"Voting Member" is a good idea, but also a bad idea at the same time.
If you look at the 3 posters previous to me you see a member with 250 posts in 3 months, a member with 150 posts in 11 months and a member with 25 posts in 6 months. Who is more eligible to post? If you make the limit 50 posts the member with 6 months can't vote, maybe he had 24 photos and 1 text. It's possible that the 3 month, 250 post member had 1 photo and 249 texts (hypothetical situation here). Who contributes more? The one may be someone who helps others constantly and that got his count up. The other might post the most beautiful pictures on the forum, but he is very selective about what he posts; maybe he is also shy and doesn't feel comfortable participating in discussions. How do you set the limit? What do you tell the person that enters a photo that he can't vote because he only has 1 post, his entry.
I think that this is a road that we might not want to travel.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
"Voting Member" is a good idea, but also a bad idea at the same time.
If you look at the 3 posters previous to me you see a member with 250 posts in 3 months, a member with 150 posts in 11 months and a member with 25 posts in 6 months. Who is more eligible to post? If you make the limit 50 posts the member with 6 months can't vote, maybe he had 24 photos and 1 text. It's possible that the 3 month, 250 post member had 1 photo and 249 texts (hypothetical situation here). Who contributes more? The one may be someone who helps others constantly and that got his count up. The other might post the most beautiful pictures on the forum, but he is very selective about what he posts; maybe he is also shy and doesn't feel comfortable participating in discussions. How do you set the limit? What do you tell the person that enters a photo that he can't vote because he only has 1 post, his entry.
I think that this is a road that we might not want to travel.
Nothing is going to be perfect and there is always going to be someone who is unhappy. But please read carefully....I said that either you have a min. post count or you have a min. time on the boards...so this eliminates the issue of not enough posts or someone who has not been here long but is a legitimate part of this site.
So this really eliminates the issue that you suggested of someone only having 1 post and not being able to vote, if they have been here long enough then they can vote. Are there going to be some people left out, probably but not a lot and it then comes down to tough luck, start posting and commenting and get that post count up. But we need to do something since their has been some very shady stuff going on and this will limit that...Again not everyone is going to be happy we are trying to come to a happy medium.
Maybe I am just gloriously naive, but I think if this contest was just about photography, there would be far less motivation for people to complain, cheat, or try to get around the rules, and thus less of a need for thorough and exhaustive rules in the first place. If there are big prizes to be won, then the more this contest will be about prizes than photography to some.
While I think you see more contest lawyering as the value of the prize goes up, you're not going to eliminate it. I don't think a small prize makes any difference, compared to no prize. Some people just like to win a bit too much. Others would rather blame the contest rules or their fellow contestants for their failures.
Ok, everyone. Thanks for all of the input. We have plenty of ideas to go on. There seems to be a lot of pure debating going on among yourselves in the last few pages, so keep up with it if it helps you all in any way. The advisory panel will hash out the details and get back with you all shortly.
Ok, everyone. Thanks for all of the input. We have plenty of ideas to go on. There seems to be a lot of pure debating going on among yourselves in the last few pages, so keep up with it if it helps you all in any way. The advisory panel will hash out the details and get back with you all shortly.
Call it what you like, but it seems that we have gotten somewhere with it.
also, Ann are you still mad? i hope not. i sure hope it wasnt me that did it....
Aaron - I really am pretty thick skinned, and not really mad - just frustrated by the inability of the group to actually stay on topic and answer what was asked.
I cannot get over the debate of 'rules for lodging complaints'...
I've known Shay for years(he answered my first ever internet post in 2001), and to see him driven from here due to harrassment is really disheartening and saddens me. To think Emily and others are taking on some of the role and, before things even get rolling, we end up with this discussion, really causes me concern.
In any case, Emily has indicated that those that had asked are finished listening and thats that!
Aaron - I really am pretty thick skinned, and not really mad - just frustrated by the inability of the group to actually stay on topic and answer what was asked.
I cannot get over the debate of 'rules for lodging complaints'...
I've known Shay for years(he answered my first ever internet post in 2001), and to see him driven from here due to harrassment is really disheartening and saddens me. To think Emily and others are taking on some of the role and, before things even get rolling, we end up with this discussion, really causes me concern.
In any case, Emily has indicated that those that had asked are finished listening and thats that!
You tell him Ann! I'm ready for the competition to begin! :photo
For the record I thought some of threads and the harrassment surrounding LPS were despicable and I was making a feeble attempt to try and ensure that it didn't happen again. When I was in boot camp, when someone screwed up we all paid the price and it didn't take long for us to start policing ourselves.
A good photograph is a good photograph.
I'd like to see a museum curator category.
Or simply: "I'd hang that on my wall".
... a Wallhanger category.
I'd put a news photojournalism shot on my wall as fast as I'd put an "art" print next ot it. As long as you had a diverse crowd of judges then all would be fine, except for all the PO'ed people who didn't get selected.
