fyi...the pics were taken in Barrow, Alaska....both of the trucks in the pics have Alaskan license plates.
*pulls a map out* Aah, I see! You would get bears there too.
I'm glad we don't have that problem. The northern most coast of Norway is at the same latitude, but warm currents keep the ice cap and the bears on it well away. So you'll only have to worry about having to do that with a brown bear.
I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together with my husband. It was nice to not have to run around those two days. Christmas was very low-key, which is what we like. We had made some purchases for ourselves before Christmas, so it was very low-key. He had bought a GPS navigation system and I had bought a Canon 40D.
But the quiet and low-key Christmas did not last long. Yesterday we went to my in-laws out on Long Island. Fortunately it was only a 2-hour drive each way, which rarely happens. Usually one leg is 2 hours and the other leg can be 4 hours. Tomorrow we're off to NJ to see my relatives.
I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together with my husband. It was nice to not have to run around those two days. Christmas was very low-key, which is what we like. We had made some purchases for ourselves before Christmas, so it was very low-key. He had bought a GPS navigation system and I had bought a Canon 40D.
But the quiet and low-key Christmas did not last long. Yesterday we went to my in-laws out on Long Island. Fortunately it was only a 2-hour drive each way, which rarely happens. Usually one leg is 2 hours and the other leg can be 4 hours. Tomorrow we're off to NJ to see my relatives.
Good luck to you KCB - hope it all works out! Given that, as a musician, I have followed a path which I felt was a vocation, I understand. It's seldom easy, but if it's what you need to and truly want to do, then it's worth it. All the best to you with it
I had to work today too... but I celebrated Boxing Day by giving notice to my employer... yes, in a crappy economy, I'm willing to give up a job...
See, my soon-to-be-former employer (AT&T), through a joint venture between labor and management, is helping pay for me to go to umpire school, specifically the Jim Evans Academy of Professional Umpiring. It's being held in Kissimmee, FL, the spring training home of the Houston Astros. We're actually using the Astros complex (classroom, fields, batting cages) for training.
As crazy as them helping pay for it sounds, that's not why I decided to give notice today. Before finding out I'd been given the money, I had already asked for a leave of absence to go. I'd been told by my mom that she'd loan me the money if AT&T didn't pay.
No, the reason I decided to give notice is this. A week ago, I found out my request for a leave of absence had been turned down. It was almost as if they were saying, "Hey, here's the money... but you can't go." They were trying to claim that the work that was coming in next month was so important that they couldn't let me go, and they needed all hands on deck (tell that to the people who sit around on their asses all day not doing a damn thing). So, today, I wrote out my resignation and handed it to the same manager that was surprised I made it through training almost 5-1/2 years ago because I spent most of the first week with my head down on the desk because of a severe case of sinusitis (it was so bad that I went in that Friday with a temp of 102.1).
It's possible that going to the Evans academy will lead to a job in minor league baseball (one can hope), but even that small chance at a job I would absolutely love made it worth it to give up the job I have...
Thanks for listening to me rant... when they told me the leave request had been turned down, they took me into a room and shut the door because they were afraid I was going to start yelling. Only reason I didn't was because it wasn't the fault of the people telling me.
Hey Aaron, only another 48hrs to go and then we get to be "normal people" again (ok, ok, I admit it - I'm using the term "normal" loosely ) Woohoo!! Come on guys, give us some awesome pictures to look forward to!!
Hey Aaron, only another 48hrs to go and then we get to be "normal people" again (ok, ok, I admit it - I'm using the term "normal" loosely ) Woohoo!! Come on guys, give us some awesome pictures to look forward to!!
Mum did it again this year, I got four pounds of the magic stuff
Ok, so make me green with envy: what kind of chocolate? If it's Leonidas, I may be in mourning for the next 24hrs... (oh... muh... guh.... that stuff is AMAZING. I spent a lot of time singing in Belgium for a while, and I would load up on that stuff before leaving the country!)
