Thanks for your offer to help, Nikolai! I've rerun SE with the detailed log, and I've emailed the log to you. For the benefit of anyone else reading this thread:
1) kudos to Nikolai for supporting his software!! We all know how rare that is with "real" companies these days - if you like SE - send a contribution!
2) if you suspect you're having a similar problem - my two errors appear to be [font="]Error: Read Timeout (EIdReadTimeout) and [/font][font="]Error: Socket Error # 10022 Invalid argument. (EIdSocketError)
Be seeing you,
The Duck
I appreciate your patience and your kind words about SE and myeself!
I received your emails, I'll check them out and get back to you as soon as I have something to say:-). Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I'm currently "out of development" due to the trade show. However, it's gonna end much sooner than I expected, I hope to be "back in business" by Feb 1st. So if your issues require some dev work - they'd have to wait , but if it is a configuration issue - it might be faster:-)
I am in the process of scanning a very large quantity of old 35mm slides using a Nikon Coolscan 5000 film scanner. Since many of these slides are for my parents, I wanted to be able to share them on smugmug for them to view after each "album" is uploaded.
I am scanning each slide at 4000 DPI with the maximum quality set on each .jpg. This means each .jpg file is around 12.5 megs.
I attempted to upload my first batch of these to smugmug using SE and it does not let me add any of the files to my upload queue. Figuring that it had something to do with the size of the individual files, I changed some of my scan settings and was able to add the files when scanned at 500 DPI (289KB file) and 2000 DPI (4,035KB file), but was not able to upload them via SE using 2500 DPI (~6,000KB file) or 3000 DPI (8,315KB file).
This begs the question: is there an individual file size limit for SE?
Thanks for your help and your great software!
First of all - thank you very much for your contribution!
8mb per file is a smugmug limit. I made it configurable only to avoid needless updates in case they change this limit - or if you want to be "holier than the pope":-) and want to restirct yourself from accidental uploading of some huge files (by setting the limit to a lower value). 6Mb files should be OK - that is, of course, if your connection can withstand a contiguos upload of such a file.
Can you try of of such files with smugmug "standard" uploader(s) and the compare it to SE's one? That may help.
Also, try to enable all the logging options and look at the logs. I tried to make loggin as descriptive as possible, so it may give you some ideas of what went wrong. If the log is still too technical (which may be:-), please send the log to me (, and I'll do my best to help you.
I looked at the logs
It seems like the first file was slightly above smugmug 8mb limit.
I know that SE should have catch that first, but I think we're getting to a gray area with regard to "how you count the megabytes". It's an eternal problem of "kilo" being either 1,000 or 1,024. And from there "mega" being 1,000,000 bytes, or 1,000 "Kilobytes" (whatever the "kilobyte" means:-), or 2^10 bytes... So here is' where you (we all) need to experiment about what is the exact meaning of "8Mb" from smugmug point of view.
That said, I did have experience problems in the past, that if the first (or any, for that matter) file exceeds that limit, all the following uploads will fail, at least within some limited time frame. I didn't have a chance to explore the reason of that consuquent failures (time frame? same session? same user?), but I did observe that behaviour.
Can you please try some set of smaller files (1Mb..7Mb) and let me know?
Can you please try some set of smaller files (1Mb..7Mb) and let me know?
I changed my scan settings to allow a little better compression for my JPG outputs and added a macro to also do full resolution TIF files for achival. My .jpg file size are now in the 6-7MB range and I had no trouble uploading a bunch of them this morning.
I changed my scan settings to allow a little better compression for my JPG outputs and added a macro to also do full resolution TIF files for achival. My .jpg file size are now in the 6-7MB range and I had no trouble uploading a bunch of them this morning.
Thanks for your quick response!
Nice to know, thank for posting the info!
I guess auto-resizing would be a next option I'd need to add soon.
In the mean time you probably can avoid an extra manual work by trying the following:
get your hi-res images as tiffs
specify tiff as an applicable format for SE
in the Conversion section mark tiff as a format to convert to jpeg
play with the JPEG compression settings to make sure you biggest tiff fits within the limits. SE converts a file immediately after you drop/add it, but before the upload, which you can then cancel.
this way you have your archivals, and SE will automatically create an uploadable jpeg for you.
I plan to make it more easy, more convenient and more flexible in the nearest future.
