Sean, I too wanted to say that you have done an exceptional job as the moderator of this forum. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
Seconds on the thoughts!
Each year I'll bet it has been a challenge in itself to find someone to be as good as the Mod before and find someone who brings good-energy to the game!
I have enjoyed the themes so far (3rd one for me) and found that they have pushed me to new levels. I wasn't going to keep trying the challenges, but thanks to all of the encouragement, I have.
I am a Moderator myself on a large medical board, so I know how important it is to have a great group. Makes all the difference in the world!
I'd like to thank everyone, including our Moderator, for the great experience I've had so far.
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I have decided to merge this thread into the general discussion thread. It probably should have been put there in the first place.
I'm thinking maybe I should stick to just posting my close-ups, cuz it doesn't look like I'm so good at the challenges.
Jenn you have just barely begun playing - some regular participants have taken many rounds before one of their entries was put into the vote. Part of the fun is just having a theme to shoot for. Looking back on my collection of images that I produced for Dgrin challenges I have to say some of my absolute best work was the result. Keep on keeping on and try to remember to have fun and do not worry about the win. You all win just for taking the time to try.
P.S. The official result are not all in by the way :tiptoe so everyone still has a chance.
I'm thinking maybe I should stick to just posting my close-ups, cuz it doesn't look like I'm so good at the challenges.
Don't give up so quickly. I have been playing for more than a year now and seldom make it to the finals. The best I have done in the voting round is 2 votes. When I focus on results, I get down. So I have changed my focus.
Focus on the process. Did you enjoy looking for letters? Are you pleased with the results? One of my goals in this challenge was that each letter should stand on its own as a good photo. I think I achieved that. You generated 3 different ideas and the final one was quite good.
When I started entering the challenges, I was running out of inspiration. I didn't know how to use my camera on manual. I had never used Photoshop. I took a lot of pictures and got lucky sometimes. I've learned a lot and I have a long way to go.
Whatshesaw - no one gets my jokes either (but I think I'm hilarious!) Misunderstood bunch. I've always believed that like is drawn to like so there must be a lot of similarities in this bunch.
Jenn - I felt the same way after my first challenge entry. I was going to quit because I felt I was out of my league. Ha - still do, but I have made finals 2/4 times that I tried. I was encouraged to keep trying so I did. Stick with it....if anything, you push yourself to new levels and that only makes you better in the long run. You learn from your own mistakes and you learn from the creativity and techniques of others.
I'm thinking maybe I should stick to just posting my close-ups, cuz it doesn't look like I'm so good at the challenges.
You made me go back and look at how many challenges I have done. Started at Challenge #20 over a year ago. It was hard at first but it made me work on things I never had dreamed of doing. Gets you out of the box and really have some fun.
Can be frustrating at times also, but the benefits have outweighed the frustrations.
Keep shooting dont give up
Jenn you have just barely begun playing - some regular participants have taken many rounds before one of their entries was put into the vote. Part of the fun is just having a theme to shoot for. Looking back on my collection of images that I produced for Dgrin challenges I have to say some of my absolute best work was the result. Keep on keeping on and try to remember to have fun and do not worry about the win. You all win just for taking the time to try.
P.S. The official result are not all in by the way :tiptoe so everyone still has a chance.
I like the part of having a theme to shoot for... I feel a bit frustrated because instead of making an image I feel inspired to do, I'm trying to figure out what some judge I don't know might like or spend more time trying to please other people as to what they might like... then when people say they like one image more than another, it gets no votes in the end. It kind of sets me up to fail because I am really competing with people out of my league as far as photog ability goes. I love doing images when I feel inspired, and really hate feeling like a failure when I am not pleasing people who are judging what I create.
You said, "You all win just for taking the time to try". I understand the concept, and part of me nods my head and says.. 'yep .. uh huh.. that's so true' ... but the rest of me says 'that's what people say to other people just to make them feel good about failing'.
I can't improve if people tell me my image is good and then the judge says it's too busy. It's hard to process how to get better at something when the goal is ambiguous and dependent upon personal opinions about artistic interpretation. Am I making sense? I don't want to complain or anything... I'm just not sure how to reach the goal when you really don't know what a judge is going to look for, what they like, or what they don't like... I guess I'm a goal oriented person .. give me the bottom line .. tell me what you want and that's what I'll produce for you.
