Good to meet you all!
I'm just new to this forum so, this thread is perfect timing for me. Thanks, Indiegirl!
Who are ya?
My name is Enrico. I'm 37 and have been married for almost eight years. Our anniversary is on 9/11... an inauspicious day for some, though it will always be a special day for me and the love of my life, Christina.
Where are ya?
I was born in the Philippines, though I have lived most of my life in Sydney, Australia and call myself a true-blue Aussie.
What do ya do?
I work as an I.T. consultant for a small company. I wouldn't quite call myself a geek, though I do enjoy my job.
How long shootin?
Got bitten by the photography bug when I bought an old film slr about 6-7 years ago. I shoot when I can mostly for me, family and friends.
Hobbyist or Pro?
Just an amateur hobbyist, though I have been inspired to submit a couple of entries for LPS. I feel woefully inadequate sometimes when I look at other people's awesome entries. But I'm having heaps of fun and learning so much from everyone. I'm competitive by nature, and hope to one day, submit an entry worthy of the competition.
What else?
Golf is another passion. So, if I'm not spending time with family/friends, or taking photos, you'll probably find me on the golf course, cursing at a little white ball. I'm just an average golfer, though I do have a hole-in-one under my belt.
Who are ya?
My name is Ken and it wasn't too long ago that I blew by the big 40.
Where are ya?
San Rafael, CA which is about a 20 minute drive north from San Francisco.
What do ya do?
I am a computer programer for a company which creates tools for multimedia.
How long shootin?
Its been a bit over 30 years since I got my first camera (a Kodak Brownie). I shot with an old 35mm Contax when I was in high school and in college I bought my first modern camera, a Canon T90. I switched to digital when I got my 5D in July of 2006.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbiest. The closest I have come to being a pro was a couple years I spent doing dark room, copy stand and other post work while I was in college.
What else?
There are lots of other things I like to do, but these days I spend my time working, shooting, or with my 3 year old son, Miles.
Yikes, so that's ten minutes of our lives none of us will ever get back :flush pardon my diarrhea of the mouth!
Whoohoooooo, I am not ALONE, thought I was the only one who
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
My name is Ryan, I'm 34, and my screen name comes from the title of "Knight Rider" in Portugal.
Years ago, I saw a dude with a T-shirt sporting an airbrushed David Hasslehoff head on it with the monicker "O Justiceiro", which translates either as "the justice-maker" "the lawgiver" or "the punisher." I found that, in combination with the Hoff, hysterical, so I use it for all my computer activity now.
Also, the actual "Justiceiro" was an exceedingly gnarly medieval portuguese king, who made the entire court who had dissed and assasinated his true love, kiss her hand after he had her dug up and crowned. Wicked stuff.
Where are ya?
Jersey City, New Jersey, right across the river from that sinkhole of vice, iniquity, lasciviousness, and corruption known as "Manhattan." We're like New Yorks half-witted, less hygenic cousin. We hate them, and they aren't aware fo our existence. The best book on the subject is "Five finger discount" where the opening scene sees the author's grandfather carted of to the looney bin for running around the local tavern and numbers running joint with a gun, declaring his intention to kill his whole family, young Ms. Stapinski included. I live across the street from that bar. It's a tad calmer these days.
What do ya do?
I work for an industrial chemical company. We make paint out of cashew. Seriously.
How long shootin?
since 1993, when I got my first SLR, A Zenit, while living in Moravia.
Hobbist or Pro?
I have the skills and bank account of a hobbyist, but I try to overcompensate for my lack of experience and talent with what I call "charm" and what almost all others call "extremely anti-social behavior"
What else?
I love to read, I love to travel, and I somehow convinced a hot Portuguese chick to marry me (to the astoundment of my family and the despair of hers), so I guess overall I'm doin' OK. I blow my money on paperbacks and lenses, and save up my airlne miles to go as far away as possible from Jersey City.
Not sure if this is just for the finalists, but I thought it was a great idea to get to know this great group.
Who are ya?
My name is Marisa. I am 47 --no problem on saying age. Originally, I am from Spain, but I have been living in the US for 14 years and worked in Spain during 12 years for Americans and now I am US at heart and in passport. My husband is from Texas and my second kid was born in the US; the first in Spain.
Where are ya?
We live in San Antonio, Texas. Here there are not breathtaking scenes, but it has also its beauty. The heat in summer is horrible and winters very mild, but in reality the weather here is crazy and can change from very hot to very cold in one hour --fun place.
What do ya do?
Crazy that I am, just graduated in May from my doctoral studies in biomedical research --yeah, at this age! Now, I am sort of working since I am on and off on sick leave. Believe or not, science has a lot of art. We have to be creative and resourceful in every aspect imaginable starting with low funding. At work, we use very sophisticated microscopes and digital cameras to take images of cells and tissues. I love my field, but I really need a vacation since I haven't had one in more than 4 years. Hope I can do a photography trip soon.
How long shootin?
Since my early 20s when I finally was able to buy my first camera. With digital, I started in April, right after my dissertation defense and I just couldn't stop clicking after so many years of being jailed to the studies.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbist with the hope of one day do free lance.
What else?
I have been trying to participate in the contests and threads with not much success. Shortly after my first entrance, LPS 8th, my cervical disks compressed my nerves to the point of being cooped in bed in horrible pain. Since then, it has been very difficult to even hold the camera because I lost function of my right arm. I was going to participate in the last cycles, but I will be getting cervical surgery in about two weeks. I hope at least I can admire the amazing photography seen here and keep learning. Everyone likes success, but the true success of entering in these challenges is how much we can learn and improve ourselves, and that is what I hope I can accomplish.
