And, as a participant, I'd wait until the last second to submit my entry. Anything you see that someone else has done, you could come back and do later once you see the effect. "Oooh, I should go and clone out that tree too. That looks better."
I think that this idea that Mr. Sean has brought to the table is pretty neat, and don't think it falls outside of any definition of what this contest should or shouldn't be. Keep in mind that we are all trying to have fun while learning here, and also that many of us come to Dgrin only for this particular room...Even if I don't find time to place an entry, just watching what everyone comes up with is half the enjoyment. I'm already gearing up!
Thanks Sean, just to add somemore ideas, maybe just everyone submit a photo of anything and from that pool of photos we enter the challenge with a original composite made from the pool of photos???
first week is shooting, second week is the digital darkroom....???
must submit a photo to be able to enter the composite challenge (rule).???
I have been thinking about this since you first posted it but had refrained from saying my first thought until I thought it though. So now this is what I think....
1. This type of challenge is very fun and exciting.
2. Like any new 'challenge' that has new rules...there is going to be large legistical problems. Lets face it...changes for some people are really hard to grasp. Look how long it has taken to get everyone following the DSS rules, we still have noobs who come in and don't follow them or even bother reading them. Bottom line is there is more work for the admin.
3. Suggestion would be that a new a mini challenge be established as a trial basis first. What I mean by mini challenge is not to take the place of that...but rather have 3 challenges running on their own accord with their own rules. The 'new' challenge concept might take more time to get smoothed out and since its about learning then no prizes needing other than learning something and getting bragging rights if yours the best.
Summary: The new concept is good. New rules should be written and possibly volunteers to help out the admin if necessary. The new 'challenge' should have its own title and running time along with the original DSS and mini challenge. JMO
I really appreciate you voicing your thoughts.
#1 = Awesome - I thought so too.
#2 = Change is always hard and most people hate it. I personally did not think the idea was very complicated. But.. obviously many do.
#3 = I am not about to start up yet another separate challenge - two is already enough. Dgrin has also started to have challenges in other forums so there is no shortage of challenges available if someone wanted to take the time to participate. If the idea demands new rules and a whole plethora of other nit picky changes just so we can have some good old photography fun and learning, then I am all for moving on and leaving things at everyones comfort level.
My thought and suggestion since there definitely seems to be some interest, is to suggest one of the winners of the mini challenge to take it upon themselves to put something like the idea together and run it as a mini challenge. A third and separate challenge format will just cause confusion and a fracturing of the users. Not my goal at all.
It is awesome that many of you have come forward and voiced your opinions here. That is the whole reason I put it out into the community in the first place. My goal was to feel things out and gauge what type of reaction the community was going to have.
Surprisingly the people that are excited about it are very forward and vocal and say so here. The people that are concerned or not happy about the idea seem to either be afraid to say so or they are afraid to say something publicly. I have received several emails and PM's from people that voice concerns about where DSS is headed. PM's are not beneficial to the community and I will always encourage anyone that PM's me with an idea or concern to post it publicly here.
My goal when taking on the position of moderator was to keep the community motivated and excited. I want everyone to have something that they are truly excited about shooting for. At this point I am seeing a 50/50 split on the new idea. This is not enough of a majority.
I am very grateful for all your feedback and ideas and welcome more ideas for anything that anyone feels would be of interest to the community. Any and all ideas will be considered but will not necessarily be implemented.
At this point I am shelving the PP two round challenge idea but may decide to bring back something similar at a later date.
We are now back to the next challenge being something no one but myself knows until it is revealed
Thanks again, PLEASE do continue to discuss your ideas and thoughts about DSS and how it affects the community here.
I'm speaking very softly so only you can hear me...
Come a little closer so I can make sure you can hear me.
Ok here is the deal I am thinking of letting everyone know what the next challenge is going to be so that I can get some feedback on if the majority thinks it is a challenge that they are excited about.
I received the idea from tinamarie52 (Chris). The idea is for us to have a two round challenge. The first round consists of shooting a SOOC photo of any subject no cropping no sharpening and only camera defaults etc. The winner of the first round agrees to let the winning photo become the basis for the next round. In the next round the winning photo needs to be brought into Photoshop or some other editing software to enhance it to the next level. The PP steps need to be explained in the caption so anyone looking at the steps can get some idea about what was done and what filters were used. The best PP (Post Production) photo will be judged by the photos owner (SOOC winner) and a previous 1st place winner of one of the other challenges.
So... Thats the idea
Any feedback is welcome.