Thought I'd let you and the world know of my success in using SE under Mac OS X.
Of course, not native. But running Win XP under Virtual PC 7.0.1 on my Mac (Mac OS 10.3.7, dual 1.25 GHz G4) the uploads are working perfectly. Transfer rate (Roadrunner cable) is about 45 KB/sec, the same as native Mac uploads.
Interestingly, the otherwise most excellent Mac OS X smugmug uploader had serious problems uploading this batch of images - just uploaded the top half of each image. Picturesync had the same problem. smugmug's Windows Internet Explorer upload worked fine (under VirtualPC) but of course - that 100 MB limit is a real pain. On reporting this, smugmug - excellent support - suggested trying smugmug explorer and yay! it works.
Smugmug has two file limits 8mB file size and 30mP
FYI, Smugmug has two file limits: 8 mega bytes for any file, and not more than 30 mega pixels. Exceed either limit and file will be rejected. So scanning at 2" negative at 4000dpi would result in a 8000x8000 pixel file which equates to 64 MP exceeding the 30MP limit; if one compresses the file using a lower quality setting this will only help with the file-bytes limit, the file dimensions will not change.
First of all - thank you very much for your contribution!
8mb per file is a smugmug limit. I made it configurable only to avoid needless updates in case they change this limit - or if you want to be "holier than the pope":-) and want to restirct yourself from accidental uploading of some huge files (by setting the limit to a lower value). 6Mb files should be OK - that is, of course, if your connection can withstand a contiguos upload of such a file.
Can you try of of such files with smugmug "standard" uploader(s) and the compare it to SE's one? That may help.
Also, try to enable all the logging options and look at the logs. I tried to make loggin as descriptive as possible, so it may give you some ideas of what went wrong. If the log is still too technical (which may be:-), please send the log to me (, and I'll do my best to help you.
To be official about the file limits issue here's a reprint from SmugMug help info
Here is an abstract from Smugmug's help page that addresses file limits
James Wilson (a loyal and delighted smugmug explorer user and contributor)
Preparing photos: Supported files
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Smugmug supports the two types of photo files that are compatible with virtually every browser: JPEG and GIF images, including animated GIFs.
(Note that animated GIFs only animate when they are viewed at their original size, not necessarily when they are viewed as thumbnails.)
The current size limitations are:
8 megabytes or 30 megapixels.
We do our best to support other file formats you may upload, such as PSD, BMP, TIFF, and WMF. Unforunately, there are two important provisos:
1. PSD, BMP, and TIFF files are often HUGE! It may take a long time to upload them depending on your connection.
2. We convert all formats but GIF to JPEG when we receive them; they are stored in our database and displayed as JPEGs. Although we can successfully convert most of them, we are unable to succeed 100% of the time. You might check the help section on preparing photos for tools that can help you convert them before you upload.
For video clips, we support the ubiquitous MPEG-1 format.
Thank you for the clarification!
I remember now, I saw that 30 mp..
But since I don't do film/scannig, and 30mp digital is waaaaaaaay above my budget:-) I mentally discarded it as a redundant info, since 8Mb would be my primary limitation in 100% of cases.
And, I guess, somebody has to like the autoconversion function I added to SE earlier in January...
Is there documentation on SE - there are probably many features that I am not using !
Is there documentation on SE - there are probably many features that I am not using - including the autoconversion function ?!?!
I remember now, I saw that 30 mp..
But since I don't do film/scannig, and 30mp digital is waaaaaaaay above my budget:-) I mentally discarded it as a redundant info, since 8Mb would be my primary limitation in 100% of cases.
And, I guess, somebody has to like the autoconversion function I added to SE earlier in January...
Is there documentation on SE - there are probably many features that I am not using - including the autoconversion function ?!?!
my bad - this feature (and quite a few others) are not covered by FAQ..
However, I think I was pretty accurate listing them in the "what's new" part of each version update.
Here is an excerpt for your (and others' :-) convenience:
Major facelift for the website, including all new FAQ
Download/initial install is now more streamlined
Added option to open URLs in new browser window (Misc tab)
Stats can now be viewed by year/month
Added list data export to CSV (clipboard and file) for both album and uploade lists
Tony asked for proxy - proxy support added (not tested!)