A good photograph is a good photograph.
I'd like to see a museum curator category.
Or simply: "I'd hang that on my wall".
... a Wallhanger category.
I'd put a news photojournalism shot on my wall as fast as I'd put an "art" print next ot it. As long as you had a diverse crowd of judges then all would be fine, except for all the PO'ed people who didn't get selected.
There still are a lot of people out there, though who don't consider anything digital to be fine art, it's just how the world works for the longest time people thought only silver-based black and white was fine art and then c-prints begin to get acceptance and now digital is finally getting there. And just like the technical aspect, the actual formal elements of certain types of photography go through this period as well
I'm really confused as to what is going on here....
Oh Duh, I'm having a moment, and I already took a deep breath...and read GS'ds message.
OK...if I'm not too late: (My Thoughts)
Maintain Dual Theme contests...(Gives the contest more spice and variety)
All composite work entries (Every photo used in the composite must be taken during the time frame of the contest.).
Judging/Judges: (Tough One)
I do believe the judges for any theme should be a mixture of genres in photographic skill, but are able to still relate to any given theme. The themes (contest) is made up of a variety of photographers with different POV's and thus the judges on any particular contest theme should also be vast and maintain an open viewpoint. i.e. If the theme is macro vs closeup..you wouldn't want to have all the judges be Landscape or Animal photographers.. (Did you understand this)..
Judges should be picked LONG before the Contest Period and NOT wait until the last moment to look for judges
Judge(s) listing should be posted when the Theme is presented.
Before any contest is started, you always get your sponsors first right? So then any Potential judge(s) should be emailed and checked for availability for a particular theme(s) and their consent to judge(s). If the judge(s) decides to back out, it should be made clear to them that they have made a commitment and that they are required to give the "Advisory Board" advanced noticed of ???, so that ample time is had to find replacement judge(s)
Judges should be given some concrete Judging Score Cards using a point system: (Example below of a Score Card from a Convention)
Creativity : 3
Artistic Quality: 4
Color Balance/Contrast: 4
Lighting: 3 (dark spots)
Focus: 3
Subject Matter: 3
Composition: 4
Perspective: 4
Mood: 4
Detail; 4
Overall Quality: 4
Total = 44 (out of possible 55)
If the contest is for Money Prizes (I can only hope) it might to some extent avoid the "This contest is rigged" slander. (note I said to some extent)
Judges MUST be given explicit rules, they are not allowed in the forum to view "comments, critiques" between contestants, and they are NOT allowed to view the entries until the theme has closed, All judges MUST make sure that their pages are refreshed before they look at the entries (don't want another episode like in the LPS contest, when Travis Disqualified himself). NO communication is allowed between them during judging...They have been chosen for their qualifications and they must come to their decision soley on their own merit, and not with the help of friends, family members, etc.
I believe the judges having something concrete to look for and to work with would avoid ALOT of future complaints, also if there is a question as to how a particular winning photo was scored the Advisory Board has a Copy (judges should email their scorecards to the appropriate person)...(just my opinion)
Rules regarding Nudity, Semi-Nudity (what can be visible and what is NOT acceptable), Children, NEED TO BE EXPLICIT!! (Remember the problems from LPS Contest)..
Just a few of my thoughts....
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
I'm really confused as to what is going on here....ARE we having another LPS ?? I thought it was cancelled.
I really don't have time to read 13-14 pages...Someone wanna send me a message or fill me in here real quick like....don't leave me hangin'
I read something about "Advisory" Board...To what and for what??
Oh Duh, I'm having a moment, and I already took a deep breath...
LPS is not happening, this thread was to ask for ideas for the single and dual theme challenges as well as all the rules for those challenges.
The advisory board is to set the rules in place and come up with themes and possibly be judges (the judging part I am not sure about). Rules have not been put in place yet, they are currently working on them, I am sure it will be soon.
If you look at the 3 posters previous to me you see a member with 250 posts in 3 months, a member with 150 posts in 11 months and a member with 25 posts in 6 months. Who is more eligible to post? If you make the limit 50 posts the member with 6 months can't vote, maybe he had 24 photos and 1 text. It's possible that the 3 month, 250 post member had 1 photo and 249 texts (hypothetical situation here). Who contributes more? The one may be someone who helps others constantly and that got his count up. The other might post the most beautiful pictures on the forum, but he is very selective about what he posts; maybe he is also shy and doesn't feel comfortable participating in discussions. How do you set the limit? What do you tell the person that enters a photo that he can't vote because he only has 1 post, his entry.
I think that this is a road that we might not want to travel.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Nothing is going to be perfect and there is always going to be someone who is unhappy. But please read carefully....I said that either you have a min. post count or you have a min. time on the boards...so this eliminates the issue of not enough posts or someone who has not been here long but is a legitimate part of this site.
