>>> dgrin challenge 13: pathways <<<

challenge 13: pathways
dgrin challenge 13 begins today, may 20th and runs thru monday, may 31st at 10pm NYC time. the theme is pathways, so let your imagination and creativity go wild. post all entries as replies to this thread.
*** remember kids, please delete everything in the reply except what you are adding ***
here are the rules:
1. contests will start on thursdays, and run for eleven days, ending on a monday night. the purpose of this is so that you folks will have two weekends in which to creat your prize winning photographs.
2. at the end of the contest period, i (or my designee if i'm not available) will choose the finalists which will be voted on by the dgrin populace. the voting thread will be started as soon as possible after the close of the contest period, and will be open for voting for approximately 48 hours,. Also, during each vote for winner, participants will vote for the theme for the next contest. any member of dgrin is eligible to vote, whether they entered in the challenge or not.
3. all participants will be encouraged to post suggestions for themes for the contests. we'll do this in a separate thread, and i'll keep a constantly fresh bucket of topics for everyone to vote from every two weeks.
that thread is right here
4. we now have prizes for the winner!
* a $25 gift certificate for anything from the smugmug print catalog...this should be used to order something made of the prize winning pic.
* a free, one-year standard subscription to smugmug if you are *not* already a subscriber
how about that!
5. i will be benevolent host for the contests, and i will not be eligible to enter.
6. *** you are limited to three entries. you may swap entries at anytime up until the close of the contest. three entries.
7. other rules remain the same:
* let your creativity and imagination run wild. any and all photoshop etc :ps is allowed
* photos must be fresh, shot during the contest period. (exif available)
* photos must be 800 pixels on their longest side, and not more than 150K in size
* you must give a unique name to your photo, so everyone can vote on it
* you may submit your photo to any of the other forums on dgrin for critique and comment prior to entering in the contest.
:deal that's it for the rules! :clap
enjoy (challenge) photography,
dgrin challenge 13 begins today, may 20th and runs thru monday, may 31st at 10pm NYC time. the theme is pathways, so let your imagination and creativity go wild. post all entries as replies to this thread.
*** remember kids, please delete everything in the reply except what you are adding ***
here are the rules:
1. contests will start on thursdays, and run for eleven days, ending on a monday night. the purpose of this is so that you folks will have two weekends in which to creat your prize winning photographs.
2. at the end of the contest period, i (or my designee if i'm not available) will choose the finalists which will be voted on by the dgrin populace. the voting thread will be started as soon as possible after the close of the contest period, and will be open for voting for approximately 48 hours,. Also, during each vote for winner, participants will vote for the theme for the next contest. any member of dgrin is eligible to vote, whether they entered in the challenge or not.
3. all participants will be encouraged to post suggestions for themes for the contests. we'll do this in a separate thread, and i'll keep a constantly fresh bucket of topics for everyone to vote from every two weeks.
that thread is right here
4. we now have prizes for the winner!
* a $25 gift certificate for anything from the smugmug print catalog...this should be used to order something made of the prize winning pic.
* a free, one-year standard subscription to smugmug if you are *not* already a subscriber
how about that!
5. i will be benevolent host for the contests, and i will not be eligible to enter.
6. *** you are limited to three entries. you may swap entries at anytime up until the close of the contest. three entries.
7. other rules remain the same:
* let your creativity and imagination run wild. any and all photoshop etc :ps is allowed
* photos must be fresh, shot during the contest period. (exif available)
* photos must be 800 pixels on their longest side, and not more than 150K in size
* you must give a unique name to your photo, so everyone can vote on it
* you may submit your photo to any of the other forums on dgrin for critique and comment prior to entering in the contest.
:deal that's it for the rules! :clap
enjoy (challenge) photography,
Withdrawn - Gotta get down to 3
We're only allowed 3 and I had a great walk this morning so I had to delete and add...here are the additions...it's the main pathway near my apartment where I walk on Wednesdays and Saturdays...
Rolling Tire
After the Roll
gotta get down to 3
I love that picture "mom and grass" he doesn't look very happy!
Do people ever question what you're up to when they see you photographing them. I've not really done any candid stuff yet, but I've been so impressed by the way your people tell a story that I feel I should make start.
Also if you notice, a lot of my people shots are from behind!! Start with that perspective and gain some confidence...
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Nigritude Ultramarine
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Wow, excellent!
Nigritude Ultramarine
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
One of your best, Humungus.
Nigritude Ultramarine
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
They say pollock was out of his tree most days. Ive squashed a disc in my back (the doc has given me the purple ones) & that photo took 7 hours to set up. I will still swear that i was working on the bike the whole time.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
This is the bit about turning 40 they didnt mention.
The shot is into a mirror with another mirror.
A pathway into nothing.
Take care Mark
That sucks, Sorry to hear about it, backs are especially debilitating. No fun at all. Three guys on my floor at work are on crutches - two of them over 40 and paying for an active lifestyle. No carwrecks, just basic activity that their bodies can't handle anymore.
Great stuff on the shot - good thinking.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Gubbs your "Walk of Shame" is a real "hoot!" Love it!
Still can't view Your photos in Mozilla, and have to go to Internet Explorer, but your work is worth the effort!!!
Little feels worse than Muscle Pain,:sick at least IF that is the kind of pain you are feeling at any given moment. We are well acquainted with back spasms, here... and they really are "a real pain in the back." Oops, sorry...
Skelaxin seems to work well for my husband...
Do hope it lets up soon.
Very Nice Work with the Blue Pathway, using mirrors!
I remain,
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
my back went out 5 years ago at 37. dammit. had to have surgery lost a disc etc etc. so no more yoga or trapeze for me, and i had to give up one armed push-ups, too.
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Title: Wonderland
A Black and White conversion with some platinum color toning
Gotta get down to 3
Gotta get down to 3