Ok I got it.... my intent was not to start WWIII but to just ask if there was a possiblity of splitting the challenges into 2 separate categories. My use of the word "real" was not meant to offend the digital artists in this community. I expressly said that I felt intimidated by their superior abilities, there is no put down there so for those who took offense and basically made me feel like s**t for the wrong wording I am truly sorry. My intent is never to offend anyone. I am not that person. As for photography I am always trying to challenge myself and I have quite a knowledge base of photoshop and could quite possibly make photos look like the ones I have seen but I find that I get better in my photography skills by challenging myself to get it right in the camera then doing a bit of tweaking. And I know there was a challenge such as this that I didn't participate in. With this all being said, maybe I am just not meant to be here..... going off to sulk now.....
WWIII? fwiw, I thought I was helping out... oh well, no worries....
btw, I checked your entry and I see no reason you need to feel intimidated, that is fine work and you need to give yourself more credit.
There is every kind of style and type of photograph in these challenges. What do you mean by "real"? do you have any idea how offensive that is to say? you need to open your mind and understand the biggest most point in these challenges IMO:
if your a portrait photographer dont enter a portrait.
do something you never did before....
use a technique you never used before....
if you dont think your work stands up against somebody elses work then your in the right place, use it. and learn from it.
but IMO, if your not doing it for your own love of photography and to get better then your not going to have fun here...
many many many many many of us "fail" each round here in the DSS's, but if you ask any of us individually if we "failed" I doubt anyone would say it was a failure... heck some of my favorite images ive ever done didnt even make the first cut in a dss round!....
hope this helped somewhat...
I am used to the "real" photography comment even just for using a digital camera, I got it through my degree, but it was interesting since it was during a big transitional period from film to allowing digital in the fine art world. By the end only a few would mention it, but they were also the 4x5/8x10 view camera or nothing crowd. More power to them if they want to tray develop :bash but that's not for me.
As for "failure" in these rounds I don't think that is really possible. The themes are great for putting you in new photographic territory or revisiting something that has been "on the shelf" for years. I really like the fact that they let me get out of the set styles or series I am currently working on. My main goal here is to try new things and push my own limits. Sometimes I have been known to push the limits of the theme too but taking risks are fun, and if I win or don't get a single vote what matters at the end of the day is I have created a new image which I like and can feel proud of.
Either Kerry is delegating or she must have found some time to update this gallery.
I wish I had someone to delegate to! I hunkered down this weekend and updated everything. Hopefully it will never lag that far behind again. Sorry it took so long!
I wish I had someone to delegate to! I hunkered down this weekend and updated everything. Hopefully it will never lag that far behind again. Sorry it took so long!
Seriously there is no need to apologize!
I have a question. In the past, (forgive my pathetic attempt to search for it), there has been the odd link to the images that were disqualified in a round. I have seen a section of galleries that included all of the images that were moved into a disqualified status but I have now looked for over 30 minutes and can not find them again. Is this something we want to be left alone? or can you post the link to the DQ galleries for everybody to learn from possibly?
I keep the past six rounds of DQs in their own galleries, but the older ones get deleted because it starts to clutter things up for me big time. I have no problem linking to a round's DQ gallery when I post the DQ results if folks would like that. Would you all care to chime in on whether this is something you want? I may need some nudging the first couple times before I remember the new process, though.
Kinda hate to revive the discussion about uber-PP vs nothing-but-a-levels-adjustment-PP... but just wanted to point out that there are plenty of us that are in that second camp. I felt kind of uncomfortable even desaturating the background a little in my blue entry (which was a horrible entry, but, I had to enter something, right?) because even that much PP is more than what I like to do with my own images...
So, my point is: Wings, you're not alone! I've had a few make the final cut with hardly any PP, so don't worry about it and keep contributing!
Besides, it's all up to the judges anyway. Some judges might like the uber-PP, others might not.
I'm a PP addict, and even I think there's such a thing as too much PP (but not on my images, oh no!). I'm still trying to think of other ways beyond the SOOC and B&W challenges to be able to encourage this kind of "low-tech" processing in a round or two, but I haven't solved it yet. SOOC and B&W will stick around, but I'd love to have a third option to throw into the mix. Ideas on this front are encouraged!
I'm a PP addict, and even I think there's such a thing as too much PP (but not on my images, oh no!). I'm still trying to think of other ways beyond the SOOC and B&W challenges to be able to encourage this kind of "low-tech" processing in a round or two, but I haven't solved it yet. SOOC and B&W will stick around, but I'd love to have a third option to throw into the mix. Ideas on this front are encouraged!
