Finalists for DSS #27 (Singular or Plural)

Nothing like a good ol' round of black and white to really up the ante! Fantastic images this round. :clap
Your gracious judges, Greensquared and HoofClix, agreed on three images, giving you a total of seventeen finalists to choose from.
Any resgistered member of DGrin can vote, and the poll will be open for 72 hours. Cast your vote while you can!
JAG - PARADOX: A Pair of Pants

miskatonic_university - King of Solitude - Mr. Lonely

cbsnet - and then there were two....

davev - The Spirit Tree

ghinson - Single at Sail

sherstone - solitary confinement

jeffmeyers - A Singular Catch

silversx80 - Formation of Thunderbirds

moose135 - Quiet Before The Storm

CWSkopec - Many Become One

photo-bug - Art Gallery

nightpixels - One Basket of Flowers for Every Fallen Hero

michswiss - Many Mao's

Kinkajou - Cherries

Flyinggina - Waiting Its Turn

bf2015 - Fairytale Rush-Hour: 10 Lanes All to Myself
Your gracious judges, Greensquared and HoofClix, agreed on three images, giving you a total of seventeen finalists to choose from.
Any resgistered member of DGrin can vote, and the poll will be open for 72 hours. Cast your vote while you can!
JAG - PARADOX: A Pair of Pants

miskatonic_university - King of Solitude - Mr. Lonely

cbsnet - and then there were two....

davev - The Spirit Tree

ghinson - Single at Sail

sherstone - solitary confinement

jeffmeyers - A Singular Catch

silversx80 - Formation of Thunderbirds

moose135 - Quiet Before The Storm

CWSkopec - Many Become One

photo-bug - Art Gallery

nightpixels - One Basket of Flowers for Every Fallen Hero

michswiss - Many Mao's

Kinkajou - Cherries

Flyinggina - Waiting Its Turn

bf2015 - Fairytale Rush-Hour: 10 Lanes All to Myself

No joke! Go team!!!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Good job everyone and good luck!
Now on to contemplate DSS #28.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Congrats to all!
Well, I voted shortly after the poll was submitted. I voted for my favorite of the 17, but for the life of me, I can't remember which one that is. They're all so great.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
I'm honored and very humbled to be included. Special thanks to those of you who commented on my proposed entry and pushed me to improve it.
There are some simply amazing shots - each one special in its own way - singular, one might say.
It is going to be very hard for me to choose just one.
Gotta sleep on it.
Bravo to everyone who participated. Black and white brought out really amazing creativity and vision. Be proud!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Lots of great shots, good luck everyone.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Thanks for all the kind words about the photo!!!
Baby (Clear Cadence or CC) was born 6/3/09 at 11:45pm. She was standing in about 15minutes and was happily nursing about 3am. By 5:30 we took a nap for two hours and then got up and took more photos. The photo I entered in was taken a little after 9am. Throughout the night I took tons of photos and video and mom was great with us being there.
It's somewhat intimidating taking photos of an animal that if for some reason was concerned about her baby, can send you 20 feet into the air before you realize what happened.
Again thanks for all the kind works and please visit other photos at...
and the videos at ...
Gongratulations to all the beautiful entries this round - I know it was hard to pick up just 10
Congratulations to the finalists - I see that almost all my favorites are here
... and I'm so happy to see mine part of them - Thank you so much!!! :ivar ...... Facebook
Thank you everyone!
Congratulations to all of the entrants and finalists, one super wild ride of a round this time. Now we get to hang on for the final loop de loop
(excuse the roller coaster analogy, but I always feel white knuckled at this stage)
What a hard job both Greensquared and Hoofclix had, thanks to both of you!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
It's a learning experience.
My Blog
No, huh? :smack
Seriously, I've lived through a number of these challenges and I've not seen a round like this. I'm not surprised that the judges could not agree on a number of them. I expected to see a poll of 20 entries to choose from and I wasn't that far off.
There was some really fine work exhibited in this round.
Congratulations to those who made the cut.
The color version is every bit as nice as the B&W one you entered into this challenge. I hope that one of them will be hanging on your wall.
My Site, My Book
Neat!! Congratulations.. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Congrats to everyone!
My SmugMug
Congrat's to everyone. Amazing photo's from all. Good luck to all the finalist. It took forever to pick just one. Now I need a nap. Wow
Yeah. Lots and lots of quality images. Very good work from a whole lot of people. I've been swamped with work and such for the past 4 weeks and not been able to contribute much to the conversation and critiques here; but I still drop in, look, and learn from everyone. Congrats to all the finalists!
Jeff Meyers
Congrats to all the finalists
Facebook Fan Page
oooooboy! Congrates to you too Dan! Praying the delivery goes well!
Congratulations to you and your family Dan....Do we get to see pictures of the new bundle of joy..?
And, yes, we want to see pictures!