Thank you to Indi for giving us this opportunity and NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOU.
Where are ya?
We live in San Antonio, Texas. Here there are not breathtaking scenes, but it has also its beauty. The heat in summer is horrible and winters very mild, but in reality the weather here is crazy and can change from very hot to very cold in one hour --fun place.Marisa
First of all, congratulations on the Biomed PhD! What are you planning to cure, now?
Second, I agree with your take on Texas scenery and weather. I'm in Fort Worth and we're looking at 105 this afternoon.
And finally, best of luck with the surgery.... we'll keep an entry spot warm for you in the LPS.
\Where are ya?
We live in San Antonio, Texas. Here there are not breathtaking scenes, but it has also its beauty. The heat in summer is horrible and winters very mild, but in reality the weather here is crazy and can change from very hot to very cold in one hour --fun place.
Howdy, former neighbor! I spent many years in SA, just off Blanco Rd. and Bitters. I thought the wacky weather had prepared me for my first summer on the East Coast, and I was proved resoundingly wrong. As bad as the humidity was in SA, it's that about 10x over out here. :whew
I go back to New Braunfels every year to visit family. Thankfully, I visit in winter!
First of all, congratulations on the Biomed PhD! What are you planning to cure, now?
Second, I agree with your take on Texas scenery and weather. I'm in Fort Worth and we're looking at 105 this afternoon.
And finally, best of luck with the surgery.... we'll keep an entry spot warm for you in the LPS.
I heartily second all of this, without adding another page to this thread... We'll all be rootin' fer ya....
I heartily second all of this, without adding another page to this thread... We'll all be rootin' fer ya....
I second or third that as well. Been through a surgery myself... don't worry, right before you'll be the calmest person around thanks to sedation. Looking forward to seeing more pictures from you in the future. Just think of all the couped up inspiration!
Who are ya?
I'm Felicia and am tickling 40-something. Not long now... I was born in California and raised in Latin America (specifically Paraguay and Guatemala). My hometown is a small village in the western highlands of Guatemala called Panajachel next to one of the most beautiful lakes in the world - Lake Atitlan. I was homeschooled until I was 13 and then went to boarding school in the second largest city in the country - Quetzaltenango. I had to go back to the States my senior year of high school and graduated from a large public high school in Central California. Talk about culture shock!
I then went to college in Southern California, met and married by husband of almost 15 years after graduating from college. After no luck with having children of our own, we became foster parents with the intent to adopt. Our first two boys are through adoption. Then as we were planning on specifically requesting a girl (my dearly coveted girl...) to foster and adopt, our plans were altered as our third little boy was born to us. Stirfry - I just don't have your stamina to keep trying for a girl... :smooch I think one more boy will end up sapping any and all creativity I have left...
Where are ya? Southern California
What do ya do?
Currently - Mom/Wife/Actor/Singer - in that order. I have had various jobs from Police Cadet to Office Manager to Health Insurance Rep to Grocery Brokerage Assistant Business Manager to Latin America software sales. It took getting laid off from my software sales job to get me focused on pursuing my dream of acting. I found my niche working for a touring company acting out stories children have written, peforming in elementary schools throughout 5 Southern California counties. Lately, I've been re-evaluating whether or not to go back to that company for a 9th season. I think I'm done, though. I'm closing that door and looking around trying to figure out which window will open up.
How long shootin?
Intentional Photography (that means learning about composition, lighting, aperature, shutter speeds, etc.) - about 7 months. With a point-n-shoot - ever since my parents gave me a 110 (don't remember the make) when I was around 12.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbist with the hopes of going Pro once I get my skills up to where I would like them to be.
What else? During the first 5 years or so of being back in the U.S., I hated living here. Then I had an epiphany and approached living in the States as I would living anywhere else in the world - an adventure of trying to understand the "native" culture. Slowly, slowly, I was assimilated and now truly love this nation.
I'm very politically and socially conservative (that happens when you see first-hand the results of communist guerillas' handiworks) which makes some of my fellow artist friends squirm uncomfortably. :lol4Then they get to know me and realize how truly wacky and outrageous I really am. And don't get me started on abused children. I just won't be able to stop crying or ranting... :splat
"Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."
OMG Jessie, good thing you started this thread...All this time I thought "Sherstone" was a female....My Humble Apologies!!
Madrid, may the Great Spirit be with you in your time of need, and that he guides the hands of your doctor. I wish for you a VERY speedy and Healthy Recovery !!
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Who are ya?
Karen Anda. Rapidly approaching the big 4-0, kicking and screaming all the way!!
Where are ya?
Issaquah, WA - just outside of Seattle
What do ya do?
Left my job of configuring high-end computer servers almost a year ago to be at home with my three kids.
How long shootin?
Just over a year. I bought my DSLR just before my last child was born so I could take plenty of those cute photos of children that everyone around here loves.
Hobbist or Pro?
Started out as a hobby, but I just set up a portrait studio in my home... my work has come leaps and bounds solely by using these challenges to push myself and receiving great feedback from all you folks!!!
What else?
