Random thoughts, very few of which come with accompanying implementations .... Like I said, random. In some cases VERY random (loonnngggg week already - and it's only Tuesday!)
- I've noticed that even though recent rounds may not have had all-time-highs in terms of numbers, the quality has been incredible; I think the bar is continually being raised. This is a great thing but... also a somewhat intimidating thing for n00bs! As we've seen,, some people get frustrated (although I'm very glad that Smithy has decided to stick around - that's the spirit! You won't be sorry )
- with that said, I think the occasional "easier" round might not be a bad thing. Maybe it's just me, but I've found the last few REALLY hard. Like, really, really REALLY hard. I'm personally at a stage where this is a good thing, and it pushes me out of the little comfort-zone I've carved out for myself but, again, I wonder if newcomers are deciding they "can't" join in, and turn themselves away?
- I wish we could get more of the "other" dgrinners to join the fun. For instance, I personally was quite surprised not to see more wedding 'togs submit to the "Environmental Portrait" round - I expected loads of church wedding pictures and yet I think there was only one. I realise that for many pros - particularly the wedding pros - summer is ferociously busy and maybe they were too maxed out even to check in to this forum, but even so - how can we all be better ambassadors? D
- I personally didn't enjoy the month-long challenges as much. The first one wasn't too bad because there was the "lightning" transport round in the middle, but the second one just seemed endless ....I know why you did it, Kerry, and it's totally understandable (real life SHOULD take priority, for goodness sake ... for all of us!) but I'll throw my hat into the ring and say that in general, I'm not nuts about them. The only exception might be across the holiday period when everybody is pretty busy (although that's a prime picture-taking time, too, so.... swings in roundabouts). Sure, other competitions have REALLY long lead times, but since the dgrin challenges are as much (if not more) about the feedback and preparation process as the entries themselves, it seemd like a Really. Long. Time.
(remember what I said about random? Just a reminder )
- the rounds I've personally most enjoyed recently were the emulation round, perspective (I thought it was a neat topic - although HARD!) and circles and squares (which I actually judged and thus didn't participate, but I thought it was a really cool topic with tons of scope)
- Given that every couple of months things get a bit intense about judging/voting/winning, t seems we occasionally need the reminder that it's supposed to be FUN. About the learning and FEEDBACK, not the winning. It would be kind of neat to have a really silly round (maybe a lightning round?) - I have no idea what it would be (cf randomness without implementations - you were warned! :giggle), but it might be kind of fun.
And on that note, I return to my coffee in an attempt to function through the next 12 hours.... I reserve the right to come back and edit in further thoughts
One final thing: a HUGE thank you to Kerry, Doc (is he still around? He hasn't smote anybody down in months....) and the other dgrin and SM folks who started and sustain these challenges. I'm sure there's a strong sense behind-the-scenes that they're sometimes more trouble than they're worth, so ... thanks, guys. If it's any solace, for some of us the challenges have been, literally, lifechanging (paid shoots... ME?! Yes, and more on the books in coming months. I had NO idea this was something I could do with even a little bit of success but thanks to the Challenges.... I found out.)
PentaxForums.com, which appears to use the same bulletin-board software as dgrin) has anonymous submission to their Monthly Photo Contest. I don't participate in that part of those boards, so I can't offer more information than that, but it might be a good place to start.
Some good points have been made so far so I will try to point out things that haven't been covered. These are perhaps less important things.
1) One thing I would like to see done more frequently is to see the gallery of the top 5 finishers get updated as soon as the voting for a DSS round comes to a close. I am not sure who is responsible for updating those, but I actually find myself clicking on those thumbnail images on top of the forum pages quite often when I see a picture that I like. The images from the Mega challenge 4 are still on the first page (well, if you have a large screen like me and your browser is enlarged) ... and we were done with mega challenge 5 two weeks ago!
2) One thing I was thinking that might (or might not) encourage more people to participate in these challenges is to only allow people who have an entry in a particular round to vote. I think the voting will be more under control and who knows, it might draw some more people to enter these contests knowing that they will have the ability to vote.
