3 down, 3 to go
Nikolai, Kudbegud, Michiel de Brieder are locked in!
Skippy is pending
Essentially only two slots in the first RV are left.
Hurry up while you still can make it.
Second RV crew (if any) will entail more logistical issues.
Dixie, Sara - even if you want to use your own wheels there are some things we have to do as a group, so please - your portions are required asap!
Only One Spot in RV#1 Left!
Nikolai, Kudbegud, Michiel de Brieder and Gluwater are locked in!
Skippy is pending (those Aussies are troubles:-), but looking solid:-)
For the rest of the dgrinners: you can still make it to the flagship RV!
This one spot still can be yours: just paypal $309 to paypal@photosocal.com - and you're in!
2006 Post Shootout: Sun, May 21 - Sat, May 27
Here the info as of Oct 23 2005
[Updated: Jan 14 2006, some extra info, like phone numbers, etc].
Many thanks to Doug (Kudbegud) for the camps/tours reservations and research!
Map :
Since the only people for confirmed in hard currency are the "RV-ers", we deem the first phase of planning complete (and we still have one spot left!).
All the reservations made for a single RV.
If you're going to drive your own vehicle, please submit your contribution of $100 to paypal@photosocal.com ASAP and we'll take care of your well-being during the trip.
If you want to participate in the trip, but can't commit that early - you can still join the group later, but you'd have to do all the reservations yourself...
In this case please contact the camps and arrange for your own lodging. For all the camps you can mention "smugmug" group.
Also you'd need to contact the Antelope tours (info below) asap and reserve a spot in the tour. We have made a reservation for 6, max is 12.
Now the final schedule, with the camp info and days.
Secondary day numbers are wrt the official shooutout, i.e. displaying the total time starting from Bryce.
: Day 1(5) Sunday, May 21, 2006
Drive to Page, AZ. Meet at a camp/motel.
Camping / RV info: Wahweap Village, 100 Lake Shore Dr., Page, AZ.
928-645-1004, conf#13F8JM
Rent an RV in St.George, UT, which is only couple of hours or less from Zion. Since it's a decent airport, it should be also possible to rent one way to or from Las Vegas.
from St.George ot Page it's 156 miles (4 hours)
Still plenty of time to get around LakePowell and have some rest.
: Day 2(6) Monday, May 22, 2006
Antelope canyon trip (12 ppl max!), starts 11 am
Rest of the day - have fun around lake Powel, prolly try to have some sunset shots, or moonlight on the water since the moon should be still bright enough
Same place for the night.
: Day 3(7) Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Try sunrise on the lake:-)
Drive to Monument Valley http://www.americansouthwest.net/ut...lley/index.html
It's about 100 miles, should be done in 2 hours
Camping / RV info: Cadilac Ranch, Bluff, UT, 800-538-6195, 30 ft wide. http://www.bluffutah.org/cadillacranch/
Shoot/drive around. Try to find a good spot for sunset and for moonlight, have dinner, shoot moonview, go sleep
: Day 6(10) Friday, May 26, 2006
Proceed to Arches
Shoot our cards out
: Day 7(11) Saturday, May 27, 2006 (new moon)
"Drive, baby, drive"
Get some morning shot - and go back.
341 miles from Moab to St.George (6-7 hours)
We need to get back by 11 am, noon the latest, after that it's $25 per hour.
Turn back RV, get something smaller or RV shuttle service.
119 miles to LV (2 hours). Those in hurry can flight off right away..
For the rest - night on the town
Kudbegud, Michiel, Jack and me are playing to stay overnight in Motel 6 (it's not on the strip, but it's cheap, nice, and it's a walking distance:-):
motel 6: http://www.motel6.com/reservations/motel_detail.asp?MotelId=1324&state=NV&full=Las%20Vegas%20-%20I-15&city=Las%20Vegas. If interested - call and reserve a room.
702-739-6747 I-15 at W Tropicana Avenue, Exit #37
5085 S Dean Martin Drive
Important: Doug and Michiel are gonna stay at the same place a night BEFORE the official shootout. I'm flying in LV early morning Wednesday (landing 7:30 am) and take a rental with the intention to drop it off at St. George later. Then I pick up Doug and Michiel (and Mike) and we're going to Bryce.