Focus on the process. Did you enjoy looking for letters? Are you pleased with the results?
At first I couldn't see letters in anything, which was more frustrating than fun. Then I thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn't see letters in anything because other people COULD! <img src="" border="0" alt="" > Then I began seeing letters in everything and nobody could see the letters I was seeing... [which was getting quite frustrating!!] Did I enjoy it? Depends what day you might ask me that question. <img src="" border="0" alt="" > Am I pleased with the results? No. I failed. I created an image that I thought would please everyone else {because they said they liked it better than 2 other images I made}
One of my goals in this challenge was that each letter should stand on its own as a good photo. I think I achieved that. You generated 3 different ideas and the final one was quite good.
I don't really know what "quite good" means. I just know it's not good enough.
When I started entering the challenges, I was running out of inspiration. I didn't know how to use my camera on manual. I had never used Photoshop. I took a lot of pictures and got lucky sometimes. I've learned a lot and I have a long way to go.
Photoshop I know ... my camera is ok, but it has it's limitations.
Jenn - I felt the same way after my first challenge entry. I was going to quit because I felt I was out of my league. Ha - still do, but I have made finals 2/4 times that I tried. I was encouraged to keep trying so I did. Stick with it....if anything, you push yourself to new levels and that only makes you better in the long run. You learn from your own mistakes and you learn from the creativity and techniques of others.
How do you know what is a 'mistake' vs what is just a difference in creativity and personal taste?
You made me go back and look at how many challenges I have done. Started at Challenge #20 over a year ago. It was hard at first but it made me work on things I never had dreamed of doing. Gets you out of the box and really have some fun.
Can be frustrating at times also, but the benefits have outweighed the frustrations.
Keep shooting dont give up
I like taking pictures.. I just don't know how to reach the goal.
You said, "You all win just for taking the time to try". I understand the concept, and part of me nods my head and says.. 'yep .. uh huh.. that's so true' ... but the rest of me says 'that's what people say to other people just to make them feel good about failing'.
I wouldn't say it if I did not believe it, granted I have had past success but we all have to start somewhere and learning starts with keeping an open mind to new things. If all you focus on is trying to please others instead of yourself I agree you will be met with frustration.
You started by saying that the themes give you inspiration. If that is the case let that inspiration guide you and do not try and conform to what you think might be the opinion of others.
If you can not be truly happy with your work and it pleases you then I recommend you rethink your motivations.
I can't improve if people tell me my image is good and then the judge says it's too busy. It's hard to process how to get better at something when the goal is ambiguous and dependent upon personal opinions about artistic interpretation. Am I making sense? I don't want to complain or anything... I'm just not sure how to reach the goal when you really don't know what a judge is going to look for, what they like, or what they don't like... I guess I'm a goal oriented person .. give me the bottom line .. tell me what you want and that's what I'll produce for you.
The opinions that you solicit are just that, opinions just like the two judges that take the time to give theirs. I honestly do not know many if any contests where you can know how a judge thinks. Most times when you submit an image to a magazine or put your art in for a traditional show you do not even know who the judges are much less what they think.
Dgrin gives you a rare opportunity to share and learn. If all your trying to do is win you certainly will eventually do so, but at what expense to yourself and your own personal feeling about who you are as an artist?
Each and every time you enter a challenge or any contest for that matter you are giving yourself an opportunity to see what wins compared to your own work and take that information and apply it to your own style and your own artistic sense. If you reject that information and throw up your hands because your work was not chosen by two judges "you don't even know", then you are not being fair to yourself.
This may seem harsh or something someone would say to appease the "losers" - you are what you believe you are. Do not believe anything except what you want to be. That is where anyone wishing to achieve their goals must begin.
Enough words.
I really do hope you continue to share your obvious passion with us.
You can't think about what a judge will like or dislike because there is no way to know that in advance. Honestly, I think about what I like. That might sound conceited and may not ultimately get me the win, but I have to trust my own instincts. I haven't even asked for comments before I post because I'm afraid of the critique since everyone has varying opinions and tastes. If it were just the judges commenting, you'd know where you stand. You are braver than me for even asking; I can't get to that point yet.
Of course the obvious goal is to be chosen, but if not, there is always the next one. And the one after that.... And in the interim, you're doing great if you learn something. Make that the real goal.
My model who posed for the last challenge asked how we did. I told him we weren't in the finals and he felt like it was his fault - he apologized. I immediately smiled and told him not to worry, I was already on to the next one! :photo I knew there were submissions that were more worthy than mine was, so I just took a breath and marched forward. These people are good and the competition is tough. That just pushes me harder which is good!
I'm just waiting for the burn-out to hit. Hopefully, not for a while.
Jenn I'm so sorry you feel frustrated, I know for me I had trouble in the last round because what I thought was a masterpiece in my eyes was not in others eyes, but then again I do laugh at my own jokes and sometimes I'm the only one laughing! I remember when I was young I was an artist and my dad always told me that I would never make it as an artist and that artist are a dime a dozen and all my art work went straight to the trash when I gave it to my mom. I really tried to gain acceptance and was hurt terrible when I didn't get it. But I have come to terms I will keep doing what I love let the passion for this art burn and love what I do even if no one comments on my work but choose to learn and grow with each snap of the camera and one day I will learn how to work my camera lol I'm still using auto hahaha. I hope you don't quit jenn we only fail when we give up!
Oh, and you asked about mistakes. I think you know when something isn't up to par based on comments and comparisons to other submissions. You have to be objective about your own work and not take things personally. It's hard because you put so much time into it and it becomes your focus. I can't tell you how many times I was happy with what I did and then saw something someone else did and my jaw dropped. Sure it's slap, but it's also a reality check. Time to up the ante!
I have a suggestion; are you a member of the Dailies? That is a great place to stay creative and motivated, plus learn a great deal about yourself. I've improved since I started that a while ago. I'll also admit that I have a long way to go.
I wouldn't say it if I did not believe it, granted I have had past success but we all have to start somewhere and learning starts with keeping an open mind to new things. If all you focus on is trying to please others instead of yourself I agree you will be met with frustration.
I understand what you're saying. Pleasing others is what makes the world go around if a person wants to get anywhere, right? Isn't that part of the point of a challenge.. to find out what other people like, get them to vote for you, so you can win the prize? (I'm not trying to argue with anyone ... more like just trying to process this new thing I'm trying to do... these challenges.)
You started by saying that the themes give you inspiration. If that is the case let that inspiration guide you and do not try and conform to what you think might be the opinion of others.
I thought I was supposed to ask people what they thought about my images so I could make them more like what people wanted to see? Didn't you tell me to do that, or did I misunderstand?
The opinions that you solicit are just that, opinions just like the two judges that take the time to give theirs. I honestly do not know many if any contests where you can know how a judge thinks. Most times when you submit an image to a magazine or put your art in for a traditional show you do not even know who the judges are much less what they think.
I've never submitted anything to a magazine before or put any of my images in a show, either. I wouldn't know where to begin to even do that. Mostly, my clients tell me what they want and that's what I create, since I'm a web and graphic designer. I don't usually create what I want... it's what they want. I have done some images where I just let loose with creativity, tho for the fun of doing it for myself which I enjoyed alot.
Dgrin gives you a rare opportunity to share and learn. If all your trying to do is win you certainly will eventually do so, but at what expense to yourself and your own personal feeling about who you are as an artist?
I'd be lieing if I said I didn't want to win. Seems that is the goal of entering any contest or challenge. Perhaps, I'm just not really sure if I even am an artist. It's a bit intimidating to see what everyone else has done. I get the occasional really good picture, and the rest are totally ordinary. On the other hand, one way to improve is to get right in the middle of experts and fail over and over again until some of their talent rubs off on you. The failing over and over again part can be very disheartening, tho.
Each and every time you enter a challenge or any contest for that matter you are giving yourself an opportunity to see what wins compared to your own work and take that information and apply it to your own style and your own artistic sense. If you reject that information and throw up your hands because your work was not chosen by two judges "you don't even know", then you are not being fair to yourself.
I understand what you're saying... and I'm thinking about it.
This may seem harsh or something someone would say to appease the "losers" - you are what you believe you are. Do not believe anything except what you want to be. That is where anyone wishing to achieve their goals must begin.
I don't feel you have said anything harsh. Sometimes, what people say triggers complicated emotions... agreement along with disagreement all at the same time. My mind understands and agrees, but what I'm feeling at the time isn't anything close to what my mind is saying.
