What metaphysics that this thread should pop up out of the basement after so long, just as the OP comes back out of her long hiatus!
Just so you all know, Jessie was a very involved contributor back in the LPS days, so we welcome her back for sure.
And Liz, I have tried long and hard to find something I didn't like about you, and I finally found it! I practically lived at Fenway Park as a kid, so you can just stuff your Yankees right now!! And the enemy of my enemy is my ally! But alas, we cannot change these allegiances as they are chosen for us at a very young age..
What metaphysics that this thread should pop up out of the basement after so long, just as the OP comes back out of her long hiatus!
Just so you all know, Jessie was a very involved contributor back in the LPS days, so we welcome her back for sure.
And Liz, I have tried long and hard to find something I didn't like about you, and I finally found it! I practically lived at Fenway Park as a kid, so you can just stuff your Yankees right now!! And the enemy of my enemy is my ally! But alas, we cannot change these allegiances as they are chosen for us at a very young age..
I am to blame for that. After seeing Jessie post, I saw her photos and liked them and was interested in seeing more, so I searched for other threads she started and this was near the top of the list.
I am to blame for that. After seeing Jessie post, I saw her photos and liked them and was interested in seeing more, so I searched for other threads she started and this was near the top of the list.
Go stalker Eric!
All I saw was Indiegirl's post on August 10--I completely missed the 2007 part. Gald you resurrected it, and can't wait to see who else posts.
Hoofclix--perhaps we can work our innate dislike for each other's teams into a contender for the next challenge "ouch" .
By all rights I should be a Mets fan since I'm from Queens--but I suffer enough with the Jets.
By all rights I should be a Mets fan since I'm from Queens--but I suffer enough with the Jets.
Ah then we are even as I also saw the Pats play at Fenway way back then.. As for the Mets, well they also get a certain amount of disdain from Red Sox Nation, along with the Reds.. I suppose that the Cardinals have redeemed themselves for their errant ways of '67..
Funny, something in the air told this Red Sox fan to pop in...
Who are ya?
Kelly O'Connor, 42
Where are ya?
Arlington, MA, but Boston works, too. Usually at Fenway (or McCoy, or Hadlock, or on the road...)
What do ya do?
Executive assistant and finder of lost keys
How long shootin?
Since 2005 with a point-and-shoot, since 2007 with a DSLR (Canon girl). I should probably mention in case anyone looks that I think of myself as a decent observer but something of a lousy technical photographer. Started shooting primarily because I couldn't find much of what I wanted to see in baseball photography--the lesser-known players and the less obvious moments. I'm happy with what I post, but I've got no illusions about how much I have to learn.
Hobbyist or Pro?
Amateur only! See "much to learn," above.
What else?
Inseparable from the photography, but: Baseball. RED SOX (I do cheat a little with other teams, camera-wise), major league and minor league. A little horse racing. Single, no kids, two cats.
This is just the kind of thread I'd hoped existed! It's great to get to know you all!
I'm Heather.
Oregon, on the sunny side of the Cascade Mountains.
I was a professor (theatre and English), but am now a university administrator.
How long shooting?
I've shot pictures since my senior year in high school when my father passed along his Canon AE-1 and all his accompanying kit as a graduation present. So on and off for over half my life.
Hobbyist or pro?
Definitely hobbyist. I've loved getting into the digital world. I love to experiment with all types of photos and all kinds of post-processing techniques. Feels good to get my art on...now that I'm not directing shows or designing sets, this is my principal creative outlet.
What else?
Adore my family--husband, boys, dogs, cats, birds, goats, lizard.
Crave travel (15 countries down, 177 to go!).
Love camping, but given where I'm lucky enough to live, home is just as wonderful.
Relish life.
(And as long as we are flying our baseball flags...Go Twins!)
wow, nicely done, resurrecting a thread after 2 years!
I'm Jake, 26, married 3 years w/ two dogs
Washington, D.C. my user name comes from the traffic maps of this area - all the roads turn red around rush hour, especially the beltway. I can complain, but I know at least I don't have to brave I-95
Mechanical Engineer - I work on analyzing energy efficiency projects for federal buildings - 'cause the Fed spends $7 billion a year keeping the lights on! yikes!
How long shooting?
point-and-shoot digitals throughout college, got a dslr for Christmas '09, still learning how to use it.
Hobbyist or pro?
Hobbyist for sure. I shot my cousin's wedding, but that's probably because I was free.
What else?
love hiking, camping, and sleeping in (that's why you won't find any great light shots in my repetoire... yet)
Good timing on thread resurrection, because reading through the first part of the thread, I don' recognize most of the names. So now we're hearing about the new generation.
Who are ya?
Greg. Middle-age guy with a great wife and too many kids.
Where are ya?
Nantucket, MA
What do ya do?
Family Physician
How long shootin?
Started with 35mm and medium format stuff back in college in the 80's. Used the excuse of having a kid (four times now) to each time upgrade the camera. Film-->digital P&S-->low-end dSLR-->nicer dSLR. Now, since we're done with kids, I have to earn money with the camera to upgrade.
Hobbyist or Pro?
