SmugMug Feature Requests



  • cjccjc Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    Suggestion: Tie a gallery to a digital picture frame
    I would like to buy a digital picture frame for my parents, and then set it up to display the contents of a particular SmugMug gallery. Then I can manage the gallery using the standard SmugMug tools.

    Even better: tie a picture frame to a ShareGroup instead of an individual gallery. I would also like to be able to set up several picture frames with the same settings, so I could "broadcast" to a group of picture frames (each of which would "live" in the home of a different family member.)

    This feature would be so incredibly COOL that I would pay extra for it. I might even upgrade to a Pro account in order to be able to do this.

    Whaddaya think guys?

    Christopher Copeland
  • battsbatts Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    I love that I can hide photos in my galleries, but I'd love more visual feedback on this. Maybe you can see a slight red X across the image - enough to show that something's going on without preventing you from seeing it when logged in.

    The small check just isn't obvious enough - and there isn't any way to see how many photos are hidden, just the current one.


    Great idea
  • greenpeagreenpea Registered Users Posts: 880 Major grins
    edited June 23, 2008
    batch downloads
    Right now you can only download a single image at a time by either right clicking or selecting "Save Photo". How about the ability to select multiple images (like you do in the shopping cart) and then be able to download those selected images in a single bundled up zip file?

    "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
  • lwestfalllwestfall Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited June 23, 2008
    Allow others to upload to a new/specific gallery
    It would be nice to be able to send a link to someone so they can upload photos to a specific gallery without giving them my smugmug password. If they have 50 images I want to post, it's hard for them to email them all in 10+ separate emails (due to email attachment size limits). Thanks!
  • papajaypapajay Registered Users Posts: 441 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2008
    lwestfall wrote:
    It would be nice to be able to send a link to someone so they can upload photos to a specific gallery without giving them my smugmug password. If they have 50 images I want to post, it's hard for them to email them all in 10+ separate emails (due to email attachment size limits). Thanks!

    15524779-Ti.gif I have a family reunion coming up next month, and I'll be the "official" photographer...but other family members will take some "gem" photos I'm sure. Having a gallery-specific password that only allows family/friends to upload additional images using the simple uploader would be a really nice feature. thumb.gif
  • DeeDeeODeeDeeO Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    papajay wrote:
    15524779-Ti.gif I have a family reunion coming up next month, and I'll be the "official" photographer...but other family members will take some "gem" photos I'm sure. Having a gallery-specific password that only allows family/friends to upload additional images using the simple uploader would be a really nice feature. thumb.gif

    an ftp-like capability???? very nice....I love that idea too!!
  • DeeDeeODeeDeeO Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    I would like to be able to change the color of my background using the smug templates......or even add an image, or pattern.....

    or better yet, have website customization capability be as easy as using flashpalette.... yet have the ability to further customize our style sheets...... now, that would be cool.
  • bkatzbkatz Registered Users Posts: 286 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2008
    Feature Request - Order Number on Mailing label
    Already suggested to the support heroes but it would be great if the order number appeared on the shipping label. I had 2 orders come in tonight - one of which needed to be returned and I had to open both to make sure I had the right one for returningheadscratch.gif (One came in one part and the other came in two).

    I am sure there are many people here who get multiple orders at once and being able to identify them without opening them is extremely helpful.
  • HaighHaigh Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    Here are 3 suggestions:

    1) Multiple categories/subcategories for each gallery
    From what I understand categories and subcategories are only used to organize galleries on the home page. Why can´t a gallery belong to two categories like For Family and For Firends or Travel and Nature for example?. Implementing is simple, does not impact existing galleries/categories and the UI could be as simple as allowing ctrl+click. Passwords and security would continue to be gallery based (as is). I know there is a workaround with gallery redirects but that is not user freindly and available only to power and pro users.

    2) Multiple passwords for each gallery
    Family/friend style users and pro users who have regular customers/viewers have two options for delivering passwords today: give the user a fixed password to access all galleries that interest them or deliver a specific password for each gallery. The first is obvoiously preferred for regular visitors who only need to remember the home page url and one password and browse to the appropriate gallery/category (like family and frieds). But if a Gallery interests two different groups (like separate groups of friends) we are limited to distributing specific passwords (increasing hassle for viewers) or to upload the gallery twice (increasing costs for SM and hassle for the owner). Multiple passwords for a gallery allow great flexibility for managing multiple groups of viewers and reduce hassle. Implementation is also straight forward and does not affect existing setup. UI is also simple (but could not be a simple semicolon separator as I sugested in a diferent thread because existing accounts may use semicolons in current passwords). A List box and add password and delete password buttons would do the trick.