You can't think about what a judge will like or dislike because there is no way to know that in advance. Honestly, I think about what I like. That might sound conceited and may not ultimately get me the win, but I have to trust my own instincts. I haven't even asked for comments before I post because I'm afraid of the critique since everyone has varying opinions and tastes. If it were just the judges commenting, you'd know where you stand. You are braver than me for even asking; I can't get to that point yet.
Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment? ... and thanks for listening.
Of course the obvious goal is to be chosen, but if not, there is always the next one. And the one after that.... And in the interim, you're doing great if you learn something. Make that the real goal.
Easier said than done, for me anyway. I'm a bit harder on myself than I should be, at times.
My model who posed for the last challenge asked how we did. I told him we weren't in the finals and he felt like it was his fault - he apologized. I immediately smiled and told him not to worry, I was already on to the next one! :photo I knew there were submissions that were more worthy than mine was, so I just took a breath and marched forward. These people are good and the competition is tough. That just pushes me harder which is good!
I understand what you're saying.... but even we need to feel what it's like to win now and then because there will always be someone who is better.
Oh, and you asked about mistakes. I think you know when something isn't up to par based on comments and comparisons to other submissions. You have to be objective about your own work and not take things personally.
Actually, I didn't know because when I posted my third entry the comments from people said it was pretty good.. much better... etc. I mentioned I wasn't sure if it was too 'busy' or not, but no one said it was,, so I thought if ya'll said it was pretty good then it wasn't too busy.
It's hard because you put so much time into it and it becomes your focus. I can't tell you how many times I was happy with what I did and then saw something someone else did and my jaw dropped. Sure it's slap, but it's also a reality check. Time to up the ante!
Nothing wrong with dislikeing being slapped, as you say.
Jenn I'm so sorry you feel frustrated, I know for me I had trouble in the last round because what I thought was a masterpiece in my eyes was not in others eyes, but then again I do laugh at my own jokes and sometimes I'm the only one laughing! I remember when I was young I was an artist and my dad always told me that I would never make it as an artist and that artist are a dime a dozen and all my art work went straight to the trash when I gave it to my mom. I really tried to gain acceptance and was hurt terrible when I didn't get it. But I have come to terms I will keep doing what I love let the passion for this art burn and love what I do even if no one comments on my work but choose to learn and grow with each snap of the camera and one day I will learn how to work my camera lol I'm still using auto hahaha. I hope you don't quit jenn we only fail when we give up!
Thanks for understanding, me_minihaha. I think I will sit next to you for a while, in spirit anyway... ... I love creating graphics, and occasionally I get a good photo, but seems I have to take alot of them before I get a good one!
I thought I was supposed to ask people what they thought about my images so I could make them more like what people wanted to see? Didn't you tell me to do that, or did I misunderstand?
Yes I did say to go ask for feedback. This was when you asked me my opinion in a PM. My own personal opinion is just one small slice of thought, how would that have helped everyone else in the community?
Asking for feedback is a way to round out your thought patterns and refine a creative vision. You do not have to take everything everyone says to heart but it is an really good exercise in getting to know yourself and your peers who have the same goals and motivations as you do, since we are all hanging out in the same place.
The important thing to remember is everyone is different and everyone has different triggers that like or dislike something so one "I like" is easily "I dislike" from one person to another. The trick is learning how to express your creativity so that is pleases you personally first and also have a pleasant side effect of pleasing others. I have learned over the years that art and photography speaks the spirit behind the artists intent. If you are happy and enthusiastic about your work it rubs off on others. If all your doing is conforming to what others think you should be and you dislike doing it, that dislike is somehow communicated in your work. Intense I know but it seems to be the case.
Seconds on the thoughts!
Each year I'll bet it has been a challenge in itself to find someone to be as good as the Mod before and find someone who brings good-energy to the game!
Great Work Sean!
I am a Moderator myself on a large medical board, so I know how important it is to have a great group. Makes all the difference in the world!
I'd like to thank everyone, including our Moderator, for the great experience I've had so far.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I noticed that some comments I've made in the challenge entries have disappeared. Why would that happen? (They were nice comments!)
I'm wondering if I only think I made the comments...
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
You may be nuts, but this is not evidence of it.
That is the case. You left a nice comment on my original Utensil. The comment disappeared when I replaced my entry.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Whatshesaw - yes, to a degree I am a bit nuts. Thanks for the laugh!