As of the past year, I would say "semi-pro." It's not going to make me quit my day job, but I am doing more and more photography for pay. Some fine art gallery stuff, some stock, and a little event work. I had a photograph sell at auction last month for $2,500, and another show up, as a stock purchase, on a CNN.com story. The goal is, as above, to earn enough money to make buying more glass and extra camera toys at least a break even proposition.
wow, nicely done, resurrecting a thread after 2 years!
I'm Jake, 26, married 3 years w/ two dogs
Washington, D.C. my user name comes from the traffic maps of this area - all the roads turn red around rush hour, especially the beltway. I can complain, but I know at least I don't have to brave I-95
Mechanical Engineer - I work on analyzing energy efficiency projects for federal buildings - 'cause the Fed spends $7 billion a year keeping the lights on! yikes!
How long shooting?
point-and-shoot digitals throughout college, got a dslr for Christmas '09, still learning how to use it.
Hobbyist or pro?
Hobbyist for sure. I shot my cousin's wedding, but that's probably because I was free.
What else?
love hiking, camping, and sleeping in (that's why you won't find any great light shots in my repetoire... yet)
We all need to have a DC meetup to shoot the sites....my wife and I love to hike also. We're thinking of heading to the Blue Ridge Mountains this weekend.
I am enjoying getting to know everyone. I have enjoyed reading about each of you.
Who are ya?
Sherry Pollett, a very young 52, married to a great guy for 29 years, one fabulous 14-yr old daughter, and 5 cats. I never intended to have so many furry babies, but I'm a sucker for the poor little strays who seem to know that they are welcome at our house.
Where are ya?
I live in Harker Heights, Texas which is in Central Texas about an hour north of Austin. We are very close to Ft. Hood (one of the largest army bases). I was an Air Force brat growing up so we lived many places. All my relatives live in Georgia, and that's really where I consider 'home' even after living in Texas all these years.
What do ya do?
I am the Bursar (think 'Finance Manager') for the local community college. I must like it a lot because I've worked there for over 26 years.
How long shooting?
I got my first camera of my very own when I was 14 (a Kodak Instamatic X-15--anybody remember those??). I spent almost all of my money on film & developing back then. Over the years I upgraded equipment periodically, and finally moved to digital. I got my first dSLR as a 25th anniversary present in 2006 and I've been trying to figure out how to use it properly ever since.
Hobbyist or Pro?
Definitely hobbyist, but I have sold a few prints (mostly of bluebonnets & other wildflowers), shot one wedding (favor to a friend, but lordy I hope to never do another one), sold a bluebonnet print for stock, and have had the local newspaper ask to print some of my pictures of a local high school band. I hope to improve enough over the next few years to be able to supplement my retirement income with part-time pro or semi-pro work.
What else?
Hmmmm. Can't comment on the baseball stuff. I used to be a big fan of the Atlanta Braves but that third strike soured me for life. I am mostly a homebody, but I do like to get out to look for interesting things to photograph. This time of year, I spend a LOT of time volunteering to help my daughter's high school's band--chaperoning, maintaining their website, taking pictures at band events, and just whatever they need. When I'm not helping the band or taking pictures, I like to read and just spend time with my family.
Wow, this is great! Thanks for starting this Jesse and thanks to Eric for bringing it back. Great reading and getting to know everyone. Nothing changed for me since I posted ... well ... couple years older maybe.
What a cool thread- I too had no idea it was lurking around! Great to read about all these folks I've come to "know" through their posts over the last coupla years
Who are ya?
Round these parts, plain ole Divamum (I just don't like linking my real name with my handles on open forumboards for the bots to collect. Quite a few people at dgrin have met me in person, or "know" me through pm's )
Where are ya?
Northeast Corridor. Have lived about half my life in the US, and half in the UK - hope to return to Blighty sooner rather than later, although no immediate plans.
What do ya do?
An opera singer. Yes, for real. I'm also mom to a 12-year-old, hence the handle Married for nearly 19 years to a true polymath of a Renaissance man.
How long shootin?
First used an SLR as a teen when I was riding the hunter/jumper show circuit - I wanted to try my hand at shots of my friends and colleagues. Loved it, but never quite enough to really come to terms with the numbers of it all, and used my Pentax (manual focus) on AE priority without really knowing an fstop from a guide number. Enjoyed it loads, though, and was gutted when the camera was stolen when I was at college. Worked my way through a few point'n'shoots after that, but the real love affair - and learning - started with my first dSLR, when I realised I could shoot as much as I wanted and get it as wrong as could be and it didn't cost me a penny to try again! That led me to dgrin (I joined in 06, but only really started reading and posting here in 08) and I was inspired to finally come to grips with technique and learn how to do this as well as I possibly could. I haven't regretted the journey for a moment and am profoundly grateful to the many kind and knowledgeable souls round this place who have been so generous with their experience and wisdom.
Hobbist or Pro?
Mainly a hobbyist, although my performer headshots and performance shoots seem to be attracting some attention (largely thanks to dgrinners for encouraging me to put myself out there, and patiently teaching me the skills I need), and I'm building up those activities as a sideline, although singing definitely takes priority. Photography is still my fun/outlet time, and I want it to stay that way, so I limit the number of paid shoots (ie pressure) I'm prepared to take on for the time being - if the "camera fund" can cover the cost of equipment, I'm happy to break even at this point.