So this really eliminates the issue that you suggested of someone only having 1 post and not being able to vote, if they have been here long enough then they can vote. Are there going to be some people left out, probably but not a lot and it then comes down to tough luck, start posting and commenting and get that post count up. But we need to do something since their has been some very shady stuff going on and this will limit that...Again not everyone is going to be happy we are trying to come to a happy medium.
While I think you see more contest lawyering as the value of the prize goes up, you're not going to eliminate it. I don't think a small prize makes any difference, compared to no prize. Some people just like to win a bit too much. Others would rather blame the contest rules or their fellow contestants for their failures.
So my vote is for "gloriously naive.":D
Call it what you like, but it seems that we have gotten somewhere with it.
also, Ann are you still mad? i hope not. i sure hope it wasnt me that did it....
Not voting for any POTUS - because I'm not a COTUS I'm British (by birth not by choice
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Aaron - I really am pretty thick skinned, and not really mad - just frustrated by the inability of the group to actually stay on topic and answer what was asked.
I cannot get over the debate of 'rules for lodging complaints'...
I've known Shay for years(he answered my first ever internet post in 2001), and to see him driven from here due to harrassment is really disheartening and saddens me. To think Emily and others are taking on some of the role and, before things even get rolling, we end up with this discussion, really causes me concern.
In any case, Emily has indicated that those that had asked are finished listening and thats that!
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You tell him Ann!
u people are a trip.....simple...........................................trip
I only have 2 comments, for everyone:
- take a deep breath. there, feel better? it's just a bloody photo contest!
- we'll give you something. soon. done.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I'd like to see a museum curator category.
Or simply: "I'd hang that on my wall".
I'd put a news photojournalism shot on my wall as fast as I'd put an "art" print next ot it. As long as you had a diverse crowd of judges then all would be fine, except for all the PO'ed people who didn't get selected.
There still are a lot of people out there, though who don't consider anything digital to be fine art, it's just how the world works for the longest time people thought only silver-based black and white was fine art and then c-prints begin to get acceptance and now digital is finally getting there. And just like the technical aspect, the actual formal elements of certain types of photography go through this period as well
Oh Duh, I'm having a moment, and I already took a deep breath...and read GS'ds message.
OK...if I'm not too late: (My Thoughts)
Maintain Dual Theme contests...(Gives the contest more spice and variety)
All composite work entries (Every photo used in the composite must be taken during the time frame of the contest.).
Judging/Judges: (Tough One)
I do believe the judges for any theme should be a mixture of genres in photographic skill, but are able to still relate to any given theme. The themes (contest) is made up of a variety of photographers with different POV's and thus the judges on any particular contest theme should also be vast and maintain an open viewpoint. i.e. If the theme is macro vs closeup..you wouldn't want to have all the judges be Landscape or Animal photographers.. (Did you understand this)..
Judges should be picked LONG before the Contest Period and NOT wait until the last moment to look for judges
Judge(s) listing should be posted when the Theme is presented.
Before any contest is started, you always get your sponsors first right? So then any Potential judge(s) should be emailed and checked for availability for a particular theme(s) and their consent to judge(s). If the judge(s) decides to back out, it should be made clear to them that they have made a commitment and that they are required to give the "Advisory Board" advanced noticed of ???, so that ample time is had to find replacement judge(s)
Judges should be given some concrete Judging Score Cards using a point system: (Example below of a Score Card from a Convention)
Creativity : 3
Artistic Quality: 4
Color Balance/Contrast: 4
Lighting: 3 (dark spots)
Focus: 3
Subject Matter: 3
Composition: 4
Perspective: 4
Mood: 4
Detail; 4
Overall Quality: 4
Total = 44 (out of possible 55)
If the contest is for Money Prizes (I can only hope) it might to some extent avoid the "This contest is rigged" slander. (note I said to some extent)
Judges MUST be given explicit rules, they are not allowed in the forum to view "comments, critiques" between contestants, and they are NOT allowed to view the entries until the theme has closed, All judges MUST make sure that their pages are refreshed before they look at the entries (don't want another episode like in the LPS contest, when Travis Disqualified himself). NO communication is allowed between them during judging...They have been chosen for their qualifications and they must come to their decision soley on their own merit, and not with the help of friends, family members, etc.
I believe the judges having something concrete to look for and to work with would avoid ALOT of future complaints, also if there is a question as to how a particular winning photo was scored the Advisory Board has a Copy (judges should email their scorecards to the appropriate person)...(just my opinion)
Rules regarding Nudity, Semi-Nudity (what can be visible and what is NOT acceptable), Children, NEED TO BE EXPLICIT!! (Remember the problems from LPS Contest)..
Just a few of my thoughts....
LPS is not happening, this thread was to ask for ideas for the single and dual theme challenges as well as all the rules for those challenges.
The advisory board is to set the rules in place and come up with themes and possibly be judges (the judging part I am not sure about). Rules have not been put in place yet, they are currently working on them, I am sure it will be soon.
I hope this helps clear some things up.