Started out going to art college but wasn't able to complete it due to finances, but managed to get my networking degree later in life. Got very proficient in pottery, especially Raku, but hard to find somewhere to do that now I'm in the city. Although I have only just recently gotten into photography, I had been "exposed" to it for so long beforehand that when I began, I found that it all just seemed to "click" into place. Okay, I'd better finish now before any more really tacky punns "develop" in my brain...
PS - fashiznitsngrins for those that are still wondering is simply "for sh*ts 'n grins" using fa shiznits instead
OMG Jessie, good thing you started this thread...All this time I thought "Sherstone" was a female....My Humble Apologies!!
Madrid, may the Great Spirit be with you in your time of need, and that he guides the hands of your doctor. I wish for you a VERY speedy and Healthy Recovery !!
I thought the same thing!
"Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."
I was born in Belarus (former CCCP republic), came to states almost 16 years go. I can talk to Yuri in Russian. Isn't it cool??
Are you talking about me? (You can also talk to Nikolai in russian =c)
Who are ya?
Name's Yuriy. Pyro is a nickname I chose quite a while back, and used in ABWP Walrus completion (any walrii here by chance?).
Where are ya?
Originally from Odessa, Ukraine. Now in New Jersey, USA.
What do ya do? Code Monkey (software developer)
How long shootin? 15 or 16 I started shooting film on a point and shoot nikon camera. I didn't get heavier into it until I got my Canon G5 3-4 years back. Really got into it when I got my first dSLR last year, and joined the dgrin community.
Hobbist or Pro? This is a hobby for me. I'm not likely to go pro. I look at this as art, not work =c)
What else? what else, huh? I'm a Leo, and I like long walks on the beach (as long as I have my camera and tripod). I really do think humor is the spice of life. My favorite knock-knock joke:
Who is it?
Don't cry, it's just a joke
Are you talking about me? (You can also talk to Nikolai in russian =c)
Hey if you speak Russian, we can talk. Actually i was reffering to another Yuri, and I figured Nikolai was russian as well, based on the name. Isn't it great? :D:D I like your avatar
Who are Ya?
I'm Joe... an old fart who likes to trek the backcountry, who likes to grab that challenging Edge of Light shot, a guy who dabbles at writing and is good at Storytellin'!
Where are Ya?
Anytime but the hot summer, you gonna find me somewhere in the Four Corners area. Between incredible beauty of evocative scenery and fascinating culture from Anasazi heritage, this area, which some call Red Rock Country, draws yearly tourists from all over the planet.
My balcony sits below the Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque. We're now in what New Mexicans laughingly call monsoon season. For some of you Oregon seaside types, where there is rainfall, we get 9 or 10 inches a year...
Notwithstanding that fact, we get sunsets so pure, so beautiful, they indelibly rend your heart...
What do Ya do?
Well, back in the days of 'work', I was a geologist. Geologist - you say? "Did you pick up rocks?"
Nope... unless it was a rock I never had seen before. BTW, I've got one rock from 20 miles beneath Albuquerque.
That way, you don't have to cart a truckload of rocks ever time you want to go live somewhere else.
No, my geology was done with a computer, modeling how to deform rocks, how to push oil around in rocks, how to have little microbes chew up environmental pollution in rocks. Man, life can be fun at one of the national labs or in an industry research milieu...
Now, I'm taking geology, natural history, archaeology, and digital photography, and mixing them together to create exciting tours into the wild areas and natural parks of our fantastic Four Corners region where ancient Anasazi (700-1300 AD) lived in such splendor!
How long Shootin’?
That's the funny part... I got a very used point-and-shoot 3 years ago lacking 5 days. After a wind storm blew a lens motor out as I was leading a camera club tour, I moved to a DSLR.
One day that dingey little point-and-shoot took a Bisti image that landed on the Cover of New Mexico Magazine. I can still remember standing up at my first camera club meeting and saying something like,
"Hey guys, by signing that form to enter their photo contest, how did I affect my copyright?"
When all the laughter had subsided, some of them were kind enough not to treat me like a dunce, I began to make friends, and what do you know - one day, the judges began to give me awards for some of my shots.
Hobbyist or Pro?
People have asked to buy my photos. Guess I'm shy about it; maybe that will come along in the future.
On the other hand, I have led numerous tours and there are more in the hopper.
What Else?
Has any photographer not heard of Chaco Cultural Natural Historical Park?
One of those award winners was a Fajada Butte moonrise capture during Magic Hour with a gorgeous Edge of Light. On top of Fajada Butte there's the famous Anasazi calendar called the Sun Dagger. Fajada is not far Pueblo Bonito, the famous 1200 A.D. ruin. Did you know Anasazi used the orientation of Sun and Moon to align their buildings all over the Chaco area?
There are many, many more ruins the Anasazi left in remote Four Corners areas.
Although everyone will have their own view of which ruin is the most gorgeous, May found me high up under a hidden, natural arch in Canyonlands. The emotions evoked in that wild, primitive scene were deeply stirring.
Matter of fact, one of the images captured that day won Members Choice - Landscape at the annual camera club banquet.
In research that followed, I've learned
'There are even models of how many people lived in a pit house, how far they walked to hunt, what animals they liked to eat most, where did they go to get wood, to farm their little plot of maize, etc... it's more a question of what was their culture actually like than what kind of baskets and pottery did they have 1300 years ago.'
All tours are a present day level of culture and heritage shared on the outcrop, under an alluring overhang, and as your digital heritage expands near Magic Hour. You just got to put on a pack, take Ya favorite camera, and walk to favorite spots of our ancient Anasazi...
