help me spec out a new computer system

hey guys. i know we had a long conversation a while back about horsepower etc.
well, i need a new computer. the 1Ds Mark II files are huuuuuuuuuge and so my current sony desktop system will go to my wife and i will get a new setup.
help me spec out a new system? i was intrigued by alienware
i want fast processor, believe that 1gb ram is enough, need raid storage, and what else?
here's an alienware system, to which i'd add the apple 30" cinema display and nvidia graphics board to drive it.
1] Area-51® 5550
Warranty: 1-Year AlienCare Toll-Free 24/7 Phone Support with Onsite Service
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2
AlienRespawn: Alienware® Respawn Recovery Kit
Chassis: Alienware® Full-Tower Case (480-Watt PS) - Space Black
Power Supply: Alienware® 480 Watt Power Supply
Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 560 w/ HT Technology 3.6GHz 1MB Cache
Motherboard: Alienware® PCI Express Motherboard with Intel® 925XE Chipset 1066/800MHz FSB
Memory: 1GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz - 2 x 512MB
Video Cooling: AlienIce™ Video Cooling System - Terra Green
System Drive: High Performance with Data Security - Serial ATA RAID 1 - 250GB (250 x 2) Western Digital® Caviar® SE 7,200 RPM w/16MB Cache
Optical Drive One: NEC® ND-3500 16x Dual Layer DVD±R/W Recorder
Floppy Drive: 3.5" 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive - Black
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy® 2 ZS High Definition 7.1 Surround Firewire (IEEE® 1394) - $15 Mail-in Rebate !
Network Connection: Integrated High Performance Gigabit Ethernet
Automated Support: AlienAutopsy: Automated Technical Support Request System
Keyboard: Microsoft® Multimedia Keyboard - Space Black
Free Alienware T-Shirt: Free Alienware® T-Shirt - Black
Free Alienware Mousepad: Free Alienware® Mousepad
Desktop Enhancements: Exclusive AlienGUIse Theme Manager
AlienInspection: AlienInspection - Exclusive Integration and Inspection - $99.99 Value - FREE!
AlienWiring: AlienWiring - Exclusive Internal Wire Management - $99.99 Value - FREE!
and yes, sid (wxwax) gets the prize money for calling this, too :deal :lol3
well, i need a new computer. the 1Ds Mark II files are huuuuuuuuuge and so my current sony desktop system will go to my wife and i will get a new setup.
help me spec out a new system? i was intrigued by alienware
i want fast processor, believe that 1gb ram is enough, need raid storage, and what else?
here's an alienware system, to which i'd add the apple 30" cinema display and nvidia graphics board to drive it.
1] Area-51® 5550
Warranty: 1-Year AlienCare Toll-Free 24/7 Phone Support with Onsite Service
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2
AlienRespawn: Alienware® Respawn Recovery Kit
Chassis: Alienware® Full-Tower Case (480-Watt PS) - Space Black
Power Supply: Alienware® 480 Watt Power Supply
Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 560 w/ HT Technology 3.6GHz 1MB Cache
Motherboard: Alienware® PCI Express Motherboard with Intel® 925XE Chipset 1066/800MHz FSB
Memory: 1GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz - 2 x 512MB
Video Cooling: AlienIce™ Video Cooling System - Terra Green
System Drive: High Performance with Data Security - Serial ATA RAID 1 - 250GB (250 x 2) Western Digital® Caviar® SE 7,200 RPM w/16MB Cache
Optical Drive One: NEC® ND-3500 16x Dual Layer DVD±R/W Recorder
Floppy Drive: 3.5" 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive - Black
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy® 2 ZS High Definition 7.1 Surround Firewire (IEEE® 1394) - $15 Mail-in Rebate !
Network Connection: Integrated High Performance Gigabit Ethernet
Automated Support: AlienAutopsy: Automated Technical Support Request System
Keyboard: Microsoft® Multimedia Keyboard - Space Black
Free Alienware T-Shirt: Free Alienware® T-Shirt - Black
Free Alienware Mousepad: Free Alienware® Mousepad
Desktop Enhancements: Exclusive AlienGUIse Theme Manager
AlienInspection: AlienInspection - Exclusive Integration and Inspection - $99.99 Value - FREE!
AlienWiring: AlienWiring - Exclusive Internal Wire Management - $99.99 Value - FREE!
and yes, sid (wxwax) gets the prize money for calling this, too :deal :lol3
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
here's an alienware system, to which i'd add the apple 30" cinema display and nvidia graphics board to drive it.
Great monitor! However, from what I've read, and unless something has changed in the last couple months, the Apple Cinema display series will not be very adjustable from Windows (brightness only). Full control is from Apple OS only [Source: PCWorld, Nov. 2004, page 168]. I'm looking into the 23 or 24" wide screens, but one of my requirements is that they also have a separate input(s) for outside video sources, such as a DVD player, so I don't need the computer on to view something. Those are difficult to find, though, but would be fully integratable with Windows machines, and the 1900 x 1200 size seems ideal for editing with tools placed far off to one side.
Free Alienware T-Shirt: Free Alienware® T-Shirt - Black
Free Alienware Mousepad: Free Alienware® Mousepad
well, these are must-have items if you want to remain "hip" with the rest of the world.
- David
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
This is soooooo funny - And Yes, Sid called it!!!
The MAC really shines when filtering 16 bit images
Do you really need the 30 inch Cinema display? I looked longingly at it, but the $600 fee for the display adapter plus $3200 was just little rich for me, so I opted for the 23 inch display and used the savings to help pay for a Dual G5 Power Mac with 4 ( that's four) Gigabytes of RAM. And Yes, you will find that 1 Gb or RAM is inadequate with the 1DsMkii files.(THAT'S MY STORY AND I'M STICKING TO IT!!)
One of the reasons I opted for the 23 in Cinema display was that if it was not large enough I could add a 17 in LCD I already own for my palettes in PS. Or I could add add a second 23 in Cinema display.
Come on over Andy, the waters just fine!!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
:welcome to dgrin, david! thanks for joining, and thanks for your advice here. i'll be digesting and will get back to ya (urp....)
davidp (you remember him) says otherwise, btw, regarding the adjusting bit take a look here
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I'd say go w/ the Mac
If you need help w/ a system from Apple, I'm sure there will be more than enough people here willing to help you spend your money!
Dave (gallery)
As an owner of an Alienware laptop, I wholeheartedly believe you should steer away from Alienware as fast as your ISP will take you.
Their customer support is horrible (had major ordering issues). Their technical support was even worse (had a fried video card after a couple months). I could go on for hours with how bad my overall experience with them is. Let's just say when I asked to speak with a manager, they HUNG UP ON ME!!
:yikes $8123
will it at least kiss me in the morning?
Power Mac G5 Dual 2.5GHz
Part Number: Z0AC
56k V.92 modem
Accessory kit
8x SuperDrive (DVD-R/CD-RW)
4GB DDR400 SDRAM (PC3200) - 8x512
Apple Keyboard & Apple Mouse - U.S. English
Mac OS X - U.S. English
2x250GB Serial ATA - 7200rpm
Dual 2.5GHz PowerPC G5
Apple Cinema HD Display (30" flat panel) Part Number: M9179LL/A
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hey joe!
the left coast crowd is pushing me towards a mac anyhow
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And don't let those fanatics on the dark side brainwash you! :nono
This is what i like to see! Your making a step in the right direction
The 30" is a beautiful display, but I would have to recommend the 23". I think the 30" could be a little too big to view on a desk.
Dave (gallery)
i use a pc at work. i have a pc laptop. will i be able to easily make the switch between systems during my daily routines?
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yeah, but ... it's 30 freakin' inches! and you know what they say, size does matter!
seriously... the 30 incher would show a 1Ds Mark II file at nearly 50% across the screen, so i gather ....
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I do it every day with work & home. I don't have a problem. What special applications do you run on Windows that you *have* to have on the apple side? This could be the deciding factor.
Dave (gallery)
The price has come down to a very afordable $2500. Used to be over $3500. I'm gona wait one or ten years, but you go right ahead.
Seriously, they have quite a few different models. (I have a real small one, but significantly better then a mouse) I think they have a new 6X8 model that is only $200. Well worth it.
Upload a few full size files to the web and make a trip to your local apple store. They have internet access at all apple stores. Jump on the 23" & 30" displays to see what looks best to you. The have PS & all the major programs loaded. Just delete the picture when your done
This is how I decided a 23" was more comfortable to view.
Dave (gallery)
it's really nice how you guys are so wonderful about lightening my wallet
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there's a killer apple store in soho - i'll be there this week. yabba dabba doo!
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Don't forget to check out the 12", 15" & 17" PowerBooks while your there
Dave (gallery)
As far as Mac vs PC - the only reason I own several PC's is my gaming addiction (only bought the Alienware laptop to game while travelling for work. hehe) I started out on a Mac long ago and still miss it once in a while.
I'm out in the west coast for another few days so I guess I'll have to push you towards a Mac also.
none, really. but would i need to buy new licenses of word, & excel? that would suck eggz....
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From the Adobe page here: (for Windows boxes, just in case you don't go Apple)
That's a hard limit, so any more than that could be a waste right now.
So definitely get a multi-processor machine.
Gotta try that Efficiency Indicator, that's the first I have heard of it...
Yahbutt...the Tshirt is FREE!
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Yes you do, along w/ PS & other programs. If you switch to Mac, some software providers will actually ship you a copy of the mac version if you send them your Windows copy. I think Pathfinder did this.
There is the Macworld San Francisco conference Jan 10-14. Apple likes to announce new and updated products at this time. For the latest speed bump, you may want to hold out if you can.
Dave (gallery)
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Best part is the cost: free!
Perhaps it didn't go through the FREE inspection?
AlienInspection - Exclusive Integration and Inspection - $99.99 Value - FREE!
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
About the same as your 1DsMkll - right? But you are including the 32 in Cinemas display and the $600 video card needed for the 32 in display. Consider the 23 in and save about $2K. It is almost the size of a 13x19 in print.
Skip the 2nd 250 Gb hard drive - instead spring for a LaCie 500Gb external 800 Firewire BU drive. You're gonna need it for the files from the 1DsMkii.
I have over 150 Gb of images and RAW files from my little cameras. I am sure you will have a LOT more than this.
As for Photoshop - if you call Adobe support they will swap you a copy of PS for MAC if you send in your Wintel copy. And you can then skip the Adobe activation junk - I had Photoshop quit running several times in windows because of that - losing the editing I had done.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin