I'm seriously considering this. My problem is that I only get 2 weeks vacation a year, the post trip will really drain that. But it would probably be worth it. I'll let you know.
My sister just got engaged over the weekend. Vacation time quickly dwindling. She wants a "destination wedding" better start saveing now. But I still want to go on the post-trip. Decisions decisions.......
Nik, is this still in the works? If so, I would be interested and can offer up a 4WD.
Dixie Photographs by Dixie | Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
Post-shootout - news flash!
OK, it seems that we're geeting the minimal quorum:
Dixie (has a car)
Nik (me:)
With this amount of people sharing local transportation/lodging expenses becomes possible. Also, it hopefully will be possible to accomodate a few (but only a few) late comers.
Now, the plot.
I'm planning to make the whole trip (including the official shootout) a two-week adventure. Meaning, the first - official - part ends Saturday night, and our, unofficial but nonethelss even more exciting post-shootout starts Sunday morning, lasts the whole next week and a half and ends the *next* Wednesday, most likely in LAs Vegas international airport.
Is everybody OK on the time?
If yes - please take time to specify your goals.
I would ask you to split them in 3 lists: A, B and C.
A-list is basically a sine qua non one. If any of its goals is missing - it's no-go for you.
B-list constists of the goals which you think would greatly improve your (and our mutual) experience from the trip, but if, for some reason, any of its items confilts with somebody else's A target (or simply cannot be executed for whatever reason) it can be skipped without compromising your participation.
Finally, C-list consists of "would be nice to have, too" goals, which we would try to accomodate if the time, elements and gods of the deserts allow.
Please try to keep A and B lists (especially A list) as short as possible. Ten days is not enough to cover everything in UT and AZ, even though it's a totally magestic area..
Red Canyon (it's fairly close to Bryce anyway) - 1/2 day
more later...:-)
Guys - your thought?
Once we agree on A-lists (and hopefully on solid portions of B ones) I will start making schgedules and reservations. I will also ask for the funds, as far as my availalble reserves are reeeeeeeally scraping the bottom...
I have to agree with Michiel. I have never been there so I don't really know what I want to see and what I "have" to see. I'm really interested in Antelope and Arches. So I guess my list would mirror yours. I think the Lake Powel Houseboat trip is a great idea also. We just printed some posters at work of Antelope and everytime I walk past them I think of the trip.
Thanks for getting all this great info together Nik.
Kudbegud, Dixie - your thoughts? Are you OK on time and on lists?
Hmmmmmm so you've only got 5 guys so far is that right?
Awwwwww surely there's got to be another female who wants to go??
I wanna go but don't want to be the only female.
Skippy (Australia)
Hmmmmmm so you've only got 5 guys so far is that right?
Awwwwww surely there's got to be another female who wants to go??
I wanna go but don't want to be the only female.
Skippy (Australia)
You're more than welcome to join us if you want to. I would join 5 females on a trip like that in a heartbeat:D
Seriously, we're all goog guys, what's to be afraid of?
Hmmmmmm so you've only got 5 guys so far is that right?
Awwwwww surely there's got to be another female who wants to go??
I wanna go but don't want to be the only female.
Skippy (Australia)
I'm trying to get in touch with my feminine side, does that help?
a list: yours looks good
i'll have a car too. would we be staying in page az. while doing the other places on this list? i have contacted a hotel and jeep guide for antelope...we can have a block of rooms and a private longer jeep tour to antelope if we have enough people.
a list: yours looks good
i'll have a car too. would we be staying in page az. while doing the other places on this list? i have contacted a hotel and jeep guide for antelope...we can have a block of rooms and a private longer jeep tour to antelope if we have enough people.
b/c list: could be burned out by this time
Awesome, two cars already..
How many ppl is "enough" to get that longer toor on Antelope?
So where's this stand?? I'm thinking about heading out that way (have already been to Zion but love it madly) in the spring and might well coordinate my trip with the "workshop" and thusly, your offshoot as well.
Money is tight. I do much more campin than hotellin, so I'd need to know how much my expenses would be before I can start sending moolah about. (Have gotten burned on such things in the past by costs doubling once I was out there due to poor planning or people backing out, and can't do that again.)
