Show us your mug! Introduce yourself here.



  • Chile ChefChile Chef Registered Users Posts: 473 Major grins
    edited July 20, 2009
    I have been out of photography for a long time and other than a Pentax P&S I have not used a digital camera. I have just purchased an Olympus E-520 with two kit lenses and have just ordered a Zuiko 50mm F2.0 Macro lens. My intention is to focus (pun intended) on portraits.

    I included this self-portrait. First time that I have ever tried to take my own picture.

    Attachment not found.
    Guy looks like Gorden freeman from the game Halflife 1 & 2. Which is pretty darn cool!
  • Chile ChefChile Chef Registered Users Posts: 473 Major grins
    edited July 20, 2009
    Brando, I don't see a photo???? While I'm here, guess I should give a mug shot. Here's me with my first king (my husband was photographer).

    I live in Juneau, Alaska. Have always considered myself an "artist", but really got into photography when my dh bought me my first digital camera in 2002. I've always enjoyed taking photos, just never had a camera that got the results I wanted. I'm still learning, and know that I've barely touched the surface in all there is to learn in photography.

    I am a stay-at-home-mom (part time), part time RN, and part time "starting my own business" photographer. I'm a full-time wife, mother to 3, and homeschool teacher to the same 3.

    I'm interested in many things, but I think I have finally found my passion...
    Hey a big one that didn't get away finely!
  • beyondphotosbeyondphotos Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited July 24, 2009
    Hi, Yep another newbie here!
    I just love the forum. I've only been here a couple of hours and I've checked out lots of good stuff.

    Here I am with my 8 yr old granddaughter. That's me on the right!
  • GibeyersonGibeyerson Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited July 25, 2009
    Me @ 08 Indy 500
    Here I am checking out a preproduction 2009 Camaro.[IMG][/img]P5265909-1.jpg
  • Chrissiebeez_NLChrissiebeez_NL Registered Users Posts: 1,295 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2009
    welcome all!!

    I'm sure youll all have a nice time here, just remember to participate (even if youre not sure what to say and unsure of the techniques etc) and you'll learn a whole lot! thumb.gif

    See you on the forum!wings.gif
    Visit my website at
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited July 31, 2009
    This is me.
  • CSR StudioCSR Studio Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited August 14, 2009
    Hi, I'm Sandy, new member and president of CSR Studio. Great to be here. Here in my pic, I was checking lighting for a portrait, so I actually got a decent shot.
  • DorsetSteveDorsetSteve Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited August 15, 2009
    Hi all

    Not very flattering but here goes.

    Out in the training field with 2 of my gundogs. The lab is sadly no longer with us but the little springer pup has grown up into a little gem.

    When not taking pictures I can usually be found, during the season, in the beating line with my dogs or training when out of season.

    As you can see, high fashion is not one of my concernsrolleyes1.gifD:D


    Married men live longer than single men,
    but married men are a lot more willing to die.
  • Sexy6ChickSexy6Chick Registered Users Posts: 948 Major grins
    edited August 19, 2009
    I'm Natalie.

    Aaron (anwmn1) pointed me to this forum. Looking forward to learning the ins and outs of becoming a better photographer. Aaron kindly showed me the basics of manual settings on my Olympus DSLR, it's a whole new world compared to the auto settings haha. I am what I would say a "newbie" even though I have been around photography all my life (my parents were photographers). I am originally from North Carolina, but I moved to Arizona after graduating in May of 2008.

    I shoot with an Olympus EVolt E300 and a Nikon D40. Just picked up the D40 a month or so ago.

    Don't let the username throw you, it is simply the username I have had on all the off-roading forums I am a part of for years and just figured i'd continue the trend. "Sexy6" was the name of my Mazda6 and I'm a girl so I threw the "chick" part on at the end.

    Here is me and my fiance:

    And doing what I love:

    A lover of all things photography.

    Olympus E-500

    My Smugmug Gallery
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited August 20, 2009
    Welcome all. clap.gifclapclap.gif
  • anwmn1anwmn1 Registered Users Posts: 3,469 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2009
    Sexy6Chick wrote:
    I'm Natalie.

    Aaron (anwmn1) pointed me to this forum. Looking forward to learning the ins and outs of becoming a better photographer. Aaron kindly showed me the basics of manual settings on my Olympus DSLR, it's a whole new world compared to the auto settings haha. I am what I would say a "newbie" even though I have been around photography all my life (my parents were photographers). I am originally from North Carolina, but I moved to Arizona after graduating in May of 2008.

    I shoot with an Olympus EVolt E300 and a Nikon D40. Just picked up the D40 a month or so ago.

    Don't let the username throw you, it is simply the username I have had on all the off-roading forums I am a part of for years and just figured i'd continue the trend. "Sexy6" was the name of my Mazda6 and I'm a girl so I threw the "chick" part on at the end.

    Here is me and my fiance:

    And doing what I love:


    Welcome Natalie- you will like it here. Still need to attempt to follow you all on a trail sometime.
    "The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"

    Aaron Newman
    Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
  • Sexy6ChickSexy6Chick Registered Users Posts: 948 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2009
    anwmn1 wrote:

    Welcome Natalie- you will like it here. Still need to attempt to follow you all on a trail sometime.

    Would be happy to have ya. I will let you know when we plan another outing :)

    A lover of all things photography.

    Olympus E-500

    My Smugmug Gallery
  • mtbparkermtbparker Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited August 24, 2009
    Introducing myself
    This looks like the thread to introduce ourselves. I'm Tom. I'm pretty new here. If it gives you any idea, I'm still in the 14-day trial period. But it's already pretty clear to me. I'll be getting an account here.

    I've been interested in photography for almost 10 years. But only recently, with my first DSLR, has this picture taking thing been able to go anywhere. I had a 35mm SLR, but it got way too expensive way too quick.

    You should understand. The cost went beyond the normal "It's to darned expensive to develop film!" I'm an engineer by trade... By default, that means I'm artistically challenged!! :D I was spending a lot of money on some pretty crappy shots. But digital fixed the money problem and now I'm trying like hell to take a good picture in spite of myself.

    My other big, large, HUGE interest is aviation. I'm a pilot. I love flying. So you can see where this might be going. Aviation photography. I went out to Osh Kosh this year armed with my camera and monster lenses thinking I was pretty cool. Then I came back and looked at pretty humbling. I even tried submitting some and got rejected. No biggie. I know I've got a lot of learning to do.

    I hope to learn a lot here and hope to eventually return the favor to the next newbie that comes in.

    You can find me here on SmugMug at


    Tom Parker
  • Dancer72Dancer72 Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited September 10, 2009
    Now Introducing...Dancer72!
    Hi there! I actually just joined Dgrin today and am VERY excited about viewing everyone's photos as well as sharing mine. My love of photography is derived from my desire to have a digital scrapbook for each of my three young children. Now with the help of my husband and mentor (a member of Dgrin for the last couple of years), I have begun to hone my skills and am looking to specialize in portraits, focusing on infants and children.

    As for the first love is dance, all types, and started in dancing myself in 1972, and always wanted to be a Rockette. Since I'm WAY to short to be a part of their line, I'm hoping one day to get my photography skills to the level where I can actually do some shoots involving dancers in the studio and on can dream!

    Look forward to, and welcome, all C&C from the group!

    Caroline Brogen

    Member: PPA, PPAM
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited September 11, 2009
    Welcome Tom & Caroline!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • CyberSteakCyberSteak Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited September 13, 2009
    Yeah!!! I'm the new now. Which makes all new guys before me...old?

    Anywho. Brief intro. I've always loved art. Painting was what I did in my youth. Photography was always a huge interest. Painting and art for that matter never got the chance it deserved as life has a way of steering you away from your passions and dreams. Until of course, you find your way back.

    I bought my first DSLR about 3 months back (Canon 40D). Took my first photography class (Fundamentals with Jim Zuckerman over at and am now hooked to my camera and all the gear I've bought so far (EF 28-135 IS USM, EF 50mm f/1.8 II, EFS 10-22mm, EF 70-300mm, 500D diopter, some step-up rings, some uv filters, and a couple of lens hoods (SO much more to get). It's like Christmas morning when you were a kid and couldn't decide how to play with it all at the same time.

    So I now have an outlet to express my "artistic abilities" and am hoping to succeed. Everyone has a camera now-a-days and everyone's taking pictures. I'm hoping to stand out. Take photos that are art. Take photos I find fullfilling and can be proud of. And with any luck, become good enough that people will want me to help document moments in their lives. Some quick browsing through the forum led me to believe that this would be a good group to learn from and be a part of.

    Self portrait to follow. I don't have anything recent, and right now...I look like I'm up way past my bedtime (which I probably am). But hey if anyone wants to look at the product of the photocourse I can find it here...

    Canon 40D, 28-135mm, 50mm f/1.8, 10-22mm, 70-300, 580 EXII, ST-E2, 500D Diopter
  • SKnightSKnight Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited September 13, 2009
    Well I've been here for a little while but somehow missed this thread.

    I've always liked photography, started out just wanting to be able to capture what I saw while out and about. Got a Fuji S-7000 back in 2004, then stepped up to a Canon XSi late last year.

    As for what I look like, a candid my Sister caught. Despite how much I like to shoot, I have having my pic taken.

  • PinkShoesRCoolPinkShoesRCool Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited September 13, 2009
    Well, I've been lurking on here, and posting bits & pieces here & there, but I'll introduce myself.

    Hi, my name is Kristen, and I'm a photoholic. I first started shooting with a little 110 camera 'round the time I was 10 years old. Sad I know, starting at such a young age. But soon I became addicted to it, and took thousands of (really bad) photos over the next 13 years. Film was my gateway into the heavy stuff: digital & Photoshop. I was introduced to it a few years ago, and picked up my Canon Rebel DSLR about 6 months ago. Haven't put it down since. Hoping to get some help for my addiction on this site, although so far, I've seen a lot of enabling!

    I'll clean myself up for a self-portrait and add it in sometime this week, when I can break myself away from this camera. :giggle
  • dec200269dec200269 Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited September 13, 2009
    My mug

  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited September 15, 2009
    Welcome all wave.gif
  • Sc0ttySc0tty Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited September 16, 2009
    I've been lurking for too long and decided to start contributing and asking and applying myself. I'm just following the 'Getting started on Dgrin' thingy... Here's my mug!


    Annnddd... It's a bit larger than I like but when I try to insert the '-M' or '-S' right before the '.jpg' it goes blank! Is there any other way to re-size images?
    My dA
    Want to play a game?
    "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." - Dali
  • a4meeka4meek Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited September 29, 2009
    hello from california
    just wanted introduce myself. my name is miko im a hairdresser/salon owner by trade. things i like are cars, photography, house music, my dog, and last but not least my girlfriend. yes im a straight hairdresser mwink.gif. looking forward to learning more and hopefully sharing some pics too. currently shooting with canon 10d, 20d, and a leica d-lux 3.

  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Scott, Miko welcome to dgrin! wave.gif
  • plumchutneyplumchutney Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    another lurker stepping up with some activity rolleyes1.gif

    this is why I try to stay on the other side of the camera. my medium format james bond camera look....? ne_nau.gif

  • halfphildhalfphild Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited September 30, 2009
    halfphild productions
    Hallaaa! Hey guys. Excited to be a part of this community! Home-schooled photographer shootin with the best gear on the planet! Nikon D80. one of myself:
  • CyberSteakCyberSteak Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    a4meek wrote:
    just wanted introduce myself. my name is miko im a hairdresser/salon owner by trade. things i like are cars, photography, house music, my dog, and last but not least my girlfriend. yes im a straight hairdresser <img src="; border="0" alt="" >.

    <---guilty of thinking otherwise.

    Gotta hate stereo-types huh?

    Here's my pic finally.


    Canon 40D, 28-135mm, 50mm f/1.8, 10-22mm, 70-300, 580 EXII, ST-E2, 500D Diopter
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Welcome aboard guys! wave.gif
  • jdpst20jdpst20 Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited October 1, 2009
    Hello, all. My name is Josh and I just joined yesterday. I've been shooting for close to 8 Years. My 1st camera was a Nikon D100 that I still use today. Looking to upgrade however to a D300 very soon. I shoot pretty much anything for a hobby but have a degree in Graphic Design. Look forward to being on the forum.

    Also, If anybody is interested I posted up in the FS section I have a Nikon 300mm F2.8 VR for sale. I'm in the process of redoing my gear bag and that has to go to make some room for some new goodies.

    - Josh
  • MoeDancingMoeDancing Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited October 5, 2009
    Hello All! Happy Beginner Grinner Here!
    Hello Everyone!

    Delighted to be a part of this wonderful community! Initial Cruz indicates everyone is more than helpful!

    My name is Maureen and I look forward to lifelong friendships wings.gif

    This is me... moe :D

  • yendikenoyendikeno Registered Users Posts: 214 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2009
    Just saying hello
    as the title says, I'm saying hello to all of you, as I just joined, although have been shooting for awhile. Looking forward to learning, and contributing when I have something useful to post.

    That's about it, so now on to explore the rest of this place! :D
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