I have one more, but I will stop here for now.
Good job everyone for keeping these contests alive!
Along with what divamum said about getting folks involved... most of you probably know that the weddings forum has started their own little challenge-thingy, and when I asked why it was not in the 'challenges' forum, they didn't really have a reason. That's totally fine and I'm not complaining at all, but I thought it might not be a bad idea to put it in the challenges forum in order to get some cross-pollination going (aside from the obvious reason - it being a challenge)... there aren't too many folks who enter all the other forums so it might be good for us to mix it up a little.
I also agree that the challenges have been REALLY hard the last couple rounds, which is definitely good for us, but it might not hurt to throw in a morale-booster once in a while; something nice and easy
And for the record, "down low" was going to be my theme of choice if I ever won a mini-challenge... get waaaay down low and shoot from ground level. Sounds fun to me!
Lastly, ditto to divamum's thank yous... I also feel like the challenges have helped me grow and very much appreciate all the behind-the-scenes work it takes to keep these running. I was just thinking this Monday morning how amazing it was that the round is closed and new round is posted right on time at the end of every challenge. You're awesome, Kerry
One thing I would like to see done more frequently is to see the gallery of the top 5 finishers get updated as soon as the voting for a DSS round comes to a close. I am not sure who is responsible for updating those, but I actually find myself clicking on those thumbnail images on top of the forum pages quite often when I see a picture that I like. The images from the Mega challenge 4 are still on the first page (well, if you have a large screen like me and your browser is enlarged) ... and we were done with mega challenge 5 two weeks ago!
I'm behind because work has been insane (it's just me, y'know?). I'll be able to catch up in a couple weeks. Apologies for the lag.
I also agree that the challenges have been REALLY hard the last couple rounds, which is definitely good for us, but it might not hurt to throw in a morale-booster once in a while; something nice and easy
Wow, really? I try to mix things up to keep from any tough stacking--mostly "or" rounds with a real technical challenge once or twice each quarter. Which do you define as "hard" vs. "easy?" I need a baseline so I know how to adjust.
.... Which do you define as "hard" vs. "easy?" I need a baseline so I know how to adjust.
While we are on the subject of hard or easy. I thought I might list what I personally felt has been easy or hard.
In general I find it is not so much that a specific subject is hard, it is how a judge will interpret it or how people view an image given a certain reference point.
Really Hard = Open challenge or anything goes. Why? This is because there is no reference or basis for anyone to base the judging criteria on. You better have a darn good photo or it will get lost in the group.
Moderately Hard = a theme that requires us to interpret text or a song or a poem . An example of this would be, Round #10 Illustrating Text (A Dream Within A Dream) Why? Because this leaves the field wide open as to how a judge might they themselves interpret the theme.
Hard = one word theme. Why? Because it is harder to find something that is outside the box and is able to stand out among the crowd. Plus if your not feeling it or don't like the word your stuck with just the one.
Normal or Medium = two words or opposite words. Why? This gives the photographer a choice they can choose which ever one they like better and we still have a baseline as to what a judge will be looking for.
Sort of easy = a defined criteria but only one word. ie. circles or eyes or hands. Why? this really makes it easy to know what a judge will be looking for. The word is not left open to interpretation but we still only have one choice.
Easy = Two really specific words like, Round #31 Open or Closed. Why? For the same reasons as Sort of easy but now we have two options.
Any easier than the above and it becomes boring?
Of course the above has sub variables but I hope this gives you the general idea.
1. A concurrent newcomers round - open only to dgrinners that have entered no or very few challenges (maybe 3 or less). Kind of a reverse mega challenge designed to draw in new participants who might otherwise be intimidated. Run it once every few months or so.
2. A P&S round. Only photos taken with a P&S camera allowed. SOOC, maybe?
Wow, really? I try to mix things up to keep from any tough stacking--mostly "or" rounds with a real technical challenge once or twice each quarter. Which do you define as "hard" vs. "easy?" I need a baseline so I know how to adjust.
