I am considering taking a photography position with a football team. One of the functions would be to upload the images into separate folders for every game. Then allow each player to purchase prints or (hopefully) buy the digital files. I know that theft might cut against my bottom line, but I still want to be able to offer it as an option.
Has there been any more definitive progress made on this often requested feature? I found even more ways then before where this would be appreciated.
I too would like to be able to sell the digital originals and SmugMug makes a little money in the process.
However, for my family members, I would like to still have the option to let them download it as they can right now (free); it beats having to send them a DVD of photos via snail mail. Thanks.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I'm a pro user from Australia and I'd like to see the same thing, ie the ability to sell images in the digital domain.
The concept of non-exclusive royalty-free licensing is already established at such user-supported online image libraries as
If the option existed at smugmug I'd close my shutterpoint account in the blink of an eye. Currently the lack of this facility is the only serious failing I can see with smugmug.
Hello I am a Smugmug member from Australia I am looking for an option to be able to be able to sell Digital Downloads of images.
Can anyone Suggest anything??
Digital Downloads
We are DYING for this with our event photography company. TO sell a digi download i have to go into the gallery, unlock it, TEACH the client how to save photo in original, and then lock galleyr again hoping client is honest about what they took! We get published every single month in one magazine here and it is an ordeal and a half to deal with digi downloads. I would LOVEto have a pro feature, where I can click a button, check a box, etc and it creates a page where the client can download the image(s) I let them after paying. EVEN better woudl be an upsale opportunity where I could offer each customer who buys a print to buy the digital download for the same cost. I gte asked about 7-15 times a week for this. It's crazy, but I also have 105,000 images on my smugmug site! Anybody know whta we can do to sell digi downloads? :
I'll make a caveat to my response to the above. One, I would not offer digital files for purchase of "general" or "stock" photos, somewhat for the reason stated below. But commissioned work (product, portraits, whatever) I would offer that option. I even know that some wedding photographers are starting to offer "digital" wedding packages, where the clients gets files, not albums and prints anymore. Right or wrong depends on your viewpoint and, ultimately, if your pocket gets sufficiently filled during the process.
Would making it an option in the shopping cart be acceptable?
Like in the dropdowns for prints, there was a dropdown for Digital File or Digital Image or something?
And then at the end, on the order complete page, they'd have the option of downloading their image, and we could include a link in the order confirmation email as well?
Would your customers understand that "add to cart" also adds digital downloads?
I have wondered when this feature would get requested
If I have understod correctly SM could be doing it's own version of an image library, licensing images
It can't be difficult for a programmer to make a system where there is a limited licence for use for one price, or unlimited for another
Just look at any of the other digital image licensing sites for inspiration.
The options usually are Royalty free use for one price, or licensed use for another price. Some sites even vary the price depending on the license.
I would think that this would be very popluar with a LOT of photographers but should be thoroughly researched and done properly, NOT just an add on option in the current shopping cart that people could get confused about.
But I would definitely love this facility to be available, no one is going to buy PRINTS of STOCK photography, or a bunch of other stuff that would however VERY MUCH create an income via licensing. Obviously it needs to be an option that can be turned on or off and only for the pro accounts
SM could make money exactly the same way tthey do now, i.e. have a minimum download cost which the pro can adjust to make their profit too.
The base price has to be low because except for unusual shots, stock can be bought for next to nothing elsewhere, ( it is to compete with the stock agencies as some are very low indeed)
NB: I think SM would have to be prepared for a HUGE influx of new subscribers if they do this because tis is a facility that LOT of photogs want and is one of the reasons that SM gets missed when they are looking for hosting and licensing, but you can bet they had a look cos SM is recommended all over the net.
The base price has to be low because except for unusual shots, stock can be bought for next to nothing elsewhere, ( it is to compete with the stock agencies as some are very low indeed)
... except for this part. Why sell a digital download for a low price? Maybe if it's stock, but what if it's an event or portrait shoot? I've actually found that if my prices are too cheap, people are suspicious about the quality. But anyway, I like the idea of a digital download option. Not so much for stock but just because it would sure be easier than having someone mail a check and me mailing a CD to them.
... except for this part. Why sell a digital download for a low price? Maybe if it's stock, but what if it's an event or portrait shoot? I've actually found that if my prices are too cheap, people are suspicious about the quality. But anyway, I like the idea of a digital download option. Not so much for stock but just because it would sure be easier than having someone mail a check and me mailing a CD to them.
Soprry! should have been clearer -I DO NOT MEAN SELL CHEAP (very very definitely not) what I meant is that SM's cut has to be pretty low so we cxan make some money cos it's difficult to charge a lot except for exceptional images BUT PRICING FOR SALE should be another thread:): :-);-)
Im hoping to sell images via dd too.
For now i plan to have a "Order digital copy" on my nav bar then when they click on that it takes them to a DD journal gallery with a paypal button on it and instructions which will basically be:
Note file name of required print
click paypal button
send me £X per image and in paypal field type file name/s of images and the e-mail you want the image sending too.
Ill prob include screen dumps to show them through the process too.
Trapped in my bedroom taking pictures...did i say bedroom? i meant studio!
Well, I put my two cents in back in October. What is the hold up? This should not be very difficult. Put it as a gallery option so those who want it can have it and those who don't will not. I've only sold a few prints using SmugMug but have sold many digital files on my own. My subscription runs out soon here and if this feature is not implemented I may have to find another service. I do like SmugMug though and would like to stay.
My Pictures : My Gear
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
Well, I put my two cents in back in October. What is the hold up? This should not be very difficult. Put it as a gallery option so those who want it can have it and those who don't will not. I've only sold a few prints using SmugMug but have sold many digital files on my own. My subscription runs out soon here and if this feature is not implemented I may have to find another service. I do like SmugMug though and would like to stay.