If somebody else from the post-shooutout group is interested to join us on the way in (and thus save on a transportation to canyons:-) please let me know, the sooner the better. Even if all 5 or 6 decide to be in that car - we can rent a big van and save a lot.
If you don't - please arrange for your own transportation to St.George or to Page for the beginning of the post-shootout.
: Day 8(12) Sunday, May 28, 2006
Whatever your plans could be...
Driving Distances: http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/driving_distances.html
Bryce- Zion: 91 mile
Zion - Page: 119 miles (could be a bit longer if going through St.George)
Page - Monument Valley: 99 miles
Monument valley - Natural Bridges: 66 miles
Natural Bridges - Canyonlands: about 60-70 miles
CL - Arches: about 60-70 mile
Arches - St.George: 341 miles
St. George - Las Vegas 119 miles
I regret that I can't commit financially to anything at this point. Not to poo on fun times, but I've recently been diagnosed with skin cancer and am scrambling like a mad thing to find ways to afford the bare basics on top of evil US health care costs. So no more fun for me. I might still make it in the spring, but I don't have $100 to toss in the pot anyway I squeeze it.
Still sounds delightful. Still might show up with a big smile and a Subaru, but I can't make any promises that involve the green stuff, sadly. Too precious a commodity for the next few months. Anyway, I'll poke me head in here to see how it shapes up and let you know as the dates approach whether I'll come play!
I regret that I can't commit financially to anything at this point. Not to poo on fun times, but I've recently been diagnosed with skin cancer and am scrambling like a mad thing to find ways to afford the bare basics on top of evil US health care costs. So no more fun for me. I might still make it in the spring, but I don't have $100 to toss in the pot anyway I squeeze it.
Still sounds delightful. Still might show up with a big smile and a Subaru, but I can't make any promises that involve the green stuff, sadly. Too precious a commodity for the next few months. Anyway, I'll poke me head in here to see how it shapes up and let you know as the dates approach whether I'll come play!
Truly sorry to hear this!
I wish you the best of luck and the soonest possible recovery.
Hope to see you and your Subaru in May!
Get well soon!
The Wave
We're currently considering a possibility to spice up our first Sunday with what is believed to be one of the most beautiful (and quite hidden) rock formations - The Wave. You can Google for it, but here's a start: http://www.dankat.com/swhikes/wave.htm
Check the Slides.
It's quite a hike (6 hours), but I think it could be well worth it.
It's kinda in between Zion and Page, so we can make it a long lunch hike:-)
Okay, I'm in. I'll have a car with 4 empty seats. I'll also bring camping equipment so the lodging costs will be minimal for me. Where do I sign up? This is going to be quite a trip for me!
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
Okay, I'm in. I'll have a car with 4 empty seats. I'll also bring camping equipment so the lodging costs will be minimal for me. Where do I sign up? This is going to be quite a trip for me!
Glad to hear you're in! Now it's six of us!
Thus far we still have a - last! - empty slot in our RV, so you may consider taking it.
Otherwise it may become a logistical problem to arrange a spot for an extra car in all the parking spaces. I think you'll be able to leave your car at RV place for a week, although it remains to be checked and confirmed.
Let us know what you think, and me and Kudbegud will try to accomodate you..
Thus far we still have a - last! - empty slot in our RV, so you may consider taking it.
Otherwise it may become a logistical problem to arrange a spot for an extra car in all the parking spaces. I think you'll be able to leave your car at RV place for a week, although it remains to be checked and confirmed.
Let us know what you think, and me and Kudbegud will try to accomodate you..
Happy Holidays!
Hmmm... No chance I'm leaving my car parked in an RV park for a week. If we're going to be by vegas at any point I can leave it at nellis AFB (I'll still technically be in the Air Force at the time). Otherwise I can call and try to reserve spots on my own at the various places. Has the itenerary been set? Which post is it if so?