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I'm glad you laughed. I think a lot of folks don't get my jokes.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Jenn you have just barely begun playing - some regular participants have taken many rounds before one of their entries was put into the vote. Part of the fun is just having a theme to shoot for. Looking back on my collection of images that I produced for Dgrin challenges I have to say some of my absolute best work was the result. Keep on keeping on and try to remember to have fun and do not worry about the win. You all win just for taking the time to try.
P.S. The official result are not all in by the way :tiptoe so everyone still has a chance.
Don't give up so quickly. I have been playing for more than a year now and seldom make it to the finals. The best I have done in the voting round is 2 votes. When I focus on results, I get down. So I have changed my focus.
Focus on the process. Did you enjoy looking for letters? Are you pleased with the results? One of my goals in this challenge was that each letter should stand on its own as a good photo. I think I achieved that. You generated 3 different ideas and the final one was quite good.
When I started entering the challenges, I was running out of inspiration. I didn't know how to use my camera on manual. I had never used Photoshop. I took a lot of pictures and got lucky sometimes. I've learned a lot and I have a long way to go.
Jenn - I felt the same way after my first challenge entry. I was going to quit because I felt I was out of my league. Ha - still do, but I have made finals 2/4 times that I tried. I was encouraged to keep trying so I did. Stick with it....if anything, you push yourself to new levels and that only makes you better in the long run. You learn from your own mistakes and you learn from the creativity and techniques of others.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
You made me go back and look at how many challenges I have done. Started at Challenge #20 over a year ago. It was hard at first but it made me work on things I never had dreamed of doing. Gets you out of the box and really have some fun.
Can be frustrating at times also, but the benefits have outweighed the frustrations.
Keep shooting dont give up
I like the part of having a theme to shoot for... I feel a bit frustrated because instead of making an image I feel inspired to do, I'm trying to figure out what some judge I don't know might like or spend more time trying to please other people as to what they might like... then when people say they like one image more than another, it gets no votes in the end. It kind of sets me up to fail because I am really competing with people out of my league as far as photog ability goes. I love doing images when I feel inspired, and really hate feeling like a failure when I am not pleasing people who are judging what I create.
You said, "You all win just for taking the time to try". I understand the concept, and part of me nods my head and says.. 'yep .. uh huh.. that's so true' ... but the rest of me says 'that's what people say to other people just to make them feel good about failing'.
I can't improve if people tell me my image is good and then the judge says it's too busy. It's hard to process how to get better at something when the goal is ambiguous and dependent upon personal opinions about artistic interpretation. Am I making sense? I don't want to complain or anything... I'm just not sure how to reach the goal when you really don't know what a judge is going to look for, what they like, or what they don't like... I guess I'm a goal oriented person .. give me the bottom line .. tell me what you want and that's what I'll produce for you.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I don't really know what "quite good" means. I just know it's not good enough.
Photoshop I know ... my camera is ok, but it has it's limitations.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
How do you know what is a 'mistake' vs what is just a difference in creativity and personal taste?
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I wouldn't say it if I did not believe it, granted I have had past success but we all have to start somewhere and learning starts with keeping an open mind to new things. If all you focus on is trying to please others instead of yourself I agree you will be met with frustration.
You started by saying that the themes give you inspiration. If that is the case let that inspiration guide you and do not try and conform to what you think might be the opinion of others.
If you can not be truly happy with your work and it pleases you then I recommend you rethink your motivations.
The opinions that you solicit are just that, opinions just like the two judges that take the time to give theirs. I honestly do not know many if any contests where you can know how a judge thinks. Most times when you submit an image to a magazine or put your art in for a traditional show you do not even know who the judges are much less what they think.
Dgrin gives you a rare opportunity to share and learn. If all your trying to do is win you certainly will eventually do so, but at what expense to yourself and your own personal feeling about who you are as an artist?
Each and every time you enter a challenge or any contest for that matter you are giving yourself an opportunity to see what wins compared to your own work and take that information and apply it to your own style and your own artistic sense. If you reject that information and throw up your hands because your work was not chosen by two judges "you don't even know", then you are not being fair to yourself.
This may seem harsh or something someone would say to appease the "losers" - you are what you believe you are. Do not believe anything except what you want to be. That is where anyone wishing to achieve their goals must begin.
Enough words.
I really do hope you continue to share your obvious passion with us.
