Nice to meet you.

indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
edited August 27, 2010 in The Dgrin Challenges
How's about a little gittin-to-know-ya in this forum?

Who are ya?
Where are ya?
What do ya do?
How long shootin?
Hobbist or Pro?
What else?



  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My name is Jesse. I'm a thirtysomething picture-taking, sweater-knitting, story-writing mom to three and wife to one. My BFA is in Theatre and I have a Master's degree in Education.

    Where are ya?
    Pacific Northwest, USA. South of Seattle, WA.

    What do ya do?
    Currently, I'm designing and developing a performing arts conservatory for ages 4-adult. I also knit professionally. I write, too. Oh, and then there's the photography.

    How long shootin?
    All my life. Both my granddad and father were/are photographers.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    I've done freelance photography work since about 2003. I have very little formal training and plan on fixing that this fall.

    What else?
    My kids are a goofballs: see them here, here and here. I write a blog. I'm big boned and have a great personality.
  • SaltForkSaltFork Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Salt Fork, World. World, Salt Fork...
    Who are ya?
    I'm James. I turned 43 on Wednesday - married 21 years - two great kids

    Where are ya?
    Fort Worth, Texas - (but lots of time in Idaho and Wyoming because I love it there)

    What do ya do?
    Mechanical Engineer / Inventor (here's one of my inventions)

    How long shootin?
    Shooting for 22 years

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Hobbyist Plus (making enough through sports shots on Smugmug to afford a few more lenses and starting to get a few paying gigs for portraits)

    What else?
    Salt Fork is the name of my ranch in West Texas on the Salt Fork of the Brazos River
  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My name is Donna, I'm straight, Single Mom with kids, I never tell my age or weight (hey that's the way I was raised). My BD is February, and I believe, I am very true to my "WATER" sign. I am a Registered Native American, am I a true blonde..Hmmm, I always say when in Florida do as the Floridians do..Laughing.gif. I speak/read/write two languages. Have traveled quite a bit. I have a very eclectic personality. Collector of Betty Boop, Marilyn Monroe, Mermaids, Unicorns and Fairies. My favorites two classic movies are Gone With The Wind, and Wuthering Heights, I love the movie classics.
    I enjoy all kinds of music EXCEPT Hard Core Rap, and Hard Core Metal (but I'll deal with it If I have no choice ne_nau.gif )

    Where are ya?
    I was born in Boston, high schooled in Puerto Rico, and now I am recycled to Florida (I needed an emotional change of scenery). Most of my family hails from the Maine/Canada region.

    What do ya do?
    I am a "Technical Writer" and "Technical Graphics Editor" in the world of Aviation.

    How long shootin?
    Been shooting since a child when my Mom sacrified to buy me a camera (that I wanted) for Christmas. Photography was put on the back burner when I became the sole provider for my children...Hey sometimes things in life have to take precedence when there are mouths to feed ne_nau.gif

    Hobbist or Pro?
    I am a freelance photographer with my own studio, I work a lot with musicians (I love their energy), have done a few gigs.

    What else?
    I have Champagne Tastes but Beer Pockets. I see nothing wrong with a few shots of tequila between friends. I mingle well with any person from any walk of life or side of the track. I would like to travel MORE (but not stay where the tourists flock, I like to be involved with the locals of the land)...Australia, Hawaii, Seychelles, Greece, so many places on my list. Last but not least, I love accents!!

    Now you know something about me!! :D Nice to meet you!! :ivar
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
  • saurorasaurora Registered Users Posts: 4,320 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My name is Susan, though I'm known pretty much on this forum as Saurora (just a made up name!). I'm a happily SWF divorced around 12 years ago and never remarried. I have one adult son who lives about 20 minutes away and we have a great relationship. I'm a Libra born on September 24th. Age? Well, let's say I'm fifty-something and old enough to be a Grandmother, but my son refuses to indulge in my wishes as his interests lie elsewhere!!! I am 'middle-brained' and my tastes in music, art, photography and everything are truly eclectic. My passion is my family and my 2 dogs.

    Where are ya?
    I am a native of Orange County California. I was born in Fullerton and haven't strayed far. School years were spent in Santa Ana. Did a brief stint in the South Bay area when I was first married, moved back to Huntington Beach (where I hang out alot) and now live in Orange near my job.

