I just recently set up my first coupon and sent out a PDF to the wedding guests reminding them to use the discount before it expires. I received an order today but they never used the discount. I'm pretty sure it is set up right but if I can't apply the code for them after the fact, is there anything I can do to ensure they can receive the discount, aside from manually reimbursing them later on?
The coupon is set up through an event so I'm not sure if that made a difference or not.
I'm still in the midst of establishing my business and really want to ensure good customer follow through. Any suggestions?
you can reimburse them manually, or maybe we can cancel the order and reapply the coupon - please write our Support Heroes with details.
I just recently set up my first coupon and sent out a PDF to the wedding guests reminding them to use the discount before it expires. I received an order today but they never used the discount
Welcome to my world. I'm shooting little league and I think maybe 50% of my customers think to use the coupons I've advertised. They're on my website and I even have a supersized green link to the coupons in the description area of every gallery (example).
At first this made me very worried; I thought that people would think I was overpriced or would get mad if they discovered the coupons after the fact. I bent over backwards for several customers at first to rectify their individual situations, but then it was just too much to bother with. It's on them. And obviously they think the photos are worth it or they wouldn't be placing orders.
Something nice you can do that is win-win is you can give them a print credit with no minimum, in the amount they would have saved by using the original coupon, for use on a future order. My customers have appreciated this.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Something nice you can do that is win-win is you can give them a print credit with no minimum, in the amount they would have saved by using the original coupon, for use on a future order. My customers have appreciated this.
That's a good idea too. Having just dealt with this once so far, I'm okay with trying to get it corrected before the order goes through, but if it continues to happen then I can definitely see where frustration can set in. It would be nice to have the option of applying it in the proof delay feature if the coupon got overlooked.
In the shopping cart when you put in your payment info, the coupon box is right at the top, not hard to see but your eye automatically travels down to the address area. All those white spaces are so alluring. I can see how it could get overlooked. Even by moving the code box to the bottom of this page, I think, it would help minimize it not being used. Just a suggestion.
Yup but they'd still have to go through the shopping cart, just making that clear.... thanks!
Understood. Is there a way to make an at cost coupon for digital downloads only, or can you only do at cost across the board for whatever you offer for sale?
Understood. Is there a way to make an at cost coupon for digital downloads only, or can you only do at cost across the board for whatever you offer for sale?
You could restrict to a gallery, where the gallery is only priced for Digital Downloads.
Coupons can be restricted to specific galleries now, right? I wish they could be restricted to a category. It is a pain to keep adding new galleries to a coupon if it is one I want to be able to use many times.
can a client use more than one coupon?
sorry if this has been answered, looked at the smugmug help page and didn't see the answer, don't have time to scroll through 10 pages here.
I am going to include a print credit with my session fee, so I will create a print credit coupon for this for each client.
Now my question is... can a client use more than one coupon in checking out? I would also like to create some "10% off if order placed within the first 3 days" coupons to promote getting the order in quicker.
But I don't think I can have them use two coupons right?
If not... I would really like it if this could possibly be done.
If told someone i would give them a print credit of lets say 10 8x10's, would i make a coupon for the value of the ten 8x10's. And would this value be based before my markup on the gallery or after my markup on the gallery?
If told someone i would give them a print credit of lets say 10 8x10's, would i make a coupon for the value of the ten 8x10's. And would this value be based before my markup on the gallery or after my markup on the gallery?
Let's say each 8x10 was $10.00 each. If you would like to cover just the prints, you would need to make a print credit for $100.00. After the order is placed, you would be charged the default pricing for the prints.
Hi, coupons can't be stacked I'm so sorry! You can add the feature request here http://feedback.smugmug.com thanks!
Is a print credit considered a 'coupon' or a payment type at checkout?
Seems that a customer should be able to apply a %-age off coupon to get a final price, then use the print credit to pay for it, since the print credit is open ended (customer can use part now and part later).
Is a print credit considered a 'coupon' or a payment type at checkout?
Seems that a customer should be able to apply a %-age off coupon to get a final price, then use the print credit to pay for it, since the print credit is open ended (customer can use part now and part later).
Hi Jon,
The Print Credit is a coupon. While we do think of the print credit coupon as a precursor to gift cards it does follow the same rules as the other coupon types and is not "stackable". More information on coupons can be found here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/coupon-codes
I hope this helps. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, we are always happy to help.
Thought I'd add my voice to the coupon discussion. First off- THANK YOU!! for coupons, they are great.
There are a couple of issues that we run into with our business and using coupons fully that I wanted to throw out there, I imagine other are running into these same things also.
Mainly if the coupons could be specific to a product, in order to give a free 8x10 I have to issue a gift card. Which is fine for one print. But if I want to give them a gallery wrap and some prints at my expense I would have to give them a huge gift card, but I cannot keep them from using it on just any product, which could hurt in the end.