What else? Overenthusiastic, overeducated, and under-budgeted in all endeavours. Dream goodies include an 85 1.2L, a 20x20 room with windows all round and somebody to occasionally come in and clean my messy house for me.
Love the thread... fun to learn a little about people you feel like you know already.
Who are ya?
Donna Niemann
I am 47, single for 10 blissful years, and a Mom to 2 son’s, Conner (15) and Cody (20). I also have Bug, my little feline child who is 4 months old.
Where are ya?
I live in Texas, way up north of Dallas. I still live in the same town I was born in.
What do ya do?
I volunteer at Hagerman Wildlife Refuge a lot and enjoy it a lot. I spend a lot of my time there and will be so glad when the weather cools off so I can really enjoy it. The refuge is right in the flyway path and we see a lot of migrating birds that no one expects to see here. In short, I work, I just don’t get paid. I am also in a couple of photography clubs that keep me busy.
How long shootin?
I grew up with camera’s in my hands but it was mostly taking pictures of all my friends. I took classes in college and loved it. It was B&W/darkroom type mostly. (It was in the dark ages of film-only camera’s) I sold my camera a few years later and regretted it right away. I picked it back about 3 or 4 years ago after seeing someone’s photography that I worked with and she had won ribbon’s for at a county fair. I thought to myself, I can do better than that and set about trying. I little HP camera won my first ribbon. When I broke it, I moved on the Kodak P&S I use now. (Would love something better but you know how it is...)
Hobbyist or Pro?
I am an hobbyist that is more than happy to sell a photo when I get a chance. (I would like to just make enough to cover costs) I have won at a Local Arts Festival in their Fine Art show and sold something both years. Sold a few off my smug mug. I had one of my photos on the cover of the local phone book and have been in the local papers, but that is the extent of my “pro” side.
What else?
First… Texas Rangers rule. As do the Cowboys (I am required by the "Born and Bred in Texas" law that states I must love them and am unable to cheer any other team, but I won't fight you on it) I lead a fairly boring life. I was diagnosed 3 years ago (almost too late) with Liver Disease (Cirrhosis). So far I proved all my doctors wrong and am still chugging along to this day. Photography got me up and out of the house and kept me from playing the poor pitiful me scene. It gave me something to care about when I needed it.
Did I leave anything out??? Hmmm… well, just ask if I did.
Who are ya? My name is Sandi. I'm in my 40's and have three grown kids (27 girl, 25 girl and 21 boy). I've been married for 28 years.
Where are ya? Near Pittsburgh, PA
What do ya do? I'm a Paralegal with a Title Insurance Company and have been there for 14 years.
How long shootin? Since 2001. My daughter graduated and we paid a fortune for her senior pictures. I came home the day we picked up her pictures and started to take some shots of her. I ended up liking mine better.
Hobbist or Pro? Hobby, I'd never claim to be a pro, but I have had paying jobs.
What else? Suffering dearly from empty nest syndrome (only one left at home). I am also an Administrator for a Platelet Disorder Forum which keeps me very busy. I have two dogs; one is 14 and one is 4. I never seem to have enough time at the end of the day because there is always something that gets in the way of my daily plans. I feel like I'm flying through life at 120 MPH.
We all need to have a DC meetup to shoot the sites....my wife and I love to hike also. We're thinking of heading to the Blue Ridge Mountains this weekend.
Oh man! I've been tied up all summer with family affairs - mostly a wedding (+PLANNING) on my wife's side. This weekend is no different! Oh well, definitely interested in a 'sights' shoot - I've shot 'em before, but not on a dedicated photo outing.
This a real interesting thread. Really nice to meet everyone. It is interesting that it was dormant for over year. Thanks Jessie for starting it.
It is good to know the people that you have been able to learn so much from on this forum. Such a wealth of knowledge and talent here.
Who are ya?
Chris I am half a century old. Married with 4 kids and 5 Grandchildren
Where are ya?
Near Sacramento California
What do ya do?
Day job: I always joke that I am a professional bank robber, I just hand them a invoice. I Install, repair and maintain Bank Vaults and all related Security equipment. My work takes me all over and to great places to photograph. When time and energy permits.
How long shootin?
Started with a Kodak Instamatic, went digital with a HP C200 1mp, but have delved into it more seriously in the last 6 years. My son who was the real shutterbug who dreamed of going to the Brooks Institute brought me back into it. Then unfortunately he passed away 5 years ago at 21. After that I started a home based business to keep from losing my mind and it was something we had always talked about. Screenprinting, DTG Printing and Promotional products led to more photography and need for better equipment. Photography is still a thread that keeps me connected to my son. I just wish I had his eye for it.
Hobbist or Pro?
I make money from it but I am not going full time unless I get to the point I can not continue with my regular work. I keep my home company going to keep that safety net there.
What else?
I am an avid outdoors person and have participated in conservation and habitat projects over the years. Volunteer Docent Nature Conservancy.
I go hunting with my camera now
Ok probably TMI here but it has been over a week since I have been able to spend anytime on dgrin, been having withdrawals didn't even get to shoot Milk
Hello. I, too, have enjoyed getting to know you all...this is a great idea. Thanks, everyone, for sharing a bit about yourselves. Me:
Who are ya? Kate Taylor. I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary this week (am still clinging to the hope of going on a major trip to celebrate, but this is looking less likely as the days go by and plane tickets remain unpurchased). I have three kids--daughter, 24; son, 22 and son, 19. I'm trying to enjoy an empty nest, but one or another keeps moving home. Which is good, because the dog gets awfully lonely when they're gone and paces the floor all night.