    What do ya do?
    I do escrow trust accounting and have been in the field working for small companies for about 20 years. I'm really tired of it and would love to retire!!

    How long shootin?
    I started shooting as a kid and soon became the family historian with my little Kodak Instamatic. In my 20's I picked up my first 35mm and attended the Newport School of Photography. I became a darkroom junkie and spent many happy hours breathing Kodafix working mostly in B&W. I gave photography up for a while for monetary reasons, and became interested again a year ago when I purchased my 20D.

    Hobbyist or Pro?
    A serious hobbyist who wishes she had turned pro at least 10 years ago. I considered making the jump this year, but it's a huge, scarey change at my age.

    What else?
    Currently trying to zero in on my photography interests as (like everything I do) my subject-matter is widely varied. My most recent gallery is an attempt to do just that and is another passion of mine, animal adoption. The ocean is another love and I spend time here in Seal Beach every weekend and down in Huntington shooting this and that. Travel is something I haven't done much of and long to do soon. I also have a serious addiction to Dgrin that may require professional help. mwink.gif
  • kingmamaof2kingmamaof2 Registered Users Posts: 195 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My name is Lovie, although I often go by my middle name, Lindsey. I am 24 yrs. old, have been married for 4+ years, and have two kids.

    Where are ya?
    northeast Texas

    What do ya do?
    Full time RN student

    How long shootin?
    Bought my first camera last October with only the intention of taking pictures of my kids. I was asked to photograph a wedding by a friend of the family and the rest has been history.:D

    Hobbist or Pro?
    I'm not sure, maybe in the middle already? I haven't even had my camera a year yet but I'm getting steady bookings by word of mouth.

    What else?
    Just got my site finished (Thank you Jan!), and just loving life, taking it day by day. Dgrin has been such a blessing-you guys are so much more helpful that the other forums I've visited. I love it here!!thumb.gif
  • urbanariesurbanaries Registered Users Posts: 2,690 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    I'm Lynne, and I'm a city girl at heart, and I'm a very strong Aries, so now you can figure out my handle! I'm 29 (no joke!) a happily divorced SWF with one amazing 2.5 year old boy, Harry. I am a right-brained curly-haired irish-blooded amazon (I'm 5-10ish).

    Where are ya?
    I'm in Indianapolis, Indiana....I lived smack downtown for seven years, but last year moved my little guy and I back to the suburbs to be close to my awesome family.

    What do ya do?
    I am a marketing/communications professional for an academic medical center. I promote our research physicians' new treatments to referring physicians and consumers.

    How long shootin?
    I started at 16, shooting high school sports with an old Pentax for a local paper. (The publisher lived next door!) I didn't stick with it, I was very involved in theatre throughout college. Throughout the process of being a singleton again, I rekindled my interest in photography, and my little boy is so darned photogenic, the rest is history.

    Hobbyist or Pro?
    I turned part-time pro a little over a year ago. I am definitely at a crossroads, working on a business plan to go full time. I'm not very optimistic at this point.

    What else?
    I was supposed to be a flower child but my birthdate was delayed 25 years for some reason. I am a huge live music fan, and really miss going to outdoor concerts with the hippies like BK (before kids). I really want a tattoo but I'm too chicken. I love my Honda Element.
    Canon 5D MkI
    50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
    ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
  • anwmn1anwmn1 Registered Users Posts: 3,469 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are you: I am Aaron - 30 year old SWM with an 8 year old boy. I am told I am an old soul for my taste in cars, music, and my approach at life. When my son is grown I will retire to a remote location in some vast wilderness and enjoy the outdoors everyday- a monk with a camera :D

    Where are you: I was born in New Mexico, grew up in Central Arizona, and now live in a small community South of Phoenix AZ.

    What do you do: I am a G-man for a beverage company (C&C-Trade Loss- Audits, etc. etc.), a dad, and a student.

    How long shooting: I have always been into art- drawing- clay- painting- I didn't get started in photography until I was 19. I bought a 35mm rangefinder at a pawn shop and took b&w photographs that I would then draw at a larger scale- usually taking a 4x6 and then drawing it to 24x36. Fell in love with b&w photography while teaching myself how to do it- (wasting many rolls of film and money) inspired by Ansel Adams and hopes of being published in Arizona Highways. The camera was put away for several years when I married and had my son. After my divorce I purchased a dslr primarily for vacations (film was a pain and p&s were piece o ...) with my son and have been succesfull at picking the art form back up. I have no formal training in photography, very little technical knowledge, so I guess I just have a pretty good eye.