Lemme know what's up! I'd likely be driving out from California in my Subaru (I seriously crave independence when shooting) but the RV thang sounds like a blast. Home base with some mobile vehicles would be ideal.
So where's this stand?? I'm thinking about heading out that way (have already been to Zion but love it madly) in the spring and might well coordinate my trip with the "workshop" and thusly, your offshoot as well.
Money is tight. I do much more campin than hotellin, so I'd need to know how much my expenses would be before I can start sending moolah about. (Have gotten burned on such things in the past by costs doubling once I was out there due to poor planning or people backing out, and can't do that again.)
Lemme know what's up! I'd likely be driving out from California in my Subaru (I seriously crave independence when shooting) but the RV thang sounds like a blast. Home base with some mobile vehicles would be ideal.
And I'm a wo-man.
OK, currently we have the following status:
Michiel (Netherlands)
Dixie (has a car)
Nik (me:)
Skippy (Oz) - tentative
AwfulSara - tentative
This, actually, gives us enough people to do both the boat thingie and the RV thingie (with a couple of extra 4wd vehicles tagging along for "mobility").
The biggest issue is that some of us prefer more civilized lodging, while the other would prefere much less expensive and much more romantic/adventure-like camping by the fire (or at least boat/RV sleeping facilities).
I'm not sure if we can always find places that would feature both motels and RV camps located nearby.
However, we're going to discuss it in more details with Kudbegud and then come out with more precise plans/options.
Hey I Made it Back to Oz
Hi there...........well I made it home after 7 weeks in USA :
I would still like to go with you folks for the post trip, but I have a little itty bitty problem I will be stretching this trip out to around 7-8 weeks where I will spend most of my time in OHIO.......and this means I will have heaps of luggage ha ha ha..... as do most women
What I need to figure out is where to start and finish this trip.
I know my longest flight will be from Australia to LA, and I know that the changing time zones thing will knock me around as it usually does for several days.
So I guess what I need to know is exactly where is it that you plan on starting and finishing the post trip??? cause I need to end up in OHIO
I don't have a problem with camping, but there is no way I can pack camping gear as part of my luggage, and I don't mind hotels either as long as it's not tooooooo expensive..........I'm flexible.
I'd like the expense kept down a bit as the airfares alone for me is already going to be over $3,500 and thats not including any kind of accommodation.
Thank you for the message Nik, and please keep me posted if you think I have not seen any messages..........these next few weeks I will not be around the forum much at all due to work commitments with the actual "Go-Live" date for our new computer system happening this weekend.
Things should be back to normal for me in about 2 weeks time, but until the system is working properly I will required to work till all ungodly hours of the day, night, and morning....... ohhh what fun "NOT!!"
This, actually, gives us enough people to do both the boat thingie and the RV thingie (with a couple of extra 4wd vehicles tagging along for "mobility").
The biggest issue is that some of us prefer more civilized lodging, while the other would prefere much less expensive and much more romantic/adventure-like camping by the fire (or at least boat/RV sleeping facilities).
I'm not sure if we can always find places that would feature both motels and RV camps located nearby.
However, we're going to discuss it in more details with Kudbegud and then come out with more precise plans/options.
Trip Update
We had a nice phone conversation with Kudbegud the other day. We laid out a sketch for the trip and now are doing more detailed research. Once we have some solid details (hopefully very soon) we'll publish the trip plans.
In the mean time:
Those who already subscribed - please start getting your funds ready. We don't have exact numbers yet, but you can imagine that 10 days travel-tour intensive trip can not possible be free:-). I'd say $100/day is a good ballpark, hopefully less. If more people sings up - it'll be cheaper..:-)
Those who not - due to the various reasons the team size is absolutely limited by 12 (twelve) people. It may even go down to 11 (eleven)..
Thus far we have 5 solid entrees and 2 tentatives (Skippy, AwfulSara: ladies, make up your minds!:-).
You still have a chance to reserve your place, otherwise you'd have to rely on somebody's falling off..
Draft #1
Kudbegud suggested that 10 extra days Kud Be Too Gud (in his own words, "you would need another vacation after this one").