I've thought if I could just create a package for them, with a coupon to go with it, that might work also, but then you've got the same sort of situation, where they could use the credit towards anything and not what you're trying to give them.
Some how, if we could have the ability to create a coupon package, that would be WONDERFUL! thanks for all the hard work!
- katie
A coupon that is locked to ONLY be valid for 1 time use for only 1 type of product (8x10).
Otherwise, we could create a package that includes 1 8x12 and attach it to that -- however - we still ONLY want it to be available for ONE TIME USE.
Otherwise, we'll have freeloading.
Creating extra galleries with coupon restrictions does not fit into out business model -- we need the client to select their image - and we're working on fitness events wherein we may have 4,000 images total uploaded using a SmugMug uploader plugin.
We're charging a private shoot fee which will include the 8x10 and Low Res Digital Downloads (as well as 1-on-1 photographer time).
pardon me but...
I am wondering if the following is possible.
I would like to keep my "pricing" what it is but be able to offer a print credit to a client. For example lets say my client gets 100 4x6 prints as per our negotiated contract. I know if I do the math myself and make the prices the smugmug default I can set the code for whatever the prints would cost. The issue for me with this method is that then if anyone else stops in to purchase photos they willbe purchasing at the smugmug default pricing and therefore I would not earn a profit. Can anyone tell me how to issue a print credit where a client can get their photos at smugmug default pricing (thus making my cost as low as possible) but yet keeping the prices for all who do not enter that coupon code whatever I want the prices to be? Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me how to issue a print credit where a client can get their photos at smugmug default pricing (thus making my cost as low as possible) but yet keeping the prices for all who do not enter that coupon code whatever I want the prices to be? Thanks in advance.
Sure! You have two options here; a Print Credit coupon, or an At-Cost coupon.
With the at-cost coupon, you can set up and issue a coupon code to allow the customer to purchase your items at-cost, set a valid date range, choose the galleries the coupon can be applied towards, and the maximum amount of uses.
Some pros are uncomfortable with customers knowing their cost, however, so a Print Credit coupon could also work here. This will charge your customers your full retail prices, though, so you would need to do some math to figure out just how much to issue the credit for, based on the number of items, prices, and sizes the credit is intended to be used for. There is, however, no way to say "This coupon is good for a specific print size or product, quantity x", only a total dollar amount. Note though, this is like issuing your customer a gift card, and the at-cost print prices will be charged against your account.
I just created my first coupon and am wondering, since all I guess I can share is the CODE, how my customers would see what else I've written (i.e., "thanks for your support", etc) on the original coupon. I'm not figuring out how to share it. Thanks!
I just created my first coupon and am wondering, since all I guess I can share is the CODE, how my customers would see what else I've written (i.e., "thanks for your support", etc) on the original coupon. I'm not figuring out how to share it. Thanks!
New to this chat. Bear with me. I like the coupon idea, and I've been using it. My concern is the profit margin on merchandise versus prints. I sell some of my customers a $100 coupon for $90, and when that's applied to prints, it's okay if I take a hit on the profits. But I'm not so excited about taking a hit on the lower profit margin items like tote bags, etc...
Is there some way to create coupons that ONLY apply to PRINTS and NOT merchandise?
New to this chat. Bear with me. I like the coupon idea, and I've been using it. My concern is the profit margin on merchandise versus prints. I sell some of my customers a $100 coupon for $90, and when that's applied to prints, it's okay if I take a hit on the profits. But I'm not so excited about taking a hit on the lower profit margin items like tote bags, etc...
Is there some way to create coupons that ONLY apply to PRINTS and NOT merchandise?
You can also markup the merchandise items to have a similar profit margin so you make the same if they apply the coupon to those items. That's what I would do in your situation.
It would be very useful to have a Cost Plus or Cost+ coupon where we could sell items at smugmug cost plus a desired amount. This would elimnate the problem of dipping below cost of the higher cost items. Any chance of that type in the future?
I completely agree. I was looking for something like this to use for my family to purchase just above cost rather than at cost.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Welcome to my world. I'm shooting little league and I think maybe 50% of my customers think to use the coupons I've advertised. They're on my website and I even have a supersized green link to the coupons in the description area of every gallery (example).
At first this made me very worried; I thought that people would think I was overpriced or would get mad if they discovered the coupons after the fact. I bent over backwards for several customers at first to rectify their individual situations, but then it was just too much to bother with. It's on them. And obviously they think the photos are worth it or they wouldn't be placing orders.
Something nice you can do that is win-win is you can give them a print credit with no minimum, in the amount they would have saved by using the original coupon, for use on a future order. My customers have appreciated this.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Heroes to the rescue!
Weddings | Portraits
Site & Blog
That's a good idea too. Having just dealt with this once so far, I'm okay with trying to get it corrected before the order goes through, but if it continues to happen then I can definitely see where frustration can set in. It would be nice to have the option of applying it in the proof delay feature if the coupon got overlooked.
In the shopping cart when you put in your payment info, the coupon box is right at the top, not hard to see but your eye automatically travels down to the address area. All those white spaces are so alluring. I can see how it could get overlooked. Even by moving the code box to the bottom of this page, I think, it would help minimize it not being used. Just a suggestion.
Otherwise, I am loving the feature so far!
Weddings | Portraits
Site & Blog
One of the biggest requests I have noticed and a REAL necessity is product restriction for the coupons. Is this in the works??
I also agree with putting the coupon box at the bottom.
Lo 'n' behold, it happened again.
Weddings | Portraits
Site & Blog
If I set an "at cost" coupon and an item is available for a digital download, will the customer be able to download the photo for free?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Understood. Is there a way to make an at cost coupon for digital downloads only, or can you only do at cost across the board for whatever you offer for sale?
You could restrict to a gallery, where the gallery is only priced for Digital Downloads.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Well, yes. But if I wanted to make a separate gallery with free digital downloads, I could just let people right click and save without a watermark.
I was trying to see if there was a way to do it without having to make a new gallery.
So, I guess the answer is no then? I can not make a coupon for at cost, digital downloads?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
sorry if this has been answered, looked at the smugmug help page and didn't see the answer, don't have time to scroll through 10 pages here.
I am going to include a print credit with my session fee, so I will create a print credit coupon for this for each client.
Now my question is... can a client use more than one coupon in checking out? I would also like to create some "10% off if order placed within the first 3 days" coupons to promote getting the order in quicker.
But I don't think I can have them use two coupons right?
If not... I would really like it if this could possibly be done.
Life Imprints by Kim
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Let's say each 8x10 was $10.00 each. If you would like to cover just the prints, you would need to make a print credit for $100.00. After the order is placed, you would be charged the default pricing for the prints.
SmugMug Support Hero
Is a print credit considered a 'coupon' or a payment type at checkout?
Seems that a customer should be able to apply a %-age off coupon to get a final price, then use the print credit to pay for it, since the print credit is open ended (customer can use part now and part later).
Hi Jon,
The Print Credit is a coupon. While we do think of the print credit coupon as a precursor to gift cards it does follow the same rules as the other coupon types and is not "stackable". More information on coupons can be found here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/coupon-codes
I hope this helps. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, we are always happy to help.
Best Regards,
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
When you say "precursor to gift card" are we moving in that direction, or should I make a feature request?
A coupon that is locked to ONLY be valid for 1 time use for only 1 type of product (8x10).
Otherwise, we could create a package that includes 1 8x12 and attach it to that -- however - we still ONLY want it to be available for ONE TIME USE.
Otherwise, we'll have freeloading.
Creating extra galleries with coupon restrictions does not fit into out business model -- we need the client to select their image - and we're working on fitness events wherein we may have 4,000 images total uploaded using a SmugMug uploader plugin.
We're charging a private shoot fee which will include the 8x10 and Low Res Digital Downloads (as well as 1-on-1 photographer time).
I am wondering if the following is possible.
I would like to keep my "pricing" what it is but be able to offer a print credit to a client. For example lets say my client gets 100 4x6 prints as per our negotiated contract. I know if I do the math myself and make the prices the smugmug default I can set the code for whatever the prints would cost. The issue for me with this method is that then if anyone else stops in to purchase photos they willbe purchasing at the smugmug default pricing and therefore I would not earn a profit. Can anyone tell me how to issue a print credit where a client can get their photos at smugmug default pricing (thus making my cost as low as possible) but yet keeping the prices for all who do not enter that coupon code whatever I want the prices to be? Thanks in advance.
Sure! You have two options here; a Print Credit coupon, or an At-Cost coupon.
With the at-cost coupon, you can set up and issue a coupon code to allow the customer to purchase your items at-cost, set a valid date range, choose the galleries the coupon can be applied towards, and the maximum amount of uses.
Some pros are uncomfortable with customers knowing their cost, however, so a Print Credit coupon could also work here. This will charge your customers your full retail prices, though, so you would need to do some math to figure out just how much to issue the credit for, based on the number of items, prices, and sizes the credit is intended to be used for. There is, however, no way to say "This coupon is good for a specific print size or product, quantity x", only a total dollar amount. Note though, this is like issuing your customer a gift card, and the at-cost print prices will be charged against your account.
Here's the full scoop: http://www.smugmug.com/help/coupon-codes
Shout with more questions!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Hi there,
I just created my first coupon and am wondering, since all I guess I can share is the CODE, how my customers would see what else I've written (i.e., "thanks for your support", etc) on the original coupon. I'm not figuring out how to share it. Thanks!
Why not just give them something like this?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Is there some way to create coupons that ONLY apply to PRINTS and NOT merchandise?
That feature request has already been entered, please vote for it!
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
I completely agree. I was looking for something like this to use for my family to purchase just above cost rather than at cost.