It was back to the ballpark tonight. This time I took the 16-35 lens. I wish I had a fishe-eye, it's the only way to get those wacky stadium shots. But I had fun. next time, I'll take the flash as well.
That said, I was undeterred, and bribed my models with a bucket for this shot, which I think might be my entry. Comments welcome.
(Shot at 24mm)35 equiv.
There is nothing quite as compelling to horse lovers as a mother with it's foal. Warms the heart. I do love how you captured the pair just about to "kiss." Still at the point where they breath each other's air, each taking in and revelling in the scent of the other. You have a fantastic ability to capture the details in the shadows, which to me and my eye, simply beautiful and rewarding to the viewer who really takes a moment, to look. You are right, the sunset is wonderful here, offering a warm color to what is, as it should be, a warm scene. I love the lighting on the mares tail, the legs of the mare and foal, the green (blue) feed pail. In this piece, even the subtle lines of the electic lines and poles don't bother me overly much, but tend to pull into the scene.
Still, all of that being said, I can honestly say, I prefer your first attempt. There is really something about the composition in that one, the attention in the horses head and alertness of the ears, that grabs me and makes me want to look and imagine what she might be seeing off in the distance. If it is the color of the sunset that makes your second attempt more "palatable," why not warm the sky?
You are wonderful at taking photos of your horses. How many do you have? On how much acreage, where? (We currently have 4) I honestly think you could make money with some of these.
My thoughts.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
It was back to the ballpark tonight. This time I took the 16-35 lens. I wish I had a fishe-eye, it's the only way to get those wacky stadium shots. But I had fun. next time, I'll take the flash as well.
16mm x 1.3 = 20.8mm.
Sid... I would like the lines and curves of this shot, and the convergence, the blue and attention grabbing red dots... but... it bothers me that the couple is so out of focus, and I want to see them! (I too, would LOVE a Fish Eye!!!)
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Now Sid, this one I love.
The lighting in the background, the details, perspective. The timbre of her little body, the looseness of her arm, her stance. The way she is "just looking" off into the sidelines... I like the way the shadow falls behind her, the colors of the shot. It's perfect... almost?... I am sure that the reason the "no crop" is killing you is that you would want to crop her closer to the base of the photo... but then Sid, you would lose the shadow, and I, in my VHO, do feel the shadow adds to the verbage of the photo. So I'd not be overly agressive with cropping, were I you... Guess what I am trying to say, is Sid, I Love the feeling of this Photo.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Garden Falls, another attempt. Here is another shot of the waterfalls taken with the ambient lighting available at Busch Gardens Park.
Hopefully this one shows more detail in the shadows. It's a very dark area, much of the lighting is reflective-- onto the water, and off in the distance from this path.
ISO 200, Manual 5 sec, Exposure w/o tripod, aperature 3.2, Exposure bias 0.00, 8.9mm x 1.6 = 14.24mm
Another sleepless night, and now off to bed... ginette
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Here is another shot of the waterfalls taken with the ambient lighting available at Busch Gardens Park.
Hopefully this one shows more detail in the shadows. It's a very dark area, much of the lighting is reflective-- onto the water, and off in the distance from this path.
ISO 200, Manual 5 sec, Exposure w/o tripod, aperature 3.2, Exposure bias 0.00, 8.9mm x 1.6 = 14.24mm
Another sleepless night, and now off to bed... ginette
Ginette, what are the grainy areas, are they vegetation? Maybe they look more like gravel, the areas inside the whatever. I like the water. And the trees outside, it is that stuff, I have no idea what it is, and that wouldn't matter, it is just with the light like it is, I thought it might help to know.
I would have stayed up, too, but we lost our power.
I think they will make some decisions here later this AM. re The Storm.
(Obviously we got our power back, when I don't know. Might have been god's way of getting me to go to bed.)
It's cool to distort if that's what you're setting out to do--unfortunately a lot of people try to take "good" closeup photos of horses and fail. Lens has to be more than 70mm (and better if a lot longer) to not distort them.
That said, I was undeterred, and bribed my models with a bucket for this shot, which I think might be my entry. Comments welcome.
Lynnsite, I love that photo, the one you might enter. You should enter it, it is gorgeous!