Interesting question. I found the Enviro portrait one of the toughest rounds, largely because it demanded the very specific participation of another party. I had LOADS of ideas... but no access to the people I needed to take the shot (or perhaps better said, no EASY access to the people - if I'd really pushed it I could have made it work, but it would have required a degree of hustling I didn't have time or energy for in that particular time period. That, of course, is my problem, not yours!)
I think the "or" rounds are indeed the "easiest" - they provide both a clear starting point, and also a wide range of interpretation.
I think thematically the specifically visual rounds - circles or squares - are easier to pull off because they're specific, but the "concept" rounds are more open to interpretation. That seems to make them easier for some people, and harder for others; there's certainly more subjectivity in the judging in those rounds.
Btw, although I was somebody who initially felt that the SOOC rounds would favour those with more sophisticated cameras, the first entry I had to make it to a judging round was taken on a pretty mediocre point and shoot for the Dusk/Dawn SOOC round, so I learned firsthand that it doesn't really matter - if the judge likes the shot, what you took it on or how you took it doesn't matter in the least... (ETA: round 33, which prompted all the above discussion, was won by a shot taken on a point and shoot - granted, a very GOOD pns, but the point remains.....)
Love the shooting from the hip suggestion, although it would seriously scare me to go out there and participate (I'm strangely intimidated by street photography)! I'll put my name in to judge that one....
Not that you seem to need them, but possible future round ideas (purely stream-of-consciousness brainstorming here )
- artificial light
- some sort of colour round (specific colours, perhaps?)
- head/toes (all sorts of interesting opps for the portrait and baby/kid 'togs to join in)
- day/night
- 2 leg/4 leg
- letters/numbers
I am brand new to the challenges so I might be quite off base here but.... just was wondering if there is a challenge that might be for "real" photographs? It seems the so many of the entries are digitally altered pictures. Not just post processed to make your photograph shine but more of a graphic design artist entry. This is kind of frustrating to me as a portrait photgrapher. My entries just never seem good enough going up against these other kinds works no matter how good clarity, lighting or subject matter is. Would it be wrong to say that maybe they should be seperated into 2 categories? If this has already been covered my apologies...I haven't had the time to peruse all of the prior threads looking for an answer. Just kinda bummed about it all.....
Snady :thumb
my money well spent
Nikon D4, D3s, D3, D700, Nikkor 24-70, 70-200 2.8 vrII, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 105mm macro, sigma fisheye, SB 800's and lots of other goodies!
I am brand new to the challenges so I might be quite off base here but.... just was wondering if there is a challenge that might be for "real" photographs? It seems the so many of the entries are digitally altered pictures. Not just post processed to make your photograph shine but more of a graphic design artist entry. This is kind of frustrating to me as a portrait photgrapher. My entries just never seem good enough going up against these other kinds works no matter how good clarity, lighting or subject matter is. Would it be wrong to say that maybe they should be seperated into 2 categories? If this has already been covered my apologies...I haven't had the time to peruse all of the prior threads looking for an answer. Just kinda bummed about it all.....
I can't speak for our current challenges Supremo, Kerry, but I can tell you that despite the strong elemnt of composites and digitally creative shots, there's plenty of "real" photogaphs that do well too. And, for what it's worth, the last challenge was sooc, meaning NO digital pp at all So, while people have voiced your reservations in the past - and there's no doubt that some extremely creative, mega-post-processed shots do seem very eyecatching, there's plenty of scope for ALL kinds of entries.
And I love your current image in the entry gallery - I think it's wonderful!
I am brand new to the challenges so I might be quite off base here but.... just was wondering if there is a challenge that might be for "real" photographs? It seems the so many of the entries are digitally altered pictures. Not just post processed to make your photograph shine but more of a graphic design artist entry. This is kind of frustrating to me as a portrait photgrapher. My entries just never seem good enough going up against these other kinds works no matter how good clarity, lighting or subject matter is. Would it be wrong to say that maybe they should be seperated into 2 categories? If this has already been covered my apologies...I haven't had the time to peruse all of the prior threads looking for an answer. Just kinda bummed about it all.....