BTW, there's lots of Storytellin on the way to and from!
Stay tuned:
We are just ginnin' up Digital Cultural Anasazi Tours as this 'Who are Ya' came along. Check back by month's end - 'cause September starts that long, gorgeous fall shootin' time...
I simply can't resist a nostalgia plug; that I was blessed to take a shot called Storm Across the Valley..., then watched a recent PBS rerun of John Denver's last concert. Between the evocative picture and his incredible music, these ole cheeks got wet...
Dang, now you're going to label me jus' a sentimental old fart!
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Not sure if this is a "Semi-Finalists Only", kick me out if it is!!:D
Who are ya?
Brigitte... married, no kids (yet!) my nieces and nephews get the brunt of my photographic obsessions...
Where are ya?
Originally from the plains of Manitoba's Red River Valley, Canada, but my husband, a dyed in the wool 'Quebeker', transplanted me here in Montreal back in 2003. I must admit, now that i graduated to a dSLR, i sure do miss those prairie sunsets!! Spent a few years in Vancouver, BC back in the day, and would love to be there again permanently someday!!
What do ya do?
Work for an airline. So, i have an opportunity to go anywhere in the world to shoot photos, for next to nothing! A perk that i really haven't been taking full advantage of lately, come to think of it!!
How long shootin?
Been intrigued by photography ever since my dad picked up a Pentax K1000 back in the 80's, but never really got serious then; felt too guilty burning film for nothing! Around 2001, picked up a p&s Canon A40, and enjoyed playing with that, as limited as it was. Moved into the wide, expensive world of Nikon dSLRs last fall, and have really been enjoying the creative control this has afforded...the last thing i've been able to afford since!!... damn all those lens choices!!! Took a "Understanding light and exposure" course last winter, that really opened up a whole world to me!!
Hobbist or Pro?
Pure hobby...but i'd love to learn and develop enough skills to maybe do some portrait stuff someday. Really enjoy shooting candids!
What else? Have really been enjoying the forums here! dgrin rocks!!
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."
Ok, since I've had a bit to say in my own thread, I'll add something of myself here as well:
Who are ya?
Peter, married, 37 y/o, 3 kids (2 boys and 1 demon, oops...girl).
Where are ya?
Originally out of Sydney (country not needed) but these days I base my clothes in The Hague (The Netherlands). It's really only my clothes that are based there because I travel all over the World for work (except Antarctic. I haven't been there yet...and to think, for 35 years I lived just above it and never biked there once on the weekend....still on my list of things to do though).
What do ya do?
Chemical Weapons Inspector. I would say UN Chemical Weapons Inspector, but in reality we have our own organisation and our own 'general assembly', but it's so much easier just to say UN Chemical Weapons Inspector (the UN doesn't actually have it's own inspectors. They use us, but we are normally separate from them).
I have a PhD in chemistry and a second major in microbiology (explains the whole left brain tendency for those reading the diary thread) and I'm currently working my way through an MBA (read: I'm a major nerd. I wonder what my teachers would think now because I was one of the jocks at school).
How long shootin?
Regularly shooting since about 18, although only more seriously for about 10 years.
Hobbist or Pro?
For this one, I'll say I'm a professional hobbyist. My background involves a tonne of shooting for work in forensic investigation and that qualifies as pro, but at the moment, my shooting for work is less, so I think of myself as more of a hobbyist. I'm always ready to photograph a good crime scene though (I miss it a bit. So much experience gained under all conditions really hones the skills).
What else? I'm so boooorrrring. Not much really. When I'm not away sticking my face in bombs, rockets, missiles, mines, grenades, etc. and trying to destroy chemical weapons, I'm on a 2-hour notification to head anywhere on the globe (my wife just loves that). So my work doesn't leave much time for anything else other than my MBA. Best thing about it is that my walls are filled with shots from all over the World. I have the Taj Mahal hanging in the family room, Stone Henge in the dining, the Barrier Reef in the downstairs WC (not a work shot, I love scube diving as well), the Colloseum in the hall and the Pyramids of Giza in the bedroom. Luckily I still have plenty of wall space left, so the more shooting the better!
It's not my camera's fault, I'm just visually illiterate
Where are ya?
Originally out of Sydney (country not needed) but these days I base my clothes in The Hague (The Netherlands). It's really only my clothes that are based there because I travel all over the World for work (except Antarctic. I haven't been there yet...and to think, for 35 years I lived just above it and never biked there once on the weekend....still on my list of things to do though).
Ahhhhh, you may consider yourself a nerd, but I would love to be a NERD if I could do half of what you have done....Sounds SO GOSH DARN exciting, always something different to do, no time to get bored...
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
BistiArt....I'm amazed at your portfolio, and love your photos!! Thanks so much for sharing....if I am ever in the area, and my pockets can afford it, I would love to do that tour !!
PS: I don't think your an old fart..(I don't smell anything over here at least..)
Take Care
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
What a great thread - I feel like I have something in common with so many people... For one, I also thought sherstone was a girl - so glad he had this opportunity to set us straight and speaking of sherstone - just wanted to let you know that I feel your pain about the whole online persona thing - let's just say I'm not really in my element.
Who are ya?
Tammy. I just turned 43 last week, and my husband and I just recently celebrated our 20th anniversary - ask him and he'll tell you it feels like forever. But it's been great and I don't know how I'd have gotten through the past few years without him. He makes me laugh everyday. We have two wonderful boys, 16 & 14.