Oh yea I really don't know why I was whispering you can all hear me
Dgrin has also started to have challenges in other forums
Just a quick thought I've been wondering for a while... Why are there challenges in other forums instead of being located in "The Dgrin Challenges" forum? Seems to me that if I wanted to find a challenge/contest ect, I would go to the forum labeled "Challenges" instead of scouring through all the other topics.
In my opinion it would make more sense to have ALL challenges at one centrally located spot. All the ENTRY threads could be stickied, and then discussion for ALL the different challenges would happen in the threads below.
first week is shooting, second week is the digital darkroom....???
That is a good idea, but I wouldn't like to have to pp images from other shooters - or have mine done. What I suggest is first post a SOOC-version, and then re-enter it with all-out pp. That would allow better preparation because we could plan for the processed 'mind's eye' image as well - and if needs be have components ready.
I'm I making any sense? You know, showing the shot-to-image process. As for the lessons in processing, I'd gladly agree to write up a short tutorial of what I did.
You know, showing the shot-to-image process. As for the lessons in processing, I'd gladly agree to write up a short tutorial of what I did.
This has been done many times in the past via the Unofficial feedback thread that is started soon after the close of entries each round. It has been a purely volunteer thing so far. The idea behind doing it as a challenge is that you would see a much larger group of people explaining the how and why behind the PP.
This has been done many times in the past via the Unofficial feedback thread that is started soon after the close of entries each round. It has been a purely volunteer thing so far. The idea behind doing it as a challenge is that you would see a much larger group of people explaining the how and why behind the PP.
Yeah, I was thinking the write-up would be a requirement. I've done one step-by-step for Small World, which was *krhm* rounds ago..
Aren't those genre specific just-for-fun challenges? I'd wager they are where they are so that people browsing those parts of the forum find them
Well if that's the case, every time we start a new round of DSS it falls under a "genre" also. This last one would go right under the macro forum... But we dont move it from forum to forum.
sherstone's top 10 DSS guidelines (not rules) Number 10
Any so called rule can be changed at any time at sherstone's discretion
Number 9
If you claim to be following the rules or complain that the rules are not being followed the rules will likely be changed.
Number 8
Each round will have different goals and ideas but will always try to give the participants as much leeway as possible for artistic interpretation.
Number 7
Judges are not given a specific set of instructions that ask for things like: The picture must conform to 'this rounds' theme. Since DSS gives the participants as much artistic control as possible, the judges are encouraged to vote however they feel is both fit and fair. Judges are asked not to participate in the community discussions during a round that they are judging until after they have submitted their choices.
Number 6
While you are encouraged to tell your friends about DSS, in hopes that more budding or even experienced photographers will join in on the fun, it is not encouraged to campaign for votes in any way.
Number 5
DSS is a place to learn about new things. To push each of you to shoot for ideas and images that you normally would not even think of attempting. Questions about whether this is a 'photography', 'design', or 'Photoshop' 'contest' have been asked and debated in the past many times. I am sure that they will never go away but... The real answer is; DSS is none of these things. It is what YOU make it to be for yourself. You will be asked to shoot things and do things that you have never done before and hopefully you will learn something out of the process. If you feel that you are unable to push yourself into new realms skip that round. Every round is designed to mix things up enough that almost anyone will eventually find something that they love to shoot.
Number 4
If you have learned to take your blinders off and have tried out several rounds but something still feels like it could be improved upon then tell us about it here. All ideas are worth hearing and you may even find that they are integrated into DSS for the betterment of the community.
Number 3
Thinking of sending a PM to me to ask a question. STOP and think if the answer has any potential of helping others as well. You may think only you have this question when in fact many or all others might be wondering the same thing but are afraid to ask. If the question is not of a deeply personal or private nature, I will ask you to post the question in this thread for everyone to see and participate in it's answer. Also I may elect to post the question myself along with the answer at any time. In short. do not PM me unless it is for a real private reason.
Number 2
While it is not mandatory that you participate in the discussion threads,(unless instructed to do so as part of a theme). It is a great way to make friends, learn from others, and share ideas and opinions.
& finally the number 1 guideline. Number 1
Please have fun and enjoy yourself.
Mini Challenge Quick Links updater needed
AaronNelson has asked me to try and find a replacement person to help with updating the quick links for the mini challenges. currently located here
If anyone is interested please say so in this thread and I will get you started with all the coding etc that you will need to use for your first post. That way you will be able to go back and edit things when the time comes.
Once the post is created I will make it a sticky and the list will be back on track.
Aaron has done a really wonderful job keeping the list up to date but has now gotten too busy to keep things going.
sure I can do it Sean, if there is not original thought on coding I have to come up with. When it come to coding I am a copy and paste type of person. Basically I am an artist/photographer...not a programer. But I have put lots and lots of webpages and links together in my time using available resouces.thumb
That is so super of you Joyce! No it's nothing complicated just links etc.