I'm not new, but I certainly sympathize and agree with your point. I enter and enjoy the challenges regardless. It forces me to shoot things I would never shoot, and we all learn so much from one another.
I am brand new to the challenges so I might be quite off base here but.... just was wondering if there is a challenge that might be for "real" photographs? It seems the so many of the entries are digitally altered pictures. Not just post processed to make your photograph shine but more of a graphic design artist entry. This is kind of frustrating to me as a portrait photgrapher. My entries just never seem good enough going up against these other kinds works no matter how good clarity, lighting or subject matter is. Would it be wrong to say that maybe they should be seperated into 2 categories? If this has already been covered my apologies...I haven't had the time to peruse all of the prior threads looking for an answer. Just kinda bummed about it all.....
There is every kind of style and type of photograph in these challenges. What do you mean by "real"? do you have any idea how offensive that is to say? you need to open your mind and understand the biggest most point in these challenges IMO:
if your a portrait photographer dont enter a portrait.
do something you never did before....
use a technique you never used before....
if you dont think your work stands up against somebody elses work then your in the right place, use it. and learn from it.
but IMO, if your not doing it for your own love of photography and to get better then your not going to have fun here...
many many many many many of us "fail" each round here in the DSS's, but if you ask any of us individually if we "failed" I doubt anyone would say it was a failure... heck some of my favorite images ive ever done didnt even make the first cut in a dss round!....
What do you mean by "real"? do you have any idea how offensive that is to say?
I understand what Wings is saying. It is probably possible to differentiate a photograph from a digital photo montage. Though this is a "photography" forum, it is also a "digital" one, so we have some of each in most of the challenges. You can be a good photographer and have, and be good at using, all of the computer tools to make some of the graphic art that is posted here. But if you're a good photographer and you do not have, or are not fully adept at using, some of these tools, then you might feel like you're in the wrong place here at times.
I agree with what everyone is saying, however, that the Challenges are all about learning, trying new things, and staying stimulated by this hobby/profession of ours. So, Wings, keep bringing your photographs. We'll learn from you, and you'll learn from some of the geeks here as well.
The fact that people are intimidated by a challenge means that an actual challenge is presented. With regard to "digital art" versus "real photography", the game changed when film slowly shriveled. Let's face it, if photographers are going to continue to survive they have to embrace the digital technology and post-processing capabilities. I am not saying that you need to go out and become super sonic pro Adobe genius. But you may find that someone who has got some sweet skills in PS is eating your lunch. Just a plain fact.
That being said, with the challenges, take it to the next level. If you love your work, your style, your art, bring it. I am by no means a pro, I have been shooting for 15 yrs, I know nothing. These challenges are great. They can bring you out of creative slump, get your gears turning, humble you, teach you.
I see all the time in the comments of why someone doesn't want to participate. "My camera isn't good enough" "Everyone uses too much photoshop" "Everyone here knows eachother and votes for their friend" "The subject is too hard..." It isn't the camera, it's the person holding it.
C'mon peeps, it's a FREE contest with real reward. All you have to do is continue doing what you love, and post the results. So what if you don't make the list of finalists. Look at those who did and learn why. So what if you are uncomfortable with the subject, shoot it anyway. You are only investing your time and effort, and providing lots of people a glimpse of the world as you see it. Isn't that what hooked you in the first place?
One day, my shot will make it into the final list. One day I might win. One day you all are going to look at MY work and be moved.
Fear evaporates when we realize that our life stories and the history of the world were written with the same hand.
Ok I got it.... my intent was not to start WWIII but to just ask if there was a possiblity of splitting the challenges into 2 separate categories. My use of the word "real" was not meant to offend the digital artists in this community. I expressly said that I felt intimidated by their superior abilities, there is no put down there so for those who took offense and basically made me feel like s**t for the wrong wording I am truly sorry. My intent is never to offend anyone. I am not that person. As for photography I am always trying to challenge myself and I have quite a knowledge base of photoshop and could quite possibly make photos look like the ones I have seen but I find that I get better in my photography skills by challenging myself to get it right in the camera then doing a bit of tweaking. And I know there was a challenge such as this that I didn't participate in. With this all being said, maybe I am just not meant to be here..... going off to sulk now.....