You can't think about what a judge will like or dislike because there is no way to know that in advance. Honestly, I think about what I like. That might sound conceited and may not ultimately get me the win, but I have to trust my own instincts. I haven't even asked for comments before I post because I'm afraid of the critique since everyone has varying opinions and tastes. If it were just the judges commenting, you'd know where you stand. You are braver than me for even asking; I can't get to that point yet.
Of course the obvious goal is to be chosen, but if not, there is always the next one. And the one after that.... And in the interim, you're doing great if you learn something. Make that the real goal.
My model who posed for the last challenge asked how we did. I told him we weren't in the finals and he felt like it was his fault - he apologized. I immediately smiled and told him not to worry, I was already on to the next one! :photo I knew there were submissions that were more worthy than mine was, so I just took a breath and marched forward. These people are good and the competition is tough. That just pushes me harder which is good!
I'm just waiting for the burn-out to hit. Hopefully, not for a while.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
"It's awesome to be ALIVE!"
Oh, and you asked about mistakes. I think you know when something isn't up to par based on comments and comparisons to other submissions. You have to be objective about your own work and not take things personally. It's hard because you put so much time into it and it becomes your focus. I can't tell you how many times I was happy with what I did and then saw something someone else did and my jaw dropped. Sure it's slap, but it's also a reality check. Time to up the ante!
I have a suggestion; are you a member of the Dailies? That is a great place to stay creative and motivated, plus learn a great deal about yourself. I've improved since I started that a while ago. I'll also admit that I have a long way to go.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I understand what you're saying. Pleasing others is what makes the world go around if a person wants to get anywhere, right?
I thought I was supposed to ask people what they thought about my images so I could make them more like what people wanted to see? Didn't you tell me to do that, or did I misunderstand?
... not quite sure I understand what you mean.
I've never submitted anything to a magazine before or put any of my images in a show, either. I wouldn't know where to begin to even do that. Mostly, my clients tell me what they want and that's what I create, since I'm a web and graphic designer. I don't usually create what I want... it's what they want. I have done some images where I just let loose with creativity, tho for the fun of doing it for myself which I enjoyed alot.
I'd be lieing if I said I didn't want to win. Seems that is the goal of entering any contest or challenge. Perhaps, I'm just not really sure if I even am an artist. It's a bit intimidating to see what everyone else has done. I get the occasional really good picture, and the rest are totally ordinary. On the other hand, one way to improve is to get right in the middle of experts and fail over and over again until some of their talent rubs off on you. The failing over and over again part can be very disheartening, tho.
I understand what you're saying... and I'm thinking about it.
I don't feel you have said anything harsh. Sometimes, what people say triggers complicated emotions... agreement along with disagreement all at the same time. My mind understands and agrees, but what I'm feeling at the time isn't anything close to what my mind is saying.
thanks ..... You think I have an obvious passion?
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Easier said than done, for me anyway. I'm a bit harder on myself than I should be, at times.
I understand what you're saying.... but even we need to feel what it's like to win now and then because there will always be someone who is better.
(I'm including your other post here) Actually, I didn't know because when I posted my third entry the comments from people said it was pretty good.. much better... etc. I mentioned I wasn't sure if it was too 'busy' or not, but no one said it was,, so I thought if ya'll said it was pretty good then it wasn't too busy.
Nothing wrong with dislikeing being slapped, as you say.
Never heard of 'Dailies'... what is it?
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Thanks for understanding, me_minihaha. I think I will sit next to you for a while, in spirit anyway...
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Yes I did say to go ask for feedback. This was when you asked me my opinion in a PM. My own personal opinion is just one small slice of thought, how would that have helped everyone else in the community?
Asking for feedback is a way to round out your thought patterns and refine a creative vision. You do not have to take everything everyone says to heart but it is an really good exercise in getting to know yourself and your peers who have the same goals and motivations as you do, since we are all hanging out in the same place.
The important thing to remember is everyone is different and everyone has different triggers that like or dislike something so one "I like" is easily "I dislike" from one person to another. The trick is learning how to express your creativity so that is pleases you personally first and also have a pleasant side effect of pleasing others. I have learned over the years that art and photography speaks the spirit behind the artists intent. If you are happy and enthusiastic about your work it rubs off on others. If all your doing is conforming to what others think you should be and you dislike doing it, that dislike is somehow communicated in your work. Intense I know but it seems to be the case.
Back to your passion
Here is some of what my passion is...
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I really like the last one. Nice color schemes.
Thanks for sharing.