Where are ya? I grew up in Minneapolis, but now live in southern Minnesota. No, I don't talk that way. I watched too much TV when I was a kid.
What do ya do? I work as a Recreational Therapist on a physical disabilities rehabilitation unit. For 26 years I've been encouraging people to find enjoyable activities to enrich their lives. I love it. And now that the kids take care of themselves, I find myself making & selling jewelry at summer markets and festivals; but am very envious of the photographer in the next booth selling photographs.
How long shooting? I remember in the 60's shooting my friends with a little gray box camera. In college I bought a SLR, but had little time to use it. When the kids were little, we got a point & shoot that took great pictures. A couple of years ago we visited New Zealand for a few weeks; and I convinced my husband it would be a sin to go to a place like that without a new digitial SLR.
Hobbyist or pro? Hobbyist, although I dream of making some money at photography when I retire in a few years. I have an awful lot to learn between now and then!
What else? Well, I like iced mochas. I think the iPod is the best invention ever. I don't like boring events when I think I could be home reading. I love the outdoors--canoeing, hiking, beaches. I want to kiss whoever thought of Netflix.
I don't like condescending people. Never ask me to eat Brussels sprouts. I don't get enough physical activity. My house is always a MESS.
I'm never bored.
Kate www.katetaylor.smugmug.com "You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
great to get to know a bit about everybody outside of your photos and comments. about me:
Who are ya? Diana. recently turned 40 and found that now i can really say "i'm too old for that crap" and mean it and live it, it's pretty cool that whole not having to put up with petty stuff you don't want to. single, 2 boys of the feline persuation.
Where are ya? Pinole, CA. that's a 3 exit, 1 starbucks town in the San Francisco Bay Area (East Bay)
What do ya do? i get paid to play with data, which means i spend at least 10 hours a day in front of a computer.
How long shooting? that's a trick question. had a couple of p&s in the 90's, then when i was finally able to afford a trip to Greece and Turkey in 2000 i decided (and i'm sure all of you would agree) i needed a real camera, so i bought a Pentax ZX-5N SLR with kit lenses. took some really great pictures with that camera. fought forever the urge to get a digital camera, but then finally caved in and got a digital p&s and that marked the beginning of the end with my relationship with the ZX-5N... then last year a friend invited me to go to Spain with her, and i just couldn't go without a 'real' camera, but given the current state of the economy, buying a new camera was out of the question, so i bought a used Pentax K10D body and got my old lenses out and off to Spain we went. we took some really great photos in Spain, my new/old K10D, lenses and i. and just like that, i got back into it.
Hobbyist or pro? definitely hobbyist with no aspirations of ever turning pro, or even semi-pro.
What else? i do crazy things when i have a camera in my hand, like climbing mountains, or getting up at 4am... i have recently discovered i have a god given talent for knitting hats. i fear i will become a crazy cat lady if i don't watch myself. compulsive reader and sleeper. serial creative hobbyist. love the outdoors. volunteer as a fund-raiser (aka, beg for money) for the Yosemite Fund, and as a cookie wrangler with the Oakland East Bay Symphony. I have the best friends in the world.
My name is Alex, although my mother wants me to go by Alexander. I am 5 short months from turning 40. I've been married for almost 19 years and have have an 18 year old daughter.
Where are ya?
I live in Southern California. Specifically, the city of Porter Ranch which is in the San Fernando Valley.
What do ya do?
I am an IT Project Manager in the Diabetes division of a leading medical device company. However, my degree is in nursing, believe it or not.
How long shootin?
Although I took two semesters of B&W photography and processing in High School, I've really only been shooting seriously for about 2 years.
Hobbist or Pro?
Photography is a hobby of mine. I hope to one day shift over to pro but probably not until I retire. It will be something that I will still do because I love it, not really to make a living.
What else?
Hmm... let's see.... I like to keep active. I surf and snowboard although I haven't done either very much this year. My wife and I are avid DIY'ers. We've remodeled our entire 3000 sq/ft home ourselves, with little help from anyone. We also did our previous homes. My wife is my absolute BFF. We've been together since high school. We started off in a tiny studio apartment with a $1000, a futon bed and an ice chest. I was just out of high school and my wife was in her last semester of it. We worked hard, paid our own ways through college and built our lives together as a team and now we live pretty comfortably. We love to travel. We started travelling about 6 years ago. This year we are going to the Philippines, Thailand and Korea. Our daughter has recently moved out and is going to school up north so we are empty nesters. I still play baseball every now and then, have for my entire life. I love to talk. My wife says I never shut up. I am also told I talk very loud, but that's because my parents are Cuban; if you don't talk loud in a Cuban family, you never get heard. I am pretty extroverted... I will talk to pretty much anyone. You know that guy that starts talking to you while you're standing at the check out line? That's me. I don't smoke, do drugs but I do love a good beer every now and then. I like to make people laugh, especially my wife. The day I can't make her laugh is the day I know something is wrong.
I would have chimed in sooner, but it took forever to read this thread!! What an interesting mix of people.