So inasmuch I'd love to take the lake trip, it seems to be an overkill both financially and logistically. So we trimmed our appetite, made it 7 days long (flying out Sunday May 28th from Las Vegas, NV) and soil-only.
Here is Da Plan:
(Kudbegud did all the research work, I only PS-ed the path on the map:-)
Official Smugmug Shootout (for the reference)
Day 1 Wednesday, May 17, 2006 Bryce
Day 2 Thursday, May 18, 2006 Bryce
Day 3 Friday, May 19, 2006 Zion
Day 4 Saturday, May 20, 2006 Zion (half moon)
<< Post shootout >> : Day 5 Sunday, May 21, 2006 Drive to Page, AZ. Meet at a camp/motel.
It should be possible to rent an RV in St.George, UT, which is only couple of hours or less from Zion. Since it's a decent airport, it should be also possible to rent one way to or from Las Vegas.
from St.George ot Page it's 156 miles (4 hours)
Still plenty of time to get around LakePowell and have some rest. : Day 6 Monday, May 22, 2006 Sunrise?
Antelope canyon trip (12 ppl max!), starts 11 am
Rest of the day - have fun around lake Powel, prolly try to have some sunset shots, or moonlight on the water since the moon should be still bright enough : Day 7 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Try sunrise on the lake:-)
Drive to Monument Valley http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/monument_valley/index.html
It's about 100 miles, should be done in 2 hours. Checkin to some motel/camp, shoot/drive around. Try to find a good spot for sunset and for moonlight, have dinner, shoot moonview, go sleep : Day 8 Wednesday, May 24, 2006 Try sunrise.
Short drive to Mexican Hat: 15-20 miles http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/mexican_hat/index.html
Try Valley of gods near by (10 miles) http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/mexican_hat/valley_of_the_gods.html
Proceed to Natural Bridges: about 40 miles http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/natural_bridges/national_monument.html
Stay overnight, do some shooting : Day 9 Thursday, May 25, 2006 Morning shooting if possible.
Proceed to Canyonlands - about 60-70 miles http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/canyonlands/national_park.html
Shoot around : Day 10 Friday, May 26, 2006 Proceed to Arches , which is about another 60-70 miles.
Shoot our cards out : Day 11 Saturday, May 27, 2006 (new moon) "Drive, baby, drive"
Get some morning shot - and go back.
341 miles from Moab to St.George (6-7 hours)
turn back RV, get something smaller
119 miles to LV (2 hours)
Night on the town (but we need to start early boys and girls to get to LV early enough) : Day 12 Sunday, May 28, 2006 Some rest (nothing to shoot in the morning except some crack:-), some nice breakfast in one of the famous LV's buffees - and then - whenever your flight is...
Driving Distances: http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/driving_distances.html
Bryce- Zion: 91 mile
Zion - Page: 119 miles (could be a bit longer if going through St.George)
Page - Monument Valley: 99 miles
Monument valley - Natural Bridges: 66 miles
Natural Bridges - Canyonlands: about 60-70 miles
CL - Arches: about 60-70 mile
Arches - St.George: 341 miles
St. George - Las Vegas 119 miles
As you can see, this plot is essentially a huge CCW loop with a one-way leg to Las Vegas.
What is needed currently:
* Would you prefer to ride in RV or in a car/suv?
* Would you prefer to stay in RV (or tent or two next to it) or a motel/hotel?
I can get some extra camping gear. I also think it's possible to rent some in St.George/Page. but that's needed to be verified.
We need to start making final calls to come out with the approximate amount of $$ needed. Once we are settled (hopefully within next week), I'll start asking for the transfers..
Flight info
I checked flights from LAX to Las Vegas and back.
Departure morning Wed 17, return afternoon Sunday May 28:
from $123 to $155 roundtrip. Thus far plenty of flights and seats.
I have no complaints so far. You guys are doing a great job planning this so I give you props. I actually think the slightly shortened trip works out better for me anyways. As for your questions:
I have no preference on driving in a RV/car/SUV/tie me to the hood, well as long as it's not raining.
Sleep accomodations - I could sleep in a tent but don't have to. If we could save some driving time I would gladly sleep in a tent. But we should probably get a hotel/motel at some point along the way for showers and such.