    Hobbist or Pro: Hobbist until my son is on his own. Then I plan to go pro doing what I love. I have atleast 10 years to refine my skills.rolleyes1.gif I have shot some local bands, assist with an award winning wedding photography company, some sports, and some casual portraits. It has paid for my annual fees as well as some equipment so I am very pleased so far.

    What else: I am blessed with a natural compass- I have never been lost- which is very helpfull when I wonder out into the Arizona Wilderness on my own. Helped here too. Too many interests & hobbies and not enough time or money. Luckily this is one that can pay for itself.
    "The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"

    Aaron Newman
    Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    I'm Elaine...thirtysomething, married for 13 years, one almost 6 yr old son.

    Where are ya?
    Oregon...the greater Portland metro area.

    What do ya do?
    Homeschoolin' momma.

    How long shootin?
    Got my first SLR when my son was born and my first DSLR almost two years ago.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Somewhere inbetween, I guess. I just got a city business license so I could start an official portrait business, and I just upgraded to a SmugMug pro account. I've got six bookings for the fall so far...I hope to use the money to upgrade my equipment. I have serious doubts about my photog abilities...still feel like I'm just lucky sometimes!

    What else?
    My other hobby is quilting. I like to travel but I hate flying! I like yard work. I love to read.

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • GreensquaredGreensquared Registered Users Posts: 2,115 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?

    Where are ya?
    Born in WA, grew up in the UK, but calling GA home for the past 15 years

    What do ya do?
    I worked for a bank for 4 years in London, managed a veterinary hospital in Atlanta for 7 years and am now a very happy homeschooling mom. I still do some work for the vet and a little website design as well, but I'm spoiled and mostly get to stay at home and play with my kids and camera stuff!

    How long shootin?
    About 15 years. Well, longer if you count my disc camera from the early '80s!

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Went to commercial photography school, won some student awards and did a little pro work, but then set photography aside for a while due to life changes. Dgrin has rekindled my love for it, so who knows where I will go from here!

    What else?
    I love my husband and my daughters, and believe in working to build a home. I have a city girl mind with a country girl heart. I love to bake, paint, write, sew, and have a bunch of critters. All time favorite movie - Gone with the Wind. Favorite TV viewing (which is extremely rare these days other than Barney) - all things Farscape.
    Psalm 62:5-6

  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    Awais Yaqub 22 years old. Lived in Colorado Fort collins Aggie village in 1986-89.
    Where are ya?
    Pakistan Islamabad
    What do ya do?

    MBA 2nd semester student
    How long shootin?
    about 3 years
    Hobbist or Pro?
    lover Hobbist
    What else?
    Dreaming !
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

    My Gallery
  • SunsetSailorSunsetSailor Registered Users Posts: 39 Big grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    Call me Laura. Retired high school teacher. taught mostly boys architectural and mechanical drafting, CAD as well as technology. Still miss the young minds and high spirits but not the job as it evolved to become. Own 3 sailboats (which is a strong indication of insanity) but I promise, I am trying trying to down size the fleet. Widowed with family living near by.

    Where are ya?
    Coast of Georgia, where it is hot and muggy in the summer and wonderful the rest of the time.

    What do ya do?
    Work on sailboats, spend time with my 17 yr old grandson (I can still relate to teenage boys), travel, do things with my retired friends, volunteer with the local riverkeeper association, generally do what I want when I want …for goodness sake – I’M RETIRED!

    How long shootin?
    Started as an art major in college with some photography classes, married a profession photographer and teacher of graphic arts and photography, was a high school yearbook advisor for several years, so I’ve been using photography for at least 30 yrs. Started back seriously for about a year.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Hobbist - Discovered Dgrin this year and recently set up a site with smugmug and jumped it here. Don’t know where this is going to take me but I’m enjoying the mini-road trips and the views. These challenges are keeping my brain cells alert and that’s a very good thing.

