I'm wondering whether this will simplify the process of moving or editing multiple galleries at once. E.g., if I wanted to move 10 galleries to a different category, that takes a long time currently. I'd love something drag-n-droppy, a la flickr and others (all others?). Or at least something I didn't dread. That would be great. Didn't see it mentioned, but might have missed.
Yes, I've wondered that too... I surely hope that will be simplified. And the whole virtual gallery experience needs simplifying too... instead of creating a whole new gallery and then filling it with virtual photos, we need to be able to simply place a gallery virtually in a second category or sub-category. I could hardly believe when the whole virtual experience we got awhile back, which is otherwise very helpful, fell so short in that simple thing! It was almost as if no one had thought it through, which is odd since this very capability was discussed in the Feedback Forum many times.
But anyway, I'm getting off-track. I'm wondering whether you're moving 10 galleries to another category in the simplest way... because, although it could be made much easier, it shouldn't take more than 5 min. or so to move 10 galleries to another category. You can just go into "Settings" from the little button under each thumbnail on the page showing the galleries you have in that category. Then just change the category, right near the top of the settings panel that comes up. But yes, you do need to go into each gallery's settings, either from the category page I just described or when you're viewing the gallery, to make the change. If that's what you're objecting to, I completely understand & agree that it should be much faster by this stage in SmugMug's development. I]ETA: P.S. If you're in Swarthmore, we're in the same general vicinity[/I
And now they lost their CCO... this makes me worry that this new cool update which is now almost 2 YEARS in the making will never happen... :cry
To my knowledge, it's only a little over a year (June 2011 is when the announcement came about), but yeah, I suppose the announcement would've happened a few months after the plans were actually in the works, so maybe internally it has been 2 yrs in the making... I don't know.
To my knowledge, it's only a little over a year (June 2011 is when the announcement came about), but yeah, I suppose the announcement would've happened a few months after the plans were actually in the works, so maybe internally it has been 2 yrs in the making... I don't know.
Yeah, I am becoming concerned wth the complete lack of communication over the past several months. This whole thing is evolving in a very strange way now. I think the original intention was a good one. SM wanted to elicit feedback from their user community and involve us in the developement cycle which is commendable. Many times SW companies or service providers make blanket changes based on a lot of assumptions regarding what they think their customers really want/need - Hello Microsoft. SM and Andy have tried to be more responsive and in touch than that in the past. I am concerned however that they are at stage in which things are getting away from them a bit. My advice is to stick with the original vision and plan. Of course we're all sorry to see Andy go. But SM needs to press ahead with their goals or the competition will swallow them up. It is no longer ok to rest on past achievements. Modernizing the look and feel along with the overall functionality is way overdue. Unfortunately they are losing some customers and Andy as well during this process. What's up SM? Give us something *real* to go on.
Yeah, I am becoming concerned wth the complete lack of communication over the past several months. This whole thing is evolving in a very strange way now. I think the original intention was a good one. SM wanted to elicit feedback from their user community and involve us in the developement cycle which is commendable.
My theory is that once the preview went live and they got a bunch of feedback, they realized they needed to reset and start again (or at least partially) and take things in a different direction in order to support the sort of things that people asked about. The end result may end up looking much like the earlier previews, but I bet the backend is a lot different.
If this results in a better product in the end, then I'd rather they take the time to do it right than push out a product that may look good but is hard to maintain and update for them and hard to customize for us.
My theory is that once the preview went live and they got a bunch of feedback, they realized they needed to reset and start again (or at least partially) and take things in a different direction in order to support the sort of things that people asked about. The end result may end up looking much like the earlier previews, but I bet the backend is a lot different.
If this results in a better product in the end, then I'd rather they take the time to do it right than push out a product that may look good but is hard to maintain and update for them and hard to customize for us.
I said this same thing from the beginning. I am willing to wait for a much improved final product. Although I know quite a few who have reached their limit. I am more concerned with the lack of communcation than anything. I realize they do not want to devulge all their inner workings during this *major* development release. However I would appreciate some follow-up to reassure customers the programming elves are continuing their efforts with a projected end in sight.
The long delay in this new design is part of what hurts so much about the pro price increase. We've waited so long while mind-blowingly beautiful, flexible, easily rearranged, responsive/mobile-friendly, tablet- and touch-gesture-ready photo gallery layouts have appeared all over the Web from Wordpress to 500px to Squarespace to Google+ and so many other photo sites too. Smugmug looks so far behind in comparison I have a suspicion that responding to these new mobile requirements and competitive design pressures are part of what is holding Smugmug up on the new design, but of course I don't know actually what is going on over there.