    3) Allow multiple selection for Gallery Style in the customize gallery screen
    Standard users can eiher specify a specific view or allow user selection but cannot restrict user selection to 2 or 3 views for simplicity. This could be accomplished via ctrl+click in the UI. Is there a workaround in Pro and Power accounts?

    Great job. I love the service and feel a lot better to know that keys were added to the URLs to increase privacy and the security glitches were fixed. (I´ve been reading old posts from the beginning of the year). Great job on reacting to the issues transparently. You´ve earned my trust.

  • ButterflySisButterflySis Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    Show Filenames
    Would it be possible to have an option of showing filenames even if there is a caption?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,015 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    Would it be possible to have an option of showing filenames even if there is a caption?
    You want to see them only logged in? Add this to your CSS.

    .loggedIn #fileNameBoxWrapper {display: block;}

    or everyone

    #fileNameBoxWrapper {display: block;}
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • kygardenkygarden Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    Keyword Searches - Allow Partial Matches
    I think the big shortcoming of the search function (when searching a user's site for keywords) is the fact that it won't show your images tagged with for example "cars" if you only search for "car". Is it possible to have the search function display matches of keywords that are not exact? Llike make it display photos keywords with TREES if someone just searches for TREE with no S. Sure, they can add a * at the end to find anything matching tree or anything else that starts with tree...but I doubt many (or maybe any) people would go to the trouble to do that.

    Is it possible? I think it would be a big help.
  • JoeGJoeG Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    kygarden wrote:
    I think the big shortcoming of the search function (when searching a user's site for keywords) is the fact that it won't show your images tagged with for example "cars" if you only search for "car". Is it possible to have the search function display matches of keywords that are not exact? Llike make it display photos keywords with TREES if someone just searches for TREE with no S. Sure, they can add a * at the end to find anything matching tree or anything else that starts with tree...but I doubt many (or maybe any) people would go to the trouble to do that.

    Is it possible? I think it would be a big help.

    On that note... maybe if there were a checkbox under the search box that says something along the lines of "Deep Search [what's this?]" If they click the checkbox, it adds a * to the end of the search term(s) automatically. If the user clicks [what's this?], a popup help box displays saying that "car" will also look for words like "cars" or "cart" or "cards" or "cardiology".

    That way, if the user only wants to look for "Car", they do not check the box. If they want a very loose search, check the box.
    Joe Gearhart
    Photos | Blogs | Twitter | MySpace | Facebook
  • kygardenkygarden Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2008
    JoeG wrote:
    On that note... maybe if there were a checkbox under the search box that says something along the lines of "Deep Search [what's this?]" If they click the checkbox, it adds a * to the end of the search term(s) automatically. If the user clicks [what's this?], a popup help box displays saying that "car" will also look for words like "cars" or "cart" or "cards" or "cardiology".

    That way, if the user only wants to look for "Car", they do not check the box. If they want a very loose search, check the box.

    Good idea
  • FestivalstreetFestivalstreet Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited June 27, 2008
    Slideshow Click-thru Feature
    bowdown.gif I wish...I wish... I wish that my customers could click on the current image displayed in my flash SS and go directly to that specific image's page!!! Whatsay, any way to link to the targeted photo, not just one general location? Would be a very BIG enhancement for my community!!! Am enjoying the SS so far. . . thanks, Smugmug!
  • OppsOpps Registered Users Posts: 160 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2008
    Non ascii characters
    Sorry if this has been mentioned before but one thing I would like to see is support non-ascii character, like ü, œ, ø, ö, everywhere. Right now it seems I can't use these characters in keywords (I've seen the URL explanation) and sub-categories (haven't tried categories yet).
    Jan Erik Moström
  • jh4wvujh4wvu Registered Users Posts: 169 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2008
    Proof delay on Digital Downloads
    Not sure which feature thread to put this in so I am putting it in both......

    I would like to request that the proof delay be carried over to the digital downloads. We would like to offer digital downloads but need to have the delay to edit the photos before allowing the client to acquire the image.

  • swintonphotoswintonphoto Registered Users Posts: 1,664 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2008
    I would like to be able to order canvas prints that are mounted on a frame without having it wrap around the frame so the image ends at the front edge of the frame.
  • kevinikevini Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited June 29, 2008
    Feature Request - Support for Hierarchical Tags
    I noticed that in Windows Live Photo Gallery, it lets you create a folder structure around your Tags. If you are a compulsive tagger (like putting full people names in tags), having a way to separate people, places, actions, etc into more specific groups and is very intuitive in a hierarchy vs flat.

