Option to disable the iphone 'backdoor'?
Having gone to the bother of hiding all my category names from my homepage using CSS it is mildly annoying that people can simply browse ALL my 'public' galleries by adding iphone to the url eg www.myname.smugmug.com/iphone
As a Power User I would like a way to 'opt out' of my galleries being offered up to iphone browsers in such an unfiltered way. I would like the same access control that I have via my 'normal' smugmug homepage (ie CSS)
I dont want to password all my galleries . . so please dont suggest that . . I am happy that my categories are more or less 'hidden' on my homepage using CSS, I would just like to disable the iphone 'back door'.
Some sort of 'add to iphone' option in Gallery Tools would be fine . . a bit like an 'IPhone Sharegroup', would give ME the choice as to what galleries are 'iphone visible'
As a Power User I would like a way to 'opt out' of my galleries being offered up to iphone browsers in such an unfiltered way. I would like the same access control that I have via my 'normal' smugmug homepage (ie CSS)
I dont want to password all my galleries . . so please dont suggest that . . I am happy that my categories are more or less 'hidden' on my homepage using CSS, I would just like to disable the iphone 'back door'.
Some sort of 'add to iphone' option in Gallery Tools would be fine . . a bit like an 'IPhone Sharegroup', would give ME the choice as to what galleries are 'iphone visible'
I'm just saying.
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OK, then how about an option to simply disable the iphone link globally for a user account (like hello world)?
I tried to get around it with a vanity url, but no luck.
I'm in the same boat as Stuart, using one of the "hacks" to hide specific categories from casual visitors, so this is a bit disconcerting.
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If someone goes into my galleries, adds iphone it pops up every single one of my photos on the site.....unless it's password protected? What's more, I see when you look at the photos that they aren't right click protected and allow you to download them right to the computer
/iphone will allow your public galleries to be seen. Unlisted & private galleries, no.
Try it: http://cdonovan.smugmug.com/iphone/
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You can disallow external access.
If you still want to allow external access, then it's probably a good idea to watermark your images. If you want to have external access for some but not all photos, you might consider putting copies of those photos in a separate gallery that is enabled for external access rather than allowing access to the full gallery.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Leaving that to one side, I do feel my point remains valid. Allowing straight unfiltered access to my galleries (by-passing my CSS) de-values the benefit of my 'customization' (which was one of the reasons why I paid for the upgrade to Power User).
I am not complaining, just querying whether iphone access could somehow be made 'optional' to Smugmug customers.
Well maybe I am jumping the gun but I went into a few galleries from that iphone link. Galleries that are right click protected and galleries that I have for my clients to see and that I sell from them. They are watermarked, but I am able to open them no problem, easy sharing and external links are turned off
This gallery For example http://cdonovanphotos.smugmug.com/gallery/2819944_WAd7S
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the phone. The pages are just formated differently. Same photos you'd see in
any browser.
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Dare I ask how long this "feature" has been available
ETA, thanks for looking into it Andy.
It would be nice to have another level of control whereby only public galleries with 'external links' activated would show on the iphone page.
digitizing your family's memories
This is seriously bothering me. Even more so since I've done a little forum search and see topics about it back as far as October of last year.
Can I ask exactly what the purpose of people having access to my galleries by iphone is?
I don't have an iphone, hell at Christmas, they weren't even being sold in Canada. Does this "feature" allow anyone with an iphone to just pop into my(or anyones) gallery and use the pictures? and for what use (screen saver, backgrounds, printing) What resolution do they appear in on the phones. Is this something that is advertised for the iphone consumer and owners. How and where is this being marketed? I know that smugmug is against emails and spam, but something like this is pretty important to warn about or mention, honestly I don't have time to spend reading through the forum for updates and possible problems. and alerts, and from Andy's reply it doesn't look like the team was even aware of the possibility of people lifting pictures from secure galleries.
The nature of my work, that I actually get paid for depends on the security of the photos online, why buy it when they can take it. This was originally why I choose smugmug. Some may think I'm flying off the handle here, really I'm not, I just need some answers.
only 32.1kb so they are very small. These devices only have a screen
display of about 2" diag. so don't need much of a file size for display.
Not anything to worry about.
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Allen, I'd say that was one man's opinion. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to just grab an image to use as a wallpaper on their phone and skip purchasing anything.
I'm with stuart on this one. The iphone page circumvents customization set up in the CSS section, we should have an option to "opt out" of access to our site via the iphone interface - especially since it can be accessed from any browser.
External links would be a good "already there" variable to decide what is and is not available to the iphone interface if there is no plan to allow users to opt out all together.
Not sure I agree with this part.
I do agree that the images should be protected, we'll see what can be done
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Christine, in fairness to Smugmug, if you set pictures as 'public' then they are not 'secure galleries'. This doesnt get us away from my original point that the way your images are available to iphones is certainly different and doesnt suit everyone, especially those who have customised their front end.
I am sure they are looking at the options . . . especially as others have requested access to passworded galleries via iphone.
Allen - the iphone resolution may only be 320x480 however the images can be 'zoomed-in' on the device, so the downloaded images are therefore much much larger . .just check http://www.photosbyat.com/iphone/#_home and you will see many of your images available as 600 x 800 or larger.
and get the same thing in a regular page format of those little bitty photos.
On a pc I can screen capture the much larger version of the photo. I really
don't see what the problem is, other then what's been available all along.
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I'm sorry, but which part don't you agree with?
The /iphone interface most certainly circumvents both java and CSS customization (ignores/drops may be a better choice of words for better viewing on such a small screen).
Allen, I guess the key question then would be whether or not images that are viewable in the /iphone interface suddenly disappear because I have used the hack to hide categories. If my site is accessed "normally" from an iphone browser (not using the /iphone interface) will my CSS and java customizations be active?
If so, then I would really prefer to be able to just turn the /iphone interface off completely via an option in the control panel.
I've put in a request to make it so /iphone from a browser won't allow saving. Thanks for pointing this out!
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
How about an option to turn it (/iphone) off completely?
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I know that any joe blow can go and do a screen capture, but this is something advertised and promoted to iphone consumers.
I guess what I don't understand is why we are allowing iphone browsers the ability to go and lift our photos (regardless of the size of file) What is different from this and free stock images?
Am also trying to figure out when this feature was implemented, are there any other extensions for products that I should know about that allow similar access?
This isn't true. The /iphone respects the file sizes you limit in your gallery settings. We need to address the right click when it's used in a non-iphone browser.
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