So when we start with the current outdated, inflexible Smugmug gallery designs knowing full well what else is available out there today, and then get hit with Andy leaving the company and this thread leaving us in the dark, getting socked with an unheard-of price increase just hurts that much more.
I just hope that what Smugmug is doing is something that can go up against 500px, Squarespace, and the best Wordpress responsive photo gallery templates and hold its own. Anything less will be a disappointment at this point (and at this price point) and I have a feeling Smugmug knows that.
First, the disclaimer: We're not done yet, by a long shot. Nothing is set in stone, and there will be bugs.
We've been furiously working at overhauling SmugMug from the ground up based on a ton of customer feedback, especially from Dgrinners. We're ready to enter the next phase of gathering customer feedback in addition to our existing user testing.
But how bad do you think Pbase users feel? ;-) Their interface looks to be from the early days of the web. Couldn't get much more basic and mundane than that. Having said that, I do hope SmugMug gets the updates done soon. I'm not one to enjoy researching tons of code to customize my site on my own. I'd like a few easy templates I can apply without much fuss. I like to make pictures, not be a coder. Sure, I know some people get off on that 'look how well I know html, java, css, etc!'...ok, great, but I don't want to learn all that. I don't need to and don't want to. I want to pay a fee to have someone else (SmugMug) develop all that and make it available to me with a few clicks. :-)
1. Stay around and wait to see how things turn out.
2. Leave to some competitor site.
In the case of number one I tend to feel like I've waited this long, why not at least see things through. The major downsides of this process are excessviely long delays with no end in site. The scale and scope of such a major change could simply be too much. So it may not get done the way it should. How much longer do we then wait for 'better days?' Another year, maybe two, or longer perhaps for an allusively cool thing which is just about to happen? That didn't turn out so good for pbase customers. I know, I used to be one. Though I'm not sure they even wanted to leave the stone age of software design.
On the other hand if one decides to cut their losses now and make the switch what happens if SM really does pull something great off in the next 6 months to a year? Then is it time to move back again? Time to migrate all one's files yet again and start over? What a pain! No matter how many easy migration tools are out there the bottom line is it takes work to customize and personalize own's website. That is unless you like a canned out of the box look and feel. Sure it is easier with the competition such as zenfolio or 500px because they have cleaner designs to begin with. But it still will take work. Is all that work really necessary? I think that is the harder question to answer, but one which we all must ultimately face based on individual or business needs. If this were my business unfortunately I would have already made my choice as time is not a luxury one has when customers are waiting.
But how bad do you think Pbase users feel? ;-) Their interface looks to be from the early days of the web. Couldn't get much more basic and mundane than that.
I've looked around on the PBase forums, and the funny thing is that they don't care. There are a lot of PBase users who are on it because it's cheap and basic. If someone points out that PBase doesn't have auto-adjusting layouts, gradient buttons and drop shadows, mobile friendliness, social media hooks or any of the other 500 features that sites like SmugMug and Zenfolio have over PBase, a lot of them just laugh and say that's exactly why they're on PBase. They just wanted an easy cheap place to upload pictures to share from their desktop computer and they kind of don't care that it's so ugly. And I'm sure a lot of them are laughing at SmugMug Pro users who got hit with the doubled price increase, since PBase charges $23 to 60 a year.
They're not all that way. There are also posts at the PBase forums from users who are fed up with PBase instability and being so out of step with the rest of the Web. They're the ones who joined up back in the mid-2000s when PBase, SmugMug and others looked roughly the same. Now, with 500px-type photo sharing sites showing what's possible in 2012, people who take one look at PBase today and still decide to sign up are probably highly aware that PBase has no intention of being state of the art.
However, SmugMug's sales pages make a lot of promises about being a premium best-of-breed type of service, and charges accordingly. So when SmugMug doesn't deliver something like this design change before doubling the price, it leaves a really bad taste.
See ya Smugmug
I was here for a good little bit, but I'm so gone, now. I can always come back if Smugmug gets it together, but I got so sick and tired of waiting for this new design. I mean if Smugmug really wanted this to be a priority, it would be done. Unless they're really having difficulty implementing this. I left... There's so many other choices for me. Maybe, SM is best for others, but for me, SM just didn't make it happen soon enough.