Snady :thumb
my money well spent
Nikon D4, D3s, D3, D700, Nikkor 24-70, 70-200 2.8 vrII, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 105mm macro, sigma fisheye, SB 800's and lots of other goodies!
Ok I got it.... my intent was not to start WWIII but to just ask if there was a possiblity of splitting the challenges into 2 separate categories. My use of the word "real" was not meant to offend the digital artists in this community. I expressly said that I felt intimidated by their superior abilities, there is no put down there so for those who took offense and basically made me feel like s**t for the wrong wording I am truly sorry. My intent is never to offend anyone. I am not that person. As for photography I am always trying to challenge myself and I have quite a knowledge base of photoshop and could quite possibly make photos look like the ones I have seen but I find that I get better in my photography skills by challenging myself to get it right in the camera then doing a bit of tweaking. And I know there was a challenge such as this that I didn't participate in. With this all being said, maybe I am just not meant to be here..... going off to sulk now.....
Don't know about having 2 seperate categories. However, given the difficulties of the SOOC challenge, perhaps it could morph into a "single image" challenge, and/or have special "Composite only" challenges interspersed.
This is a discussion that comes around regularly. Each side can argue until they're blue in the face, but it isn't going to change things here. This is the Digital Sharp Shooters challenge, and "digital" will always be a part of that, which brings along with it computers and processing programs. The SOOC rounds have been our attempt to balance things, but as you've seen they're not the easiest rounds to run.
I will say that just because you don't know how to do something now doesn't mean you still won't know how to do it a few months down the line. By participating and learning from your peers here, you'll pick up all sorts of new tricks. You may even cross over to the digital "dark side."
We all started somewhere and learned as we went. Look for the knowledge and fun in these challenges and you'll find the true rewards.
Don't know about having 2 seperate categories. However, given the difficulties of the SOOC challenge, perhaps it could morph into a "single image" challenge, and/or have special "Composite only" challenges interspersed.
Ok I got it.... my intent was not to start WWIII but to just ask if there was a possiblity of splitting the challenges into 2 separate categories. My use of the word "real" was not meant to offend the digital artists in this community. I expressly said that I felt intimidated by their superior abilities, there is no put down there so for those who took offense and basically made me feel like s**t for the wrong wording I am truly sorry. My intent is never to offend anyone. I am not that person. As for photography I am always trying to challenge myself and I have quite a knowledge base of photoshop and could quite possibly make photos look like the ones I have seen but I find that I get better in my photography skills by challenging myself to get it right in the camera then doing a bit of tweaking. And I know there was a challenge such as this that I didn't participate in. With this all being said, maybe I am just not meant to be here..... going off to sulk now.....
Your intent was worthy, and no one ought be offended by the distinction you are making. Opinions are welcomed here, although once you express them, you will unleash an outpouring of emotions, counter arguments, sympathizers, etc. Culture is a network of conversations, and without such dialogue nothing ever changes nor evolves. Be not quieted by those that make you feel small nor resigned to how things are. We are but a microcosm of a much larger world, and as budding and seasoned artists, we are full of pride and attachment to our creative outlets. It is all good.
I for one enjoy this community for what it is and where it may or may not go, and I feel privileged to be able to participate and learn from the talented people that come and go and stay. I hope you stay.
Your intent was worthy, and no one ought be offended by the distinction you are making. Opinions are welcomed here, although once you express them, you will unleash an outpouring of emotions, counter arguments, sympathizers, etc. Culture is a network of conversations, and without such dialogue nothing ever changes nor evolves. Be not quieted by those that make you feel small nor resigned to how things are. We are but a microcosm of a much larger world, and as budding and seasoned artists, we are full of pride and attachment to our creative outlets. It is all good.
I for one enjoy this community for what it is and where it may or may not go, and I feel privileged to be able to participate and learn from the talented people that come and go and stay. I hope you stay.
