use the "Internet Explorer" activeX up loader it won't let you upload a PNG
If you try to crop a PNG using the cropping tools it errors out.
Nothing serious as there are work arounds but thought you guys may like to know.
Use the Standard Uploader, or the Universal Drag and Drop.
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When I go into control panel to install and proof my custom watermark it doesn't show on the sample image. I can set the fade but then have to put it on an actual image in a gallery to proof it then go back to adjust and try again. When I put it on my images it shows just fine. It just doesn't show on the proof sample. A minor inconvenience but...
Transparent PNG image.
PC winXP - Firefox.
Basic but makin' changes
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Basic but makin' changes
I created a watermark per the instructions - OK
Uploaded the watermark and did the 'make into watermark', and it shows up on the test image just fine.
But when I try to add it to my images, nothing shows up in the images - they remain without a watermark if they had none before or with the 'proof' watermark if I try to replace. What am I doing wrong?
site =
Are the images larger than 800px on the longest side?
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Here's the gallery:
Even if I select a large image (which is greater than 800px) I still don't see the watermark
They're processing, standby.
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Any idea?
SmugMug Support Hero
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Guys, we're experiencing a huge amount of new watermarking - and the new feature is really popular! Things should settle down soon as folks get photos re-watermarked.
More as I get it!
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Thanks again for the wonderful new features - I love the fact you're eliciting and reacting to your customers' requests
I applied watermarking to another gallery. No watermark either. Is anything wrong with my png?
SmugMug Support Hero
I bet you are!!!
As a grumpy person due to this one feature.. to sign on tonight and find that and digital downloads and back printing that is cool I will ask no questions I haven't tried anything yet
But you should have seen the Grin when I was customizing my gallery and came across the choose watermark option!!!
Thank you Thank You Thank You!!!