SmugMug soft launches Bay Photo integration

Hi pros,
You'll notice when you go to your pricing tool that it has been re-worked (yay!) to be much easier, and it has two important new features.
One is you now set your preference for color adjustment, which removes the choice from the customer's hands in the shopping cart. They no longer have to scratch their heads over what auto or true color means.
The other is we're now offering a choice of labs. We gathered preferences from thousands of existing and potential customers and tested the ones we heard the most raves about. We ended up settling on Bay Photo. Here's why.
A few notes:
- Bay Photo is only available to pro-level subscribers.
- We added the necessary things to make it work, like the pricing tool, help pages, catalogs, etc., but we haven't mentioned it on our marketing pages. That's what we mean by soft launch.
- We will be adding more Bay Photo products in the future.
- As I write this post at 1 a.m. we're still rolling it out and chasing a few loose ends.
EDIT, by Andy, 830am PT 1/28: We've a few minor bugs, working on them today - proof delay screen in your order admin may look a bit broken - we'll fix it. Old orders are also a bit broken in your history screens. We'll get it fixed.
Thanks for the great feedback that helped make this happen!
All the best,
You'll notice when you go to your pricing tool that it has been re-worked (yay!) to be much easier, and it has two important new features.
One is you now set your preference for color adjustment, which removes the choice from the customer's hands in the shopping cart. They no longer have to scratch their heads over what auto or true color means.
The other is we're now offering a choice of labs. We gathered preferences from thousands of existing and potential customers and tested the ones we heard the most raves about. We ended up settling on Bay Photo. Here's why.
A few notes:
- Bay Photo is only available to pro-level subscribers.
- We added the necessary things to make it work, like the pricing tool, help pages, catalogs, etc., but we haven't mentioned it on our marketing pages. That's what we mean by soft launch.
- We will be adding more Bay Photo products in the future.
- As I write this post at 1 a.m. we're still rolling it out and chasing a few loose ends.
EDIT, by Andy, 830am PT 1/28: We've a few minor bugs, working on them today - proof delay screen in your order admin may look a bit broken - we'll fix it. Old orders are also a bit broken in your history screens. We'll get it fixed.
Thanks for the great feedback that helped make this happen!
All the best,
Look now.
It's all human beings. A very awesome team of them with some fabulous toys to do the work.
Power users strike out again. Can you throw us a bone?
You gotta be effen kidding! All that discussion, agonizing wait? Sure I don't sell my photos online, but that doesn't mean I don't want better options, including my panoramics and large prints shipped flat.
Sorry had to vent
(Baldy, some of the links on the "test method" pages point to passworded galleries.)
Hence the additional cost. But worth it if you don't do it yourself I am sure. Can we get a full "comparrison" of features from the old to the new?
Leander, Texas
Agreed. No love for the power users.
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This was more important than coupons and packages? I don't think so...
Yeah, hand color correction is used and adored by a huge number of professional photographers who use Bay Photo every day.
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Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
I'll be interested in trying out some of the watercolor glicee. I see no options for specifying mounting, so I can only assume for now, all prints come unmounted. (no foam core, gatorboard, etc).
As an FYI, when I go into review old sales, products purchased no longer show up. The sales summary page is fine, but when I try to look at the details of an individual sale, there is info missing. (but I'm sure you already knew that and are working on it)
I have some color correction questions. How is the color correction from Bay Photo different than the color correction from EZprints? Also, just as a curiosity... wouldn't color correction be done on a computer monitor, and require the same amount of effort regardless of print size? I wonder why it costs more to do color correction of larger prints.
I'm probably going to have a lot of questions about the Bay Photos color correction, seeing as using it full time will be a bit of an investment, and I want to be sure I know what I am paying for.
new lab, only hand or none is available. This forces the higher prices with any
corrections using the new lab when in most cases the auto corrections
worked fine.
Could the auto color correction option be added?
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Bay Photo has extremely talented color technicians and the color correction is done individually, by hand
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I've been anxiously waiting for this for a while (I think since the new shopping cart was launched) and glad to see it come to fruition. BayPhoto is a great choice, I use them for lower tier albums and they do a great job (Zookbinders for my upper tier albums). Hopefully, we'll be able to integrate all their products, including albums, into our SM workflow.
I certainly don't mind paying a little extra for higher quality prints and more precise color correction. The die-cut wallets will be a huge plus for senior packages.
Thanks for adding staff to make other changes happen quicker (packages, discounts, gift certificates...).
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David Evertsen Member
At Bay, it's done entirely by hand. Great question, and we struggled with this too, to be honest. We've set the pricing to be what is as competitive as possible out there.
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Glad I didn't order those Metallic prints yet!!
I do actually think so. The additional stuff and quality here is more important to me than coupons. But Coupons would be 1b to this 1a.
Thanks all!
Leander, Texas
Do the Bay orders ship in the same Smugmug packaging as EZP?
Are there more pro goodies coming?
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If I were shooting seniors (this doesn't exist in my town) then my package would include die cut walltes.
Shooting sports - I want to offer die cuts, trader cards or magazine covers (and I hope those get added to the offering).
If I shot weddings, I would love the color correction service plus, plus, plus.
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You can't have a mixture of EZPrints and Bay Photo pricing in the same gallery. Correct?
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and then start here for packaging shots:
For now, boxes will have our sticker on them that says to email our help desk if there are any issues. There will be some new cool shipping options in the future, we hope!
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I'm excited to get the prints. Hopefully we don't overload poor Bay Photo with our initial round of prints.
I'm also curious to see how long it takes to get the prints shipped to Arizona. I chose basic shipping just to test this out.
I'm also super excited about the packaging. My number one reason for print returns has been problems with the packaging. Bends, folds, creases, and problems unrolling prints.