    What else?
    Like to read and listen all kinds of music, ride thru the backroads early in the morning and sit on the beach late in the afternoon when the sea breeze is blowing. Cut my TV cable service off four years ago and have never missed it.
    [FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif] The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. ~Author Unknown

    Olympus EVolt 500
  • TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    I'm Travis - really, I usually go by surferchild on forums but I wasn't that creative when I signed on to DGrin. Much to my mother's chagrin, I never married. Not that I'm opposed to it, just haven't found the one yet. I did receive a father's day card several years ago from an ex - not a funny joke for a 21 year old. My partner in crime is Mahala
    the Australian cattle dog that adopted me from the shelter.I love being outdoors and preferably on, near, in the water - saltwater. Could you guess that I'm a Pisces?

    Where are ya?
    Grew up in VA Beach, went to college in Ashland, spent 13 years bouncing around the southeast coast (Cary, Orlando, Raleigh, Atlantic Beach, Charlotte) and finally returned back to VB (well Chesapeake, but thats a technicality) in February of this year. I love being back!!!

    What do ya do?
    To feed my habit, I'm a project manager for large scale process and application implementations. Yawn. I have taken several side trips along the way including running a pro saltwater fishing team for 4 incredible years. I still compete occassionally but now just enjoy getting out on the weekends for a relaxing time.

    How long shootin?
    When I was 13, I got a Minolta x700 and was immediately hooked. I've been roped into Minolta and now Sony ever since. One day I'll convert to one of the Nikon or Canon camps but I can't give up the current investment now and it works for me.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Hobbyist that takes on the occassional job here and there. I would love to do it fulltime but I still have a ways to go before making that leap.

    What else?
    Over the last couple of years, I have put my photography skills to good use by volunteering with the local animal shelters to help get discarded animals adopted and promote their events. It has been as beneficial for me as it has been for them. Sometimes I think it is me that is being saved. You can see some of them here

    I would write more, but I'm late for a poker tournament. Time to loose my next lens. mwink.gif
  • drdanedrdane Registered Users Posts: 383 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Great Idea, Indiegirl!
    I've really enjoyed learning a bit about you all, and will post my info up upon return from a camping/photo trip to the foggy Oregon coast later this coming week. There, you already know one of my favorite things - running around loose in nature with my camera!

    I hope to bring back a great shot or two for the semifinal! :D

    Dr Dane :rofl
    Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all or:

  • eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My name is Eyal but I go by E on here cause it's too hard to pronounce. Origin is Israeli. I'm 32 years old. Married. Father of an incredible 21 month old boy (that's him on the left and you've seen him in a few LPS entries). Also have another on the way.

    Where are ya?
    Grew up in LA but moved to the east coast for med school and haven't looked back. Just spent two great years in Boston and now live in Washington, D.C.

    What do ya do?
    I'm an allergist. Just finished fellowship at Mass General Hospital and am now in private practice in D.C.

    How long shootin?
    Not too long. Was using a point and shoot (film then digital) for the past 10 years. Finally got a dSLR 3 months before my son was born. Been at this for about two years now.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Still a hobbyist though I did have two small showings in Boston and sold a few prints. Would love to be able to sell on a more regular basis though I doubt I'll ever be able to give up the day job.

    What else?
    Dgrin and smugmug have been great finds. I used to post to dpreview and photosig but never felt myself growing as a photographer on those boards. The LPS and the close group here have pushed me as hard as I could stand at times. Thanks for that!

  • Pat664422Pat664422 Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My name is Patrick, I am 34 and married to a wonderful wife and have no kids.

    Where are ya?
    I live in central Florida, right between Tampa and Orlando. I'm not a native Floridian, but have lived here since I was three years old.

    What do ya do?
    I have been a computer programmer (.Net for anyone curious) for the last three years. I thought being a programmer was the only job I would ever enjoy as a profession, but I have recently discovered that photography would be a wonderful alternative. My previous jobs involved doing software support over the phone - something that I don't have many fond memories of, but also something that helps me keep users in mind when writing/designing software.

    How long shootin?
    Around two years.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    It first started becoming a hobby of mine when I got a panasonic digital camera about a year a half ago. After a while I wanted better image quality and longer range for wildlife pictures, so I got my Nikon D40 in May of this year. I am still far on the hobbist side. I've done a lot of online reading about technique and composition, but I have a lot of learning to do when it comes to getting the most out of my equipment.

    I purchased a basic account on smugmug because I saw it allows users to set prices for their pictures. I hope to one day produce pictures that will allow me to take advantage of these features.

    What else?
    I love nature, on this planet and elsewhere in the universe (what we know of it anyway out there anyway). I love science, technology and sports - my favorites being Football, Hockey and Tennis.

    On such an artistic website, I feel the need to explain my boring username - Pat664422. In one of my old favorite movies - The Fly - Jeff Goldbloom said that Einstein thought he had many more interesting things to think about than worrying about mundane issues like what he would wear each day, so he simply a had closet full of the same suits - he never had to think about what he would wear. I think Einstein is a good act to follow, so I decided to follow that logic with usernames. I pretty much always use Pat664422 because it's complex enough to never be already taken on a website and I never have to put much thought into logging in (this started before the nice feature of websites "remembering" you). I chose numbers I could easily remember - numbers from my favorite hockey players - Mario Lemieux's #66, Roman Hamrlik's (first draft pick ever by the Tampa Bay Lightning) #44 and later, #22. The fact it was a pattern helped.

    For anyone still reading who is now probably entirely disatisfied with the lengthy username explanation, I will close with one more quote from Einstein - "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2007
    See? Isn't this fun?
  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Who are ya?
    My names Dave. 51 and married for 25 years. Got 2 great sons, 19 and 16.
    Where are ya?
    Southeast Michigan. Originally from Nebraska but spent most of my life here.
    What do ya do?
    Mechanical Engineer/Computer Science. Strange combination I guess, but mostly I work with equipment automation programming.
    How long shootin?
    Saved up to buy my first slr in the early 70's (Fujica). Still have the camera but my youngest son uses it now. He's really into film lately and has accumulated quite a collection of cameras.
    Hobbist or Pro?
    Definitely hobbist. This year I've really started to try and become more serious though. Mostly because of the people here in this forum. So much knowledge, sharing, and encouragement! I love it! I plan on developing my skills as far as I can take them.
    What else?
    I'm pretty involved with our local community theatre, love computers, building anything, and spending time with my family. And, I'm a firm believer that a little red wine goes with just about anything.
  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    indiegirl wrote:
    See? Isn't this fun?
    Thanks Indiegirl, this is fun!
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    SaltFork wrote:
    What do ya do?
    Mechanical Engineer / Inventor (here's one of my inventions)

    That's so cool. This is different from the kind I see around here-those seem to have plastic something-or-others inbetween the steel do-jobbies. When I look at the middle of YOUR invention, I don't see what I see when I look at those. Do you have any idea what I'm trying to say?

  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Dave, you look like one of my favorite college profs.

  • SaltForkSaltFork Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    indiegirl wrote:
    That's so cool. This is different from the kind I see around here-those seem to have plastic something-or-others inbetween the steel do-jobbies. When I look at the middle of YOUR invention, I don't see what I see when I look at those. Do you have any idea what I'm trying to say?


    I know exactly what you are trying to say. "do-jobbies" is what I call those plastic something-or-others inside my COMPETITOR'S cushion. :D Theirs has been around a little longer than mine but mine has helped drive the price down for the entire industry. That means our tax dollars go farther!:D

    The page I linked to shows one of the four products that I have in the industry with that company. The others are not quite so glamorous but help pay the bills. And because I did my inventin' as a consultant and made a pretty good deal up front for the manufacturing rights...... now I get to enjoy my lens habit more!
  • Tessa HDTessa HD Registered Users Posts: 852 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Who are ya?
    Tessa HD Campbell, it's funny how HD can fit so many things nowadays...harley davison, hard drive, heavy duty, high definition, since it's none of the above and I'll never have two initials after my name, I "artistically" use my middle ones! Happily married almost 14 years, one son, 3 older step sons.

    Where are ya? Pennsylvania Wilds, where we have all the gorgeous four seasons.

    What do ya do? Administraive assistant at accounting firm, run my home based art reproduction business, and people keep asking me to photograph for them so I guess that too.

    How long shootin? 3 years, since I started my business.

    Hobbist or Pro? somewhere in the middle. I'm probably too critical to ever consider myself a pro.

    What else? I love people, animals, oil painting, learning, the woods, studying the bible, flowers, cooking, and organizing.
    Love to dream, and dream in color.
    This summer's wilderness photography project:
  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Who are ya?
    Kerry. For those who have stared at my SN and quickly looked away for fear of trying to pronounce so many Ls, it's loosely pronounced luh-WELL-in. It's Welsh. My last name is the equivalent of "Smith" in Wales, but I'm actually third-gen Irish. At heart, I'm pure Celt.

