Mines on 35's locked front and rear, chromo's all around so she's no lightweight but the other XJ in my pics is on 60's and 39's....and he kept egging me on to follow his lines....um no.
Mines on 35's locked front and rear, chromo's all around so she's no lightweight but the other XJ in my pics is on 60's and 39's....and he kept egging me on to follow his lines....um no.
Good for you for knowing better and not let his egging you on get to you! Your setup is very similar to ours..locked front and rear, chromos as well, but we just sold our 35's and upgraded to some 37's..and of course it's a Frontier not a Jeep.
Camping in my Grand Cherokee in Death Valley. Used to have a Wrangler but it was too small and leaky for me (it rains -- a lot -- in western Oregon where I live)
I did some work for a club that put on a competition. I loved it - but couldnt get my head around the amount of money that was being flipped over! Yes i know - thats what they are built for... But still...!
2. This one made me laugh! The driver was swearing something feirce at his spotter to move! Everyone else saw the danger... The spotter didnt - and he was looking almost straight up at it!! No one was hurt in the making of this picture!!
I was going to add more - but for some reason it wont let me!
I did some work for a club that put on a competition. I loved it - but couldnt get my head around the amount of money that was being flipped over! Yes i know - thats what they are built for... But still...!
I was going to add more - but for some reason it wont let me!
I was cruising the hood with the dog the other day...and I noticed an FJ for sale. A real one OMG, i need to go back and see what he's asking. For it's age, it looks to be in pretty good shape...I bet it's expensive.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Yea we are so ready for the Arizona summer to be over and hit the trails again. My husband has been working on it non-stop..
It will be getting powdercoated black and we are going to paint the panels silver. Just picked up our 37" spare last night, a spare that had only been used once and we got it for $80 which is a steal.
Holy cow, amazing work Natalie. I feel so inferior now. :cry Please tell me your hubby does fabrication for a living. Oh, and great pictures too.
Nonsense, you are not inferior You can build your Jeep up more Welding/Fabrication is his hobby (self taught), he does A/C and Heating as a living.
and thanks! Build pictures we just keep on his photobucket account, but I do use my DSLR for most of the pictures Once it's all done there will be photos of it on my smugmug.
Nonsense, you are not inferior You can build your Jeep up more Welding/Fabrication is his hobby (self taught), he does A/C and Heating as a living.
I've actually starting fabbing a few small items now. Picked up a used MIG and upgraded my grinder, and actually built a few things. Not sure if I'll ever get to that point though. Do you guys own a tubing bender?
Anyway, we did an excellent run out in the mining country of the Cerbat mountains yesterday. I have lots of pics to process, but here's a preview.
I've actually starting fabbing a few small items now. Picked up a used MIG and upgraded my grinder, and actually built a few things. Not sure if I'll ever get to that point though. Do you guys own a tubing bender?
Anyway, we did an excellent run out in the mining country of the Cerbat mountains yesterday. I have lots of pics to process, but here's a preview.
Nice shot first of all, and nice choice of tires My husband applauds the black-out lettering (rather than choosing to have the white lettering face out). He says that's how true wheelers run them haha.
As for a tube bender, believe it or not it's all been done with a harbor freight bender that's at least 4 years old.
Yea we are so ready for the Arizona summer to be over and hit the trails again. My husband has been working on it non-stop..
It will be getting powdercoated black and we are going to paint the panels silver. Just picked up our 37" spare last night, a spare that had only been used once and we got it for $80 which is a steal.
I wish I had fabrication skills, or even simple welding skills.....it'd make getting my replacement axles under the jeep a lot easier...
I wish I had fabrication skills, or even simple welding skills.....it'd make getting my replacement axles under the jeep a lot easier...
The rig looks good btw.
Thanks. I was pretty freaked out about it at first but he really knows how to make things come together. Him being able to fabricate and weld has saved us a lot of $$, and every bit counts.
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
Mines on 35's locked front and rear, chromo's all around so she's no lightweight but the other XJ in my pics is on 60's and 39's....and he kept egging me on to follow his lines....um no.
Good for you for knowing better and not let his egging you on get to you! Your setup is very similar to ours..locked front and rear, chromos as well, but we just sold our 35's and upgraded to some 37's..and of course it's a Frontier not a Jeep.
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Last Trip
A little fun - too much for the camera...... as it fell.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Camping in my Grand Cherokee in Death Valley. Used to have a Wrangler but it was too small and leaky for me (it rains -- a lot -- in western Oregon where I live)
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
I actually had a ride in that one. Rode great! (And yes, it really is a Toyota, or was at one time.)
Link to my Smugmug site
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
That thing went everywhere.
Link to my Smugmug site
2. This one made me laugh! The driver was swearing something feirce at his spotter to move! Everyone else saw the danger... The spotter didnt - and he was looking almost straight up at it!! No one was hurt in the making of this picture!!
I was going to add more - but for some reason it wont let me!
Nikon D3 & D3s
2xSB-900 Speedlights
Tokina 12-24 f4, Nikon 50 f1.8, 28-70 f2.8,70-200 f2.8 VR, 1.7x TC , 200-400 f4 vrII
...more to come!
Pretty cool....try again.
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Yeah that's my ride... that front bar is custom all the way designed and built locally here in Queensland by C44F
Some older ones.....I'm hoping to get back out on the trail next weekend.
I can't wait to get back out on the trail, it allows me to enjoy both of my expensive hobbies.....
It will be getting powdercoated black and we are going to paint the panels silver. Just picked up our 37" spare last night, a spare that had only been used once and we got it for $80 which is a steal.
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Link to my Smugmug site
Nonsense, you are not inferior
and thanks! Build pictures we just keep on his photobucket account, but I do use my DSLR for most of the pictures
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Anyway, we did an excellent run out in the mining country of the Cerbat mountains yesterday. I have lots of pics to process, but here's a preview.
Link to my Smugmug site
Nice shot first of all, and nice choice of tires
As for a tube bender, believe it or not it's all been done with a harbor freight bender that's at least 4 years old.
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
I wish I had fabrication skills, or even simple welding skills.....it'd make getting my replacement axles under the jeep a lot easier...
The rig looks good btw.
Thanks. I was pretty freaked out about it at first but he really knows how to make things come together. Him being able to fabricate and weld has saved us a lot of $$, and every bit counts.
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery