That's great. Been wanting that on the other forum for a long time. Makes it easier for the buyer to sort through what they want. The only downside I see is for a seller. We have to post twice if we're selling lenses and other equipment. Not a big deal though.
Hiya Rebelxtnewbie! Good to see you on Dgrin too. I can't wait to get my new macro lens from you. Talk soon
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
Thanks for the feedback. This is a HUGE improvement.
Give us a bit of time to move threads
Oh and you "old timers" please help the new folks with where to post, thanks!
This is going to be great! Make it even easier to feed my lens addiction in one convenient stop.
Thanks Andy and gang for all your hard work here at Dgrin.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.** Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~Henry Van Dyke
I have a longstanding problem with the Search feature in forums -- it won't let me search for a 3-character string because the search engine thinks a priori that too many resutls will be returned. Is there any way to allow those kind of searches? Many strings are short but still unique enough (PQI and ATP come to mind) that only limited results will turn up. (I could imagine searching for "5D" or "D70", too, although more results would probably pop up)
We're thinking about this, but it's obviously a much more difficult problem.
I have a longstanding problem with the Search feature in forums -- it won't let me search for a 3-character string because the search engine thinks a priori that too many resutls will be returned. Is there any way to allow those kind of searches? Many strings are short but still unique enough (PQI and ATP come to mind) that only limited results will turn up. (I could imagine searching for "5D" or "D70", too, although more results would probably pop up)
This is cool, I love the idea. POTN has a buy, sell, and deals, so this is pretty close. Also, this means the flea market could be more of an open discussion area on where to put things, and to house the FREEBIE thread and FEEDBACK.
I think it looks much cleaner to have the "compatible" part in the description.
How do php Boards work with searching one large thread with thousands of replies vs searching a subforum?
I have always wondered why feedback was always one thread in various forums, and not just a dedicated forum with a sticky that had the feedback template. Searching seemed easier with many posts instead of one thread, but maybe not. People invariably post a thread about feedback anyway as a new post by accident, and it could just simply be moved to the feedback forum if there was one. As always, I am a noob when it comes to setting up php boards, I have only done my own on my online store ( and it does not get alot of traffic except by spambots.
7D, 70-200L IS, 17-55 IS 2.8, 150 2.8 macro, 12-24, 100-400L, 85 1.8, 50 1.4
Hey just a suggestion, but why not make sub-divisions for Minolta-Sony, Olympus etc ones as well. Granted they probably will have the least amount of threads, but for those users just one area where they wont be bombarded with other gear will help as much as the current Nikon and Canon sub-divisions help us Canonites and Nikonauts.
Hey just a suggestion, but why not make sub-divisions for Minolta-Sony, Olympus etc ones as well. Granted they probably will have the least amount of threads, but for those users just one area where they wont be bombarded with other gear will help as much as the current Nikon and Canon sub-divisions help us Canonites and Nikonauts.
Hey just a suggestion, but why not make sub-divisions for Minolta-Sony, Olympus etc ones as well. Granted they probably will have the least amount of threads, but for those users just one area where they wont be bombarded with other gear will help as much as the current Nikon and Canon sub-divisions help us Canonites and Nikonauts.
I suggested the same thing earlier in this thread, here:
Selling suggestion
One thing that gets a little tedious with a fast growing community are those that don't take the time to familiarize themselves with the rules/guidelines, so they just post items for sale, and then you get the slew of "what is the price", "how old", "pics?", etc. The DOC suggested I put future forum suggestions into this thread, as it will become the "how to make this better and not turn into FM" thread.
So here is a repeat post I made elsewhere. Just a suggestion, but it could turn into something useful.
Suggested Selling Template? These sometimes work, and if posted as a sticky template, folks can point new members to the template. Title: FA/FS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey just a suggestion, but why not make sub-divisions for Minolta-Sony, Olympus etc ones as well. Granted they probably will have the least amount of threads, but for those users just one area where they wont be bombarded with other gear will help as much as the current Nikon and Canon sub-divisions help us Canonites and Nikonauts.
I think it would be clutter (too many forums) at this time. We made the Kitchen Sink be the catch-all. If things heat up, we'll consider it - thanks for the suggestion!
SmugMug "Flickr coupon" offer...
Hey, by the way, lemme share a little tidbit with y'all here...
Image upload, or lack of it, was a big reason we got a lot of newcomers here. We all know images add a lot to a sale listing. So if anyone wants a good image hosting account, I'll shamelessly recommend SmugMug. But I'll also offer you a (not-so) secret way to get 50% off your first year:
Hey, by the way, lemme share a little tidbit with y'all here...
Image upload, or lack of it, was a big reason we got a lot of newcomers here. We all know images add a lot to a sale listing. So if anyone wants a good image hosting account, I'll shamelessly recommend SmugMug. But I'll also offer you a (not-so) secret way to get 50% off your first year:
I think it would be clutter (too many forums) at this time. We made the Kitchen Sink be the catch-all. If things heat up, we'll consider it - thanks for the suggestion! can also be interpeted as WE DON'T CARE unless you use Nikon or Cannon...if you want recognition then switch to OUR brand of camera......To me putting in a "kitchen sink" sub form is not is like saying the garbage this was the nomenclature when I was a professional cook....Kitchen sink ment anything that could not be served by it self for whatever reason, ie the garbage................
Is it any different than having galleries for our products on our own sites. can also be interpeted as WE DON'T CARE unless you use Nikon or Cannon...if you want recognition then switch to OUR brand of camera......To me putting in a "kitchen sink" sub form is not is like saying the garbage this was the nomenclature when I was a professional cook....Kitchen sink ment anything that could not be served by it self for whatever reason, ie the garbage................
Is it any different than having galleries for our products on our own sites.
Thanks Art, we'll surely consider it as things progress. As you can see, we have a record of being responsive to folks' wishes, desires and needs around here can also be interpeted as WE DON'T CARE unless you use Nikon or Cannon...if you want recognition then switch to OUR brand of camera......To me putting in a "kitchen sink" sub form is not is like saying the garbage this was the nomenclature when I was a professional cook....Kitchen sink ment anything that could not be served by it self for whatever reason, ie the garbage................
Is it any different than having galleries for our products on our own sites.
Art, you big girl, this isn't about you, it's about me!
Too many sub-forums and stickies and this and that look disgusting! Not to mention they add to the clicking I have to do for daily moderation purposes. We've always always tried to make dgrin as clutter free as possible. So stop taking it so personally that we don't have a forum for that 1 guy out there who wants to sell his Hasselblad, k?
Art, you big girl, this isn't about you, it's about me!
Too many sub-forums and stickies and this and that look disgusting! Not to mention they add to the clicking I have to do for daily moderation purposes. We've always always tried to make dgrin as clutter free as possible. So stop taking it so personally that we don't have a forum for that 1 guy out there who wants to sell his Hasselblad, k?
While I agree that too much of a structure leads to chaos , I honestly think that by adding just one extra forum for Other Manufactures Cameras/filters and such, and leaving the Kitchen Sink for non-camera related gear (studio equipment, computer hardware, software, etc.) would help a whole lot and would not increase mod's duties by too much.
While Canon and Nikon are sure the biggest dogs on the block for DSLRs, their combined market share in P&S, MF and other formats is definitely less than 50%.
Flea Market is already structured better than FM's B/S was, yet I do believe that making just this one addition would make it much better
While I agree that too much of a structure leads to chaos , I honestly think that by adding just one extra forum for Other Manufactures Cameras/filters and such, and leaving the Kitchen Sink for non-camera related gear (studio equipment, computer hardware, software, etc.) would help a whole lot and would not increase mod's duties by too much.
While Canon and Nikon are sure the biggest dogs on the block for DSLRs, their combined market share in P&S, MF and other formats is definitely less than 50%.
Flea Market is already structured better than FM's B/S was, yet I do believe that making just this one addition would make it much better
I would have to agree - do you guys think that we are one extra forum away from complete anarchy in the Flea Market?
Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. - George Bernard Shaw
While I agree that too much of a structure leads to chaos , I honestly think that by adding just one extra forum for Other Manufactures Cameras/filters and such, and leaving the Kitchen Sink for non-camera related gear (studio equipment, computer hardware, software, etc.) would help a whole lot and would not increase mod's duties by too much.
While Canon and Nikon are sure the biggest dogs on the block for DSLRs, their combined market share in P&S, MF and other formats is definitely less than 50%.
Flea Market is already structured better than FM's B/S was, yet I do believe that making just this one addition would make it much better
While things are easy for me to find since I am a Canonite, I can see that having a 3rd section devoted to cameras and camera equipment for brands other than Canon and Nikon would be a help. Just my .02 cents, and we all know how much that is worth!
While things are easy for me to find since I am a Canonite, I can see that having a 3rd section devoted to cameras and camera equipment for brands other than Canon and Nikon would be a help. Just my .02 cents, and we all know how much that is worth!