    Only problem, a tag that is three levels deep has a value of : Level1name/level2name/level3name/tag
    The slashes denote levels, sort of how Gmail does it’s labeling if you make folders for mail in Imap, the slash is special and shows up in gmail, but looks like a folder when you use IMAP.

    My suggestion would be for SmugMug to take each level found and make that a ‘tag’. Right now, it seems to strip the slash.

    Tag--> People/Family - Rafanellis/Some Person

    It would be great if SmugMug would make 3 tags from that one – “People”, “Family Rafanellis” and “Some Person”

    It would be very helpful for those using WLPG since it would make organizing a large collection of tags a breeze.
  • kevinikevini Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited June 29, 2008
    Support for XMP Photo Metadata Format
    Since many apps are moving forward with XMP support, it would be nice if SmugMug would support that as well.

    In XMP, there is a title and a description. It seems that Caption fits nicely for a description, leaving the title to be a nice 'short' heading type of caption for a photo. Being able to support and see both of those would be really interesting, as some details to a photo make sense in a 'description' (like who was in the photo, or background information, etc) and having a short title is nice when someone is just browsing the photos.

    And the best part is that your photos would have both embedded in the photo of course.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,015 Major grins
    edited June 30, 2008
    Photobar & Alt Text
    Many times I'm pointing out something in a photo to someone. I find it very
    irritating when the photobar stays out using the mouse pointer. Also anything
    behind the photobar can not be seen. It should pop out for a limited time then
    collapse unless hovered over.

    Although cute, there is NO NEED for any alt text on the main photo and is
    very distracting. Duh, you can see that caption below the photo.

    The alt text on the thumbs should have a set width to wrap in so long captions
    don't cover the main photo.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • snappitysnappity Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited June 30, 2008
    I know that this (or approximately this) has been requested before, but I'll mention it again anyway.

    I would find it useful if the crop tool did not force pictures to fill out one of the two dimensions. AFAICT, when you crop, you can have blank space at either the top & bottom or on the two sides, not both. I want to be able to make prints (and do today make prints on my own inkjet printer) that sit in the middle of the paper with relatively large borders. There are numerous reasons to want this capability, not least of which being that there are times when I want --and sometimes need -- to have a print that is a non-standard dimension, say 7.5"x17"; this appears to be impossible with the smugmug crop tool. Also, I often sign and date my prints on the print itself (with india ink designed for film) and expand my mat so that the signature shows. To do this I need to be able to force the border to be large enough to hold the signature.

    Now, I know that I could simply create a new image that has white pixels around the photo, but this gives no flexiblity at all in the final sizing, and detracts from the gallery display -- I'd have to upload mulitple versions, one for online display and one for each print size.

    As I suggested above, I'm printing in this way today, using Lightroom and an Epson inkjet printer. I was considering trying Smugmug's printing service to see how they would come out, but hit this roadblock pretty much immediately.

    Thanks for your consideration of this as an enhancement.
  • digitalitiesdigitalities Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited June 30, 2008
    timeline in reverse order
    I posted about this a while ago, but never in the feature request.

    I'd like to show the most recently taken pictures in reverse order (from now back in time).

    The timeline feature is what I need, but I miss the "reverse order" feature:

    I provide some suggestion. The current URL for timeline is:

    1a. order via extra parameter
    The order can be passed e.g. as parameter

    1b. order via allowing enddate < startdate
    same syntax, if enddate is older than startdate, then reverse order

    2. another useful feature would be something that let me show the last X pictures:

    is a gallery with the last 20 taken(uploaded) pictures ordered from most recent backwards

    in this way I could add to my site a gallery with the recent uploaded pictures withouth having to change the URL from time to time. Actually, if you implement 2., I would not need for 1. I don't know about other customers.

    Feel free to consider these suggestions and rearrange/improve to fit SmugMug design.

    Cheers, Sergio
  • kevinikevini Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited July 1, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    Although cute, there is NO NEED for any alt text on the main photo and is
    very distracting. Duh, you can see that caption below the photo.

    The alt text on the thumbs should have a set width to wrap in so long captions
    don't cover the main photo.

    I agree, it might be distracting on the full screen views, but as far as I can tell, there is only 'caption' and 'keywords'. How do you set alt text?

