Buying a Camera? How To Not Get Ripped Off.



  • skysailorskysailor Registered Users Posts: 139 Major grins
    edited January 19, 2010
    Just bought a lens from 47Street Photo. Price was right. Arrived on time, and as advertised.
    Gear: D200, G9, Sigma 10-20 f/4-5.6, Nikkor 35 f/1.8, Vivitar Series 1 28-105 f/2.8-3.8, Sigma 18-200 f/3.5-6.3
  • SunflowersNCSunflowersNC Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited February 18, 2010
    Good to know!
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited February 18, 2010
    I was in the market for a Nikon D300s and saw one of those "rip off" ads on the internet. The body was selling for $700 which is about 1/2 price. Then when I looked deeper, I found the battery is extra, the charger is extra, the cords are extra, the owners manual is extra, the strap is extra, etc. When I added up the costs of all the stuff you normally get, the cost was a lot more than retail price at the local camera store. These "rip off" stores prey upon the greed in all of us. We all want a good deal on our high dollar items and these places depend on our greed to hook us in.

    Like my Mother always said, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is".
  • vwhowardvwhoward Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited February 28, 2010
    Look them up on the web
    Great post and one that should be read by anyone about to purchase a camera online. Hopefully most of the members of this web site are pretty aware of these scams. If you have doubts don't buy. It's very easy to look these places up on the Internet. There is a web site devoted to these shops and has photographs of the properties. Most of these "businesses" are abandoned looking buildings with iron bars on the front doors.

    Order with piece of mind from B&H and Adorama in NY City. Go with a major store and should you have a problem or a concern it will be handled with ease.
  • IlliteratiIlliterati Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited May 10, 2010
    Shane422 wrote: »
    I have also purchased successfully from Beach Camera.

    I'm waiting on a refund from Beach. I ended up not needing an item from them and called to ask customer service what to do. They said to refuse the order. So that's what I did.

    Well, over ten days later and I don't have my money back.

    The song and dance when I contacted them via their Amazon contact link was that the refund would be processed 7 to 10 days after they got the item back in their warehouse. How long is it supposed to take to get back to them when it never made it off the FedEx truck in the first place?

    Not planning to buy from them again. This is a BAD first experience for me.
    **If a picture is worth a 1000 words...**
    Nikon D90
    Illiterati Photography
  • photosbylaneyphotosbylaney Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited May 23, 2010
    I get all my stuff from B&H online. They're awesome. THey also have an online specialist who can answer questions and direct you to the right products. I won't buy from anyone else.
  • charlesoutcaltcharlesoutcalt Registered Users Posts: 100 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2010
    I've never had a problem with B&H. They know their stuff, they ship on time . . . Ditto for Amazon. They're not camera specialists, but they're utterly reliable, and sometimes get gear before anyone else.
  • Robin CasadyRobin Casady Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited June 4, 2010
    cmr164 wrote: »
    Lets not forget Adorama as they are right there with B&H for reliability, honesty, price, and service.
    Has Adorama become more reliable? Sometime ago, I ordered a B+W filter I needed ASAP. Spoke to a salesman on the phone, asked him to go check his inventory to see that they really had it in stock. Then paid for express shipping. They charged my credit card, but no filter arrived. I called and asked for a tracking number. After getting the run around, someone finally admitted it was back-orderedred to Germany. Never done business with them since.

    I've spent a lot of money with B&H, and they have always been great. Just bought a D700 from Amazon (fulfilled by Amazon) without problem.

    I don't think it ever pays to buy from Scamera Discounters.
  • craig_dcraig_d Registered Users Posts: 911 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2010
    Weird. I've ordered many times from Adorama (through their web site) and never had any problems. They've been 100% reliable for me. I ordered my Canon 5D Mark II from them, and I've ordered lenses, accessories, used equipment, and other stuff.

    Got bored with digital and went back to film.
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited June 4, 2010
    Has Adorama become more reliable? ...

    Adorama is "extremely" reliable. Adorama and B&H are my personal favorites and my personal recommendations for the best in service before and after the sale.

    Adorama also notifies you via e-mail when your order is filled and again when it ships. thumb.gif
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • HelenOsterHelenOster Registered Users Posts: 173 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2010
    Has Adorama become more reliable?

    I hope so........but don't just take my word for it!

    www.resellerratings feedback:

    06.20.05 3.75/10
    06.06.10 9.42/10
    Helen Oster
    Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
  • cbbrcbbr Registered Users Posts: 755 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2010
    I have ordered enough stuff from Adorama to fill a room and have never had anything but great service.
    Chad -
    If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2010
    cbbr wrote: »
    I have ordered enough stuff from Adorama to fill a room and have never had anything but great service.

    Me, too!

    Of course, my wish list is always greater than my budget.

  • amcnyusaamcnyusa Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited August 18, 2010
    New Egg store
    Mr. Cob wrote: »
    Howdy All,

    I was just sent a PM by one of our members, he sugjested that I try a company called "New Egg" as they had a good price on their web site for the camera I was intersted in. I called up the web site, the camera ( a Sony DSC-P100 ) was on sale for $338.00, I went throught the ordering procedur and calculated the shipping which came to 0.99 making a total of $338.99. I then placed the order where upon the price of the camera changed to $349.00 and the shipping went up to $4.50. I then called the 800 number and talked to Veronica, she said to go ahead enter my CC number and that I would recive an e-mail confirmation number , to then call her back and she would change the price of the camera and the shipping back to the $338.99, and if I wasen't satified I could always send the camera back. I asked why she couldn't just change it now, she said she couldn't do it until the order had been placed. At this point I called bull shit and hung up the phone.>

    I used this NEW EGG over 100 times in last 5 years. Never had any porblems. I bought FLASH CARDS, computer parts and even printing paper. Justwait till they have FREE SHIPPING icon.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited August 18, 2010
    amcnyusa wrote: »
    I used this NEW EGG over 100 times in last 5 years. Never had any porblems. I bought FLASH CARDS, computer parts and even printing paper. Justwait till they have FREE SHIPPING icon.
    And you joined Dgrin just to tell us that? Hmmm...rolleyes1.gif
  • cmasoncmason Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2010
    Sounds like canned pork by-product to me
  • 3power3power Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited August 28, 2010
    amcnyusa wrote: »
    Mr. Cob wrote: »
    Howdy All,

    I was just sent a PM by one of our members, he sugjested that I try a company called "New Egg" as they had a good price on their web site for the camera I was intersted in. I called up the web site, the camera ( a Sony DSC-P100 ) was on sale for $338.00, I went throught the ordering procedur and calculated the shipping which came to 0.99 making a total of $338.99. I then placed the order where upon the price of the camera changed to $349.00 and the shipping went up to $4.50. I then called the 800 number and talked to Veronica, she said to go ahead enter my CC number and that I would recive an e-mail confirmation number , to then call her back and she would change the price of the camera and the shipping back to the $338.99, and if I wasen't satified I could always send the camera back. I asked why she couldn't just change it now, she said she couldn't do it until the order had been placed. At this point I called bull shit and hung up the phone.>

    I used this NEW EGG over 100 times in last 5 years. Never had any porblems. I bought FLASH CARDS, computer parts and even printing paper. Justwait till they have FREE SHIPPING icon. That's one of the best online places to order from.
  • OverfocusedOverfocused Registered Users Posts: 1,068 Major grins
    edited August 28, 2010
    3power wrote: »
    amcnyusa wrote: » That's one of the best online places to order from.

    yeah its one of the best places

    Its not New Egg its Newegg
  • hgernhardtjrhgernhardtjr Registered Users Posts: 417 Major grins
    edited August 28, 2010
    Yes, in my experience Newegg is a very reputable place. I've been using them for years for my computer needs and never had a problem with them or TigerDirect. In fact, if you check Ressellerratings and similar, Newegg scores right up there with B&H! A good company to buy from IMHO.
    — Henry —
    Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
  • HelenOsterHelenOster Registered Users Posts: 173 Major grins
    edited November 16, 2010
    I want to buy a new digital camera, including high picture quality with lots of memory.Can anyone give me some advice?

    If you are purchasing from a vendor that has not been recommended to you, check the customer feedback and ratings at, before you part with your cc details!

    You might find some useful advice here, from the Adorama Learning Center:
    Helen Oster
    Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    Be Careful of Quality Photo on Amazon
    I wanted to buy a Canon S95 for someone, so I went to Amazon where I have Amazon Prime and do plenty of my shopping. I was in a rush, and just one-clicked my way to an order for this person (had already bought something else, so the address was on file). I never paid attention to the price, figuring how bad can it be, it's just a P&S? Well, turns out my order was from "Quality Photo" one of Don Wiss' infamous Brooklyn ripoff artists:


    Turns out they gouged me $80 of retail, saying "Dear Customer,
    We paid very high for this product since it was very hard to get, and this is the reason why you paid $479, because no one besides us had it on amazon, but i can not do any refunds."

    So kids, don't rush it, check it!
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    I always wonder how scamers like this can stay in business. I always thought it was because of the not too bright, and the ignorant.

    Now I see how even someone with extensive knowledge can be had.

    It seems that the camera went to someone as a gift so trying to send it back would probably be out of the question, but can you not complain / write to Amazon? While the money may be gone I would think amazon would not want to keep this scammer on there list.

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    Sam wrote: »
    but can you not complain / write to Amazon? While the money may be gone I would think amazon would not want to keep this scammer on there list.

    Oh I have, believe me. And we spend uh, $millions at Amazon :)
  • Moogle PepperMoogle Pepper Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    I wonder why Amazon allows shoddy vendors like that in on their marketplace. I was about to buy my nephew a scooter from Amazon (which was selling something from another seller) and then looked at all the reviews. All those scooters broke apart.
    Food & Culture.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    I wonder why Amazon allows shoddy vendors like that in on their marketplace. I was about to buy my nephew a scooter from Amazon (which was selling something from another seller) and then looked at all the reviews. All those scooters broke apart.

    This guy has plenty of pos feedback on Amazon. I'm amazed. The vendor just called me, trying to tell me, sorry, he paid $100 over wholesale price because it was 'hard to get'. :bigbs
  • Moogle PepperMoogle Pepper Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    That sounds like a pile of BS too.
    Food & Culture.
  • cmasoncmason Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    This guy has plenty of pos feedback on Amazon. I'm amazed. The vendor just called me, trying to tell me, sorry, he paid $100 over wholesale price because it was 'hard to get'. :bigbs
    heck he could have taken the subway to B&H and bought one for less!
  • ConstantineConstantine Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited February 3, 2011
    Online Camera Sales
    My experience is to google any establishment that you are thinking about buying from. This will give you the best chance of not getting ripped off. But I would say 75% are total scam artists!!!!!!
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2011
    Be very leery of forum not use PayPal gifting...why: 1 - it is against PayPal policy (and you the buyer could lose YOUR privileges just like the seller as you are part of them ripping off PayPal for their fees), 2: you have nothing to stand on if you get ripped off on your purchase, PayPal will not help you out and may suspend or revoke your privilages completely..... ... it is a good idea to use PayPal to make payments as that at least gives someone to listen to your not purchase on forums that only allow positive feedback, other forum members need to know that you were ripped.
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • HelenOsterHelenOster Registered Users Posts: 173 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2011
    My experience is to google any establishment that you are thinking about buying from. This will give you the best chance of not getting ripped off. But I would say 75% are total scam artists!!!!!!

    A good place to start (after, of course) is this guy's blog, - he's my personal hero iloveyou.gif -

    He's like the Zorro of the downtrodden photographer!!
    Helen Oster
    Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
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