Where are ya?
Greenville, SC. I'm pretty new to the upstate - came here in 2005. I'm originally from Baltimore, MD and am still a Baltimore Raven's Fan a season ticket holder. In fact we went to the game in Balto. last night but had to leave a bit early so we could get some rest before coming home this morning.
What do ya do?
Electrical Engineer. I use to design electrical systems for office buildings, retail centers, schools - stuff like that, now I do Industrial work. It's very interesting, though I think it would be exciting to invent something that people found usefull. Kudos to Saltfork that his invention is doing so well and is saving us $$$$ - Thanks
How long shootin?
A year or so. Looking forward to getting a DSLR one day - meanwhile I'll make do with what I have.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbist - it's basically my job to annoy my family at any gathering.
What else?
Getting ready for Season 11 in our fantasy football league. We have to have our draft early because like Marisa, I'll be having surgery in a few weeks. (I'll be thinking of you Marisa & wishing you well) I'm defending champ in the fantasy league and hope to retain my title - but I've been so busy that I'm a bit out of touch with the comings and goings of the NFL. Wish me luck!
I'm just new to this forum so, this thread is perfect timing for me. Thanks, Indiegirl!
Who are ya?
My name is Enrico. I'm 37 and have been married for almost eight years. Our anniversary is on 9/11... an inauspicious day for some, though it will always be a special day for me and the love of my life, Christina.
Where are ya?
I was born in the Philippines, though I have lived most of my life in Sydney, Australia and call myself a true-blue Aussie.
What do ya do?
I work as an I.T. consultant for a small company. I wouldn't quite call myself a geek, though I do enjoy my job.
How long shootin?
Got bitten by the photography bug when I bought an old film slr about 6-7 years ago. I shoot when I can mostly for me, family and friends.
Hobbyist or Pro?
Just an amateur hobbyist, though I have been inspired to submit a couple of entries for LPS. I feel woefully inadequate sometimes when I look at other people's awesome entries. But I'm having heaps of fun and learning so much from everyone. I'm competitive by nature, and hope to one day, submit an entry worthy of the competition.
What else?
Golf is another passion. So, if I'm not spending time with family/friends, or taking photos, you'll probably find me on the golf course, cursing at a little white ball. I'm just an average golfer, though I do have a hole-in-one under my belt.
Enrico :cool
"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
My name is Ken and it wasn't too long ago that I blew by the big 40.
Where are ya?
San Rafael, CA which is about a 20 minute drive north from San Francisco.
What do ya do?
I am a computer programer for a company which creates tools for multimedia.
How long shootin?
Its been a bit over 30 years since I got my first camera (a Kodak Brownie). I shot with an old 35mm Contax when I was in high school and in college I bought my first modern camera, a Canon T90. I switched to digital when I got my 5D in July of 2006.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbiest. The closest I have come to being a pro was a couple years I spent doing dark room, copy stand and other post work while I was in college.
What else?
There are lots of other things I like to do, but these days I spend my time working, shooting, or with my 3 year old son, Miles.
Whoohoooooo, I am not ALONE, thought I was the only one who
My name is Ryan, I'm 34, and my screen name comes from the title of "Knight Rider" in Portugal.
Years ago, I saw a dude with a T-shirt sporting an airbrushed David Hasslehoff head on it with the monicker "O Justiceiro", which translates either as "the justice-maker" "the lawgiver" or "the punisher." I found that, in combination with the Hoff, hysterical, so I use it for all my computer activity now.
Also, the actual "Justiceiro" was an exceedingly gnarly medieval portuguese king, who made the entire court who had dissed and assasinated his true love, kiss her hand after he had her dug up and crowned. Wicked stuff.
Where are ya?
Jersey City, New Jersey, right across the river from that sinkhole of vice, iniquity, lasciviousness, and corruption known as "Manhattan." We're like New Yorks half-witted, less hygenic cousin. We hate them, and they aren't aware fo our existence. The best book on the subject is "Five finger discount" where the opening scene sees the author's grandfather carted of to the looney bin for running around the local tavern and numbers running joint with a gun, declaring his intention to kill his whole family, young Ms. Stapinski included. I live across the street from that bar. It's a tad calmer these days.
What do ya do?
I work for an industrial chemical company. We make paint out of cashew. Seriously.
How long shootin?
since 1993, when I got my first SLR, A Zenit, while living in Moravia.
Hobbist or Pro?
I have the skills and bank account of a hobbyist, but I try to overcompensate for my lack of experience and talent with what I call "charm" and what almost all others call "extremely anti-social behavior"
What else?
I love to read, I love to travel, and I somehow convinced a hot Portuguese chick to marry me (to the astoundment of my family and the despair of hers), so I guess overall I'm doin' OK. I blow my money on paperbacks and lenses, and save up my airlne miles to go as far away as possible from Jersey City.
Who are ya?
My name is Marisa. I am 47 --no problem on saying age. Originally, I am from Spain, but I have been living in the US for 14 years and worked in Spain during 12 years for Americans and now I am US at heart and in passport. My husband is from Texas and my second kid was born in the US; the first in Spain.
Where are ya?
We live in San Antonio, Texas. Here there are not breathtaking scenes, but it has also its beauty. The heat in summer is horrible and winters very mild, but in reality the weather here is crazy and can change from very hot to very cold in one hour --fun place.
What do ya do?