"one photo, multiple exposures allowed, but no composites"
so how dense am I.......................been on this forum since March, regularly visit the challenge section, made it to the finals this challenge, and JUST NOW learned that there is a prize? Did I read it right, 1st place gets a year pro account and $100 print credit? Pretty cool!! crossing my fingers here...and definately stepping up my game from here on out!
Did I read it right, 1st place gets a year pro account and $100 print credit?
Yup, you read right! We definitely place more emphasis on what you've spent time here experiencing since March--feedback, community, challenge--but there's certainly some other incentives.
I'm very happy to find this discussion. I actually wanted to start this from the first time I joined SmugMug/Dgrin.
I tried to say it, but I'm not speaking English like it was my mother language.
I totally agree with Dan, and actually even more:
Composite images are not photography - they are faked photography/ imagery.
They are done be either graphic designers or artists looking for different ways of expression
or market.
I know they could have been done even with film in the past, but they are just imagery
(digital now), not photography.
I would propose a different approach with the contests -
that they be focused on photography only, with some minor adjustments, as needed.
- The extra contests could be in my opinion those based on digital imagery and not vice-versa.
I'm so not getting into this debate again. I am, however, looking for more ways to incorporate "the basics" into a few themed rounds, like the SOOC and B&W themes. This way, both camps get their fill and continue learning. Specific ideas along this line would be very helpful in my brainstorming.
I don't believe in taking away tools from any artist, but I do believe in challenging them to try something different.
Whilst we're giving feedback, I'd like to throw out an idea I've had for a while:
I wish there was more time between challenges. The current pace is breakneck, and while there is a beauty in that, I'd like to see more time for people to vote, comment, etc before they have to start worrying about "the next one."
I'd also be curious to hear if judges wished they had more time to evaluate images before having to submit their choices.
... I am, however, looking for more ways to incorporate "the basics" into a few themed rounds, like the SOOC and B&W themes. This way, both camps get their fill and continue learning. Specific ideas along this line would be very helpful in my brainstorming.
May be you can get inspired by Nikolai's assignments
Keep an open mind to all new things. Look to the past for knowledge. Look to the future for inspiration. Share and learn in this ever changing new world. Lastly help each other, we will all be happier for it.
I want to thank everyone for being part of this community!
I just got an idea for a challenge:D . Well mostly stolen from B.D.'s latest assignment (cell phone).
How about shots taken only with a disposable camera--leveling the playing field, no one can complain "oh I only kit lenses" (quoting myself btw, lol). Just a standard plastic disposable camera.
Hm, a sort of "plastic fantastic" round, sans Holgas, Lomo, and Dianas, eh? Couldn't do disposable cameras because film = no EXIF verification, but something equivalent with P&S and cell phones could work.
Hm, a sort of "plastic fantastic" round, sans Holgas, Lomo, and Dianas, eh? Couldn't do disposable cameras because film = no EXIF verification, but something equivalent with P&S and cell phones could work.
That's the easy part. Manufacture however will have to involve friends working with lithography...
The detail gets a wee bit small...
A sheet of transparency film and a good laser printer are all the lithography you need for this. In a pinch, in our lab, we've used a consumer grade laser printer to make "rough" photo-lithography masks for features down to 100 micrometers. You definitely don't need anything that small for putting in front of any modern digital sensor.
Did I download correctly?
Just curious. Never entered a challenge before, so downloaded a pic with a "window" in it for challenge 43 "Windows and doors". It was in the challenge gallery yesterday, double checked after loading, but not there today. Does this merely mean I didn't make the top 64? Certainly would understand, some fine shots there, but maybe I loaded it wrong, that's what I'm trying to determine. Thanks ...
See my work at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26525400@N04/sets/. Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.
Never entered a challenge before, so downloaded a pic with a "window" in it for challenge 43 "Windows and doors". It was in the challenge gallery yesterday, double checked after loading, but not there today.
I imagine if you downloaded it from somewhere and reuploaded it to the entry gallery here, the EXIF may have been stripped in the process. It's best to double-check the EXIF made it after uploading to the entry gallery, which you can do by rolling over the image until you see the pop-out window appear. Near the bottom of that pop-out is a blue button with "Photo Info" above it. Click on that to ensure your EXIF is all there in the future.
I imagine if you downloaded it from somewhere and reuploaded it to the entry gallery here, the EXIF may have been stripped in the process. It's best to double-check the EXIF made it after uploading to the entry gallery, which you can do by rolling over the image until you see the pop-out window appear. Near the bottom of that pop-out is a blue button with "Photo Info" above it. Click on that to ensure your EXIF is all there in the future.
Many thanks, I'll get there yet. BTW, when I did download, I inadvertently grabbed wrong pic, and couldn't figure out how to get rid of it, so merely entitled it "DELETE, DELETE, ...", and downloaded the intended pic, resulting in two in the gallery. For future reference, besides being smart enough to get it right the first time, how would I delete an unintended pic?