PS {:D :cry }
Nicely put Dan! I have learned so much since I joined this group over a year a go. These challenges have pushed me to a level in my work I do not thing I could have acheived if it were not for the 'assignments' that have been called challenges. I look at each challenge that way. Doesn't matter if I got into the final or not...what matters is if I am satified with my work or if I think I could have done better. I am my own best and worst judge when it comes to my work.
Even in the film days....tricks were used for processing in the darkroom to manipulate photos to have 2 or more images merged together into one. I learned it in college back in the 70's. Complicated process but could be done...without the use of a computer.
With this all being said, maybe I am just not meant to be here..... going off to sulk now.....
With an image as nice as yours entered into this round, it would be a shame to see you leave.
In fact anytime someone new decides to take a risk and enter an image and then leave soon after, it is a shame. This community is only a community with each of us being here and participating. It is always nice to have new people join in. Hopefully we can start out again by welcoming you to stay, have fun and learn.
Your opinions are always welcome but as Dan said "once you express them, you will unleash an outpouring of emotions, counter arguments, sympathizers, etc.", historically this is very true as we all have our own opinions too.
(good points)
One shot each, no changing entries, no feedback threads, and entries hidden until the deadline and so on..
I'm guessing the implementation would have to be PMing Kerry, or opening the gallery an hour before it closes..
(remember what I said about random? Just a reminder
And on that note, I return to my coffee in an attempt to function through the next 12 hours.... I reserve the right to come back and edit in further thoughts
One final thing: a HUGE thank you to Kerry, Doc (is he still around? He hasn't smote anybody down in months....) and the other dgrin and SM folks who started and sustain these challenges. I'm sure there's a strong sense behind-the-scenes that they're sometimes more trouble than they're worth, so ... thanks, guys. If it's any solace, for some of us the challenges have been, literally, lifechanging (paid shoots... ME?! Yes, and more on the books in coming months. I had NO idea this was something I could do with even a little bit of success but thanks to the Challenges.... I found out.)
How about a before/after round--take a snapshot and PP the heck out of it. Got that from Nikolai's assignment thread.
I'd love to see a SP round--no remotes, no tripods--armslength only or reflected off something.
How about having a total noob judge
I like this idea! - Makes me think of shooting from the foot too. (Meaning really low perspective)
Holy Cow!
For a second I thought you meant using your feet! It might level the playing field
I imagined it that way. But of course it is not very practical.:D
1) One thing I would like to see done more frequently is to see the gallery of the top 5 finishers get updated as soon as the voting for a DSS round comes to a close. I am not sure who is responsible for updating those, but I actually find myself clicking on those thumbnail images on top of the forum pages quite often when I see a picture that I like. The images from the Mega challenge 4 are still on the first page (well, if you have a large screen like me and your browser is enlarged) ... and we were done with mega challenge 5 two weeks ago!
2) One thing I was thinking that might (or might not) encourage more people to participate in these challenges is to only allow people who have an entry in a particular round to vote. I think the voting will be more under control and who knows, it might draw some more people to enter these contests knowing that they will have the ability to vote.
I have one more, but I will stop here for now.
Good job everyone for keeping these contests alive!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I also agree that the challenges have been REALLY hard the last couple rounds, which is definitely good for us, but it might not hurt to throw in a morale-booster once in a while; something nice and easy
And for the record, "down low" was going to be my theme of choice if I ever won a mini-challenge... get waaaay down low and shoot from ground level. Sounds fun to me!
Lastly, ditto to divamum's thank yous... I also feel like the challenges have helped me grow and very much appreciate all the behind-the-scenes work it takes to keep these running. I was just thinking this Monday morning how amazing it was that the round is closed and new round is posted right on time at the end of every challenge. You're awesome, Kerry
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
I'm behind because work has been insane (it's just me, y'know?). I'll be able to catch up in a couple weeks. Apologies for the lag.