Who: late-fifties mom of 3, wife of a great guy who is an adventure racer and alpha female to a chocolate lab, 2 fish and 14 tadpoles (don't ask)....all seeking college degrees or will be soon (not the pets.. the dog was kicked out of puppy school... for real. Now you know why I never enter any pet pictures in the Challenges). We are looking forward to the empty nest ... and hopefully an empty aquarium, too!
Where: In the Research Triangle Park area of NC (Raleigh-Durham), I grew up on the North Shore near Boston.
What : I'm the Exec Director of a Science Education Center at Duke University. My former lives include: Medical Technologist, Grad School, Research Scientist (Cancer research), Director of science ed...all at the same pharmaceutical.
How long: WEll, I jrecently found out at a college reunion that I was a photographer on the yearbook staff. I have no recollection of it, but they had the photos to prove it. Must be the half-himers. I bought my first DSLR and learned to use it about 1 1/2 years ago. I had film cameras before that, but just took occasional snapshots.
Hobby/Pro: Altho I sell some stuff, I'll always be a hobbyist. I shoot sports... some HS, NCAA and pro. I have recently been approached to 'monetize' my sports shooting. Not sure where that will go. It's a great second 'job'. I have my first public hanging (of my nature and fine art stuff) coming up in December.
What else: I am a life-long, die-hard Red Sox fan. I garden...it's like painting with real, live plants. I would love to go to a shoot-out, or some kind of photo workshop where all you do is shoot, breathe, shoot, eat, shoot, process, shoot, ... and maybe sip some red wine before the day ends.
Just so you all know, Jessie was a very involved contributor back in the LPS days, so we welcome her back for sure.
And Liz, I have tried long and hard to find something I didn't like about you, and I finally found it! I practically lived at Fenway Park as a kid, so you can just stuff your Yankees right now!! And the enemy of my enemy is my ally! But alas, we cannot change these allegiances as they are chosen for us at a very young age..
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Go stalker Eric!
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
All I saw was Indiegirl's post on August 10--I completely missed the 2007 part. Gald you resurrected it, and can't wait to see who else posts.
Hoofclix--perhaps we can work our innate dislike for each other's teams into a contender for the next challenge "ouch"
By all rights I should be a Mets fan since I'm from Queens--but I suffer enough with the Jets.
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Who are ya?
Kelly O'Connor, 42
Where are ya?
Arlington, MA, but Boston works, too. Usually at Fenway (or McCoy, or Hadlock, or on the road...)
What do ya do?
Executive assistant and finder of lost keys
How long shootin?
Since 2005 with a point-and-shoot, since 2007 with a DSLR (Canon girl). I should probably mention in case anyone looks that I think of myself as a decent observer but something of a lousy technical photographer. Started shooting primarily because I couldn't find much of what I wanted to see in baseball photography--the lesser-known players and the less obvious moments. I'm happy with what I post, but I've got no illusions about how much I have to learn.
Hobbyist or Pro?
Amateur only! See "much to learn," above.
What else?
Inseparable from the photography, but: Baseball. RED SOX (I do cheat a little with other teams, camera-wise), major league and minor league. A little horse racing. Single, no kids, two cats.
I'm Heather.
Oregon, on the sunny side of the Cascade Mountains.
I was a professor (theatre and English), but am now a university administrator.
How long shooting?
I've shot pictures since my senior year in high school when my father passed along his Canon AE-1 and all his accompanying kit as a graduation present. So on and off for over half my life.
Hobbyist or pro?
Definitely hobbyist. I've loved getting into the digital world. I love to experiment with all types of photos and all kinds of post-processing techniques. Feels good to get my art on...now that I'm not directing shows or designing sets, this is my principal creative outlet.
What else?
Adore my family--husband, boys, dogs, cats, birds, goats, lizard.
Crave travel (15 countries down, 177 to go!).
Love camping, but given where I'm lucky enough to live, home is just as wonderful.
Relish life.
(And as long as we are flying our baseball flags...Go Twins!)
I'm Jake, 26, married 3 years w/ two dogs
Washington, D.C. my user name comes from the traffic maps of this area - all the roads turn red around rush hour, especially the beltway. I can complain, but I know at least I don't have to brave I-95
Mechanical Engineer - I work on analyzing energy efficiency projects for federal buildings - 'cause the Fed spends $7 billion a year keeping the lights on! yikes!
How long shooting?
point-and-shoot digitals throughout college, got a dslr for Christmas '09, still learning how to use it.
Hobbyist or pro?
Hobbyist for sure. I shot my cousin's wedding, but that's probably because I was free.
What else?
love hiking, camping, and sleeping in (that's why you won't find any great light shots in my repetoire... yet)
Who are ya?
Greg. Middle-age guy with a great wife and too many kids.
Where are ya?
Nantucket, MA
What do ya do?
Family Physician
How long shootin?
Started with 35mm and medium format stuff back in college in the 80's. Used the excuse of having a kid (four times now) to each time upgrade the camera. Film-->digital P&S-->low-end dSLR-->nicer dSLR. Now, since we're done with kids, I have to earn money with the camera to upgrade.
Hobbyist or Pro?