Another thing to consider is food. Are we going to be eating out every meal or are we going to have to stop and pick up groceries along the way. If we do need to stop, where are grocery stores out there? I have never been there so I don't know, thought it may be something to consider though.
I'm going to Mackinaw Island in the morning with Dragon300zx, Pathfinder and his wife so I won't be on here till Monday. Talk to ya then.
Sleep accomodations - I could sleep in a tent but don't have to. If we could save some driving time I would gladly sleep in a tent. But we should probably get a hotel/motel at some point along the way for showers and such.
With RV we will ALWAYS have shower, fridge, oven, microwave, TV, even power for your laptops, so you can post-process while driving..:-)
Another thing to consider is food. Are we going to be eating out every meal or are we going to have to stop and pick up groceries along the way. If we do need to stop, where are grocery stores out there? I have never been there so I don't know, thought it may be something to consider though.
Since we gonna have a full-size fridge in RV, this is not a problem. I am only afraid it will be mostly used for keeping the beer cool:-)
I'm going to Mackinaw Island in the morning with Dragon300zx, Pathfinder and his wife so I won't be on here till Monday. Talk to ya then.
But you're right - it WILL be worth it:-)
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
OK, it seems that we're geeting the minimal quorum:
- Michiel
- Kudbegud
- Gluwater
- Dixie (has a car)
- Nik (me:)
With this amount of people sharing local transportation/lodging expenses becomes possible. Also, it hopefully will be possible to accomodate a few (but only a few) late comers.Now, the plot.
I'm planning to make the whole trip (including the official shootout) a two-week adventure. Meaning, the first - official - part ends Saturday night, and our, unofficial but nonethelss even more exciting post-shootout starts Sunday morning, lasts the whole next week and a half and ends the *next* Wednesday, most likely in LAs Vegas international airport.
Is everybody OK on the time?
If yes - please take time to specify your goals.
I would ask you to split them in 3 lists: A, B and C.
A-list is basically a sine qua non one. If any of its goals is missing - it's no-go for you.
B-list constists of the goals which you think would greatly improve your (and our mutual) experience from the trip, but if, for some reason, any of its items confilts with somebody else's A target (or simply cannot be executed for whatever reason) it can be skipped without compromising your participation.
Finally, C-list consists of "would be nice to have, too" goals, which we would try to accomodate if the time, elements and gods of the deserts allow.
Please try to keep A and B lists (especially A list) as short as possible. Ten days is not enough to cover everything in UT and AZ, even though it's a totally magestic area..
I start with mine:
- Antelope Canyon (Box Canyons) - 1-2 days
- The Monument Valley National Park - 1-2 days
- Arches National Park, UT - 1-2 days
B-list- Lake Powel Houseboat Trip - 3-4 days
C-list- Grand Canyon, North Rim (one night, sunrise/sunset) - 1 night
- Red Canyon (it's fairly close to Bryce anyway) - 1/2 day
- more later...:-)
Guys - your thought?Once we agree on A-lists (and hopefully on solid portions of B ones) I will start making schgedules and reservations. I will also ask for the funds, as far as my availalble reserves are reeeeeeeally scraping the bottom...
Hope to hear from ya'll soon!
I'm waiting for your ABC lists...
Michiel de Brieder
Thanks for getting all this great info together Nik.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Kudbegud, Dixie - your thoughts? Are you OK on time and on lists?
Hmmmmmm so you've only got 5 guys so far is that right?
Awwwwww surely there's got to be another female who wants to go??
I wanna go but don't want to be the only female.
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
You're more than welcome to join us if you want to. I would join 5 females on a trip like that in a heartbeat:D
Seriously, we're all goog guys, what's to be afraid of?
Michiel de Brieder
a list: yours looks good
i'll have a car too. would we be staying in page az. while doing the other places on this list? i have contacted a hotel and jeep guide for antelope...we can have a block of rooms and a private longer jeep tour to antelope if we have enough people.
b/c list: could be burned out by this time
Awesome, two cars already..
How many ppl is "enough" to get that longer toor on Antelope?
its a 2 ½ hour photographers tour, leaves at 11:30, 12 max. so if we are a lot under 12 we may have to share depending the reservations they get.
ps....did you get the emails i sent a couple weeks ago?