    Where are ya?
    Just bought my first home in northern Virginia. Lived here for the past five years, which is a surprise to me and my family (all of whom are in Texas or Wisconsin). All my life I've had a nomadic existence--moving to a new state every year. It's hard for me to settle in places, obvious by my new home. I've been here four months and am still living out of a few boxes. :D

    What do ya do?
    I'm an editor and writer for a magazine at NASA. I talk to a lot of project managers and engineers and interpret what they say so the general public understands what all the thingamabobs and whatchamacalits do up there in space. I've been an editor in the publishing biz for about six years now.

    How long shootin?
    Mm, I first got interested in angles about four years back when somebody bought me a new point and shoot. Last year before my country hopping in Europe, I bought my first DSLR. So only one year with the fancy schmancy toy.

    Hobbyist or Pro?
    Hobbyist with secret pro aspirations. I've been told I have an eye for composition, so now I'm taking classes to learn all the technical stuff. It's great knowing what all those dials and extra buttons do on my camera! :D I have a show up right now and have sold two prints, which is encouraging.

    What else?
    This forum keeps making me try new things and ask myself more "what ifs" about shooting. It's helped turn a hobby into an obsession. I'm also a complete nerd with some high geek tendencies. And I get along smashingly with engineers, which really helps my current job. mwink.gif
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Who are ya?
    Winston, 20 years 6 continents U.S. Navy retired in 2004. Happily married 21 years to the same woman, 1 child, 16 year old daughter who loves photography.

    Where are ya?
    Greencastle PA just above Hagerstown MD
    What do ya do?
    I’m a Senior Metrology Specialist for a Bio Pharmaceutical company in Rockville MD

    How long shootin?
    Seven years… in 2000 I had to make a career change in the Navy… So I became a Photographer. Attended the Defense Information School for still photography and spent the remainder of my Naval career in Japan and South East Asia.

    Hobbyist or Pro?

    What else?
    This is great fun! So many interesting people with such diverse backgrounds coming together on this forum because of a common interest…
  • hawkeye978hawkeye978 Registered Users Posts: 1,218 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Who are ya?

    My name is Tom. I'm 54 years old, been married 27 years, with two grown children.

    Where are ya?
    I'm located in a small town northwest of Boston. I was raised in eastern Massachusetts but have lived in upstate New York, Tennessee, and central Texas before coming back to Massachusetts about 22 years ago.

    What do ya do?

    I am a manager/scientist for a small high tech optics company. I am trained as a physicist and hold a PhD.

    How long shootin?

    I stated shooting back in high school when I was on the yearbook staff. Until two years ago I only used Canon SLR's but now shoot with a Pentax K10D. Really started shooting seriously again about 1 year ago.

    Hobbist or Pro?

    Hobbyist but enjoy the feedback I get from the pros on SmugMug.
  • TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Indie, I really like this thread you started, SOOOOOO many diverse backgrounds with common ground...See people can get along...:D
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
  • ShepsMomShepsMom Registered Users Posts: 4,319 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Ok, I'll jump in :D

    Who are ya?
    My name is Marina, 30 something not so-single mom with 16 year old PITA boy and BF of 14 years, and No, i'm not planning on getting married again!!!

    Where are ya?
    Swampy, germy, sticky, humid swamp called FL, the freakshow state!
    I was born in Belarus (former CCCP republic), came to states almost 16 years go. I can talk to Yuri in Russian. Isn't it cool?? :D

    What do ya do?
    I travel around the world and take pictures of anyone who willing to pose..... Wait, that's what i want to do. In real life i sit on my arse in the office and underwrite mortgages... Can you say i'd rather be somewhere else??

    How long shootin?
    Not long at all, i had cameras my whole life, but nothing serious. I purchased my first DSLR last year and hoping to do something with it.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Hobbist at it's best. Trying to get myself on the road of real pro photographer some day. If i can get that darn Slideshow working!!