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
yer gittin out!!!!! good for you!!! i did the same back in 1975 after a much shorter hitch i'm sure. glad your comming along on the post grand tour too. nik is picking me up on wednesday morning, may 17, at a motel 6 in vegas...i fly in the night before. then we are comming back to the same motel 6 on saturday may 27 to stay the night and sunday. maybe you would concider jumpin in with us for the whole thing?
to see the prelim itinerary, just go back one page in this post.
yer gittin out!!!!! good for you!!! i did the same back in 1975 after a much shorter hitch i'm sure. glad your comming along on the post grand tour too. nik is picking me up on wednesday morning, may 17, at a motel 6 in vegas...i fly in the night before. then we are comming back to the same motel 6 on saturday may 27 to stay the night and sunday. maybe you would concider jumpin in with us for the whole thing?
to see the prelim itinerary, just go back one page in this post.
That's a definite possibility. What are the details for the RV?
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
after the main shoot out on sunday may 21 st, pickin it up in st. george utah...returning it saturday may 27 and getting the rv co. shuttle back to vegas.
after the main shoot out on sunday may 21 st, pickin it up in st. george utah...returning it saturday may 27 and getting the rv co. shuttle back to vegas.
It wasn't clear, what are the charges for RV versus Car? If I did choose to go in my car / tent do you have the numbers where I can call to make reservations at the campgrounds / RV parks?
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
nik can be more specific as far as charges for the rv, but i sent him $309 as a deposit...the final figure will vary depending on the total number of people using the rv. my savings came in not renting a car for the week and motel costs. since you have your own car, that part isnt a factor. let me rustle up my reservations info and email it to you. look for a pm from me.
It wasn't clear, what are the charges for RV versus Car? If I did choose to go in my car / tent do you have the numbers where I can call to make reservations at the campgrounds / RV parks?
Sorry for not responding earlier, last day at work before the new year:-)
The most recent schedule I believe is here. My plan, as Kudbegud said, is to fly in early morning Wednesday, get a vehicle (two-seat convertible, car, suv, van - depending on our needs:-), pick up those who ride with me (at this point I have Kudbegud and Michiel, who also doing the post) in LV and then go straight to Bryce. We'd use the same vehicle to get to Zion and finally, to St.George, we we'll simply drop it off (at the airport, or smth). There we man our RV and do the post thingie, return to St.George, and then use the shuttle or whatever to get us back to LV.
I'd say splitting an RV would cost you way less comparing campgrounds/motels alone, and everybody has more time to relax, chat shoot, etc.
Let us know. The only urgent thing is to make sure Doug can get you in our Antelope tour, since it's *very* limited time and sitting-wise.
Please stay in touch with me and Doug. You can use our emails, too:-)
Happy Holidays!
Sorry for not responding earlier, last day at work before the new year:-)
The most recent schedule I believe is here. My plan, as Kudbegud said, is to fly in early morning Wednesday, get a vehicle (two-seat convertible, car, suv, van - depending on our needs:-), pick up those who ride with me (at this point I have Kudbegud and Michiel, who also doing the post) in LV and then go straight to Bryce. We'd use the same vehicle to get to Zion and finally, to St.George, we we'll simply drop it off (at the airport, or smth). There we man our RV and do the post thingie, return to St.George, and then use the shuttle or whatever to get us back to LV.
I'd say splitting an RV would cost you way less comparing campgrounds/motels alone, and everybody has more time to relax, chat shoot, etc.
Let us know. The only urgent thing is to make sure Doug can get you in our Antelope tour, since it's *very* limited time and sitting-wise.
Please stay in touch with me and Doug. You can use our emails, too:-)
Happy Holidays!
Hey Nik and Happy New Year everyone!
I'm in! Just not sure how "in" that is. I'm planning on leaving Fresno the weekend before the Shootout and making some stops along the way. Per Mapquest it's about 850 miles from Arches back which should work out quite well with heading back that Saturday.
Question is whether to leave my suv for the post-trip and hop on the RV wagon if there's still a spot, or keep my suv for additional mobility? I can take 4 with camera gear pretty well and the MDX has decent ground clearance and traction - although I'm not planning to really do a lot of off-roading in it.
Nik, what's the latest on availability?
And, if anyone's in my area and wants a ride or to meet along the way let me know. I don't have a plan yet so I can be flexible at this point.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
We got full RV!