I didn't think 2.5 hours is enough for all of us, but.. maybe it's just a small canyon..
Email with rates on motes and houseboats? Yeah, I got it, thx..
heres the link: http://www.antelopecanyon.com/extended_tour.html
Thanks for scouting!
Dixie, Skippy - we're waiting for your lists/thoughts/etc.
Michiel de Brieder
I guess I need to start making reservations now, even for those us few who have already packed thier bags and are ready to empty their wallets.
And those who are weak in their hearts would have stay behind and weep.
Keep to the code! :fish
Well hallo
So where's this stand?? I'm thinking about heading out that way (have already been to Zion but love it madly) in the spring and might well coordinate my trip with the "workshop" and thusly, your offshoot as well.
Money is tight. I do much more campin than hotellin, so I'd need to know how much my expenses would be before I can start sending moolah about. (Have gotten burned on such things in the past by costs doubling once I was out there due to poor planning or people backing out, and can't do that again.)
Lemme know what's up! I'd likely be driving out from California in my Subaru (I seriously crave independence when shooting) but the RV thang sounds like a blast. Home base with some mobile vehicles would be ideal.
And I'm a wo-man.
we have several of your ilk signed up for the trip already
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
OK, currently we have the following status:
- Michiel (Netherlands)
- Kudbegud
- Gluwater
- Dixie (has a car)
- Nik (me:)
- Skippy (Oz) - tentative
- AwfulSara - tentative
This, actually, gives us enough people to do both the boat thingie and the RV thingie (with a couple of extra 4wd vehicles tagging along for "mobility").The biggest issue is that some of us prefer more civilized lodging, while the other would prefere much less expensive and much more romantic/adventure-like camping by the fire (or at least boat/RV sleeping facilities).
I'm not sure if we can always find places that would feature both motels and RV camps located nearby.
However, we're going to discuss it in more details with Kudbegud and then come out with more precise plans/options.
Link to the existing plans: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=155608&postcount=36
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Hi there...........well I made it home after 7 weeks in USA :
I would still like to go with you folks for the post trip, but I have a little itty bitty problem I will be stretching this trip out to around 7-8 weeks where I will spend most of my time in OHIO.......and this means I will have heaps of luggage ha ha ha..... as do most women
What I need to figure out is where to start and finish this trip.
I know my longest flight will be from Australia to LA, and I know that the changing time zones thing will knock me around as it usually does for several days.
So I guess what I need to know is exactly where is it that you plan on starting and finishing the post trip??? cause I need to end up in OHIO
I don't have a problem with camping, but there is no way I can pack camping gear as part of my luggage, and I don't mind hotels either as long as it's not tooooooo expensive..........I'm flexible.
I'd like the expense kept down a bit as the airfares alone for me is already going to be over $3,500 and thats not including any kind of accommodation.
Thank you for the message Nik, and please keep me posted if you think I have not seen any messages..........these next few weeks I will not be around the forum much at all due to work commitments with the actual "Go-Live" date for our new computer system happening this weekend.
Things should be back to normal for me in about 2 weeks time, but until the system is working properly I will required to work till all ungodly hours of the day, night, and morning....... ohhh what fun "NOT!!"
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
We had a nice phone conversation with Kudbegud the other day. We laid out a sketch for the trip and now are doing more detailed research. Once we have some solid details (hopefully very soon) we'll publish the trip plans.
In the mean time:
Those who already subscribed - please start getting your funds ready. We don't have exact numbers yet, but you can imagine that 10 days travel-tour intensive trip can not possible be free:-). I'd say $100/day is a good ballpark, hopefully less. If more people sings up - it'll be cheaper..:-)
Those who not - due to the various reasons the team size is absolutely limited by 12 (twelve) people. It may even go down to 11 (eleven)..
Thus far we have 5 solid entrees and 2 tentatives (Skippy, AwfulSara: ladies, make up your minds!:-).
You still have a chance to reserve your place, otherwise you'd have to rely on somebody's falling off..
More l8r
Kudbegud suggested that 10 extra days Kud Be Too Gud (in his own words, "you would need another vacation after this one").