    The XMP fields, Title and Capton would be basically the same, but what Smugmug uses now as the caption (which should be used if no title) supports way too much text, which seems to me to allow it to function as a bigger description as well. The title field itself is more for short titles, and if a photo has one, should be used instead for the slideshows and anywhere a one-liner or something short is needed. Leave the longer text for when someone views that one photo in more detail.
  • digitalitiesdigitalities Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited July 1, 2008
    Integrate with printing service in EU
    one thing that discourages many potential EU customers from buying prints on SmugMug is the fact that there is no integration with a printing service in EU.

    It would be nice to be able to choose a printing service in EU. This would mean:
    - shorter delivery time
    - cheaper delivery cost
    - more "green friendly"
    - more customers buy-in

    Starting with a small set of printing options as a pilot could be an idea.

    Cheers, Sergio
  • Pete291Pete291 Registered Users Posts: 70 Big grins
    edited July 1, 2008
    Ability to play music during slideshow
    Andy wrote:
    Got an idea? Give it to us here :) All of us at SmugMug read this thread - and we crave your input - nothing too small or too big, so don't be shy.

    Prior Threads:

    FRs implemented from the prior thread:

    MacDaddy improvements
    Featured Gallery box improvements
    Add holiday cards

    When I close the old thread, and start a new one, you can all be certain that the summary of feature requests has been shared with the entire team deal.gif

    It would be nice to have the ability to play music during a slideshow. I was browsing art photography websites the other day and found this one . Check it out. When the right music plays it can magnify the mood manyfold.

  • NWMtnGuyNWMtnGuy Registered Users Posts: 88 Big grins
    edited July 2, 2008
    kygarden wrote:
    I think the big shortcoming of the search function (when searching a user's site for keywords) is the fact that it won't show your images tagged with for example "cars" if you only search for "car". Is it possible to have the search function display matches of keywords that are not exact? Llike make it display photos keywords with TREES if someone just searches for TREE with no S. Sure, they can add a * at the end to find anything matching tree or anything else that starts with tree...but I doubt many (or maybe any) people would go to the trouble to do that.

    Is it possible? I think it would be a big help.
    I second this. There needs to be some way for visitors who search for "car" to find photos tagged with "cars". Why? Because this has become standard expected behavior for search engines. If you do a Google search for "car" you assume it will find "cars" as well because that has become a standard behavior. If it didn't find "cars" you would probably switch to a new search engine ASAP.

    Here is the critical issue with regard to the SmugMug search: Users don't know that SmugMug's search is more restrictive. They search for "car" assuming they will also get images tagged with "cars". When they see their search results they most likely don't realize that there are lots of images tagged "cars" that they are not seeing. SmugMug search should act in a more conventional way (at least as far as the average visitor is concerned) or make it clear how the search engine does work so that they can maximize its effectiveness.

  • NWMtnGuyNWMtnGuy Registered Users Posts: 88 Big grins
    edited July 2, 2008
    Oakley wrote:
    I would like my customers to be able to tag photos for purchase without using the cart buttons. I'm thinking something similar to the "thumbsup/thumbsdown" feature. The customer just flips along through the photos and tags the ones he/she wants to consider for purchase. Then after they have gone through the whole gallery, they can sort by their picks and then decide which ones they want to move to the checkout cart.
    How about adding an "Add to Cart" icon/text to the flyout over the photo. I'm not a big fan of the flyout, but if it's going to be there this would be a great option to include.

    It would also be very useful if it DIDN'T take them into the shopping cart at that point, but would leave them exactly where they are in the gallery. That way a visitor could browse a gallery -- potentially the entire site -- adding photos to their cart as the go with just the click of a button. When they are ready they can then go to their cart, select products/sizes, and place their order.

  • wslamwslam Registered Users Posts: 277 Major grins
    edited July 3, 2008
    The new Save Photo feature for owners.
    Very convenient. But is there anyway to differentiate the Save Photo feature between the owner-feature vs owner-enabled?
    I look at my albums now and often wonder if I accidentally left the Save Photo feature checked in the customization. So I end up going into the album customization to make sure it wasn't accidentally turned on... maybe I am just too paranoid, but anyway to use perhaps diff icon to differentiate?

  • dragonrantdragonrant Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited July 3, 2008
    This is more of a nitpick than anything really. If I've already got a ton of pictures uploaded, why not let the user choose one of those as the profile picture instead of uploading a new one?
This discussion has been closed.