I am out in Victoria visiting friends right now but when I get home later tonight I will PM you with all of the info you should need to get a thread started. Once it's created we can retire the old one and sticky the new one.
You are all awesome!
Just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate everyones participation in the challenges and the amazing willingness to step forward and take the time to comment, guest judge etc.
I have been having a great time moderating the forum for you and hope to continue to find exciting themes for everyone.
Thanks, Sean, for some inspirational themes! I have been happily distracted by family for the last couple of weeks and am getting lots of ideas for this one, now.
Well...I'm thinking that YOU are one awesome moderator! Not only have the themes been challenging (& FUN!), but you have gone above and beyond as our leader. I'm still impressed that you not only took time to find free software for some to use to combine their letters, but also wrote a tutorial AND created your own word as a demonstration. I liked your word so much that I was immediately grateful that you can't participate in the challenge!
I just wish I had more time to search for letters! This is so fun.
Sean, this is turning out to be a great year for this forum. You have infused a lot of spirit into the challenges... and I am learning so much by being pushed by your themes! I don't know where you find the time. I, for one, am grateful that you do find so much time for us!
I wasn't really looking for praise in this thread and looking back on it I hope it doesn't come across that way either. I am genuinely appreciative for everyones contribution to Dgrin and the challenges forum.
In regards to how do I find the time? Luckily my free time and schedule has stabilized so most of the time it is a matter of planning ahead. If I spend more than an hour a day dealing with the forum it is because I enjoy it so much. :*sip*
Most of the time it is much less and typically maybe 30 minutes a day on average.
This round I knew ahead of time that there would be many questions but that is mostly due to it being quite a bit different than the normal round. I believe if we do not introduce a twist every once in awhile boredom will set in.
I am very happy that WhatSheSaw has found "inspiration" and you, Chris have experienced "spirit". Both exciting and pleasing to hear about.
Just thinking. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
first week is shooting, second week is the digital darkroom....???
must submit a photo to be able to enter the composite challenge (rule).???
clear as mud
I like these suggestions
I really appreciate you voicing your thoughts.
#1 = Awesome - I thought so too.
#2 = Change is always hard and most people hate it. I personally did not think the idea was very complicated. But.. obviously many do.
#3 = I am not about to start up yet another separate challenge - two is already enough. Dgrin has also started to have challenges in other forums so there is no shortage of challenges available if someone wanted to take the time to participate. If the idea demands new rules and a whole plethora of other nit picky changes just so we can have some good old photography fun and learning, then I am all for moving on and leaving things at everyones comfort level.
My thought and suggestion since there definitely seems to be some interest, is to suggest one of the winners of the mini challenge to take it upon themselves to put something like the idea together and run it as a mini challenge. A third and separate challenge format will just cause confusion and a fracturing of the users. Not my goal at all.
Surprisingly the people that are excited about it are very forward and vocal and say so here. The people that are concerned or not happy about the idea seem to either be afraid to say so or they are afraid to say something publicly. I have received several emails and PM's from people that voice concerns about where DSS is headed. PM's are not beneficial to the community and I will always encourage anyone that PM's me with an idea or concern to post it publicly here.
My goal when taking on the position of moderator was to keep the community motivated and excited. I want everyone to have something that they are truly excited about shooting for. At this point I am seeing a 50/50 split on the new idea. This is not enough of a majority.
I am very grateful for all your feedback and ideas and welcome more ideas for anything that anyone feels would be of interest to the community. Any and all ideas will be considered but will not necessarily be implemented.
At this point I am shelving the PP two round challenge idea but may decide to bring back something similar at a later date.
We are now back to the next challenge being something no one but myself knows until it is revealed
Thanks again, PLEASE do continue to discuss your ideas and thoughts about DSS and how it affects the community here.
Not sure if you want to limit it to just the winning photo, though.
Just a quick thought I've been wondering for a while... Why are there challenges in other forums instead of being located in "The Dgrin Challenges" forum? Seems to me that if I wanted to find a challenge/contest ect, I would go to the forum labeled "Challenges" instead of scouring through all the other topics.
In my opinion it would make more sense to have ALL challenges at one centrally located spot. All the ENTRY threads could be stickied, and then discussion for ALL the different challenges would happen in the threads below.
All I can speak for is the challenge forum.
Aren't those genre specific just-for-fun challenges? I'd wager they are where they are so that people browsing those parts of the forum find them
That is a good idea, but I wouldn't like to have to pp images from other shooters - or have mine done. What I suggest is first post a SOOC-version, and then re-enter it with all-out pp. That would allow better preparation because we could plan for the processed 'mind's eye' image as well - and if needs be have components ready.