Crazy that I am, just graduated in May from my doctoral studies in biomedical research --yeah, at this age! Now, I am sort of working since I am on and off on sick leave. Believe or not, science has a lot of art. We have to be creative and resourceful in every aspect imaginable starting with low funding. At work, we use very sophisticated microscopes and digital cameras to take images of cells and tissues. I love my field, but I really need a vacation since I haven't had one in more than 4 years. Hope I can do a photography trip soon.
How long shootin?
Since my early 20s when I finally was able to buy my first camera. With digital, I started in April, right after my dissertation defense and I just couldn't stop clicking after so many years of being jailed to the studies.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbist with the hope of one day do free lance.
What else?
I have been trying to participate in the contests and threads with not much success. Shortly after my first entrance, LPS 8th, my cervical disks compressed my nerves to the point of being cooped in bed in horrible pain. Since then, it has been very difficult to even hold the camera because I lost function of my right arm. I was going to participate in the last cycles, but I will be getting cervical surgery in about two weeks. I hope at least I can admire the amazing photography seen here and keep learning. Everyone likes success, but the true success of entering in these challenges is how much we can learn and improve ourselves, and that is what I hope I can accomplish.
Thank you to Indi for giving us this opportunity and NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOU.
First of all, congratulations on the Biomed PhD! What are you planning to cure, now?
Second, I agree with your take on Texas scenery and weather. I'm in Fort Worth and we're looking at 105 this afternoon.
And finally, best of luck with the surgery.... we'll keep an entry spot warm for you in the LPS.
Howdy, former neighbor! I spent many years in SA, just off Blanco Rd. and Bitters. I thought the wacky weather had prepared me for my first summer on the East Coast, and I was proved resoundingly wrong. As bad as the humidity was in SA, it's that about 10x over out here. :whew
I go back to New Braunfels every year to visit family. Thankfully, I visit in winter!
I heartily second all of this, without adding another page to this thread... We'll all be rootin' fer ya.... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I second or third that as well. Been through a surgery myself... don't worry, right before you'll be the calmest person around thanks to sedation. Looking forward to seeing more pictures from you in the future. Just think of all the couped up inspiration!
I'm Felicia and am tickling 40-something. Not long now... I was born in California and raised in Latin America (specifically Paraguay and Guatemala). My hometown is a small village in the western highlands of Guatemala called Panajachel next to one of the most beautiful lakes in the world - Lake Atitlan. I was homeschooled until I was 13 and then went to boarding school in the second largest city in the country - Quetzaltenango. I had to go back to the States my senior year of high school and graduated from a large public high school in Central California. Talk about culture shock!
I then went to college in Southern California, met and married by husband of almost 15 years after graduating from college. After no luck with having children of our own, we became foster parents with the intent to adopt. Our first two boys are through adoption. Then as we were planning on specifically requesting a girl (my dearly coveted girl...) to foster and adopt, our plans were altered as our third little boy was born to us. Stirfry - I just don't have your stamina to keep trying for a girl... :smooch I think one more boy will end up sapping any and all creativity I have left...
Where are ya?
Southern California
What do ya do?
Currently - Mom/Wife/Actor/Singer - in that order. I have had various jobs from Police Cadet to Office Manager to Health Insurance Rep to Grocery Brokerage Assistant Business Manager to Latin America software sales. It took getting laid off from my software sales job to get me focused on pursuing my dream of acting. I found my niche working for a touring company acting out stories children have written, peforming in elementary schools throughout 5 Southern California counties. Lately, I've been re-evaluating whether or not to go back to that company for a 9th season. I think I'm done, though. I'm closing that door and looking around trying to figure out which window will open up.
How long shootin?
Intentional Photography (that means learning about composition, lighting, aperature, shutter speeds, etc.) - about 7 months. With a point-n-shoot - ever since my parents gave me a 110 (don't remember the make) when I was around 12.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbist with the hopes of going Pro once I get my skills up to where I would like them to be.
What else?
During the first 5 years or so of being back in the U.S., I hated living here. Then I had an epiphany and approached living in the States as I would living anywhere else in the world - an adventure of trying to understand the "native" culture. Slowly, slowly, I was assimilated and now truly love this nation.
I'm very politically and socially conservative (that happens when you see first-hand the results of communist guerillas' handiworks) which makes some of my fellow artist friends squirm uncomfortably. :lol4Then they get to know me and realize how truly wacky and outrageous I really am.
Madrid, may the Great Spirit be with you in your time of need, and that he guides the hands of your doctor. I wish for you a VERY speedy and Healthy Recovery !!
Who are ya?
Jon Uhler - 43 year old - married - 2 children (away at school)
Where are ya?
Kennesaw GA
What do ya do?
IT manager for a local college
How long shootin?
I have been shooting since I was a freshman in high school
Hobbist or Pro?
I am a hobbist that would love to go pro. Hope to get a 2nd shooter gig some day then move up to 1st shooter.
Nice to me you all....
Karen Anda. Rapidly approaching the big 4-0, kicking and screaming all the way!!
Where are ya?
Issaquah, WA - just outside of Seattle
What do ya do?
Left my job of configuring high-end computer servers almost a year ago to be at home with my three kids.
How long shootin?
Just over a year. I bought my DSLR just before my last child was born so I could take plenty of those cute photos of children that everyone around here loves.
Hobbist or Pro?
Started out as a hobby, but I just set up a portrait studio in my home... my work has come leaps and bounds solely by using these challenges to push myself and receiving great feedback from all you folks!!!