With Jack "Calfeerider" just in (got his RV "advance":-), we got the full house:-)
Now, if anyone else is gonna join (Mike?), we either need to start another RV (we need at least 3 ppl for that), or we can count on an extra car, BUT we need to make all the parking/sleeping accomodations.
Our trip schedule is posted. Please contact me or Doug "Kudegud" if you're interested.
As of now plan is that we have 6 ppl in RV.
I fly in to LV Wednesday morning, rent a vehicle, pick up Doug and Michiel (more if need be, I just need to be aware of that), use this vehicle as our main transport for the primary shootout, and then drop it at St.George, where we get into RV.
I'd like to hear from the rest of RV-ers what are thier initial trasportation needs before the St. George. I can easily rent a big van to fit all six, or even seven..
Now, if anyone else is gonna join (Mike?), we either need to start another RV (we need at least 3 ppl for that), or we can count on an extra car, BUT we need to make all the parking/sleeping accomodations.
Our trip schedule is posted. Please contact me or Doug "Kudegud" if you're interested.
If anyone is gonna join the group, even with their own vehicle, we'd still need some sort of financial participation advance, which in case of non-RV would be $100. ($103 if paypaled). Doug and me have already incurred certain reservation-related charges, and there will be more on the way - tours, parkings, passes, food, etc. Rest assured all of it (and then some:-)will be eventually used for the trip :-)
With Jack "Calfeerider" just in (got his RV "advance":-), we got the full house:-)
I also just made reservations at the Motel6 where you, Michiel and Doug will be for that Saturday night (5/27). I went ahead and reserved it for two queen beds non-smoking in case anyone else in our group want to share. Rate is $75 plus tax so it should be somewhere around $40 each.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
We're currently considering a possibility to spice up our first Sunday with what is believed to be one of the most beautiful (and quite hidden) rock formations - The Wave. You can Google for it, but here's a start: http://www.dankat.com/swhikes/wave.htm
Check the Slides.
It's quite a hike (6 hours), but I think it could be well worth it.
It's kinda in between Zion and Page, so we can make it a long lunch hike:-)
Nik, is this still an option? If I'm reading that link correctly, the 3 hrs they list is round-trip not one way which is certainly doable!
Here's a snip from the end...
Stay in this shallow gully as the slope eases, and it will lead you directly to the bare rock entrance to "The Wave" at an elevation of 5200ft. You should arrive there about 1hr 20min after leaving the trailhead.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Nik, is this still an option? If I'm reading that link correctly, the 3 hrs they list is round-trip not one way which is certainly doable!
Here's a snip from the end...
Stay in this shallow gully as the slope eases, and it will lead you directly to the bare rock entrance to "The Wave" at an elevation of 5200ft. You should arrive there about 1hr 20min after leaving the trailhead.
Thank you for the correction! Thus far it's in the plans!:-) But we better start training our legs now:-)
I also just made reservations at the Motel6 where you, Michiel and Doug will be for that Saturday night (5/27). I went ahead and reserved it for two queen beds non-smoking in case anyone else in our group want to share. Rate is $75 plus tax so it should be somewhere around $40 each.
Great, I have reservation there for that night, too (also dual queens, we're sharing with Michiel per prior agreement), so we gonna have quite a party for that night.
Great, I have reservation there for that night, too (also dual queens, we're sharing with Michiel per prior agreement), so we gonna have quite a party for that night.
Yep, I got that and no worries. I was just putting it out there for Gluwater, Skippy and anyone else that may be with us at that point - even if it's a last minute thing.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
The Wave
we DO need an exact headcount for The Wave Hike. It's very limited (10-11 people per *day* per unit). If you already signed up for RV but don't want to go on the hike (it may be strenuous), please let me or Kudbegud know asap.
Since we gonna make the reservation anyway, we can add some more people, even if you're not the part of the whole post-shootout trip and "just here for the Wave" :-)
In any case, please let us know where are you stand on this Wave issue..
Maxine would be thrilled to have a female companion:-)
And this way you can stay with Jack, and your GF can take your former spot in my room
I need accomadation for that last night
So I am happy to share with anyone......... could someone tell me the exact date it will be for the last night I want to book all my flights this week
May will be here before we know it........also how far from the Hotel 6 is it to the Airport, is there like a shuttle service to the airport or do I need to get a taxi??? .....this is what I need to know for getting another flight back to California.