Added (optional) workaround for apostrophes (' --> `) in albums Description
Added "use existing" to "target exists" option
Options are saved upon exiting options dialog
Added image keywords in hope that API will follow
Characters & and < now work in createAlbum
Character % in image captions generated internal format error - fixed
EXIF/IPTC info (with OEM-specific data) provided - for now in caption editor only
Auto Create Albums (Ctrl+Shift+U) works
Skipped files are now reported in the log
Smarter version difference detection, build# is now ignored (for versions AFTER this, though)
AutoCreateAlbums feature works.
HTTP Timeout introduced.
About dialog links have popup menu
If you drop a large set of files/folders, you can cancel the process now
If you try to close the app while it's busy online, it would warn you
Auto scroll check box added to Terminal panel
User can save/reset/reset to factory all the preferences
User have control over what's logged and what's not. Recommendation is to keep it to factory setting or less, and only log more if you need to report the problem.
Multi-album upload. Check context menu. Select album and drag files.
Editable captions
Various sorting options (via popup menu) to control initial image arrangement
Both upload methods work with or without verification (option)
If upload is cancelled, you still should be able to see what's left
Account editor, Options editor and even rather useful About dialog (F1)
Backward compatibility check
Another suggestion is to go through Options dialog and see what's there.. As well as to try right mouse button (context menu) on everything - you'll find a whole bunch of minor and not-so-minor goodies..
Sorry for being so lousy in documenting my work, still trying to catch up with new API, friendly competitions and my own plans...
FYI, Smugmug has two file limits: 8 mega bytes for any file, and not more than 30 mega pixels. Exceed either limit and file will be rejected. So scanning at 2" negative at 4000dpi would result in a 8000x8000 pixel file which equates to 64 MP exceeding the 30MP limit; if one compresses the file using a lower quality setting this will only help with the file-bytes limit, the file dimensions will not change.
FYI, we're talking about upping both the size limit and pixel limit for Pro accounts only.
No promises as to whether we'll actually do it, timeframe, or anything else, but I'm inclined to do 20MB and 50Mpix. Other account types would still be limited to 8MB/30Mpix.
FYI, we're talking about upping both the size limit and pixel limit for Pro accounts only.
No promises as to whether we'll actually do it, timeframe, or anything else, but I'm inclined to do 20MB and 50Mpix. Other account types would still be limited to 8MB/30Mpix.
We'll see what happens.
And when this happy days comes, all it would take for SE users is to change one setting in the Options:-).
Increasing file limits
That's is good news indeed as a Canon 1DsMk2 user, I'm having a terrible time having to worry about the 8MB limit with a 16.7 MPix camera, as many files are over 8MB when ISOs at high. (And if we are going to print 20x30 we need the pixel count to have good results. If I cannot print at 300dpi, then I have to find another printer for the larger stuff.)
Thanks to Nik his SE has solved the 100MB up loading issues, so I can bulk-upload hundreds of files in the late evenings.
Also, food for thought, the movie mode should have MPEG-4 capability as most of the digital camera Manufacturers are switching from MOV and MPEG-1, and have announced at current pre-PMA meetings that they are switching to this higher quality compression format. Approx 8x TIME with improved quality, over MPEG-1 format for the same memory consumption.
You guys and gals at smugmug have a great thing going here, and I for one would gladly pay-up more $$$ per year for these added benefits for the pro-user, so that you keep up with present day technology; and I would hope for prompt development times.
FYI, we're talking about upping both the size limit and pixel limit for Pro accounts only.
No promises as to whether we'll actually do it, timeframe, or anything else, but I'm inclined to do 20MB and 50Mpix. Other account types would still be limited to 8MB/30Mpix.
You blokes ever just feel a change in the wind & think..
" i pull on my favorite animal skin ...find best club & go hunt some food ?"
The tools have changed, nowadays I use debugger instead of the club/bow/spear/boomerang/etc, but the nature of the game is the same - survival of the fittest...
I remember now, I saw that 30 mp..
But since I don't do film/scannig, and 30mp digital is waaaaaaaay above my budget:-) I mentally discarded it as a redundant info, since 8Mb would be my primary limitation in 100% of cases.
And, I guess, somebody has to like the autoconversion function I added to SE earlier in January...