As of the past year, I would say "semi-pro." It's not going to make me quit my day job, but I am doing more and more photography for pay. Some fine art gallery stuff, some stock, and a little event work. I had a photograph sell at auction last month for $2,500, and another show up, as a stock purchase, on a CNN.com story. The goal is, as above, to earn enough money to make buying more glass and extra camera toys at least a break even proposition.
What else?
Go Braves!
We all need to have a DC meetup to shoot the sites....my wife and I love to hike also. We're thinking of heading to the Blue Ridge Mountains this weekend.
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
Who are ya?
Sherry Pollett, a very young 52, married to a great guy for 29 years, one fabulous 14-yr old daughter, and 5 cats. I never intended to have so many furry babies, but I'm a sucker for the poor little strays who seem to know that they are welcome at our house.
Where are ya?
I live in Harker Heights, Texas which is in Central Texas about an hour north of Austin. We are very close to Ft. Hood (one of the largest army bases). I was an Air Force brat growing up so we lived many places. All my relatives live in Georgia, and that's really where I consider 'home' even after living in Texas all these years.
What do ya do?
I am the Bursar (think 'Finance Manager') for the local community college. I must like it a lot because I've worked there for over 26 years.
How long shooting?
I got my first camera of my very own when I was 14 (a Kodak Instamatic X-15--anybody remember those??). I spent almost all of my money on film & developing back then. Over the years I upgraded equipment periodically, and finally moved to digital. I got my first dSLR as a 25th anniversary present in 2006 and I've been trying to figure out how to use it properly ever since.
Hobbyist or Pro?
Definitely hobbyist, but I have sold a few prints (mostly of bluebonnets & other wildflowers), shot one wedding (favor to a friend, but lordy I hope to never do another one), sold a bluebonnet print for stock, and have had the local newspaper ask to print some of my pictures of a local high school band. I hope to improve enough over the next few years to be able to supplement my retirement income with part-time pro or semi-pro work.
What else?
Hmmmm. Can't comment on the baseball stuff. I used to be a big fan of the Atlanta Braves but that third strike soured me for life. I am mostly a homebody, but I do like to get out to look for interesting things to photograph. This time of year, I spend a LOT of time volunteering to help my daughter's high school's band--chaperoning, maintaining their website, taking pictures at band events, and just whatever they need. When I'm not helping the band or taking pictures, I like to read and just spend time with my family.
Go Tigers!
My Photos
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www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Who are ya?
Round these parts, plain ole Divamum (I just don't like linking my real name with my handles on open forumboards for the bots to collect. Quite a few people at dgrin have met me in person, or "know" me through pm's
Where are ya?
Northeast Corridor. Have lived about half my life in the US, and half in the UK - hope to return to Blighty sooner rather than later, although no immediate plans.
What do ya do?
An opera singer. Yes, for real. I'm also mom to a 12-year-old, hence the handle
How long shootin?
First used an SLR as a teen when I was riding the hunter/jumper show circuit - I wanted to try my hand at shots of my friends and colleagues. Loved it, but never quite enough to really come to terms with the numbers of it all, and used my Pentax (manual focus) on AE priority without really knowing an fstop from a guide number. Enjoyed it loads, though, and was gutted when the camera was stolen when I was at college. Worked my way through a few point'n'shoots after that, but the real love affair - and learning - started with my first dSLR, when I realised I could shoot as much as I wanted and get it as wrong as could be and it didn't cost me a penny to try again! That led me to dgrin (I joined in 06, but only really started reading and posting here in 08) and I was inspired to finally come to grips with technique and learn how to do this as well as I possibly could. I haven't regretted the journey for a moment and am profoundly grateful to the many kind and knowledgeable souls round this place who have been so generous with their experience and wisdom.
Hobbist or Pro?
Mainly a hobbyist, although my performer headshots and performance shoots seem to be attracting some attention (largely thanks to dgrinners for encouraging me to put myself out there, and patiently teaching me the skills I need), and I'm building up those activities as a sideline, although singing definitely takes priority. Photography is still my fun/outlet time, and I want it to stay that way, so I limit the number of paid shoots (ie pressure) I'm prepared to take on for the time being - if the "camera fund" can cover the cost of equipment, I'm happy to break even at this point.
What else?
Overenthusiastic, overeducated, and under-budgeted in all endeavours. Dream goodies include an 85 1.2L, a 20x20 room with windows all round and somebody to occasionally come in and clean my messy house for me.
Who are ya?
Donna Niemann
I am 47, single for 10 blissful years, and a Mom to 2 son’s, Conner (15) and Cody (20). I also have Bug, my little feline child who is 4 months old.
Where are ya?
I live in Texas, way up north of Dallas. I still live in the same town I was born in.
What do ya do?
I volunteer at Hagerman Wildlife Refuge a lot and enjoy it a lot. I spend a lot of my time there and will be so glad when the weather cools off so I can really enjoy it. The refuge is right in the flyway path and we see a lot of migrating birds that no one expects to see here. In short, I work, I just don’t get paid. I am also in a couple of photography clubs that keep me busy.
How long shootin?