So inasmuch I'd love to take the lake trip, it seems to be an overkill both financially and logistically. So we trimmed our appetite, made it 7 days long (flying out Sunday May 28th from Las Vegas, NV) and soil-only.
Here is Da Plan:
(Kudbegud did all the research work, I only PS-ed the path on the map:-)
<< Post shootout >>
: Day 5 Sunday, May 21, 2006
Drive to Page, AZ. Meet at a camp/motel.
It should be possible to rent an RV in St.George, UT, which is only couple of hours or less from Zion. Since it's a decent airport, it should be also possible to rent one way to or from Las Vegas.
from St.George ot Page it's 156 miles (4 hours)
Still plenty of time to get around LakePowell and have some rest.
: Day 6 Monday, May 22, 2006
Antelope canyon trip (12 ppl max!), starts 11 am
Rest of the day - have fun around lake Powel, prolly try to have some sunset shots, or moonlight on the water since the moon should be still bright enough
: Day 7 Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Try sunrise on the lake:-)
Drive to Monument Valley
It's about 100 miles, should be done in 2 hours. Checkin to some motel/camp, shoot/drive around. Try to find a good spot for sunset and for moonlight, have dinner, shoot moonview, go sleep
: Day 8 Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Try sunrise.
Short drive to Mexican Hat: 15-20 miles
Try Valley of gods near by (10 miles)
Proceed to Natural Bridges: about 40 miles
Stay overnight, do some shooting
: Day 9 Thursday, May 25, 2006
Morning shooting if possible.
Proceed to Canyonlands - about 60-70 miles
Shoot around
: Day 10 Friday, May 26, 2006
Proceed to Arches , which is about another 60-70 miles.
Shoot our cards out
: Day 11 Saturday, May 27, 2006 (new moon)
"Drive, baby, drive"
Get some morning shot - and go back.
341 miles from Moab to St.George (6-7 hours)
turn back RV, get something smaller
119 miles to LV (2 hours)
Night on the town (but we need to start early boys and girls to get to LV early enough)
: Day 12 Sunday, May 28, 2006
Some rest (nothing to shoot in the morning except some crack:-), some nice breakfast in one of the famous LV's buffees - and then - whenever your flight is...
Driving Distances:
Bryce- Zion: 91 mile
Zion - Page: 119 miles (could be a bit longer if going through St.George)
Page - Monument Valley: 99 miles
Monument valley - Natural Bridges: 66 miles
Natural Bridges - Canyonlands: about 60-70 miles
CL - Arches: about 60-70 mile
Arches - St.George: 341 miles
St. George - Las Vegas 119 miles
As you can see, this plot is essentially a huge CCW loop with a one-way leg to Las Vegas.
What is needed currently:
* Would you prefer to ride in RV or in a car/suv?
* Would you prefer to stay in RV (or tent or two next to it) or a motel/hotel?
I can get some extra camping gear. I also think it's possible to rent some in St.George/Page. but that's needed to be verified.
We need to start making final calls to come out with the approximate amount of $$ needed. Once we are settled (hopefully within next week), I'll start asking for the transfers..
Please confirm asap!
I checked flights from LAX to Las Vegas and back.
Departure morning Wed 17, return afternoon Sunday May 28:
from $123 to $155 roundtrip. Thus far plenty of flights and seats.
I have no preference on driving in a RV/car/SUV/tie me to the hood, well as long as it's not raining.
Sleep accomodations - I could sleep in a tent but don't have to. If we could save some driving time I would gladly sleep in a tent. But we should probably get a hotel/motel at some point along the way for showers and such.
Another thing to consider is food. Are we going to be eating out every meal or are we going to have to stop and pick up groceries along the way. If we do need to stop, where are grocery stores out there? I have never been there so I don't know, thought it may be something to consider though.
I'm going to Mackinaw Island in the morning with Dragon300zx, Pathfinder and his wife so I won't be on here till Monday. Talk to ya then.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
With RV we will ALWAYS have shower, fridge, oven, microwave, TV, even power for your laptops, so you can post-process while driving..:-)
Since we gonna have a full-size fridge in RV, this is not a problem. I am only afraid it will be mostly used for keeping the beer cool:-) Have fun, and share some pikchas!