Well, Nik here are the stats from my upload. Note the dates on the left and hours in the bottom line. I started this as a test so I just bulled my way in and only after started checking the capabilities of SE. Hence I have one giant 1115 page gallery with 9084 photos. On the good news side, the computer never quit or the connection never quit (Thanks Earthlink/Time Warner cable broadband). Of course it only uploaded at 350KB hence the long time. Also, my HDD file structure leaves something to be desired so I am taking this opportunity to redesign things, both in smugmug and my HDD.:):
Well, Nik here are the stats from my upload. Note the dates on the left and hours in the bottom line. I started this as a test so I just bulled my way in and only after started checking the capabilities of SE. Hence I have one giant 1115 page gallery with 9084 photos. On the good news side, the computer never quit or the connection never quit (Thanks Earthlink/Time Warner cable broadband). Of course it only uploaded at 350KB hence the long time. Also, my HDD file structure leaves something to be desired so I am taking this opportunity to redesign things, both in smugmug and my HDD.:):
wish I had found this forum when I first joined smugmug. Is this program still in beta or is the full version available? either wayI'd like to try it
It's still in devolopment, but works very stable as you can see on the fact that someone Mel did an almost 20GB upload in one sitting.
Head over to for more details.
P.S. Welcome to dgrin! Hope you enjoy your stay here.
wish I had found this forum when I first joined smugmug. Is this program still in beta or is the full version available? either wayI'd like to try it
Officially iSE is still in beta (no fancy installer, no user agreement, no help files, etc.:-), But, as Sebastian mentioned, lots of people find it usefull already (my websote hit counter is currently at 6,300+ - and counting:-).
For now SE is in a trial mode (meaning: you don't have to pay anything:-), so you simply can download the full version and start using it. There is a FAQ, I'd suggest you look at it if you unsure how to start.
There is also a (non-free) PRO version, which features certain pro-related advanced features (and will feature way more in the future).
It's still in devolopment, but works very stable as you can see on the fact that someone Mel did an almost 20GB upload in one sitting.
Head over to for more details.
P.S. Welcome to dgrin! Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Yeah, my only fear is that it becomes no longer profitable for them to allow unlimited storage space to their users. I suppose their thinking is that the mojority of their users are not going to upload gigs and gigs of photos so it works out for them.
I hope they can continue to offer this "unlimited" service in the future.
(Sorry about the late reply.)
Sounds like a valid concern to me. I guess that smugmug can offer this "unlimited" service based on two assumptions:
a. There is some sort of probability of prints being sold for the average picture.
b. The vast majority of users do not upload "unlimited" amounts of data.
It is cheaper to get a smugmug account than to buy a server with a 1 TB RAID array or something, but if too many people used their smugmug accounts as their personal file server it would not be possible to offer "unlimited" storage anymore. Storage costs money, after all. Also, with the 16 GB/month limit, it could take quite a while to get your files off of smugmug, should you suddenly need to.
Obviously, I don't speak for smugmug.... Just some random thoughts on the subject. Hope you don't mind.
Is there a way...
to have SE disconnect completely (and require login again) after a specified period of inactivity. Many times, I get all my photo's ready to upload, throw them in a folder, start it, then leave for whatever (class, work etc). I would be more comfortable if the connection closed after 5 min. of inactivity etc. Call me paranoid.
I used to use Imageevent with SmartFTP and in the logon sequence it said I would be disconnected after 15 min. of inactivity. I looked around the settings and Knowledge base but I cannot find a way to change it so either it cannot be changed or it is set by Imageevent.
What do you think, the FTP server disconnecting or the FTP program?
Feature Request
Can you print out the new image id after the "Finished Uploading C:\blahblahblah" message? I use the image id for my website to get "Order This Print" to work. Right now I have to go to gallery, open the newly uploaded image and then cut and paste the image id from the url.
Can you print out the new image id after the "Finished Uploading C:\blahblahblah" message? I use the image id for my website to get "Order This Print" to work. Right now I have to go to gallery, open the newly uploaded image and then cut and paste the image id from the url.
thank you for your suggestion!
I put some additional logging for album creation.
However, there are many ways to get new album id without going online to SM even with the existing version.
The easiest way, I think, is to do the following:
Navigate to the root of the tree (or category subcategory in which new albums were created, but the root is fine)
In the albums list view click on the Album ID one or two times to achieve descending sorting. This way all your most recently created albums will be on the top of the list
Select lines with the albums in whose IDs you're interested
Hit right-mouse button
From the context menu select export to clipboard (or to the csv file, if you prefer)
thank you for your suggestion!