They're dragging their heels
Well I am currently on trials with Zenfolio and Smugmug. I do think Smug needs to update it's layouts and provide more flexibility in that area. The 20+ themes are pretty lame. I thought I would have more up-front customization just colors.
I submit, for your perusal an anecdote:
After several grueling days, I've finally got a passable looking SM site. http://gallery.etchedinpixels.com
This has taken me hours of scanning dgrin and testing code.
Now, take a look at my Zenfolio site. This achieved the same look... it's more attractively in some ways etchedinpixels.zenfolio.com. The default templates are certainly more professional than SM's.
And you know what? That probably took an hour! Plus Zenfolio is cheaper, and let's you set your own markup with the lower tier accounts.
Yes, Smugmug has no upward limit with customization, but it sure is tempting to go with Zenfolio. SM needs to get with the program.
My Photo Site: EtchedinPixels.com
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
Well I am currently on trials with Zenfolio and Smugmug. I do think Smug needs to update it's layouts and provide more flexibility in that area. The 20+ themes are pretty lame. I thought I would have more up-front customization just colors.
I submit, for your perusal an anecdote:
After several grueling days, I've finally got a passable looking SM site. http://gallery.etchedinpixels.com
This has taken me hours of scanning dgrin and testing code.
Now, take a look at my Zenfolio site. This achieved the same look... it's more attractively in some ways etchedinpixels.zenfolio.com. The default templates are certainly more professional than SM's.
And you know what? That probably took an hour! Plus Zenfolio is cheaper, and let's you set your own markup with the lower tier accounts.
Yes, Smugmug has no upward limit with customization, but it sure is tempting to go with Zenfolio. SM needs to get with the program.
Wow Chris,
You did a nice job especially with SM given all the junk you had to clean up. I do like both, but prefer the Zenfolio look and flow overall. The SM version is not bad though. I like how you were able to make your photos stand out as they should vs. noticing all the host's little, odd features. That's very hard to do with SM. If I were you it would be a tough choice. In my case since I'm already vested in SM with all the hours spent customizing and uploading I'll stay at least for now. BTW, how did you get your category images to look larger?
You did a nice job especially with SM given all the junk you had to clean up. I do like both, but prefer the Zenfolio look and flow overall. The SM version is not bad though. I like how you were able to make your photos stand out as they should vs. noticing all the host's little, odd features. That's very hard to do with SM. If I were you it would be a tough choice. In my case since I'm already vested in SM with all the hours spent customizing and uploading I'll stay at least for now. BTW, how did you get your category images to look larger?
Thanks for the feedback, Derek! Sorry it's been so long since I checked back. I was setting up my Wordpress site and figuring out how to integrate either ZF or SM. Not to bore you with the details but I did find it pretty easy to replicate the look of my Wordpress theme using ZF (compare the wordpress blog at http://etchedinpixels.com/blog versus http://etchedinpixels.zenfolio.com/f257398347 . It's not a carbon copy but it's pretty damn close. See the attachment for a side by side screen shot comparison. I'm struggling to do the same with SM. It'll take many more hours I imagine.
Zenfolio continues to release updates, but Smugmug changed their Portfolio plan yesterday to include custom pricing so I am enticed by that. If SM would start rolling out the UI enhancements that would seal the deal. They might have doomed themselves by packing too many changes into the update. I'd rather they release some of the features NOW rather than wait another year for a bigger update package (which will probably be obsolete by then).
Thanks for the feedback, Derek! Sorry it's been so long since I checked back. I was setting up my Wordpress site and figuring out how to integrate either ZF or SM. Not to bore you with the details but I did find it pretty easy to replicate the look of my Wordpress theme using ZF (compare the wordpress blog at http://etchedinpixels.com/blog versus http://etchedinpixels.zenfolio.com/f257398347 . It's not a carbon copy but it's pretty damn close. See the attachment for a side by side screen shot comparison. I'm struggling to do the same with SM. It'll take many more hours I imagine.
Zenfolio continues to release updates, but Smugmug changed their Portfolio plan yesterday to include custom pricing so I am enticed by that. If SM would start rolling out the UI enhancements that would seal the deal. They might have doomed themselves by packing too many changes into the update. I'd rather they release some of the features NOW rather than wait another year for a bigger update package (which will probably be obsolete by then).