I'm I making any sense? You know, showing the shot-to-image process. As for the lessons in processing, I'd gladly agree to write up a short tutorial of what I did.
I would think your wager is probably pretty close to why.
This has been done many times in the past via the Unofficial feedback thread that is started soon after the close of entries each round. It has been a purely volunteer thing so far. The idea behind doing it as a challenge is that you would see a much larger group of people explaining the how and why behind the PP.
Yeah, I was thinking the write-up would be a requirement. I've done one step-by-step for Small World, which was *krhm* rounds ago..
Well if that's the case, every time we start a new round of DSS it falls under a "genre" also. This last one would go right under the macro forum... But we dont move it from forum to forum.
Ohhhh Stir the pot...
Number 10
Any so called rule can be changed at any time at sherstone's discretion
Number 9
If you claim to be following the rules or complain that the rules are not being followed the rules will likely be changed.
Number 8
Each round will have different goals and ideas but will always try to give the participants as much leeway as possible for artistic interpretation.
Number 7
Judges are not given a specific set of instructions that ask for things like: The picture must conform to 'this rounds' theme. Since DSS gives the participants as much artistic control as possible, the judges are encouraged to vote however they feel is both fit and fair. Judges are asked not to participate in the community discussions during a round that they are judging until after they have submitted their choices.
Number 6
While you are encouraged to tell your friends about DSS, in hopes that more budding or even experienced photographers will join in on the fun, it is not encouraged to campaign for votes in any way.
Number 5
DSS is a place to learn about new things. To push each of you to shoot for ideas and images that you normally would not even think of attempting. Questions about whether this is a 'photography', 'design', or 'Photoshop' 'contest' have been asked and debated in the past many times. I am sure that they will never go away but... The real answer is; DSS is none of these things. It is what YOU make it to be for yourself. You will be asked to shoot things and do things that you have never done before and hopefully you will learn something out of the process. If you feel that you are unable to push yourself into new realms skip that round. Every round is designed to mix things up enough that almost anyone will eventually find something that they love to shoot.
Number 4
If you have learned to take your blinders off and have tried out several rounds but something still feels like it could be improved upon then tell us about it here. All ideas are worth hearing and you may even find that they are integrated into DSS for the betterment of the community.
Number 3
Thinking of sending a PM to me to ask a question. STOP and think if the answer has any potential of helping others as well. You may think only you have this question when in fact many or all others might be wondering the same thing but are afraid to ask. If the question is not of a deeply personal or private nature, I will ask you to post the question in this thread for everyone to see and participate in it's answer. Also I may elect to post the question myself along with the answer at any time. In short. do not PM me unless it is for a real private reason.
Number 2
While it is not mandatory that you participate in the discussion threads,(unless instructed to do so as part of a theme). It is a great way to make friends, learn from others, and share ideas and opinions.
& finally the number 1 guideline.
Number 1
Please have fun and enjoy yourself.
AaronNelson has asked me to try and find a replacement person to help with updating the quick links for the mini challenges. currently located here
If anyone is interested please say so in this thread and I will get you started with all the coding etc that you will need to use for your first post. That way you will be able to go back and edit things when the time comes.
Once the post is created I will make it a sticky and the list will be back on track.
Aaron has done a really wonderful job keeping the list up to date but has now gotten too busy to keep things going.
Thanks everyone!
That is so super of you Joyce! No it's nothing complicated just links etc.
I am out in Victoria visiting friends right now but when I get home later tonight I will PM you with all of the info you should need to get a thread started. Once it's created we can retire the old one and sticky the new one.
Thanks again!
thanks again JAG!
Just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate everyones participation in the challenges and the amazing willingness to step forward and take the time to comment, guest judge etc.
I have been having a great time moderating the forum for you and hope to continue to find exciting themes for everyone.
go out and find some letters :ivar
I just wish I had more time to search for letters! This is so fun.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
In regards to how do I find the time? Luckily my free time and schedule has stabilized so most of the time it is a matter of planning ahead. If I spend more than an hour a day dealing with the forum it is because I enjoy it so much. :*sip*
Most of the time it is much less and typically maybe 30 minutes a day on average.
This round I knew ahead of time that there would be many questions but that is mostly due to it being quite a bit different than the normal round. I believe if we do not introduce a twist every once in awhile boredom will set in.
I am very happy that WhatSheSaw has found "inspiration" and you, Chris have experienced "spirit". Both exciting and pleasing to hear about. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Los Angeles dance photographer