I knew it!
Andy, Erik - if you were chicks, I'd kiss you!
But since you're not - beer (or drink of your choice; Andy: that includes Blue Label ;-) is on me
Hiya Rebelxtnewbie! Good to see you on Dgrin too. I can't wait to get my new macro lens from you. Talk soon
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Thanks for the feedback. This is a HUGE improvement.
Give us a bit of time to move threads
Oh and you "old timers" please help the new folks with where to post, thanks!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
This is going to be great! Make it even easier to feed my lens addiction in one convenient stop.
Thanks Andy and gang for all your hard work here at Dgrin.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
The Dgrin way has always been simple and fun, so I give you 3 sub-forums... we're populating them now.
stay tuned
google search d70
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I think it looks much cleaner to have the "compatible" part in the description.
How do php Boards work with searching one large thread with thousands of replies vs searching a subforum?
I have always wondered why feedback was always one thread in various forums, and not just a dedicated forum with a sticky that had the feedback template. Searching seemed easier with many posts instead of one thread, but maybe not. People invariably post a thread about feedback anyway as a new post by accident, and it could just simply be moved to the feedback forum if there was one. As always, I am a noob when it comes to setting up php boards, I have only done my own on my online store ( and it does not get alot of traffic except by spambots.
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Once again, the DGrin team comes out with support that we didn't eve know we needed!!
Welcome to all the newbies as well. Hope you are able to feel right at home here!
Great minds think alike....
I suggested the same thing earlier in this thread, here:
The segregated B/S are a good idea........
One thing that gets a little tedious with a fast growing community are those that don't take the time to familiarize themselves with the rules/guidelines, so they just post items for sale, and then you get the slew of "what is the price", "how old", "pics?", etc. The DOC suggested I put future forum suggestions into this thread, as it will become the "how to make this better and not turn into FM" thread.
So here is a repeat post I made elsewhere. Just a suggestion, but it could turn into something useful.
Suggested Selling Template? These sometimes work, and if posted as a sticky template, folks can point new members to the template.
Title: FA/FS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Item/Product ID: xxxxxxxxx
Asking Price & Currency: $xxxxx.xx
Age of Item/# Uses:
(Date Code, Purchase Date, # Actuations, etc)
Item Description:
(like new, chips, scuffs, warranty repaired, refurb, non-smoking?, etc)
MSRP Prices & Locations:
Fees/Shipping Disclosure:
(PP, S&H, Type of Shipping)
Shipping Locations:
(CONUS, CAN, UK, etc)
Why Selling:
(ebay ID, other Forums/IDs)
Contact Directions:
(PM, Email, etc)
Images and/or Image Links:
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Hey, by the way, lemme share a little tidbit with y'all here...
Image upload, or lack of it, was a big reason we got a lot of newcomers here. We all know images add a lot to a sale listing. So if anyone wants a good image hosting account, I'll shamelessly recommend SmugMug. But I'll also offer you a (not-so) secret way to get 50% off your first year:
Posting this could kill my referral bizness. :cry can also be interpeted as WE DON'T CARE unless you use Nikon or Cannon...if you want recognition then switch to OUR brand of camera......To me putting in a "kitchen sink" sub form is not is like saying the garbage this was the nomenclature when I was a professional cook....Kitchen sink ment anything that could not be served by it self for whatever reason, ie the garbage................
Is it any different than having galleries for our products on our own sites.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Too many sub-forums and stickies and this and that look disgusting! Not to mention they add to the clicking I have to do for daily moderation purposes. We've always always tried to make dgrin as clutter free as possible. So stop taking it so personally that we don't have a forum for that 1 guy out there who wants to sell his Hasselblad, k?
While I agree that too much of a structure leads to chaos
While Canon and Nikon are sure the biggest dogs on the block for DSLRs, their combined market share in P&S, MF and other formats is definitely less than 50%.
Flea Market is already structured better than FM's B/S was, yet I do believe that making just this one addition would make it much better
I would have to agree - do you guys think that we are one extra forum away from complete anarchy in the Flea Market?
While things are easy for me to find since I am a Canonite, I can see that having a 3rd section devoted to cameras and camera equipment for brands other than Canon and Nikon would be a help. Just my .02 cents, and we all know how much that is worth!
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But the customer is always right.
Andy, Erik - if you were chicks, I'd kiss you!
But since you're not - beer (or drink of your choice; Andy: that includes Blue Label
Naked Juice
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