Ginger, I like how you handled this. Very sweet. You're right about the centered composition. Ah well. In every other respect it's a fine, fine shot. Sweet expressions.
Sid, That is on the short list right now as my entry, not certain, naturally, but it is top so far.
Some people have liked it best all in color, others with this sepia. Perhaps the
color takes away from the "centering" look. Centering doesn't bother me, but it does others, and this is a contest.
My husband likes it with the sepia best, and you seem to, too. Everyone else has liked it without the treatment, so that it is all in color.
I was getting so I liked the color, now I am confused.
Please, I would like as much feedback as possible on this. Andy? Sid?
et al.
Of course, I will be showing more, but right now this one, or the other, is ahead in my mind. I would like a people shot, if possible.
Oh, Sid, I love your little girl, the whole of the photo, at the baseball game, I think it is.
I really like this one. One thought - Just to see what it would look like, I'd like to see the exact same composition with a very shallow depth of field and the people sharp with the seats blurring out away from them
Rain makes thing shiny, reflective and moody. It's hard to work in it because you and your gear get wet; but rain, like snow, can transform a landscape or streetscape. How about street lights reflecting off a wet road around dusk, shot from the second floor? How about a foot about to step into a puddle? How about a sea of shiny umbrella tops? (OK, that last one might be kinda hard to make happen, unless there's a busy public transportation place where people crowd.)
Thanks, Sid, what I realized finally, is that I don't take my car downtown when it rains. All those neat water areas are kind of salty and often are high enough to stall out my older, small car.
Yes, I have been after that umbrella shot all my life, even one red umbrella, in just the right place.
So alot of the urban type stuff is out, around here, Mt Pleasant, people disappear. Unfortunately, it is not raining now. When it does the winds are supposed to be a factor. They will be begging people to stay home. Might close the bridges.
I have tried to think of other places, but I got very tired, then we lost our power, the rain came after it was darkish.
I have thought of going to the upscale, haha, newly renovated Isle of Palms, to a front beach bar or something. On the beach side, it doesn't look as upscale.
Some of this is hanging on my husband's work plans, aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhh.
i just love how shooting wide forces us to be close to the action, and i just love the results. this is almost a perfect shot. the man, upper left, with his head cut off, detracts from the photo - so this is a great example of the other point of this challenge - composition with the viewfinder - and guess what? it's not easy at all. why do you think the greats are so great
a good solid effort, ginger, and one which we can all learn from.
Sid... I would like the lines and curves of this shot, and the convergence, the blue and attention grabbing red dots... but... it bothers me that the couple is so out of focus, and I want to see them! (I too, would LOVE a Fish Eye!!!)
Thanks Alty. I think they're blurry because they're moving.
Cletus, you suggested a depth of field shot... I find I have trouble manually focusing people who are distant in my viewfinder. Guess I should practice!
Cletus, you suggested a depth of field shot... I find I have trouble manually focusing people who are distant in my viewfinder. Guess I should practice!
Why manual focus??? You should be able to auto focus on them, and then recompose and shoot
so with wide angle, when you shoot from higher up, the effect is that they are further away and below. for this shot, i'd crouch down and get more eye-level with the subjects
I was busy posting the next shot of those two, actually my favorite of the two.
The reason I like the first one is I wanted to get the shoes in. Just wanted to, so I stepped back and took a record shot.
Sunset Activity, Slowly Southern Style 18mm by ginger
I was on a pier, could not get closer without walking on water. Besides, I wanted a lot in this photograph.
On the left are boys staying with their boat for the moment, it is in safe harbor at a late hour. Past them are the arches of the old Cooper River bridges, I love them, and they will probably be gone next year, if not gone the skyline will still be changed considerably. Also there was a gorgeous sunset. Maybe I was not successful, but that was what was in my mind as I composed the shot.
Ginger, I far prefer the sepia version. I think you're right, it helps overcome the centering. Plus, it just looks good.
Thank you Sid, I really appreciate it. Everyone's comments and opinions mean a lot to me.
I have a few difficult choices, IMO. One I have not posted yet. So, my short list is now at that little girl and the older man (one of them) and Partners,2.
Those are the ones you all have seen.
I do like the sunset photos, but as someone has pointed out, that seems to be my modus operandi here. And I want to show that I can do something else. Street shots, as street shots are available to me, in my world. People. My main thing for years. In those years I tossed out a few scenics, here and there to prove I could. Now I am trying to concentrate on working up my people shots.
Of course, I take everything, where ever I am. And my camera is set on wide, so........................
I have one more chance at the dancing kids, next tuesday, if the weather cooporates, if there is music there, and if there are kids dancing. I will put the camera on sports, sit on the ground and just start shooting with kids. That is what I do with the dogs........ Then I wait, and I take, and I cull.
This is weather dependent, totally.
On the centering of the man and the little girl, I guess I am going to critique my own, one could look at it that they are centered, and that is bad, or that they are centered, and it looks good, or that there is a nice triangle going on, not quite center weighted, as the unfortunate shape of the man's back weights the photograph more to the right, with the girl, very important with her delightful expression, she is smaller though, so her side in not weighted as strongly and her eyes take us right back to the man, where the weight of the picture is, to our right. So it is not really centered.
There is, IMO, a great triangle going on, from one to the other, but the photo is weighted slightly to the right.
There is a photograph that I am going to rename senior citizens, I will say it is definitely one of my favorites. It is taken from the back, at the market. But it has not gotten the mentions that the other photos have, so I figure it is just me that is interested in "old" people.
Hike to Great Point on Monday night. This should be a great subject, but it's hard to do better than postcards. I'm finding wide angle challenging, as expected. Please comment. Don't be afraid go be blunt; I think I have a lot to learn here.
Ginette, this is simply beautiful. The dark areas seem to be impenetrably dark. Any thoughts about adding detail, or is this the look you like best?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
16mm x 1.3 = 20.8mm.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
16 x 1.3 = 20.8mm
16 x 1.3 = 20.8mm
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
There is nothing quite as compelling to horse lovers as a mother with it's foal. Warms the heart. I do love how you captured the pair just about to "kiss." Still at the point where they breath each other's air, each taking in and revelling in the scent of the other. You have a fantastic ability to capture the details in the shadows, which to me and my eye, simply beautiful and rewarding to the viewer who really takes a moment, to look. You are right, the sunset is wonderful here, offering a warm color to what is, as it should be, a warm scene. I love the lighting on the mares tail, the legs of the mare and foal, the green (blue) feed pail. In this piece, even the subtle lines of the electic lines and poles don't bother me overly much, but tend to pull into the scene.
Still, all of that being said, I can honestly say, I prefer your first attempt. There is really something about the composition in that one, the attention in the horses head and alertness of the ears, that grabs me and makes me want to look and imagine what she might be seeing off in the distance. If it is the color of the sunset that makes your second attempt more "palatable," why not warm the sky?
My thoughts.
Now Sid, this one I love.
The lighting in the background, the details, perspective. The timbre of her little body, the looseness of her arm, her stance. The way she is "just looking" off into the sidelines... I like the way the shadow falls behind her, the colors of the shot. It's perfect... almost?... I am sure that the reason the "no crop" is killing you is that you would want to crop her closer to the base of the photo... but then Sid, you would lose the shadow, and I, in my VHO, do feel the shadow adds to the verbage of the photo. So I'd not be overly agressive with cropping, were I you... Guess what I am trying to say, is Sid, I Love the feeling of this Photo.
Here is another shot of the waterfalls taken with the ambient lighting available at Busch Gardens Park.
Hopefully this one shows more detail in the shadows. It's a very dark area, much of the lighting is reflective-- onto the water, and off in the distance from this path.
Another sleepless night, and now off to bed...
and also wxwax great job at the ball park. The 1 of the girl is a keeper.
my smugmug
I would have stayed up, too, but we lost our power.
I think they will make some decisions here later this AM. re The Storm.
(Obviously we got our power back, when I don't know. Might have been god's way of getting me to go to bed.)
Some people have liked it best all in color, others with this sepia. Perhaps the
color takes away from the "centering" look. Centering doesn't bother me, but it does others, and this is a contest.
My husband likes it with the sepia best, and you seem to, too. Everyone else has liked it without the treatment, so that it is all in color.
I was getting so I liked the color, now I am confused.
Please, I would like as much feedback as possible on this. Andy? Sid?
et al.
Of course, I will be showing more, but right now this one, or the other, is ahead in my mind. I would like a people shot, if possible.
Oh, Sid, I love your little girl, the whole of the photo, at the baseball game, I think it is.
I really like this one. One thought - Just to see what it would look like, I'd like to see the exact same composition with a very shallow depth of field and the people sharp with the seats blurring out away from them
Very cool! Is that lens flare along the bottom edge of the frame? If so, have you tried cleaning it up any???
Good, but not in the same ballpark
Yes, I have been after that umbrella shot all my life, even one red umbrella, in just the right place.
So alot of the urban type stuff is out, around here, Mt Pleasant, people disappear. Unfortunately, it is not raining now. When it does the winds are supposed to be a factor. They will be begging people to stay home. Might close the bridges.
I have tried to think of other places, but I got very tired, then we lost our power, the rain came after it was darkish.
I have thought of going to the upscale, haha, newly renovated Isle of Palms, to a front beach bar or something. On the beach side, it doesn't look as upscale.
Some of this is hanging on my husband's work plans, aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhh.
Another one from the outdoor market.
i just love how shooting wide forces us to be close to the action, and i just love the results. this is almost a perfect shot. the man, upper left, with his head cut off, detracts from the photo - so this is a great example of the other point of this challenge - composition with the viewfinder - and guess what? it's not easy at all. why do you think the greats are so great
a good solid effort, ginger, and one which we can all learn from.
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Thanks Alty. I think they're blurry because they're moving.
Cletus, you suggested a depth of field shot... I find I have trouble manually focusing people who are distant in my viewfinder. Guess I should practice!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Good call.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Ginger, I far prefer the sepia version. I think you're right, it helps overcome the centering. Plus, it just looks good.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
so with wide angle, when you shoot from higher up, the effect is that they are further away and below. for this shot, i'd crouch down and get more eye-level with the subjects
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They very nicely posed for me.
I took this shot, in addition to the posed shots.
IMO, we should all have someone look at us this way.
I was busy posting the next shot of those two, actually my favorite of the two.
The reason I like the first one is I wanted to get the shoes in. Just wanted to, so I stepped back and took a record shot.
I was on a pier, could not get closer without walking on water. Besides, I wanted a lot in this photograph.
On the left are boys staying with their boat for the moment, it is in safe harbor at a late hour. Past them are the arches of the old Cooper River bridges, I love them, and they will probably be gone next year, if not gone the skyline will still be changed considerably. Also there was a gorgeous sunset. Maybe I was not successful, but that was what was in my mind as I composed the shot.
Thank you Sid, I really appreciate it. Everyone's comments and opinions mean a lot to me.
I have a few difficult choices, IMO. One I have not posted yet. So, my short list is now at that little girl and the older man (one of them) and Partners,2.
Those are the ones you all have seen.
I do like the sunset photos, but as someone has pointed out, that seems to be my modus operandi here. And I want to show that I can do something else. Street shots, as street shots are available to me, in my world. People. My main thing for years. In those years I tossed out a few scenics, here and there to prove I could. Now I am trying to concentrate on working up my people shots.
Of course, I take everything, where ever I am. And my camera is set on wide, so........................
I have one more chance at the dancing kids, next tuesday, if the weather cooporates, if there is music there, and if there are kids dancing. I will put the camera on sports, sit on the ground and just start shooting with kids. That is what I do with the dogs........ Then I wait, and I take, and I cull.
This is weather dependent, totally.
On the centering of the man and the little girl, I guess I am going to critique my own, one could look at it that they are centered, and that is bad, or that they are centered, and it looks good, or that there is a nice triangle going on, not quite center weighted, as the unfortunate shape of the man's back weights the photograph more to the right, with the girl, very important with her delightful expression, she is smaller though, so her side in not weighted as strongly and her eyes take us right back to the man, where the weight of the picture is, to our right. So it is not really centered.
There is, IMO, a great triangle going on, from one to the other, but the photo is weighted slightly to the right.
There is a photograph that I am going to rename senior citizens, I will say it is definitely one of my favorites. It is taken from the back, at the market. But it has not gotten the mentions that the other photos have, so I figure it is just me that is interested in "old" people.
Smile, ginger
Don't know if they'll still be there in a day or so when the rain stops...