I put some additional logging for album creation.
However, there are many ways to get new album id without going online to SM even with the existing version.
I think you overlooked a word...Eugene was refering to the image id:
Can you print out the new image id after the "Finished Uploading C:\blahblahblah" message? I use the image id for my website to get "Order This Print" to work.
If I'm not mistaken that's not possible with SE, yet, but it'll be in some time. We all have to be patient a littlemore I guess.
I appreciate your patience and your kind words about SE and myeself!
I received your emails, I'll check them out and get back to you as soon as I have something to say:-). Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I'm currently "out of development" due to the trade show. However, it's gonna end much sooner than I expected, I hope to be "back in business" by Feb 1st. So if your issues require some dev work - they'd have to wait
Thanks again!
First of all - thank you very much for your contribution!
8mb per file is a smugmug limit. I made it configurable only to avoid needless updates in case they change this limit - or if you want to be "holier than the pope":-) and want to restirct yourself from accidental uploading of some huge files (by setting the limit to a lower value). 6Mb files should be OK - that is, of course, if your connection can withstand a contiguos upload of such a file.
Can you try of of such files with smugmug "standard" uploader(s) and the compare it to SE's one? That may help.
Also, try to enable all the logging options and look at the logs. I tried to make loggin as descriptive as possible, so it may give you some ideas of what went wrong. If the log is still too technical (which may be:-), please send the log to me (, and I'll do my best to help you.
Thanks again for your support!
It seems like the first file was slightly above smugmug 8mb limit.
I know that SE should have catch that first, but I think we're getting to a gray area with regard to "how you count the megabytes". It's an eternal problem of "kilo" being either 1,000 or 1,024. And from there "mega" being 1,000,000 bytes, or 1,000 "Kilobytes" (whatever the "kilobyte" means:-), or 2^10 bytes... So here is' where you (we all) need to experiment about what is the exact meaning of "8Mb" from smugmug point of view.
That said, I did have experience problems in the past, that if the first (or any, for that matter) file exceeds that limit, all the following uploads will fail, at least within some limited time frame. I didn't have a chance to explore the reason of that consuquent failures (time frame? same session? same user?), but I did observe that behaviour.
Can you please try some set of smaller files (1Mb..7Mb) and let me know?
Thank you!
I changed my scan settings to allow a little better compression for my JPG outputs and added a macro to also do full resolution TIF files for achival. My .jpg file size are now in the 6-7MB range and I had no trouble uploading a bunch of them this morning.
Thanks for your quick response!
Aaron Christy
Nice to know, thank for posting the info!
I guess auto-resizing would be a next option I'd need to add soon.
In the mean time you probably can avoid an extra manual work by trying the following:
- get your hi-res images as tiffs
- specify tiff as an applicable format for SE
- in the Conversion section mark tiff as a format to convert to jpeg
- play with the JPEG compression settings to make sure you biggest tiff fits within the limits. SE converts a file immediately after you drop/add it, but before the upload, which you can then cancel.
this way you have your archivals, and SE will automatically create an uploadable jpeg for you.I plan to make it more easy, more convenient and more flexible in the nearest future.
Thought I'd let you and the world know of my success in using SE under Mac OS X.
Of course, not native. But running Win XP under Virtual PC 7.0.1 on my Mac (Mac OS 10.3.7, dual 1.25 GHz G4) the uploads are working perfectly. Transfer rate (Roadrunner cable) is about 45 KB/sec, the same as native Mac uploads.
Interestingly, the otherwise most excellent Mac OS X smugmug uploader had serious problems uploading this batch of images - just uploaded the top half of each image. Picturesync had the same problem. smugmug's Windows Internet Explorer upload worked fine (under VirtualPC) but of course - that 100 MB limit is a real pain. On reporting this, smugmug - excellent support - suggested trying smugmug explorer and yay! it works.
-- Pete
Thank you for the great news, Pete!
I guess I was wrong when I assumed SE is for us poor wintel bigots only:D
FYI, Smugmug has two file limits: 8 mega bytes for any file, and not more than 30 mega pixels. Exceed either limit and file will be rejected. So scanning at 2" negative at 4000dpi would result in a 8000x8000 pixel file which equates to 64 MP exceeding the 30MP limit; if one compresses the file using a lower quality setting this will only help with the file-bytes limit, the file dimensions will not change.