I grew up with camera’s in my hands but it was mostly taking pictures of all my friends. I took classes in college and loved it. It was B&W/darkroom type mostly. (It was in the dark ages of film-only camera’s) I sold my camera a few years later and regretted it right away. I picked it back about 3 or 4 years ago after seeing someone’s photography that I worked with and she had won ribbon’s for at a county fair. I thought to myself, I can do better than that and set about trying. I little HP camera won my first ribbon. When I broke it, I moved on the Kodak P&S I use now. (Would love something better but you know how it is...)
Hobbyist or Pro?
I am an hobbyist that is more than happy to sell a photo when I get a chance. (I would like to just make enough to cover costs) I have won at a Local Arts Festival in their Fine Art show and sold something both years. Sold a few off my smug mug. I had one of my photos on the cover of the local phone book and have been in the local papers, but that is the extent of my “pro” side.
What else?
First… Texas Rangers rule. As do the Cowboys (I am required by the "Born and Bred in Texas" law that states I must love them and am unable to cheer any other team, but I won't fight you on it) I lead a fairly boring life. I was diagnosed 3 years ago (almost too late) with Liver Disease (Cirrhosis). So far I proved all my doctors wrong and am still chugging along to this day. Photography got me up and out of the house and kept me from playing the poor pitiful me scene. It gave me something to care about when I needed it.
Did I leave anything out??? Hmmm… well, just ask if I did.
My SmugMug
Where are ya? Near Pittsburgh, PA
What do ya do? I'm a Paralegal with a Title Insurance Company and have been there for 14 years.
How long shootin? Since 2001. My daughter graduated and we paid a fortune for her senior pictures. I came home the day we picked up her pictures and started to take some shots of her. I ended up liking mine better.
Hobbist or Pro? Hobby, I'd never claim to be a pro, but I have had paying jobs.
What else? Suffering dearly from empty nest syndrome (only one left at home). I am also an Administrator for a Platelet Disorder Forum which keeps me very busy. I have two dogs; one is 14 and one is 4. I never seem to have enough time at the end of the day because there is always something that gets in the way of my daily plans. I feel like I'm flying through life at 120 MPH.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Where are ya?
Munster, Indiana
What do ya do?
I'm a control room operator in an electric generating station
How long shootin?
Since the early 70's
Hobbist or Pro?
What else?
I spend my free time riding my motorcycle, or floating in my boat, or cruising in my Mustang convertible. All of which include my camera.
Oh man! I've been tied up all summer with family affairs - mostly a wedding (+PLANNING) on my wife's side. This weekend is no different! Oh well, definitely interested in a 'sights' shoot - I've shot 'em before, but not on a dedicated photo outing.
It is good to know the people that you have been able to learn so much from on this forum. Such a wealth of knowledge and talent here.
Who are ya?
Chris I am half a century old. Married with 4 kids and 5 Grandchildren
Where are ya?
Near Sacramento California
What do ya do?
Day job: I always joke that I am a professional bank robber, I just hand them a invoice.
How long shootin?
Started with a Kodak Instamatic, went digital with a HP C200 1mp, but have delved into it more seriously in the last 6 years. My son who was the real shutterbug who dreamed of going to the Brooks Institute brought me back into it. Then unfortunately he passed away 5 years ago at 21. After that I started a home based business to keep from losing my mind and it was something we had always talked about. Screenprinting, DTG Printing and Promotional products led to more photography and need for better equipment. Photography is still a thread that keeps me connected to my son. I just wish I had his eye for it.
Hobbist or Pro?
I make money from it but I am not going full time unless I get to the point I can not continue with my regular work. I keep my home company going to keep that safety net there.
What else?
I am an avid outdoors person and have participated in conservation and habitat projects over the years. Volunteer Docent Nature Conservancy.
I go hunting with my camera now
Ok probably TMI here but it has been over a week since I have been able to spend anytime on dgrin, been having withdrawals didn't even get to shoot Milk
Who are ya? Kate Taylor. I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary this week (am still clinging to the hope of going on a major trip to celebrate, but this is looking less likely as the days go by and plane tickets remain unpurchased). I have three kids--daughter, 24; son, 22 and son, 19. I'm trying to enjoy an empty nest, but one or another keeps moving home. Which is good, because the dog gets awfully lonely when they're gone and paces the floor all night.
Where are ya? I grew up in Minneapolis, but now live in southern Minnesota. No, I don't talk that way. I watched too much TV when I was a kid.
What do ya do? I work as a Recreational Therapist on a physical disabilities rehabilitation unit. For 26 years I've been encouraging people to find enjoyable activities to enrich their lives. I love it. And now that the kids take care of themselves, I find myself making & selling jewelry at summer markets and festivals; but am very envious of the photographer in the next booth selling photographs.
How long shooting? I remember in the 60's shooting my friends with a little gray box camera. In college I bought a SLR, but had little time to use it. When the kids were little, we got a point & shoot that took great pictures. A couple of years ago we visited New Zealand for a few weeks; and I convinced my husband it would be a sin to go to a place like that without a new digitial SLR.
Hobbyist or pro? Hobbyist, although I dream of making some money at photography when I retire in a few years. I have an awful lot to learn between now and then!
What else? Well, I like iced mochas. I think the iPod is the best invention ever. I don't like boring events when I think I could be home reading. I love the outdoors--canoeing, hiking, beaches. I want to kiss whoever thought of Netflix.
I don't like condescending people. Never ask me to eat Brussels sprouts. I don't get enough physical activity. My house is always a MESS.