What else?
Started out going to art college but wasn't able to complete it due to finances, but managed to get my networking degree later in life. Got very proficient in pottery, especially Raku, but hard to find somewhere to do that now I'm in the city. Although I have only just recently gotten into photography, I had been "exposed" to it for so long beforehand that when I began, I found that it all just seemed to "click" into place. Okay, I'd better finish now before any more really tacky punns "develop" in my brain...
PS - fashiznitsngrins for those that are still wondering is simply "for sh*ts 'n grins" using fa shiznits instead
This summer's wilderness photography project: / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
No kidding!!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Are you talking about me? (You can also talk to Nikolai in russian =c)
Who are ya?
Name's Yuriy. Pyro is a nickname I chose quite a while back, and used in ABWP Walrus completion (any walrii here by chance?).
Where are ya?
Originally from Odessa, Ukraine. Now in New Jersey, USA.
What do ya do?
Code Monkey (software developer)
How long shootin?
15 or 16 I started shooting film on a point and shoot nikon camera. I didn't get heavier into it until I got my Canon G5 3-4 years back. Really got into it when I got my first dSLR last year, and joined the dgrin community.
Hobbist or Pro?
This is a hobby for me. I'm not likely to go pro. I look at this as art, not work =c)
What else?
what else, huh? I'm a Leo, and I like long walks on the beach (as long as I have my camera and tripod). I really do think humor is the spice of life. My favorite knock-knock joke:
Who is it?
Don't cry, it's just a joke The Photo Section
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Ya keep comin' up w great ideas...
Who are Ya?
I'm Joe... an old fart who likes to trek the backcountry, who likes to grab that challenging Edge of Light shot, a guy who dabbles at writing and is good at Storytellin'!
Where are Ya?
Anytime but the hot summer, you gonna find me somewhere in the Four Corners area. Between incredible beauty of evocative scenery and fascinating culture from Anasazi heritage, this area, which some call Red Rock Country, draws yearly tourists from all over the planet.
My balcony sits below the Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque. We're now in what New Mexicans laughingly call monsoon season. For some of you Oregon seaside types, where there is rainfall, we get 9 or 10 inches a year...
Notwithstanding that fact, we get sunsets so pure, so beautiful, they indelibly rend your heart...
What do Ya do?
Well, back in the days of 'work', I was a geologist. Geologist - you say? "Did you pick up rocks?"
Nope... unless it was a rock I never had seen before. BTW, I've got one rock from 20 miles beneath Albuquerque.
That way, you don't have to cart a truckload of rocks ever time you want to go live somewhere else.
No, my geology was done with a computer, modeling how to deform rocks, how to push oil around in rocks, how to have little microbes chew up environmental pollution in rocks. Man, life can be fun at one of the national labs or in an industry research milieu...
Now, I'm taking geology, natural history, archaeology, and digital photography, and mixing them together to create exciting tours into the wild areas and natural parks of our fantastic Four Corners region where ancient Anasazi (700-1300 AD) lived in such splendor!
How long Shootin’?
That's the funny part... I got a very used point-and-shoot 3 years ago lacking 5 days. After a wind storm blew a lens motor out as I was leading a camera club tour, I moved to a DSLR.
One day that dingey little point-and-shoot took a Bisti image that landed on the Cover of New Mexico Magazine. I can still remember standing up at my first camera club meeting and saying something like,
"Hey guys, by signing that form to enter their photo contest, how did I affect my copyright?"
When all the laughter had subsided, some of them were kind enough not to treat me like a dunce, I began to make friends, and what do you know - one day, the judges began to give me awards for some of my shots.
Hobbyist or Pro?
People have asked to buy my photos. Guess I'm shy about it; maybe that will come along in the future.
On the other hand, I have led numerous tours and there are more in the hopper.
What Else?
Has any photographer not heard of Chaco Cultural Natural Historical Park?
One of those award winners was a Fajada Butte moonrise capture during Magic Hour with a gorgeous Edge of Light. On top of Fajada Butte there's the famous Anasazi calendar called the Sun Dagger. Fajada is not far Pueblo Bonito, the famous 1200 A.D. ruin. Did you know Anasazi used the orientation of Sun and Moon to align their buildings all over the Chaco area?
There are many, many more ruins the Anasazi left in remote Four Corners areas.
Although everyone will have their own view of which ruin is the most gorgeous, May found me high up under a hidden, natural arch in Canyonlands. The emotions evoked in that wild, primitive scene were deeply stirring.
Matter of fact, one of the images captured that day won Members Choice - Landscape at the annual camera club banquet.
In research that followed, I've learned
'There are even models of how many people lived in a pit house, how far they walked to hunt, what animals they liked to eat most, where did they go to get wood, to farm their little plot of maize, etc... it's more a question of what was their culture actually like than what kind of baskets and pottery did they have 1300 years ago.'
All tours are a present day level of culture and heritage shared on the outcrop, under an alluring overhang, and as your digital heritage expands near Magic Hour. You just got to put on a pack, take Ya favorite camera, and walk to favorite spots of our ancient Anasazi...
BTW, there's lots of Storytellin on the way to and from!
Stay tuned:
We are just ginnin' up Digital Cultural Anasazi Tours as this 'Who are Ya' came along. Check back by month's end - 'cause September starts that long, gorgeous fall shootin' time...