Wow, really? I try to mix things up to keep from any tough stacking--mostly "or" rounds with a real technical challenge once or twice each quarter. Which do you define as "hard" vs. "easy?" I need a baseline so I know how to adjust.
In general I find it is not so much that a specific subject is hard, it is how a judge will interpret it or how people view an image given a certain reference point.
Moderately Hard = a theme that requires us to interpret text or a song or a poem . An example of this would be, Round #10 Illustrating Text (A Dream Within A Dream) Why? Because this leaves the field wide open as to how a judge might they themselves interpret the theme.
Hard = one word theme. Why? Because it is harder to find something that is outside the box and is able to stand out among the crowd. Plus if your not feeling it or don't like the word your stuck with just the one.
Normal or Medium = two words or opposite words. Why? This gives the photographer a choice they can choose which ever one they like better and we still have a baseline as to what a judge will be looking for.
Sort of easy = a defined criteria but only one word. ie. circles or eyes or hands. Why? this really makes it easy to know what a judge will be looking for. The word is not left open to interpretation but we still only have one choice.
Easy = Two really specific words like, Round #31 Open or Closed. Why? For the same reasons as Sort of easy but now we have two options.
Of course the above has sub variables but I hope this gives you the general idea.
1. A concurrent newcomers round - open only to dgrinners that have entered no or very few challenges (maybe 3 or less). Kind of a reverse mega challenge designed to draw in new participants who might otherwise be intimidated. Run it once every few months or so.
2. A P&S round. Only photos taken with a P&S camera allowed. SOOC, maybe?
They are just ideas.
Interesting question. I found the Enviro portrait one of the toughest rounds, largely because it demanded the very specific participation of another party. I had LOADS of ideas... but no access to the people I needed to take the shot (or perhaps better said, no EASY access to the people - if I'd really pushed it I could have made it work, but it would have required a degree of hustling I didn't have time or energy for in that particular time period. That, of course, is my problem, not yours!)
I think the "or" rounds are indeed the "easiest" - they provide both a clear starting point, and also a wide range of interpretation.
I think thematically the specifically visual rounds - circles or squares - are easier to pull off because they're specific, but the "concept" rounds are more open to interpretation. That seems to make them easier for some people, and harder for others; there's certainly more subjectivity in the judging in those rounds.
Btw, although I was somebody who initially felt that the SOOC rounds would favour those with more sophisticated cameras, the first entry I had to make it to a judging round was taken on a pretty mediocre point and shoot for the Dusk/Dawn SOOC round, so I learned firsthand that it doesn't really matter - if the judge likes the shot, what you took it on or how you took it doesn't matter in the least...
Love the shooting from the hip suggestion, although it would seriously scare me to go out there and participate (I'm strangely intimidated by street photography)! I'll put my name in to judge that one....
Not that you seem to need them, but possible future round ideas (purely stream-of-consciousness brainstorming here
- artificial light
- some sort of colour round (specific colours, perhaps?)
- head/toes (all sorts of interesting opps for the portrait and baby/kid 'togs to join in)
- day/night
- 2 leg/4 leg
- letters/numbers
I can't speak for our current challenges Supremo, Kerry, but I can tell you that despite the strong elemnt of composites and digitally creative shots, there's plenty of "real" photogaphs that do well too. And, for what it's worth, the last challenge was sooc, meaning NO digital pp at all
And I love your current image in the entry gallery - I think it's wonderful!
I'm not new, but I certainly sympathize and agree with your point. I enter and enjoy the challenges regardless. It forces me to shoot things I would never shoot, and we all learn so much from one another.
Welcome to "challenges":D
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There is every kind of style and type of photograph in these challenges. What do you mean by "real"? do you have any idea how offensive that is to say? you need to open your mind and understand the biggest most point in these challenges IMO:
if your a portrait photographer dont enter a portrait.
do something you never did before....
use a technique you never used before....
if you dont think your work stands up against somebody elses work then your in the right place, use it. and learn from it.
but IMO, if your not doing it for your own love of photography and to get better then your not going to have fun here...
many many many many many of us "fail" each round here in the DSS's, but if you ask any of us individually if we "failed" I doubt anyone would say it was a failure... heck some of my favorite images ive ever done didnt even make the first cut in a dss round!....
hope this helped somewhat...
