Not knowing how this would end up being implemented, I had hoped to see a Like "gallery" level way of doing it too.
.... or category or sub-category. I don't see how one photo is gonna have much chance of getting enough "likes" to actually show up in the newsfeed, if volume is what's needed for it to show up.
Now, that the feature is there.. is there a way for us to track who had liked our images?
This is my main concern too. Normally on Facebook anytime someone "likes" one of your images you are given notice who and which photo is being liked.
If I have a ton of pics being liked by a certain person or friends I would want to know who it is to show some appreciation. Otherwise I just have a bunch of random strangers who have liked my photos but I have no way to interact with them.
This is my main concern too. Normally on Facebook anytime someone "likes" one of your images you are given notice who and which photo is being liked.
If I have a ton of pics being liked by a certain person or friends I would want to know who it is to show some appreciation. Otherwise I just have a bunch of random strangers who have liked my photos but I have no way to interact with them.
Those "insights" are for Fan-page likes, not other webpages or personal profiles. And you can only see those if you're the adminstrator of a Fan-page, and that Fan-page has over 30 "likes" from other FB users. Kind of a different thing entirely from what the recent posters were asking.
Those "insights" are for Fan-page likes, not other webpages or personal profiles. And you can only see those if you're the adminstrator of a Fan-page, and that Fan-page has over 30 "likes" from other FB users. Kind of a different thing entirely from what the recent posters were asking.
That's not my understanding. It prompts you for the URL of your web page and gives you some metadata to put in the page so they can verify that you own it. I've linked my Smugmug domain to my FB account and it says it will give me statistics on Likes from that domain.
That's not my understanding. It prompts you for the URL of your web page and gives you some metadata to put in the page so they can verify that you own it. I've linked my Smugmug domain to my FB account and it says it will give me statistics on Likes from that domain.
Edit: Nevermind see bottom.
Can someone possibly give detailed instructions to a newbie. I click on the insights button from the facebook link that Andy provided and copy the
<meta property="fb:admins" content="xxxxxxxxxx" /> (my page id is x'ed out)
Can I just add this line anywhere , ie. in my bio info on my smugmug homepage? or where do I need to put it?
I tried the above and I still get the "No admin data found." when I click on Check domain.
Or do I need to go into my domain manager ( and enter it someplace there?
Edit: Nevermind I figured it out, had to go in the advanced sitewide costomization page and entered it into the "head tag" section.
Shows up now, now just have to wait for some more "likes" and see if they show the liker 8)
Those "insights" are for Fan-page likes, not other webpages or personal profiles. And you can only see those if you're the adminstrator of a Fan-page, and that Fan-page has over 30 "likes" from other FB users. Kind of a different thing entirely from what the recent posters were asking.
Untrue, put the FB code in your HEAD TAG of advanced sitewide customizing and then plug in your url into the fb overlay
That's not my understanding. It prompts you for the URL of your web page and gives you some metadata to put in the page so they can verify that you own it. I've linked my Smugmug domain to my FB account and it says it will give me statistics on Likes from that domain.
I was going by a drop-down menu I was given, showing my Fan-pages that I administer. (or actually, only ONE of them, for some odd reason!) It didn't give me an option for my personal profile. However, I later saw another area to the right that must be where you're finding these other options. If you have a Fan-page, I guess that option is a lot more obvious & sorta keeps you from noticing the other stuff. Just another stupid FB quirk.
Like Button & Facebook
I recently uploaded a gallery and the LIKE Button for Facebook is displayed. A friend visited my gallery and clicked on the LIKE Button on quite a few of my images.
I didn't know this until I visited her Facebook page - all her LIKEs are listed on her Facebook page with a link to my gallery.
There is nothing on my Facebook page to alert me to the fact that someone has visited my gallery and actually likes it and in fact I would not have been alerted to the fact unless I visited her page.
Have I set this up incorrectly? Or have I misunderstood the use of the LIKE Button.
I recently uploaded a gallery and the LIKE Button for Facebook is displayed. A friend visited my gallery and clicked on the LIKE Button on quite a few of my images.
I didn't know this until I visited her Facebook page - all her LIKEs are listed on her Facebook page with a link to my gallery.
There is nothing on my Facebook page to alert me to the fact that someone has visited my gallery and actually likes it and in fact I would not have been alerted to the fact unless I visited her page.
Have I set this up incorrectly? Or have I misunderstood the use of the LIKE Button.