Nice job on the ZF gallery Chris. Just curious if they let you set up your own prices? I think SM will only allow that feature with their top of the line $300 account.
One of the reasons I don't think they could do this release incrementally like other *enhancements* in the past is that this is a major and much needed architectural change. In software development this is similar to basically rebuilding one's house from the ground up vs. adding a room to an existing structure. So its very hard to do a little at a time in a meaningful or visiable way. The foundation is transparent to the user. its not until the whole thing is wired up that one gets to *see* the changes.
Nice job on the ZF gallery Chris. Just curious if they let you set up your own prices? I think SM will only allow that feature with their top of the line $300 account.
That's what I was referring to with my reference to custom pricing. SM used to require the $300 business account for this, but this week they added that feature to the $150 portfolio account. Now it's more in line with what ZF offers (for $120).
I totally agree that it's hard to roll out a new interface piecemeal. But certainly a year and a half (and counting) is a long time to be in production. It begins to feel like vaporware, and that is demoralizing. Here's hoping the revisions are our Christmas present!
My Photo Site: EtchedinPixels.com
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
Did they? Where did they make that announcement? I must have missed it! Were there any other changes?
I hear ya. I only found out because I was scrutinizing the pricing/features page and thought... wait a sec, I don't remember them offering the pricing option at the lower level!
I hear ya. I only found out because I was scrutinizing the pricing/features page and thought... wait a sec, I don't remember them offering the pricing option at the lower level!
I'm tired of waiting and built myself a custom Lightroom 4 "export to web" preset.
And this exported Lightroom gallery is embedded into a simple HTML frameset I will update myself.
The design is what I wished I would have gotten here. But didnt.
It is not ready yet, the only gallery which is partly uploaded is Travel -> Namibia 2012.
Feel free to check it out, and let me know what you think. I am still optimizing before I export everything else. But it already runs nicely on iPhone & iPad.
My videos will be emdedded via Vimeo, since I still have no idea how to export video through LR.
Goodbye Smugmug (I really wish I could've stayed),
I'm tired of waiting and built myself a custom Lightroom 4 "export to web" preset.
And this exported Lightroom gallery is embedded into a simple HTML frameset I will update myself.
The design is what I wished I would have gotten here. But didnt.
Well I don't know if that's truly your last post, Jan, but if you're still checking this forum...
I think the site looks quite nice. Slower to load than Smugmug but I like the responsive layout. If you don't care about the advanced commerce options, then perhaps you'll want to check out this is all you want, then you might also check out Zenfolio or 500px. They have some cheap plans that will be pleasant to look at. The 500px portfolio is shares a similar layout to what you have here.
Would you can to explain how the Export to Web preset works and what the webserver side of the equation looks like? I use LR too.
My Photo Site: EtchedinPixels.com
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
And now they lost their CCO... this makes me worry that this new cool update which is now almost 2 YEARS in the making will never happen... :cry
Feel free to leave a comment...
But anyway, I'm getting off-track. I'm wondering whether you're moving 10 galleries to another category in the simplest way... because, although it could be made much easier, it shouldn't take more than 5 min. or so to move 10 galleries to another category. You can just go into "Settings" from the little button under each thumbnail on the page showing the galleries you have in that category. Then just change the category, right near the top of the settings panel that comes up. But yes, you do need to go into each gallery's settings, either from the category page I just described or when you're viewing the gallery, to make the change. If that's what you're objecting to, I completely understand & agree that it should be much faster by this stage in SmugMug's development. I]ETA: P.S. If you're in Swarthmore, we're in the same general vicinity[/I
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Yeah, I am becoming concerned wth the complete lack of communication over the past several months. This whole thing is evolving in a very strange way now. I think the original intention was a good one. SM wanted to elicit feedback from their user community and involve us in the developement cycle which is commendable. Many times SW companies or service providers make blanket changes based on a lot of assumptions regarding what they think their customers really want/need - Hello Microsoft.
My Smugmug Gallery
My theory is that once the preview went live and they got a bunch of feedback, they realized they needed to reset and start again (or at least partially) and take things in a different direction in order to support the sort of things that people asked about. The end result may end up looking much like the earlier previews, but I bet the backend is a lot different.
If this results in a better product in the end, then I'd rather they take the time to do it right than push out a product that may look good but is hard to maintain and update for them and hard to customize for us.