I understand what Wings is saying. It is probably possible to differentiate a photograph from a digital photo montage. Though this is a "photography" forum, it is also a "digital" one, so we have some of each in most of the challenges. You can be a good photographer and have, and be good at using, all of the computer tools to make some of the graphic art that is posted here. But if you're a good photographer and you do not have, or are not fully adept at using, some of these tools, then you might feel like you're in the wrong place here at times.
I agree with what everyone is saying, however, that the Challenges are all about learning, trying new things, and staying stimulated by this hobby/profession of ours. So, Wings, keep bringing your photographs. We'll learn from you, and you'll learn from some of the geeks here as well.
It can be so much fun that you get addicted to it.
The fact that people are intimidated by a challenge means that an actual challenge is presented. With regard to "digital art" versus "real photography", the game changed when film slowly shriveled. Let's face it, if photographers are going to continue to survive they have to embrace the digital technology and post-processing capabilities. I am not saying that you need to go out and become super sonic pro Adobe genius. But you may find that someone who has got some sweet skills in PS is eating your lunch. Just a plain fact.
That being said, with the challenges, take it to the next level. If you love your work, your style, your art, bring it. I am by no means a pro, I have been shooting for 15 yrs, I know nothing. These challenges are great. They can bring you out of creative slump, get your gears turning, humble you, teach you.
I see all the time in the comments of why someone doesn't want to participate. "My camera isn't good enough" "Everyone uses too much photoshop" "Everyone here knows eachother and votes for their friend" "The subject is too hard..." It isn't the camera, it's the person holding it.
C'mon peeps, it's a FREE contest with real reward. All you have to do is continue doing what you love, and post the results. So what if you don't make the list of finalists. Look at those who did and learn why. So what if you are uncomfortable with the subject, shoot it anyway. You are only investing your time and effort, and providing lots of people a glimpse of the world as you see it. Isn't that what hooked you in the first place?
One day, my shot will make it into the final list. One day I might win. One day you all are going to look at MY work and be moved.
Don't know about having 2 seperate categories. However, given the difficulties of the SOOC challenge, perhaps it could morph into a "single image" challenge, and/or have special "Composite only" challenges interspersed.
I will say that just because you don't know how to do something now doesn't mean you still won't know how to do it a few months down the line. By participating and learning from your peers here, you'll pick up all sorts of new tricks. You may even cross over to the digital "dark side."
We all started somewhere and learned as we went. Look for the knowledge and fun in these challenges and you'll find the true rewards.
...and this...
These are very different, and each have their own merit.
Nonetheless, each challenge me to improve my own art, so I have no trouble dealing with the variety and the differences.
Hm, that's an interesting idea.
Your intent was worthy, and no one ought be offended by the distinction you are making. Opinions are welcomed here, although once you express them, you will unleash an outpouring of emotions, counter arguments, sympathizers, etc. Culture is a network of conversations, and without such dialogue nothing ever changes nor evolves. Be not quieted by those that make you feel small nor resigned to how things are. We are but a microcosm of a much larger world, and as budding and seasoned artists, we are full of pride and attachment to our creative outlets. It is all good.
I for one enjoy this community for what it is and where it may or may not go, and I feel privileged to be able to participate and learn from the talented people that come and go and stay. I hope you stay.
PS {:D
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Even in the film days....tricks were used for processing in the darkroom to manipulate photos to have 2 or more images merged together into one. I learned it in college back in the 70's. Complicated process but could be done...without the use of a computer.
In fact anytime someone new decides to take a risk and enter an image and then leave soon after, it is a shame. This community is only a community with each of us being here and participating. It is always nice to have new people join in. Hopefully we can start out again by welcoming you to stay, have fun and learn.
Your opinions are always welcome but as Dan said "once you express them, you will unleash an outpouring of emotions, counter arguments, sympathizers, etc.", historically this is very true as we all have our own opinions too.