See my work at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26525400@N04/sets/. Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.
You need to add a zero on the end of that number, at the very least. Welcome aboard, shoot, have fun
WWIII? fwiw, I thought I was helping out... oh well, no worries....
btw, I checked your entry and I see no reason you need to feel intimidated, that is fine work and you need to give yourself more credit.
I am used to the "real" photography comment even just for using a digital camera, I got it through my degree, but it was interesting since it was during a big transitional period from film to allowing digital in the fine art world. By the end only a few would mention it, but they were also the 4x5/8x10 view camera or nothing crowd. More power to them if they want to tray develop :bash but that's not for me.
As for "failure" in these rounds I don't think that is really possible. The themes are great for putting you in new photographic territory or revisiting something that has been "on the shelf" for years. I really like the fact that they let me get out of the set styles or series I am currently working on. My main goal here is to try new things and push my own limits. Sometimes I have been known to push the limits of the theme too
Any and everything else is just a bonus.
Either Kerry is delegating or she must have found some time to update this gallery:
Thanks Kerry!
I wish I had someone to delegate to! I hunkered down this weekend and updated everything. Hopefully it will never lag that far behind again. Sorry it took so long!
Seriously there is no need to apologize!
I have a question. In the past, (forgive my pathetic attempt to search for it), there has been the odd link to the images that were disqualified in a round. I have seen a section of galleries that included all of the images that were moved into a disqualified status but I have now looked for over 30 minutes and can not find them again. Is this something we want to be left alone? or can you post the link to the DQ galleries for everybody to learn from possibly?
So, my point is: Wings, you're not alone! I've had a few make the final cut with hardly any PP, so don't worry about it and keep contributing!
Besides, it's all up to the judges anyway. Some judges might like the uber-PP, others might not.
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
"one photo, multiple exposures allowed, but no composites"
Facebook Fan Page
Yup, you read right!
I'm very happy to find this discussion. I actually wanted to start this from the first time I joined SmugMug/Dgrin.
I tried to say it, but I'm not speaking English like it was my mother language.
I totally agree with Dan, and actually even more:
Composite images are not photography - they are faked photography/ imagery.
They are done be either graphic designers or artists looking for different ways of expression
or market.
I know they could have been done even with film in the past, but they are just imagery
(digital now), not photography.
I would propose a different approach with the contests -
that they be focused on photography only, with some minor adjustments, as needed.
- The extra contests could be in my opinion those based on digital imagery and not vice-versa.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I don't believe in taking away tools from any artist, but I do believe in challenging them to try something different.
Thanks for the feedback!
I wish there was more time between challenges. The current pace is breakneck, and while there is a beauty in that, I'd like to see more time for people to vote, comment, etc before they have to start worrying about "the next one."
I'd also be curious to hear if judges wished they had more time to evaluate images before having to submit their choices.
Just tossing it out as an idea.
May be you can get inspired by Nikolai's assignments
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Keep an open mind to all new things. Look to the past for knowledge. Look to the future for inspiration. Share and learn in this ever changing new world. Lastly help each other, we will all be happier for it.
I want to thank everyone for being part of this community!
Go for it! (it is my own thoughts not googlepuked):D
How about shots taken only with a disposable camera--leveling the playing field, no one can complain "oh I only kit lenses" (quoting myself btw, lol). Just a standard plastic disposable camera.
Just a thought.
obviously it can all happen in post, no reason to limit what type of digital camera to use...
So basically a lo-fi round?
Would a DIY lens qualify?
As long as it's attached to something digital that records EXIF, why not?
I was thinking about printing one of these. Should be easily lo-fi enough
just dont screw this part up
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/lol3.gif" border="0" alt="" >
That's the easy part. Manufacture however will have to involve friends working with lithography...
The detail gets a wee bit small...
Fresnel optics FTW
Just curious. Never entered a challenge before, so downloaded a pic with a "window" in it for challenge 43 "Windows and doors". It was in the challenge gallery yesterday, double checked after loading, but not there today. Does this merely mean I didn't make the top 64? Certainly would understand, some fine shots there, but maybe I loaded it wrong, that's what I'm trying to determine. Thanks ...
The image uploaded fine, but it was disqualified because it had no EXIF information: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1322612&postcount=32
I imagine if you downloaded it from somewhere and reuploaded it to the entry gallery here, the EXIF may have been stripped in the process. It's best to double-check the EXIF made it after uploading to the entry gallery, which you can do by rolling over the image until you see the pop-out window appear. Near the bottom of that pop-out is a blue button with "Photo Info" above it. Click on that to ensure your EXIF is all there in the future.