Ok, so make me green with envy: what kind of chocolate? If it's Leonidas, I may be in mourning for the next 24hrs... (oh... muh... guh.... that stuff is AMAZING. I spent a lot of time singing in Belgium for a while, and I would load up on that stuff before leaving the country!)
Not green. Fazer's blue. It's a very nearly Finland specific kind.
hmm, there's an idea...
... I missed. I'm much better at eating chocolate than taking pictures of it.
homemade eggnog ice cream is beyond my wildest dreams. Oh... muh.... guh... (and the apple pie I made to go under it isn't looking too shabby either!!!)
Diva, I for one hope that we failed in trying to keep you sane these past few weeks. You are now free to move about the cabin, but please don't mind if I lock the cockpit before you do!
Diva, I for one hope that we failed in trying to keep you sane these past few weeks. You are now free to move about the cabin, but please don't mind if I lock the cockpit before you do!
Hmmm... does that mean my particular brand of insanity is entertaining, or just completely baffling???!!!???!!D:giggle
Actually, even though I now am indeed free to read all threads again ::phew:: (!), it's been kinda nice having a catchall thread in here... not sure I'm ready to give it up yet!
Hmmm... does that mean my particular brand of insanity is entertaining, or just completely baffling???!!!???!!D:giggle
Actually, even though I now am indeed free to read all threads again ::phew:: (!), it's been kinda nice having a catchall thread in here... not sure I'm ready to give it up yet!
And I don't think I'd wanna give it up either... maybe renaming it the Catch-all thread would be useful...
I would chain myself to this thread to keep it from going
A new title might be a good idea, I agree. Something along the lines of "shooter sharpener"?
I can't lock this one (Alan, as the thread originator, can you?), but, I started a new thread to keep us going in a slightly less Divamum-centric kind of way
*pulls a map out* Aah, I see! You would get bears there too.
I'm glad we don't have that problem. The northern most coast of Norway is at the same latitude, but warm currents keep the ice cap and the bears on it well away. So you'll only have to worry about having to do that with a brown bear.
I see you're now all squeaky clean and well-fed.
I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together with my husband. It was nice to not have to run around those two days. Christmas was very low-key, which is what we like. We had made some purchases for ourselves before Christmas, so it was very low-key.
But the quiet and low-key Christmas did not last long. Yesterday we went to my in-laws out on Long Island. Fortunately it was only a 2-hour drive each way, which rarely happens. Usually one leg is 2 hours and the other leg can be 4 hours. Tomorrow we're off to NJ to see my relatives.
But I have all of next week off from work!
We need a nail biting smiley
Mum did it again this year, I got four pounds of the magic stuff
Ok, so make me green with envy: what kind of chocolate? If it's Leonidas, I may be in mourning for the next 24hrs... (oh... muh... guh.... that stuff is AMAZING. I spent a lot of time singing in Belgium for a while, and I would load up on that stuff before leaving the country!)
Not green. Fazer's blue. It's a very nearly Finland specific kind.
hmm, there's an idea...
... I missed. I'm much better at eating chocolate than taking pictures of it.
homemade eggnog ice cream is beyond my wildest dreams. Oh... muh.... guh... (and the apple pie I made to go under it isn't looking too shabby either!!!) / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Hmmm... does that mean my particular brand of insanity is entertaining, or just completely baffling???!!!???!!
Actually, even though I now am indeed free to read all threads again ::phew:: (!), it's been kinda nice having a catchall thread in here... not sure I'm ready to give it up yet!
And I don't think I'd wanna give it up either... maybe renaming it the Catch-all thread would be useful...
Camera Gear: Canon 400D (XTi), 18-55 f/3.5-5.6, 75-300 f/4.0-5.6, 70-200 f/4 L, 50 f/1.8 II
I would chain myself to this thread to keep it from going
A new title might be a good idea, I agree. Something along the lines of "shooter sharpener"?
I can't lock this one (Alan, as the thread originator, can you?), but, I started a new thread to keep us going in a slightly less Divamum-centric kind of way
New thread here
Have at it!