    What else?
    Well, i enjoy a good book, camping (not in FL!!), love to travel and meet new people.
    I volunteer for local German Shepherd Dog rescue to help those beautiful animals find a good home and escape death sentence. I have 2 on my own and enjoy every moment with them.
    Of course my 16 year old helps me stay out of troubles the best he can. Cheering at them football games is a hard job, ya know!
    Nikon D700 x2/D300
    Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Thanks Jesse for starting this thread! Very Cool!
    Who are ya?
    Sean Sherstone, Old enough to have watched the moon landing on TV, granted I was less than 1.5 years old but it is still a vivid memory for me. Married to a wonderful wife that loves traveling (in our camper van), with me to capture my next shot.

    Where are ya?
    Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
    I am thankful for where I live every single day. I have lived here for 10 years.

    What do ya do?
    Graphic designer by day, part time photographer and artist by night (and sometimes early mornings mwink.gif)

    How long shootin?
    I have loved capturing images since probably age 8 or 9, that is my earliest memories of actually getting film developed. I made a pinhole camera and processed the 10"x10" negatives in my parents crawl space when I was 11. My Dad let me use his SLR some where around 13+ but I never had money to develop the film :cry. Somewhere along the way I stopped shooting and did not pick it back up until DSLR's became semi affordable and decent quality. Since early 2005 I have jumped back into creating images with a passion.

    Hobbyist or Pro?
    If pro means making my living from it then I guess that makes me an obsessed hobbyist. If pro means having sold some or making money from it, then that makes me an always learning, professionally obsessed hobbyist who is lucky enough to sell a few prints here and there. (marketing it's all about the marketing)

    What else?
    I thought by participating in the digital grin discussions and the LPS contest, I might get over my "web shyness" (fear of how my web personality will be interpreted). So far it is still an enormous challenge to share and participate in a large forum like this, but as time allows, I am trying.
  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    indiegirl wrote:
    Dave, you look like one of my favorite college profs.

    TG it's one of your favorites. I'd hate to bring back memories from one of the classes you didn't like going to :D.
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Leave It To Indie.....
    .... to Start This Up!

    Who are ya?
    I'm Mark.... Now you didn't think I was going to leave it at that, did you?... I'm old enough to have seen the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and John Kennedy's funeral on TV. My father came over from Germany after WW2, via Boston, and there he met and married his uncle's secretary, an Irish lass from Dorchester, who was the 10th of 10 and was younger than her neice! When his uncle asked his nephew and two sons which one was going to move to the South with the expansion of the family business, the sons stepped backward, and my folks were on the way. But we lived in Boston in the summer, so I'm a Red Sox fan.... These things we don't choose.... I just celebrated 20 years of wonderful marriage and have two teenaged daughters. Actually, I also have two female dogs, each daughter has a mare in the barn, two sisters and two neices of my own.. (see below.. 12 female employees at the tack shop and 4 female photography staff..) I can't explain most things, but this...

    Where are ya?
    Upstate Carolina, which is really the third Carolina over here. Growing up, there was Greenville/Spartanburg/Tryon up here near the mountains, and then there was Charleston over there by the water. Columbia was where we stopped to fill up the gas tank on the way in-between.

    What do ya do?
    Besides a thriving equestrian photography business, I own/operate an English tack shop with my two sisters. I'm back from a horse show just now...

    How long shootin?
    My father gave me reangefinder focus camera in 1968, and I've been off ever since. In 1975 he gave me his Zeiss-Ikon Contaflex, and I used that on the highschool yearbook staff. Off to architecture school in New Orleans, and in that first semester we all had to take photography, where I learned that proper exposure is kind of like the formulas for hydraulics or electricity. Unfortunately, after the first semester they told me I had no talent for architecture and asked me to transfer. I stayed, however... (Actually, I was on academic probabation for the remainder of my college years, all because of that one wild semester.)

    Hobbist or Pro?
    I'd have to say pro, because I take money for my work, but I struggle with the definition of "pro." I think of Bobby Jones, who was an amateur golfer but who also kicked the @$$3$ of many a professional in his day. I'd like to think that a pro is someone who is striving to improve his/her abilities in an endeavor, but isn't that what a hobbist or amateur does also? I look at this as striving always to become a "complete" photographer, whether taking money or not.

    What else?
    I spent 3.5 years in the Marines, a good thing. Was "there" in '83. I joined to become a jet pilot but got to Pensacola only to find out I have serious motion sickness... I had already signed on the solid line...

    Oh yeah, "Three Days of the Condor," "Out of Afrika," and "The Bourne Identity" are my favorite movies...
    Mark / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
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