You've mostly misunderstood how FB Like works. It's just a mechanism for a FB user to say that they Like a given URL and it shows on their page. I don't claim to understand how this works yet, but there is a way in FB for you to "register" your smugmug domain as belonging to you and being associated with your FB account. This won't put anything on your wall when someone Likes one of your images, but I do believe it allows you to see some stats on Likes. I've been trying to set it up and have not yet succeeded. As it stands now, FB doesn't know that your smugmug pages have any connection at all with your FB account. They are just URLs on the net that people are saying they Like.
You've mostly misunderstood how FB Like works. It's just a mechanism for a FB user to say that they Like a given URL and it shows on their page. I don't claim to understand how this works yet, but there is a way in FB for you to "register" your smugmug domain as belonging to you and being associated with your FB account. This won't put anything on your wall when someone Likes one of your images, but I do believe it allows you to see some stats on Likes. I've been trying to set it up and have not yet succeeded. As it stands now, FB doesn't know that your smugmug pages have any connection at all with your FB account. They are just URLs on the net that people are saying they Like.
You can add the insights code to your head tag in your advanced customizing if you are a power or pro customer. Then the insights page will give you some more data.
Ah, here the thread i was looking for: FB Like sucks. No photo on somebody's wall makes it completely useless for marketing purposes. Who cares how many people "like" one of your photos (the number). More important is that their friends can see *your photo* and maybe be enticed to click through and buy/hire you.
You should just stick a little [f] logo on the page like everybody else on the Internet, and have it link to the Facebook "Share this Link" URL, which includes a photo, lets people add a comment, and works everywhere else on the Internet. (HEY LOOK! There's one of these [f] logos directly below this post.)
Super lame, guys, for as much feedback as you solicited. :-(
(And ugh, forget about the hope that Like might SmugMug get any users. Nobody will even know that SmugMug exists, because they will never click on that text-only link.)
Ah, here the thread i was looking for: FB Like sucks. No photo on somebody's wall makes it completely useless for marketing purposes. Who cares how many people "like" one of your photos (the number). More important is that their friends can see *your photo* and maybe be enticed to click through and buy/hire you.
You should just stick a little [f] logo on the page like everybody else on the Internet, and have it link to the Facebook "Share this Link" URL, which includes a photo, lets people add a comment, and works everywhere else on the Internet. (HEY LOOK! There's one of these [f] logos directly below this post.)
Super lame, guys, for as much feedback as you solicited. :-(
(And ugh, forget about the hope that Like might SmugMug get any users. Nobody will even know that SmugMug exists, because they will never click on that text-only link.)
Thanks for the awesome feedback, Darryl. They're two different things, 'liking' and 'sharing' - you can share a link from SmugMug, by clicking Share Button>Be Social. Then that will appear on your wall with a thumbnail and and a message of yours if you wish. "Like" just puts a link on your wall with other things you like.
We're continually looking at all of what we can do on FB and what FB allows.
Thanks for the awesome feedback, Darryl. They're two different things, 'liking' and 'sharing' - you can share a link from SmugMug, by clicking Share Button>Be Social. Then that will appear on your wall with a thumbnail and and a message of yours if you wish. "Like" just puts a link on your wall with other things you like.
We're continually looking at all of what we can do on FB and what FB allows.
Hey Andy -- Thanks for being so positive when my crankypants face shows up here every few months ranting and raving. I could blame the double-dose of caffeine I had yesterday (it was only green tea -- I was trying to get over this cold), but we all know I'm a curmudgeon at heart.
But it really does come out of a desire for SmugMug to be better. Thanks for recognizing that. :-}
And yes, "Like" does what you say. And it all of those likes get buried. Hence the problem. :-/
yeah.. the like is nearly pointless the way it is right now.. I should've tested it before offering my visitors to use the button.. I will be disabling that option tonight.
yeah.. the like is nearly pointless the way it is right now.. I should've tested it before offering my visitors to use the button.. I will be disabling that option tonight.
I see lots of things that my FB friends have "Liked". It is not pointless. I've gotten visitors and comments on my site from my FB friends who saw things on my own site that I "Liked". It works. I visit things all the time that my FB friends have liked. It may not be all you want it to be or all that it could be, but it does work and it's certainly not a negative to have it on your site if you're trying to get known and generate traffic. If you want people to know about you, why would you turn it off when all the Like function can do it make it easier for viewers of your site who are also on FB to share it with their FB friends?
John, I do agree. But I am getting emails at least a few times a week asking "what am I doing wrong? picture is not showing up!".
Then tell them to use the Share on FB option which offers a lot more control over what shows on your FB page. I'd argue that even though you're getting emails, you're better off with people sharing your site - however they do it.