I need accomadation for that last night
So I am happy to share with anyone......... could someone tell me the exact date it will be for the last night I want to book all my flights this week
May will be here before we know it........also how far from the Hotel 6 is it to the Airport, is there like a shuttle service to the airport or do I need to get a taxi??? .....this is what I need to know for getting another flight back to California.
Take Care folks............ Skippy (Australia)
Jack has a spare bed at this time, but you better check with him directly:-)
Everything in Vegas is close to airport, you don't have to worry about it. Shuttle, taxi.. who cares..:-)
Nikolai, Kudbegud, Michiel de Brieder are locked in!
Skippy is pending
Essentially only two slots in the first RV are left.
Hurry up while you still can make it.
Second RV crew (if any) will entail more logistical issues.
Dixie, Sara - even if you want to use your own wheels there are some things we have to do as a group, so please - your portions are required asap!
Nikolai, Kudbegud, Michiel de Brieder and Gluwater are locked in!
Skippy is pending (those Aussies are troubles:-), but looking solid:-)
For the rest of the dgrinners: you can still make it to the flagship RV!
This one spot still can be yours: just paypal $309 to paypal@photosocal.com - and you're in!
Here the info as of Oct 23 2005
[Updated: Jan 14 2006, some extra info, like phone numbers, etc].
Many thanks to Doug (Kudbegud) for the camps/tours reservations and research!
Map :
Since the only people for confirmed in hard currency are the "RV-ers", we deem the first phase of planning complete (and we still have one spot left!).
All the reservations made for a single RV.
If you're going to drive your own vehicle, please submit your contribution of $100 to paypal@photosocal.com ASAP and we'll take care of your well-being during the trip.
If you want to participate in the trip, but can't commit that early - you can still join the group later, but you'd have to do all the reservations yourself...
In this case please contact the camps and arrange for your own lodging. For all the camps you can mention "smugmug" group.
Also you'd need to contact the Antelope tours (info below) asap and reserve a spot in the tour. We have made a reservation for 6, max is 12.
Now the final schedule, with the camp info and days.
Secondary day numbers are wrt the official shooutout, i.e. displaying the total time starting from Bryce.
: Day 1(5) Sunday, May 21, 2006
Drive to Page, AZ. Meet at a camp/motel.
Camping / RV info: Wahweap Village, 100 Lake Shore Dr., Page, AZ.
928-645-1004, conf#13F8JM
Rent an RV in St.George, UT, which is only couple of hours or less from Zion. Since it's a decent airport, it should be also possible to rent one way to or from Las Vegas.
from St.George ot Page it's 156 miles (4 hours)
Still plenty of time to get around LakePowell and have some rest.
: Day 2(6) Monday, May 22, 2006
Antelope canyon trip (12 ppl max!), starts 11 am Rest of the day - have fun around lake Powel, prolly try to have some sunset shots, or moonlight on the water since the moon should be still bright enough
Same place for the night.
: Day 3(7) Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Try sunrise on the lake:-)
Drive to Monument Valley
It's about 100 miles, should be done in 2 hours
Camping / RV info: Cadilac Ranch, Bluff, UT, 800-538-6195, 30 ft wide.
Shoot/drive around. Try to find a good spot for sunset and for moonlight, have dinner, shoot moonview, go sleep
: Day 4(8) Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Try sunrise.
Try Valley of gods near by (10 miles)
Proceed to Natural Bridges: about 40 miles
Stay overnight, do some shooting
: Day 5(9) Thursday, May 25, 2006
Morning shooting if possible.
Proceed to Canyonlands - about 60-70 miles
Camping RV info: Canyonlands Campgrounds, Moab, UT
http://www.canyonlandsrv.com/ 800-522-6848, Cheryl
Shoot around
: Day 6(10) Friday, May 26, 2006
Proceed to Arches
Shoot our cards out
: Day 7(11) Saturday, May 27, 2006 (new moon)
"Drive, baby, drive"
Get some morning shot - and go back.
341 miles from Moab to St.George (6-7 hours)
We need to get back by 11 am, noon the latest, after that it's $25 per hour.
Turn back RV, get something smaller or RV shuttle service.
119 miles to LV (2 hours). Those in hurry can flight off right away..
For the rest - night on the town
Kudbegud, Michiel, Jack and me are playing to stay overnight in Motel 6 (it's not on the strip, but it's cheap, nice, and it's a walking distance:-):
motel 6: http://www.motel6.com/reservations/motel_detail.asp?MotelId=1324&state=NV&full=Las%20Vegas%20-%20I-15&city=Las%20Vegas. If interested - call and reserve a room.
I-15 at W Tropicana Avenue, Exit #37
5085 S Dean Martin Drive
Important: Doug and Michiel are gonna stay at the same place a night BEFORE the official shootout. I'm flying in LV early morning Wednesday (landing 7:30 am) and take a rental with the intention to drop it off at St. George later. Then I pick up Doug and Michiel (and Mike) and we're going to Bryce.
If somebody else from the post-shooutout group is interested to join us on the way in (and thus save on a transportation to canyons:-) please let me know, the sooner the better. Even if all 5 or 6 decide to be in that car - we can rent a big van and save a lot.
If you don't - please arrange for your own transportation to St.George or to Page for the beginning of the post-shootout.
: Day 8(12) Sunday, May 28, 2006
Whatever your plans could be...
Driving Distances:
Bryce- Zion: 91 mile
Zion - Page: 119 miles (could be a bit longer if going through St.George)
Page - Monument Valley: 99 miles
Monument valley - Natural Bridges: 66 miles
Natural Bridges - Canyonlands: about 60-70 miles
CL - Arches: about 60-70 mile
Arches - St.George: 341 miles
St. George - Las Vegas 119 miles
- Maxine
- Gluwater
- Michiel
- Kudbegud
- Nik
- ---- vacant !
That for a nice A-class RV.Nobody from a free-roaming people has yet confirmed.
Guys, time is passing by!
Still sounds delightful. Still might show up with a big smile and a Subaru, but I can't make any promises that involve the green stuff, sadly. Too precious a commodity for the next few months. Anyway, I'll poke me head in here to see how it shapes up and let you know as the dates approach whether I'll come play!
Truly sorry to hear this!
I wish you the best of luck and the soonest possible recovery.
Hope to see you and your Subaru in May!
Get well soon!
I'll be sure to pop in and update people if I do end up making out there.
We're currently considering a possibility to spice up our first Sunday with what is believed to be one of the most beautiful (and quite hidden) rock formations - The Wave. You can Google for it, but here's a start: http://www.dankat.com/swhikes/wave.htm
Check the Slides.
It's quite a hike (6 hours), but I think it could be well worth it.
It's kinda in between Zion and Page, so we can make it a long lunch hike:-)
Glad to hear you're in!
Thus far we still have a - last! - empty slot in our RV, so you may consider taking it.
Otherwise it may become a logistical problem to arrange a spot for an extra car in all the parking spaces. I think you'll be able to leave your car at RV place for a week, although it remains to be checked and confirmed.
Let us know what you think, and me and Kudbegud will try to accomodate you..
Happy Holidays!
Hmmm... No chance I'm leaving my car parked in an RV park for a week. If we're going to be by vegas at any point I can leave it at nellis AFB (I'll still technically be in the Air Force at the time). Otherwise I can call and try to reserve spots on my own at the various places. Has the itenerary been set? Which post is it if so?
to see the prelim itinerary, just go back one page in this post.
That's a definite possibility. What are the details for the RV?
It wasn't clear, what are the charges for RV versus Car? If I did choose to go in my car / tent do you have the numbers where I can call to make reservations at the campgrounds / RV parks?
Sorry for not responding earlier, last day at work before the new year:-)
The most recent schedule I believe is here. My plan, as Kudbegud said, is to fly in early morning Wednesday, get a vehicle (two-seat convertible, car, suv, van - depending on our needs:-), pick up those who ride with me (at this point I have Kudbegud and Michiel, who also doing the post) in LV and then go straight to Bryce. We'd use the same vehicle to get to Zion and finally, to St.George, we we'll simply drop it off (at the airport, or smth). There we man our RV and do the post thingie, return to St.George, and then use the shuttle or whatever to get us back to LV.
