The Keeping Divamum Sane Thread

Ok, now I really will (try to) shut up and sit on my hands for 2 weeks. This is gonna KILL me! :giggle
Having just come off a 'time out' because I was a judge I understand how Divamum is feeling right about now. It wasn't quite so bad for me , I had MC2 that I could participate in. But seeing all the threads and not being able to participate I was going a little :crazy .
So Divamum, here is a place for you to babble for the next 2 weeks.
Alan Chambers
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
strangely quiet so far....
Wow, now I know y'all care :
Yeah, I know I"ve been babbling of late but honestly - my "real life" has been so difficult and stressful the last month that I think I'd have gone slightly mad without dgrin and the challenges as a place I could "create", but TOTALLY unrelated to the rest of my artistic world. And this last challenge was a particularly "chatty" one feedback-thread-wise, so I've been enjoying it.
Thanks y'all! I promise to behave. Honest I do. Really.
This can now be the catchall "coffeeshop" thread. All welcome. Have at it!
Metallica? HA! So not me
That said, we are an open-minded and mixed household here - the husband was on the road as a rock'n'roll musician for many years as well as a being a hard-core Medievalist AND post-modernist atonal kinda guy. ..... Our tastes are so ecclectic as to be laughable!!!
I move that we all keep Kiki sane too and move the discussion about languages here and mix it with everything else that comes to mind
So if Diva doesn't mind?
hyvä ajatus!
Yeah, go for it - we don't have an OT forum here, so this can be a great catchall thread for all of us. Yippee!
And the Finnish ice cream cones now have me near appoplexy since I can't even START pronouncing that (I speak French, German, a bit of Italian and can pronounce Latin, Russian and Czech, but I've never needed to learn any of the Scandinavian languages, Hungarian or Finnish - except proper names, of course, which I ALWAYS make it my business to try and pronounce right, however clumsily)
I'll let you off that one
The two ice-cream cones come from the teacher who tried (and failed) to teach me German. It was the favourite phrase in Finnish of one her German friends who came to Finland and learned it here. When the friend went back to Germany, the words 'Kaksi jäätelötötteröä' got spray painted onto the Berlin wall in letters the size of cats.
Actually, we should just have it printed on the other side of the SBONSS tshirts as an identifying marker
Here's my best guess using English phoneme spelling (and "oe" = German o umlaut)
Kah-ksee yaw-teh-l oe-t oe-teh-r oe-aw
I know, not even close but hey, I tried!
You would have got your ice cream cones with that!
I guess this is your thread too since you're also embargoed from #15. At least we can sit it out together!
The Orchestratic Metallica (No Leaf Clover) rocked. I play that video at every party.
(translation~Good move Aaron. Its easy for others to think that the few make a majority. In reality we may not be as dumb as they think.).
No Leaf Clover is by far my fav off the album.....
Diva, it is not done any justice from youtube & computer speakers....
agreed, its easy to find the 5% that have not a clue....
Anybody have any good recipes for loose sausage? (We're on a Serious Budget Drive at the moment so NOTHING is allowed to be wasted and we have 1lb of it to use up!)
Have at it.
a call out to members that just dont show up anymore....
like Satch, Seastack, LiquidAir...etc....i miss'em....
what do you think?
1pound sausage cooked with 1 small onion all browned and drained
6 eggs beaten well
1 cup bisquick
2 cups shedded cheddar cheese
1/4 stick butter
pepper to your hearts content
spray glass 9x12 baking dish with cooking oil or coat with butter. Blend all the above ingredience and pour into baking dish. Cook at 350 degrees oven untill a toothpick or fork comes out of middle clean when tested. About 30 of 40 minutes. didn't specify low calorie meal!
Oh you mean like this thread???
I don't have a recipe for "loose sausage" - I even don't know what they are...
... but I can give you a good recipe for beans and rice...
Ah... I know... if you mean ground meat, make it meat balls - with beans and rice (cajun style) it will be delicious,
... or, just with spaghetti and Italian ragout -
mmm... I'm starting to get hungry :eat ...... Facebook
Use it in a lasagne
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
I'll have some! :eat
I can, again, categorically state that target archery is really difficult when you have to shoot on an empty stomach. I just pulled off my first ever over 9 point average 30 arrow set and then lost it and slumped back 16 points over the next 30... (which is still the best 60 arrow set I think I've ever done at this distance).
Scorecard for the day, 18 meter indoor targets:
54, 55, 54, 52, 57 = 272 (9,07)
53, 51, 47, 55, 50 = 256 (8,53)
total 528 (8,80)
But I digress, the back of my mind is singing the dwarven Gold-song as "Food food food food..."
I may adopt "Dwarven" as my favorite new word (it's dwarves, believe it or not, although some people think it's dwarfs. See Stephen Sondheim's musical "Into the Woods" for a HILARIOUS exchange about dwarfs re dwarves)
So Pyry, does this mean that you particularly appreciated Jeff Meyers' entry this time out?
On the sausage front: Aaron's mention of calzone reminded me we haven't made pizza in a while so.... that's what we're having for dinner!! Mmmm...sausage and mushroom home made pizza yummmmmm...... I'll use the remainder of the meat in a breakfast casserole similar to the one JAG suggested and freeze it.
Favorite song of all time? The professional's answer: "Whichever one I'm singing tonight"
There, am I caught up now? :giggle