I thought that you guys said you were going to send out an email about this before our domains quit working? I waited for that and as of tonite, it quit. Luckily, one of my friends noticed it. I hope my domain wasn't working for very long. I could have lost business.
I thought that you guys said you were going to send out an email about this before our domains quit working? I waited for that and as of tonite, it quit. Luckily, one of my friends noticed it. I hope my domain wasn't working for very long. I could have lost business.
Hey Karen, we've not changed anything yet. Write us, ATTN: Doc at the help desk and we'll get you sorted/fixed up immediately, okay?
Karen as Andy said, nothing has changed that we are aware of. The email has not been sent as we are not ready to send it yet. I have been taking this time to update our help pages and train other support heros in how to make the changes.
We will give notice when we are ready. The purpose of my post was to give advance notice to users so that the change could be made and not have a bunch of panic at the last minute. You are better off making the change now than waiting. I am here to help, if you need me, please ask now so that we can get it done. Then when the email goes out, you will not be waiting on me along with a bunch of others.
Karen as Andy said, nothing has changed that we are aware of. The email has not been sent as we are not ready to send it yet. I have been taking this time to update our help pages and train other support heros in how to make the changes.
We will give notice when we are ready. The purpose of my post was to give advance notice to users so that the change could be made and not have a bunch of panic at the last minute. You are better off making the change now than waiting. I am here to help, if you need me, please ask now so that we can get it done. Then when the email goes out, you will not be waiting on me along with a bunch of others.
Then it was so strange! When my friend typed in my website by using www.karenlynchphotography.com, it said it wasn't available. I tried it and got the same message. I changed my custom domain on godaddy's site to the way you said to do it and it works fine now!
Then it was so strange! When my friend typed in my website by using www.karenlynchphotography.com, it said it wasn't available. I tried it and got the same message. I changed my custom domain on godaddy's site to the way you said to do it and it works fine now!
Ok, it is giving me the error again this morning! Here is the error.
nvalid URL
The requested URL "/", is invalid. Reference #9.ce102cc.1224941381.0
Karen, if you are getting that particular error, the domain is pointed at yournickname.smugmug.com it MUST be pointed at domains.smugmug.com exactly as I have it written.
I sent you a response from the help desk with instructions. If you need me to make the changes for you, send me the Godaddy login through the help desk. I will change settings for you.
Karen, if you are getting that particular error, the domain is pointed at yournickname.smugmug.com it MUST be pointed at domains.smugmug.com exactly as I have it written.
I sent you a response from the help desk with instructions. If you need me to make the changes for you, send me the Godaddy login through the help desk. I will change settings for you.
I tried and failed so I sent you my godaddy info. Thanks so much!
I have recently bought a domain name from name.com.au. I asked how to set up a CNAME record to point to domains.smugmug.com as suggested in the Smugmug help pages, but the Support at name.com.au set it up for me. However, when I went to change my settings in my control panel for Smugmug, it told me that the hostname was not valid. I emailed Support again and they told me that they reset it, but I am still getting the same message.
I have attached an image of what my settings look like when I log into my DNS records page. Does it look correct?
Many thanks,
Edit: I just tried typing www.everlookphotography.com in a browser window and it takes me to Smugmug's homepage. Should it not point to my homepage at dmtoh.smugmug.com? Maybe I missed something?
When did you set this up? It really can take 48 hours to fully propagate and start working. I tried and the domain does not appear to yet be updated where our servers can see it. You may need to wait a little longer. Your screenshot does look to be correct.
If you are still having trouble in the morning, send me an email on the help desk. Nick or I will get you going.
I was under the impression that after doing all this stuff with correct settings for custom domain=s that the SM bit dissapeared, in fact sometimes it seems to. Im confused ( as usual)
The yournickname.smugmug.com links will always work. That way if your custom domain should fail, you can still get to your site. I checked your domain and it is exactly as it should be. The tests indicate that it is setup correctly.
When you use www.digital-finger.com it should take you right to your site and the URL should be correct.
What you do need to do is change your links such as your bio link.
Help PLEASE!!!
My website seized working overnight which might be related to the recent upgrade regarding Domain Names. I have checked everything per the instructions (e.g. GoDaddy.com Total DNS...) and it looks like I'm pointing to the right IP address as well as CNAME is set as suggested.
I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have to point me in the right direction.
Thank you...