I was not aware of the second one, but now, thanks to you, I am:-)
Here is an abstract from Smugmug's help page that addresses file limits
James Wilson (a loyal and delighted smugmug explorer user and contributor)
Preparing photos: Supported files
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
(Note that animated GIFs only animate when they are viewed at their original size, not necessarily when they are viewed as thumbnails.)
The current size limitations are:
8 megabytes or 30 megapixels.
We do our best to support other file formats you may upload, such as PSD, BMP, TIFF, and WMF. Unforunately, there are two important provisos:
1. PSD, BMP, and TIFF files are often HUGE! It may take a long time to upload them depending on your connection.
2. We convert all formats but GIF to JPEG when we receive them; they are stored in our database and displayed as JPEGs. Although we can successfully convert most of them, we are unable to succeed 100% of the time. You might check the help section on preparing photos for tools that can help you convert them before you upload.
For video clips, we support the ubiquitous MPEG-1 format.
I remember now, I saw that 30 mp..
But since I don't do film/scannig, and 30mp digital is waaaaaaaay above my budget:-) I mentally discarded it as a redundant info, since 8Mb would be my primary limitation in 100% of cases.
And, I guess, somebody has to like the autoconversion function I added to SE earlier in January...
Is there documentation on SE - there are probably many features that I am not using - including the autoconversion function ?!?!
my bad - this feature (and quite a few others) are not covered by FAQ..
However, I think I was pretty accurate listing them in the "what's new" part of each version update.
Here is an excerpt for your (and others' :-) convenience:
- Major facelift for the website, including all new FAQ
- Download/initial install is now more streamlined
- Added option to open URLs in new browser window (Misc tab)
- Stats can now be viewed by year/month
- Added list data export to CSV (clipboard and file) for both album and uploade lists
- Tony asked for proxy - proxy support added (not tested!)
- Added (optional) workaround for apostrophes (' --> `) in albums Description
- Added "use existing" to "target exists" option
- Options are saved upon exiting options dialog
- Added image keywords in hope that API will follow
- Characters & and < now work in createAlbum
- Character % in image captions generated internal format error - fixed
- EXIF/IPTC info (with OEM-specific data) provided - for now in caption editor only
- Auto Create Albums (Ctrl+Shift+U) works
- Skipped files are now reported in the log
- Smarter version difference detection, build# is now ignored (for versions AFTER this, though)
- AutoCreateAlbums feature works.
- HTTP Timeout introduced.
- About dialog links have popup menu
- If you drop a large set of files/folders, you can cancel the process now
- If you try to close the app while it's busy online, it would warn you
- Auto scroll check box added to Terminal panel
- User can save/reset/reset to factory all the preferences
- User have control over what's logged and what's not. Recommendation is to keep it to factory setting or less, and only log more if you need to report the problem.
- Multi-album upload. Check context menu. Select album and drag files.
- Editable captions
- Various sorting options (via popup menu) to control initial image arrangement
- Both upload methods work with or without verification (option)
- If upload is cancelled, you still should be able to see what's left
- Account editor, Options editor and even rather useful About dialog (F1)
- Backward compatibility check
Another suggestion is to go through Options dialog and see what's there..Sorry for being so lousy in documenting my work, still trying to catch up with new API, friendly competitions and my own plans...
FYI, we're talking about upping both the size limit and pixel limit for Pro accounts only.
No promises as to whether we'll actually do it, timeframe, or anything else, but I'm inclined to do 20MB and 50Mpix. Other account types would still be limited to 8MB/30Mpix.
We'll see what happens.
And when this happy days comes, all it would take for SE users is to change one setting in the Options:-).
Thank you for the heads-up, Don!
That's is good news indeed as a Canon 1DsMk2 user, I'm having a terrible time having to worry about the 8MB limit with a 16.7 MPix camera, as many files are over 8MB when ISOs at high. (And if we are going to print 20x30 we need the pixel count to have good results. If I cannot print at 300dpi, then I have to find another printer for the larger stuff.)
Thanks to Nik his SE has solved the 100MB up loading issues, so I can bulk-upload hundreds of files in the late evenings.