I'm never bored.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Who are ya? Diana. recently turned 40 and found that now i can really say "i'm too old for that crap" and mean it and live it, it's pretty cool that whole not having to put up with petty stuff you don't want to. single, 2 boys of the feline persuation.
Where are ya? Pinole, CA. that's a 3 exit, 1 starbucks town in the San Francisco Bay Area (East Bay)
What do ya do? i get paid to play with data, which means i spend at least 10 hours a day in front of a computer.
How long shooting? that's a trick question. had a couple of p&s in the 90's, then when i was finally able to afford a trip to Greece and Turkey in 2000 i decided (and i'm sure all of you would agree) i needed a real camera, so i bought a Pentax ZX-5N SLR with kit lenses. took some really great pictures with that camera. fought forever the urge to get a digital camera, but then finally caved in and got a digital p&s and that marked the beginning of the end with my relationship with the ZX-5N... then last year a friend invited me to go to Spain with her, and i just couldn't go without a 'real' camera, but given the current state of the economy, buying a new camera was out of the question, so i bought a used Pentax K10D body and got my old lenses out and off to Spain we went. we took some really great photos in Spain, my new/old K10D, lenses and i. and just like that, i got back into it.
Hobbyist or pro? definitely hobbyist with no aspirations of ever turning pro, or even semi-pro.
What else? i do crazy things when i have a camera in my hand, like climbing mountains, or getting up at 4am... i have recently discovered i have a god given talent for knitting hats. i fear i will become a crazy cat lady if i don't watch myself. compulsive reader and sleeper. serial creative hobbyist. love the outdoors. volunteer as a fund-raiser (aka, beg for money) for the Yosemite Fund, and as a cookie wrangler with the Oakland East Bay Symphony. I have the best friends in the world.
- Diana
My name is Alex, although my mother wants me to go by Alexander. I am 5 short months from turning 40. I've been married for almost 19 years and have have an 18 year old daughter.
Where are ya?
I live in Southern California. Specifically, the city of Porter Ranch which is in the San Fernando Valley.
What do ya do?
I am an IT Project Manager in the Diabetes division of a leading medical device company. However, my degree is in nursing, believe it or not.
How long shootin?
Although I took two semesters of B&W photography and processing in High School, I've really only been shooting seriously for about 2 years.
Hobbist or Pro?
Photography is a hobby of mine. I hope to one day shift over to pro but probably not until I retire. It will be something that I will still do because I love it, not really to make a living.
What else?
Hmm... let's see.... I like to keep active. I surf and snowboard although I haven't done either very much this year. My wife and I are avid DIY'ers. We've remodeled our entire 3000 sq/ft home ourselves, with little help from anyone. We also did our previous homes. My wife is my absolute BFF. We've been together since high school. We started off in a tiny studio apartment with a $1000, a futon bed and an ice chest. I was just out of high school and my wife was in her last semester of it. We worked hard, paid our own ways through college and built our lives together as a team and now we live pretty comfortably. We love to travel. We started travelling about 6 years ago. This year we are going to the Philippines, Thailand and Korea. Our daughter has recently moved out and is going to school up north so we are empty nesters. I still play baseball every now and then, have for my entire life. I love to talk. My wife says I never shut up. I am also told I talk very loud, but that's because my parents are Cuban; if you don't talk loud in a Cuban family, you never get heard. I am pretty extroverted... I will talk to pretty much anyone. You know that guy that starts talking to you while you're standing at the check out line? That's me. I don't smoke, do drugs but I do love a good beer every now and then. I like to make people laugh, especially my wife. The day I can't make her laugh is the day I know something is wrong.
That's pretty much it.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I love your "What Else" Alex. made me smile.
My SmugMug
Who: late-fifties mom of 3, wife of a great guy who is an adventure racer and alpha female to a chocolate lab, 2 fish and 14 tadpoles (don't ask)....all seeking college degrees or will be soon (not the pets.. the dog was kicked out of puppy school... for real. Now you know why I never enter any pet pictures in the Challenges). We are looking forward to the empty nest ... and hopefully an empty aquarium, too!
Where: In the Research Triangle Park area of NC (Raleigh-Durham), I grew up on the North Shore near Boston.
What : I'm the Exec Director of a Science Education Center at Duke University. My former lives include: Medical Technologist, Grad School, Research Scientist (Cancer research), Director of science ed...all at the same pharmaceutical.
How long: WEll, I jrecently found out at a college reunion that I was a photographer on the yearbook staff. I have no recollection of it, but they had the photos to prove it. Must be the half-himers. I bought my first DSLR and learned to use it about 1 1/2 years ago. I had film cameras before that, but just took occasional snapshots.
Hobby/Pro: Altho I sell some stuff, I'll always be a hobbyist. I shoot sports... some HS, NCAA and pro. I have recently been approached to 'monetize' my sports shooting. Not sure where that will go. It's a great second 'job'. I have my first public hanging (of my nature and fine art stuff) coming up in December.
What else: I am a life-long, die-hard Red Sox fan. I garden...it's like painting with real, live plants. I would love to go to a shoot-out, or some kind of photo workshop where all you do is shoot, breathe, shoot, eat, shoot, process, shoot, ... and maybe sip some red wine before the day ends.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.