Folks that are getting the error message recently. This thread is not exactly related to your issue. Your problem is something a little different. You have your custom domain set with yournickname.smugmug.com That should never have worked but it did. We made some changes this weekend and it broke how that works. We did not know that this would happen so we could not warn you. The warnings for this post will be going out soon. But, if you make the changes here, you will be ahead of the curve. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will help get your domain working again as fast as possible.
If you use SmugMug's custom domain feature, you'll need to make a few (hopefully painless) changes. This includes most smugmugdomains.com customers set up before 8/20/08.
In the past, SmugMug users were instructed to set up their custom domains using a CNAME. We also had A record instructions, but with a warning that the A record may change in the future. That time has come and we are actually changing both the CNAME and A records.
You will need to edit your existing setup so that your domains CNAME points to domains.smugmug.com instead of to www.smugmug.com . It must be exactly domains.smugmug.com do not put anything else in. DO NOT point your domain at yournickname.smugmug.com no matter how tempted you may be. It will not work.
If you are using a subdomain such as photos.yourdomain.com, you may only have a CNAME or A record. You do not need both.
Also, DO NOT use domain forwarding or redirects. Those will also cause problems.
Simply put, go to your domain registrar and locate the Total DNS control, cPanel, DNS Manager, or whatever your domain host calls it.
Look for anything that points to www.smugmug.com and change it to domains.smugmug.com any IP address of should be changed to
Once you make the change you will need to wait between 1-24 hours before the updates will fully propagate.
If you get stuck making the changes, we'll be happy to unstick you. Please send via email to the help desk the name of your domain host, your domain host customer number/login ID, and set a temporary password so that we can login. Send this mail ATTN: Doc in the subject line. We will go in and make the changes for you.
If done properly, your visitors should have uninterrupted access to your SmugMug site via your custom domain. In other words, they won't know anything has changed. In some rare cases, your domain may be taken down by your domain host for 24-48 hours while the DNS settings update. So please plan accordingly.
It's best to take care of this immediately. We still have not sent out the email. We will be sending out more notifications by QuickNews, Blogs, Release Notes and Email.
There have been several requests for how to check to make sure your domain is set up correctly. I have instructions for running an NSLookup here: http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/Troubleshooting+your+CNAME+setup These are the same steps I use when checking your domains when you write the help desk.
****smugmugdomains.com users please note that in the past your domain was setup automatically with an * hostname. You probably want to delete that record and create new records as shown here: http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/GoDaddy+CNAME+Setup
Poor timing. There is something wrong with galleries not displaying. But I thought that this came in earlier. Sorry. We are working on it. If you still have trouble after we fix the problem, please let me know.
We are a aware of this issue along with a couple other links from Admin pages switching the URL. It is best that after you upload, you change the URL before giving it out if you want the custom domain in it. The URL will work, but it will not show with the custom domain.
Always check your URLS before emailing them if you are concerned about using the custom domain. I use both my custom domain and my SmugMug URL depending on what I am working on. I make a mental note to check just in case. Hopefully we can change how this works. If you are coming from the custom domain, it should stay as the custom domiain.
We are a aware of this issue along with a couple other links from Admin pages switching the URL. It is best that after you upload, you change the URL before giving it out if you want the custom domain in it. The URL will work, but it will not show with the custom domain.
Always check your URLS before emailing them if you are concerned about using the custom domain. I use both my custom domain and my SmugMug URL depending on what I am working on. I make a mental note to check just in case. Hopefully we can change how this works. If you are coming from the custom domain, it should stay as the custom domiain.
OK cheers - i'll try to remember that for future ref
Custom Domain
I just have a couple of quick questions about setting up my custom domain to point to my smug mug account. Im still a little confused on which/any/all records that I need.
I also have a quick question on Domain names, Can we have MULTIPLE domain names pointing to the same account ? I presently have www.billpador.com and would LIKE to add if possible www.billpadorphotography.com so is there a way to do this and if so HOW do I go about this procedure ?
If it matters I register my domain names with GoDaddy, Thanks
New Jersey Photographer Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member www.billpador.com
The customer support is second to none!
Oh, and yeah, don't trash those cards!
A custom domain is like this: www.docwalkersphotography.com is my custom domain. It is pointed at my SmugMug site http://docwalker.smugmug.com
The change that needs to be done is the linking between the 2.
It looks like I won't need to make any changes--I don't have my own site pointing to my smugmug page.