I simply can't resist a nostalgia plug; that I was blessed to take a shot called Storm Across the Valley..., then watched a recent PBS rerun of John Denver's last concert. Between the evocative picture and his incredible music, these ole cheeks got wet...
Dang, now you're going to label me jus' a sentimental old fart!
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
Who are ya?
Brigitte... married, no kids (yet!) my nieces and nephews get the brunt of my photographic obsessions...
Where are ya?
Originally from the plains of Manitoba's Red River Valley, Canada, but my husband, a dyed in the wool 'Quebeker', transplanted me here in Montreal back in 2003. I must admit, now that i graduated to a dSLR, i sure do miss those prairie sunsets!! Spent a few years in Vancouver, BC back in the day, and would love to be there again permanently someday!!
What do ya do?
Work for an airline. So, i have an opportunity to go anywhere in the world to shoot photos, for next to nothing! A perk that i really haven't been taking full advantage of lately, come to think of it!!
How long shootin?
Been intrigued by photography ever since my dad picked up a Pentax K1000 back in the 80's, but never really got serious then; felt too guilty burning film for nothing! Around 2001, picked up a p&s Canon A40, and enjoyed playing with that, as limited as it was. Moved into the wide, expensive world of Nikon dSLRs last fall, and have really been enjoying the creative control this has afforded...the last thing i've been able to afford since!!
Hobbist or Pro?
Pure hobby...but i'd love to learn and develop enough skills to maybe do some portrait stuff someday. Really enjoy shooting candids!
What else?
Have really been enjoying the forums here! dgrin rocks!!
My Smug Gallery
Who are ya?
Peter, married, 37 y/o, 3 kids (2 boys and 1 demon, oops...girl).
Where are ya?
Originally out of Sydney (country not needed) but these days I base my clothes in The Hague (The Netherlands). It's really only my clothes that are based there because I travel all over the World for work (except Antarctic. I haven't been there yet...and to think, for 35 years I lived just above it and never biked there once on the weekend....still on my list of things to do though).
What do ya do?
Chemical Weapons Inspector. I would say UN Chemical Weapons Inspector, but in reality we have our own organisation and our own 'general assembly', but it's so much easier just to say UN Chemical Weapons Inspector (the UN doesn't actually have it's own inspectors. They use us, but we are normally separate from them).
I have a PhD in chemistry and a second major in microbiology (explains the whole left brain tendency for those reading the diary thread) and I'm currently working my way through an MBA (read: I'm a major nerd. I wonder what my teachers would think now because I was one of the jocks at school).
How long shootin?
Regularly shooting since about 18, although only more seriously for about 10 years.
Hobbist or Pro?
For this one, I'll say I'm a professional hobbyist. My background involves a tonne of shooting for work in forensic investigation and that qualifies as pro, but at the moment, my shooting for work is less, so I think of myself as more of a hobbyist. I'm always ready to photograph a good crime scene though (I miss it a bit. So much experience gained under all conditions really hones the skills).
What else?
I'm so boooorrrring. Not much really. When I'm not away sticking my face in bombs, rockets, missiles, mines, grenades, etc. and trying to destroy chemical weapons, I'm on a 2-hour notification to head anywhere on the globe (my wife just loves that). So my work doesn't leave much time for anything else other than my MBA. Best thing about it is that my walls are filled with shots from all over the World. I have the Taj Mahal hanging in the family room, Stone Henge in the dining, the Barrier Reef in the downstairs WC (not a work shot, I love scube diving as well), the Colloseum in the hall and the Pyramids of Giza in the bedroom. Luckily I still have plenty of wall space left, so the more shooting the better!
Ahhhhh, you may consider yourself a nerd, but I would love to be a NERD if I could do half of what you have done....Sounds SO GOSH DARN exciting, always something different to do, no time to get bored...
PS: I don't think your an old fart..(I don't smell anything over here at least..
Take Care
Who are ya?
Tammy. I just turned 43 last week, and my husband and I just recently celebrated our 20th anniversary - ask him and he'll tell you it feels like forever. But it's been great and I don't know how I'd have gotten through the past few years without him. He makes me laugh everyday. We have two wonderful boys, 16 & 14.
Where are ya?
Greenville, SC. I'm pretty new to the upstate - came here in 2005. I'm originally from Baltimore, MD and am still a Baltimore Raven's Fan a season ticket holder. In fact we went to the game in Balto. last night but had to leave a bit early so we could get some rest before coming home this morning.
What do ya do?
Electrical Engineer. I use to design electrical systems for office buildings, retail centers, schools - stuff like that, now I do Industrial work. It's very interesting, though I think it would be exciting to invent something that people found usefull. Kudos to Saltfork that his invention is doing so well and is saving us $$$$ - Thanks
How long shootin?
A year or so. Looking forward to getting a DSLR one day - meanwhile I'll make do with what I have.
Hobbist or Pro?
Hobbist - it's basically my job to annoy my family at any gathering.
What else?
Getting ready for Season 11 in our fantasy football league. We have to have our draft early because like Marisa, I'll be having surgery in a few weeks. (I'll be thinking of you Marisa & wishing you well) I'm defending champ in the fantasy league and hope to retain my title - but I've been so busy that I'm a bit out of touch with the comings and goings of the NFL. Wish me luck!
Of the female persuasion.... hmmm I wonder if it is by name or written word that I have been erroneously identified.
Either way I am not in the least offended. I find it quite intriguing actually.
My wife and I both had a good laugh over it. Thanks!