Also, food for thought, the movie mode should have MPEG-4 capability as most of the digital camera Manufacturers are switching from MOV and MPEG-1, and have announced at current pre-PMA meetings that they are switching to this higher quality compression format. Approx 8x TIME with improved quality, over MPEG-1 format for the same memory consumption.
You guys and gals at smugmug have a great thing going here, and I for one would gladly pay-up more $$$ per year for these added benefits for the pro-user, so that you keep up with present day technology; and I would hope for prompt development times.
" i pull on my favorite animal skin ...find best club & go hunt some food ?"
The tools have changed, nowadays I use debugger instead of the club/bow/spear/boomerang/etc, but the nature of the game is the same - survival of the fittest...
Well, Nik here are the stats from my upload. Note the dates on the left and hours in the bottom line. I started this as a test so I just bulled my way in and only after started checking the capabilities of SE. Hence I have one giant 1115 page gallery with 9084 photos. On the good news side, the computer never quit or the connection never quit (Thanks Earthlink/Time Warner cable broadband). Of course it only uploaded at 350KB hence the long time. Also, my HDD file structure leaves something to be desired so I am taking this opportunity to redesign things, both in smugmug and my HDD.:):
2/27/2005 6:24:05 PM: Started Uploading 9084 files, 18.16 GB
3/5/2005 2:55:15 AM: Finished Upload: 9,084 files, 18.16 GB (128:14:02)
3/5/2005 2:55:27 AM: Finished Uploading (128:14:14)
Appreciate your sharing - and your trust in SE!
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P.S. Welcome to dgrin! Hope you enjoy your stay here.
SmugMug Support Hero
Officially iSE is still in beta (no fancy installer, no user agreement, no help files, etc.:-), But, as Sebastian mentioned, lots of people find it usefull already (my websote hit counter is currently at 6,300+ - and counting:-).
For now SE is in a trial mode (meaning: you don't have to pay anything:-), so you simply can download the full version and start using it. There is a FAQ, I'd suggest you look at it if you unsure how to start.
There is also a (non-free) PRO version, which features certain pro-related advanced features (and will feature way more in the future).
As always, I appreciate your support:-)
Sounds like a valid concern to me. I guess that smugmug can offer this "unlimited" service based on two assumptions:
a. There is some sort of probability of prints being sold for the average picture.
b. The vast majority of users do not upload "unlimited" amounts of data.
It is cheaper to get a smugmug account than to buy a server with a 1 TB RAID array or something, but if too many people used their smugmug accounts as their personal file server it would not be possible to offer "unlimited" storage anymore. Storage costs money, after all. Also, with the 16 GB/month limit, it could take quite a while to get your files off of smugmug, should you suddenly need to.
Obviously, I don't speak for smugmug.... Just some random thoughts on the subject. Hope you don't mind.
to have SE disconnect completely (and require login again) after a specified period of inactivity. Many times, I get all my photo's ready to upload, throw them in a folder, start it, then leave for whatever (class, work etc). I would be more comfortable if the connection closed after 5 min. of inactivity etc. Call me paranoid.
I used to use Imageevent with SmartFTP and in the logon sequence it said I would be disconnected after 15 min. of inactivity. I looked around the settings and Knowledge base but I cannot find a way to change it so either it cannot be changed or it is set by Imageevent.
What do you think, the FTP server disconnecting or the FTP program?
It's a valid concern, and I'll do it asap. Hopefully this weekend, if my other stuff I'm currently working on is ready.
Thank you for the good suggestion
Can you print out the new image id after the "Finished Uploading C:\blahblahblah" message? I use the image id for my website to get "Order This Print" to work. Right now I have to go to gallery, open the newly uploaded image and then cut and paste the image id from the url.
thank you for your suggestion!
I put some additional logging for album creation.
However, there are many ways to get new album id without going online to SM even with the existing version.
The easiest way, I think, is to do the following:
- Navigate to the root of the tree (or category subcategory in which new albums were created, but the root is fine)
- In the albums list view click on the Album ID one or two times to achieve descending sorting. This way all your most recently created albums will be on the top of the list
- Select lines with the albums in whose IDs you're interested
- Hit right-mouse button
- From the context menu select export to clipboard (or to the csv file, if you prefer)
- Use the results:-)
I think you overlooked a word...Eugene was refering to the image id: If I'm not mistaken that's not possible with SE, yet, but it'll be in some time. We all have to be patient a littlemore I guess.
SmugMug Support Hero