P.S. Everyone agrees that SM could improve their FB stuff and apparently they are working on that.
but we can't make a thumb appear on the likes, that's up to FB
I think what you're seeing from a lot of FB users is that what they really want on Smugmug is "one-click post on wall with thumbnail". They were hoping Like would be that, but it isn't. It has it's uses, but it's not exactly what they wanted. It doesn't include a thumbnail. It isn't really a wall post (it goes in a different place on your wall), etc...
Then, there's Share on FB. It's more capable and sometimes you get the thumbnail you want (sometimes not), but it's a lot of steps and it's buried in the Share button. Most viewers won't go there or even know it's there.
How about some hybrid feature that is as close to one-click functionality as possible, gets it's own visible icon like the Like button does (but a different icon to avoid confusion) and puts a real post with thumb on the user's wall?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
This is my main concern too. Normally on Facebook anytime someone "likes" one of your images you are given notice who and which photo is being liked.
If I have a ton of pics being liked by a certain person or friends I would want to know who it is to show some appreciation. Otherwise I just have a bunch of random strangers who have liked my photos but I have no way to interact with them.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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Edit: Nevermind see bottom.
Can someone possibly give detailed instructions to a newbie. I click on the insights button from the facebook link that Andy provided and copy the
<meta property="fb:admins" content="xxxxxxxxxx" /> (my page id is x'ed out)
Can I just add this line anywhere , ie. in my bio info on my smugmug homepage? or where do I need to put it?
I tried the above and I still get the "No admin data found." when I click on Check domain.
Or do I need to go into my domain manager ( and enter it someplace there?
Edit: Nevermind I figured it out, had to go in the advanced sitewide costomization page and entered it into the "head tag" section.
Shows up now, now just have to wait for some more "likes" and see if they show the liker 8)
Thanks guys.
This was very helpful, thanks!
Langford Photography
Untrue, put the FB code in your HEAD TAG of advanced sitewide customizing and then plug in your url into the fb overlay
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I do not see any data.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
only for power n pro users?
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I recently uploaded a gallery and the LIKE Button for Facebook is displayed. A friend visited my gallery and clicked on the LIKE Button on quite a few of my images.
I didn't know this until I visited her Facebook page - all her LIKEs are listed on her Facebook page with a link to my gallery.
There is nothing on my Facebook page to alert me to the fact that someone has visited my gallery and actually likes it and in fact I would not have been alerted to the fact unless I visited her page.
Have I set this up incorrectly? Or have I misunderstood the use of the LIKE Button.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
You can add the insights code to your head tag in your advanced customizing if you are a power or pro customer. Then the insights page will give you some more data.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
You should just stick a little [f] logo on the page like everybody else on the Internet, and have it link to the Facebook "Share this Link" URL, which includes a photo, lets people add a comment, and works everywhere else on the Internet. (HEY LOOK! There's one of these [f] logos directly below this post.)
Super lame, guys, for as much feedback as you solicited. :-(
(And ugh, forget about the hope that Like might SmugMug get any users. Nobody will even know that SmugMug exists, because they will never click on that text-only link.)
Thanks for the awesome feedback, Darryl. They're two different things, 'liking' and 'sharing' - you can share a link from SmugMug, by clicking Share Button>Be Social. Then that will appear on your wall with a thumbnail and and a message of yours if you wish. "Like" just puts a link on your wall with other things you like.
We're continually looking at all of what we can do on FB and what FB allows.
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oh my gosh. the facebook integration works perfectly here but not in the galleries.
although maybe that shows hope for the future?
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Hey Andy -- Thanks for being so positive when my crankypants face shows up here every few months ranting and raving. I could blame the double-dose of caffeine I had yesterday (it was only green tea -- I was trying to get over this cold), but we all know I'm a curmudgeon at heart.
But it really does come out of a desire for SmugMug to be better. Thanks for recognizing that. :-}
And yes, "Like" does what you say. And it all of those likes get buried. Hence the problem. :-/
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P.S. Everyone agrees that SM could improve their FB stuff and apparently they are working on that.
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Then, there's Share on FB. It's more capable and sometimes you get the thumbnail you want (sometimes not), but it's a lot of steps and it's buried in the Share button. Most viewers won't go there or even know it's there.
How about some hybrid feature that is as close to one-click functionality as possible, gets it's own visible icon like the Like button does (but a different icon to avoid confusion) and puts a real post with thumb on the user's wall?
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Yup, we get this
Thanks John.
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