I said this same thing from the beginning. I am willing to wait for a much improved final product. Although I know quite a few who have reached their limit. I am more concerned with the lack of communcation than anything. I realize they do not want to devulge all their inner workings during this *major* development release. However I would appreciate some follow-up to reassure customers the programming elves are continuing their efforts with a projected end in sight.
I did notice that part of this discussion spilled into another thread here in which onethumb provided some feedback: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=224703&page=2
My Smugmug Gallery
What really sucks is with Andy gone, there's no official presence in this thread anymore.
Vote for: SmugMug Two factor authentication
So when we start with the current outdated, inflexible Smugmug gallery designs knowing full well what else is available out there today, and then get hit with Andy leaving the company and this thread leaving us in the dark, getting socked with an unheard-of price increase just hurts that much more.
I just hope that what Smugmug is doing is something that can go up against 500px, Squarespace, and the best Wordpress responsive photo gallery templates and hold its own. Anything less will be a disappointment at this point (and at this price point) and I have a feeling Smugmug knows that.
15 furious months later....
Where exactly are we with this?
Simple math. The longer the wait, the more mind blowing it has to be.
Vote for: SmugMug Two factor authentication
1. Stay around and wait to see how things turn out.
2. Leave to some competitor site.
In the case of number one I tend to feel like I've waited this long, why not at least see things through. The major downsides of this process are excessviely long delays with no end in site. The scale and scope of such a major change could simply be too much. So it may not get done the way it should. How much longer do we then wait for 'better days?' Another year, maybe two, or longer perhaps for an allusively cool thing which is just about to happen? That didn't turn out so good for pbase customers. I know, I used to be one. Though I'm not sure they even wanted to leave the stone age of software design.
On the other hand if one decides to cut their losses now and make the switch what happens if SM really does pull something great off in the next 6 months to a year? Then is it time to move back again? Time to migrate all one's files yet again and start over? What a pain! No matter how many easy migration tools are out there the bottom line is it takes work to customize and personalize own's website. That is unless you like a canned out of the box look and feel. Sure it is easier with the competition such as zenfolio or 500px because they have cleaner designs to begin with. But it still will take work. Is all that work really necessary? I think that is the harder question to answer, but one which we all must ultimately face based on individual or business needs. If this were my business unfortunately I would have already made my choice as time is not a luxury one has when customers are waiting.
My Smugmug Gallery
I've looked around on the PBase forums, and the funny thing is that they don't care. There are a lot of PBase users who are on it because it's cheap and basic. If someone points out that PBase doesn't have auto-adjusting layouts, gradient buttons and drop shadows, mobile friendliness, social media hooks or any of the other 500 features that sites like SmugMug and Zenfolio have over PBase, a lot of them just laugh and say that's exactly why they're on PBase. They just wanted an easy cheap place to upload pictures to share from their desktop computer and they kind of don't care that it's so ugly. And I'm sure a lot of them are laughing at SmugMug Pro users who got hit with the doubled price increase, since PBase charges $23 to 60 a year.
They're not all that way. There are also posts at the PBase forums from users who are fed up with PBase instability and being so out of step with the rest of the Web. They're the ones who joined up back in the mid-2000s when PBase, SmugMug and others looked roughly the same. Now, with 500px-type photo sharing sites showing what's possible in 2012, people who take one look at PBase today and still decide to sign up are probably highly aware that PBase has no intention of being state of the art.
However, SmugMug's sales pages make a lot of promises about being a premium best-of-breed type of service, and charges accordingly. So when SmugMug doesn't deliver something like this design change before doubling the price, it leaves a really bad taste.
I was here for a good little bit, but I'm so gone, now. I can always come back if Smugmug gets it together, but I got so sick and tired of waiting for this new design. I mean if Smugmug really wanted this to be a priority, it would be done. Unless they're really having difficulty implementing this. I left... There's so many other choices for me. Maybe, SM is best for others, but for me, SM just didn't make it happen soon enough.
Matt George
Well I am currently on trials with Zenfolio and Smugmug. I do think Smug needs to update it's layouts and provide more flexibility in that area. The 20+ themes are pretty lame. I thought I would have more up-front customization just colors.
I submit, for your perusal an anecdote:
After several grueling days, I've finally got a passable looking SM site. http://gallery.etchedinpixels.com
This has taken me hours of scanning dgrin and testing code.
Now, take a look at my Zenfolio site. This achieved the same look... it's more attractively in some ways etchedinpixels.zenfolio.com. The default templates are certainly more professional than SM's.
And you know what? That probably took an hour! Plus Zenfolio is cheaper, and let's you set your own markup with the lower tier accounts.
Yes, Smugmug has no upward limit with customization, but it sure is tempting to go with Zenfolio. SM needs to get with the program.
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
Wow Chris,
You did a nice job especially with SM given all the junk you had to clean up. I do like both, but prefer the Zenfolio look and flow overall. The SM version is not bad though. I like how you were able to make your photos stand out as they should vs. noticing all the host's little, odd features. That's very hard to do with SM. If I were you it would be a tough choice. In my case since I'm already vested in SM with all the hours spent customizing and uploading I'll stay at least for now. BTW, how did you get your category images to look larger?
My Smugmug Gallery
I can't change to the new design. Where can I do this now?
When will it come up?
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks for the feedback, Derek! Sorry it's been so long since I checked back. I was setting up my Wordpress site and figuring out how to integrate either ZF or SM. Not to bore you with the details but I did find it pretty easy to replicate the look of my Wordpress theme using ZF (compare the wordpress blog at http://etchedinpixels.com/blog versus http://etchedinpixels.zenfolio.com/f257398347 . It's not a carbon copy but it's pretty damn close. See the attachment for a side by side screen shot comparison. I'm struggling to do the same with SM. It'll take many more hours I imagine.
Zenfolio continues to release updates, but Smugmug changed their Portfolio plan yesterday to include custom pricing so I am enticed by that. If SM would start rolling out the UI enhancements that would seal the deal. They might have doomed themselves by packing too many changes into the update. I'd rather they release some of the features NOW rather than wait another year for a bigger update package (which will probably be obsolete by then).
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
Nice job on the ZF gallery Chris. Just curious if they let you set up your own prices? I think SM will only allow that feature with their top of the line $300 account.
One of the reasons I don't think they could do this release incrementally like other *enhancements* in the past is that this is a major and much needed architectural change. In software development this is similar to basically rebuilding one's house from the ground up vs. adding a room to an existing structure. So its very hard to do a little at a time in a meaningful or visiable way. The foundation is transparent to the user. its not until the whole thing is wired up that one gets to *see* the changes.
My Smugmug Gallery
That's what I was referring to with my reference to custom pricing. SM used to require the $300 business account for this, but this week they added that feature to the $150 portfolio account. Now it's more in line with what ZF offers (for $120).
I totally agree that it's hard to roll out a new interface piecemeal. But certainly a year and a half (and counting) is a long time to be in production. It begins to feel like vaporware, and that is demoralizing. Here's hoping the revisions are our Christmas present!
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
I hear ya. I only found out because I was scrutinizing the pricing/features page and thought... wait a sec, I don't remember them offering the pricing option at the lower level!
Then I read this: http://news.smugmug.com/
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.
I got an email with the announcement.
I haven't gotten anything yet, but HOLY COW! This is great news!
..............now if only they could get their new site up!
Hi all,
just want to let you know how I roll.
I'm tired of waiting and built myself a custom Lightroom 4 "export to web" preset.
And this exported Lightroom gallery is embedded into a simple HTML frameset I will update myself.
The design is what I wished I would have gotten here. But didnt.
Here is my new custom Lightroom website: http://photo.janriggert.com
It is not ready yet, the only gallery which is partly uploaded is Travel -> Namibia 2012.
Feel free to check it out, and let me know what you think. I am still optimizing before I export everything else. But it already runs nicely on iPhone & iPad.
My videos will be emdedded via Vimeo, since I still have no idea how to export video through LR.
Goodbye Smugmug (I really wish I could've stayed),
Feel free to leave a comment...
Well I don't know if that's truly your last post, Jan, but if you're still checking this forum...
I think the site looks quite nice. Slower to load than Smugmug but I like the responsive layout. If you don't care about the advanced commerce options, then perhaps you'll want to check out this is all you want, then you might also check out Zenfolio or 500px. They have some cheap plans that will be pleasant to look at. The 500px portfolio is shares a similar layout to what you have here.
Would you can to explain how the Export to Web preset works and what the webserver side of the equation looks like? I use LR too.
To all those still using the Firefox Web Inspector: Check out the one built in to Chrome! It's much more robust.