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We will give notice when we are ready. The purpose of my post was to give advance notice to users so that the change could be made and not have a bunch of panic at the last minute. You are better off making the change now than waiting. I am here to help, if you need me, please ask now so that we can get it done. Then when the email goes out, you will not be waiting on me along with a bunch of others.
Then it was so strange! When my friend typed in my website by using www.karenlynchphotography.com, it said it wasn't available. I tried it and got the same message. I changed my custom domain on godaddy's site to the way you said to do it and it works fine now!
Ok, it is giving me the error again this morning! Here is the error.
nvalid URL
The requested URL "/", is invalid. Reference #9.ce102cc.1224941381.0
The change is that you gotta go to domains.smugmug.com so you may as well just do that now, it takes only seconds (doc can do it for you as well).
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Oh, on smugmugs site? I've been making the changes on my godaddy site. I did notice this morning godaddy never saved the changes I made yesterday.
I sent you a response from the help desk with instructions. If you need me to make the changes for you, send me the Godaddy login through the help desk. I will change settings for you.
I tried and failed so I sent you my godaddy info. Thanks so much!
I have recently bought a domain name from name.com.au. I asked how to set up a CNAME record to point to domains.smugmug.com as suggested in the Smugmug help pages, but the Support at name.com.au set it up for me. However, when I went to change my settings in my control panel for Smugmug, it told me that the hostname was not valid. I emailed Support again and they told me that they reset it, but I am still getting the same message.
I have attached an image of what my settings look like when I log into my DNS records page. Does it look correct?
Many thanks,
Edit: I just tried typing www.everlookphotography.com in a browser window and it takes me to Smugmug's homepage. Should it not point to my homepage at dmtoh.smugmug.com? Maybe I missed something?
When did you set this up? It really can take 48 hours to fully propagate and start working. I tried and the domain does not appear to yet be updated where our servers can see it. You may need to wait a little longer. Your screenshot does look to be correct.
If you are still having trouble in the morning, send me an email on the help desk. Nick or I will get you going.
Thank you for the quick reply - it was only redone last night (I didn't know it can take up to 48 hours :wow ) so I will check again in two days!
I expect I am looking at this at f22...
I notice my links have the SM bit in them e.g. http://digital-finger.smugmug.com/gallery/3233223_XFump#405906955_NXZ88
I was under the impression that after doing all this stuff with correct settings for custom domain=s that the SM bit dissapeared, in fact sometimes it seems to. Im confused ( as usual)
The yournickname.smugmug.com links will always work. That way if your custom domain should fail, you can still get to your site. I checked your domain and it is exactly as it should be. The tests indicate that it is setup correctly.
When you use www.digital-finger.com it should take you right to your site and the URL should be correct.
What you do need to do is change your links such as your bio link.
That is causing your URL to change back to the SmugMug version. You can see more about how to make that change here: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=793374&postcount=11
I hope that helps.
My website seized working overnight
I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have to point me in the right direction.
Thank you...
Thanks for a quick response...Here is my domain;
It appears to be a Smugmug problem. All of our sites are having the same "error". There are several threads mentioning that they are working on it.
- some galleries are still displaying the 'smugmug' bit in the URL - e.g. http://digital-finger.smugmug.com/gallery/6558295_Yxe7b#417380016_taVrC
I got to it from here:
which is the gallery upload page - I clicked on the gallery name
I'm giving this link out, so Im not sure if it's going to be a problem in the future..???
Always check your URLS before emailing them if you are concerned about using the custom domain. I use both my custom domain and my SmugMug URL depending on what I am working on. I make a mental note to check just in case. Hopefully we can change how this works. If you are coming from the custom domain, it should stay as the custom domiain.
OK cheers - i'll try to remember that for future ref
I just have a couple of quick questions about setting up my custom domain to point to my smug mug account. Im still a little confused on which/any/all records that I need.
My domain is www.ronniejacksonphotography.com purchased from dotearth.com
Do I need all of the following records in order for this to work or just the Cname's??
1. A record for www.ronniejacksonphotography.com pointing to
2. A record for ronniejacksonphotography.com pointing to
3. Cname record for www.ronniejacksonphotography.com pointing to domains.smugmug.com
4. Cname record for ronniejacksonphotography.com pointing to domains.smugmug.com
Currently I have A records pointed at and have requested cnames. This stuff is confusing :cry
If it matters I register my domain names with GoDaddy, Thanks
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member