I'd say splitting an RV would cost you way less comparing campgrounds/motels alone, and everybody has more time to relax, chat shoot, etc.
Let us know. The only urgent thing is to make sure Doug can get you in our Antelope tour, since it's *very* limited time and sitting-wise.
Please stay in touch with me and Doug. You can use our emails, too:-)
Happy Holidays!
Hey Nik and Happy New Year everyone!
I'm in! Just not sure how "in" that is. I'm planning on leaving Fresno the weekend before the Shootout and making some stops along the way. Per Mapquest it's about 850 miles from Arches back which should work out quite well with heading back that Saturday.
Question is whether to leave my suv for the post-trip and hop on the RV wagon if there's still a spot, or keep my suv for additional mobility? I can take 4 with camera gear pretty well and the MDX has decent ground clearance and traction - although I'm not planning to really do a lot of off-roading in it.
Nik, what's the latest on availability?
And, if anyone's in my area and wants a ride or to meet along the way let me know. I don't have a plan yet so I can be flexible at this point.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
With Jack "Calfeerider" just in (got his RV "advance":-), we got the full house:-)
Now, if anyone else is gonna join (Mike?), we either need to start another RV (we need at least 3 ppl for that), or we can count on an extra car, BUT we need to make all the parking/sleeping accomodations.
Our trip schedule is posted. Please contact me or Doug "Kudegud" if you're interested.
As of now plan is that we have 6 ppl in RV.
I fly in to LV Wednesday morning, rent a vehicle, pick up Doug and Michiel (more if need be, I just need to be aware of that), use this vehicle as our main transport for the primary shootout, and then drop it at St.George, where we get into RV.
I'd like to hear from the rest of RV-ers what are thier initial trasportation needs before the St. George. I can easily rent a big van to fit all six, or even seven..
If anyone is gonna join the group, even with their own vehicle, we'd still need some sort of financial participation advance, which in case of non-RV would be $100. ($103 if paypaled). Doug and me have already incurred certain reservation-related charges, and there will be more on the way - tours, parkings, passes, food, etc. Rest assured all of it (and then some:-)will be eventually used for the trip :-)
I also just made reservations at the Motel6 where you, Michiel and Doug will be for that Saturday night (5/27). I went ahead and reserved it for two queen beds non-smoking in case anyone else in our group want to share. Rate is $75 plus tax so it should be somewhere around $40 each.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Nik, is this still an option? If I'm reading that link correctly, the 3 hrs they list is round-trip not one way which is certainly doable!
Here's a snip from the end...
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Thank you for the correction! Thus far it's in the plans!:-) But we better start training our legs now:-)
Great, I have reservation there for that night, too (also dual queens, we're sharing with Michiel per prior agreement), so we gonna have quite a party for that night.
Yep, I got that and no worries. I was just putting it out there for Gluwater, Skippy and anyone else that may be with us at that point - even if it's a last minute thing.
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
we DO need an exact headcount for The Wave Hike. It's very limited (10-11 people per *day* per unit). If you already signed up for RV but don't want to go on the hike (it may be strenuous), please let me or Kudbegud know asap.
Since we gonna make the reservation anyway, we can add some more people, even if you're not the part of the whole post-shootout trip and "just here for the Wave" :-)
In any case, please let us know where are you stand on this Wave issue..
Michiel de Brieder
Maxine would be thrilled to have a female companion:-)
And this way you can stay with Jack, and your GF can take your former spot in my room
I need accomadation for that last night
So I am happy to share with anyone......... could someone tell me the exact date it will be for the last night I want to book all my flights this week
May will be here before we know it........also how far from the Hotel 6 is it to the Airport, is there like a shuttle service to the airport or do I need to get a taxi??? .....this is what I need to know for getting another flight back to California.
Take Care folks............ Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Jack has a spare bed at this time, but you better check with him directly:-)
Everything in Vegas is close to airport, you don't have to worry about it. Shuttle, taxi.. who cares..:-)
The Night is Saturday 5/27/2006