Digital Downloads are more important to me than any other new feature
I'm in New Zealand and have quite a few galleries of events (Kiteboarding, Ultimate, Downhill Mountainbiking, Rallying etc)... There's literally thousands of photos and I've sold twenty 4*6's to one customer in 6 months.
People just aren't willing to make the international effort to get prints done in the US and sent to NZ... I speak to dozens of people at each event and know that I would sell literally dozens of Digital Downloads at a couple of bucks each. For me, that would pay for my Pro account easily...
As it is, I can't justify keeping my Pro account past the end of this year without the DD feature. DD's are so important for overseas members, and event photographers - imagine how overseas event photographers feel!
Please guys, I know you can't give us a date, but can you give us some hope please? This has been a consistently requested feature for about 18 months at least based on the quick search I just did.
I have no idea how big the digital download market is but the fact that youz just won't let this thread die is pretty encouraging.
I know it has become a frequent request/demand of brides to get all the wedding pics on CD. Doesn't sound like digital downloads will solve that problem. Sounds like we'd have to find a way to make backup CDs available to be priced by pros and sold to consumers to solve that one.
Athletics is another area where this is popular.
Look--this is clearly something that a lot of people want--is the technology behind it that difficult?
People have been begging for many options (cutom watermarks, print packages, etc) for months, and they never see them. But the gui has been tweaked more times than I can count.
I know folks like Andy seem to be on board with feature requests, but does anyone else really listen (or for that matter, care)?
No news I'm afraid, but thanks for telling us how important this is to you.
Believe me, I want this, too!
Andy, do you at least have an ETA?? I think people would feel better about this if they knew it was at least being worked, is in testing or something. Thats why some people are getting frustrated me thinks.
I love a good surprise as much as the next person, but this thread is way too big not to give us something a little more solid. Thanks...Kerry
Andy, do you at least have an ETA?? I think people would feel better about this if they knew it was at least being worked, is in testing or something. Thats why some people are getting frustrated me thinks.
I love a good surprise as much as the next person, but this thread is way too big not to give us something a little more solid. Thanks...Kerry
You know Kerry, we don't comment on feature availability in the future. So no, no ETA. Thanks for reminding us though, how important this feature is to you!
You know Kerry, we don't comment on feature availability in the future. So no, no ETA. Thanks for reminding us though, how important this feature is to you!
I'm really sorry to have to say this, but sticking to this policy is getting ridiculous after at least 18 months of this request... Tell us it's going to be done, or it's something that just isn't going to happen. I love Smugmug for many reasons, but the only extra feature I want is seemingly ignored for years on end. It doesn't make me upset or angry, it makes me lose faith that you listen to your customers.
But thanks for reminding us though, how important us reminding you about how important this feature is to us, is to you.
I'm really sorry to have to say this, but sticking to this policy is getting ridiculous after at least 18 months of this request... Tell us it's going to be done, or it's something that just isn't going to happen. I love Smugmug for many reasons, but the only extra feature I want is seemingly ignored for years on end. It doesn't make me upset or angry, it makes me lose faith that you listen to your customers.
But thanks for reminding us though, how important us reminding you about how important this feature is to us, is to you.
Neil Gardner
that pretty much sums it up for me, too.
I can't tell you how much money smugmug is losing by not offering this, not to mention print packages. Lets face it, this is not a site geared to pro sales as its primary focus. There have been a ton of developments lately, but mostly aimed at the consumer market (cuter, glitzier, easier).
Don't worry, there are more companies for pros out there every day. My renewal is coming up, and it's time to start considering all the options again.
I'm really sorry to have to say this, but sticking to this policy is getting ridiculous after at least 18 months of this request... Tell us it's going to be done, or it's something that just isn't going to happen. I love Smugmug for many reasons, but the only extra feature I want is seemingly ignored for years on end. It doesn't make me upset or angry, it makes me lose faith that you listen to your customers.
But thanks for reminding us though, how important us reminding you about how important this feature is to us, is to you.
Neil Gardner
Hi Neil, thanks for posting. It sure is frustrating, isn't it? I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you at the moment. I really am.
I can't tell you how much money smugmug is losing by not offering this, not to mention print packages. Lets face it, this is not a site geared to pro sales as its primary focus. There have been a ton of developments lately, but mostly aimed at the consumer market (cuter, glitzier, easier).
Don't worry, there are more companies for pros out there every day. My renewal is coming up, and it's time to start considering all the options again.
Hi Thomas,
Well, I've been associated with SmugMug since almost the beginning, been on the advisory board, and for almost the full past year been employed as GM-House Pro and one of my jobs is to work towards getting new pro features on the site. I totally get it that it's taking too long - there's no denying that fact. There's also no denying the fact that we are missing an opporunity, not only to serve YOU better but also for us to make profits, as well - we get that for sure. We are also keenly aware that there are other offerings out there. It's painful, we understand. My story is getting quite olde and tired in this thread, and some others We are listening, and we are doing the best we can. And many things are in the works. We hope that we'll be able to get them in your hands sooner rather than later.
Thanks again for posting, and most importantly, thanks for being our Pro customer.
I'm in New Zealand and have quite a few galleries of events (Kiteboarding, Ultimate, Downhill Mountainbiking, Rallying etc)... There's literally thousands of photos and I've sold twenty 4*6's to one customer in 6 months.
People just aren't willing to make the international effort to get prints done in the US and sent to NZ... I speak to dozens of people at each event and know that I would sell literally dozens of Digital Downloads at a couple of bucks each. For me, that would pay for my Pro account easily...
As it is, I can't justify keeping my Pro account past the end of this year without the DD feature. DD's are so important for overseas members, and event photographers - imagine how overseas event photographers feel!
Please guys, I know you can't give us a date, but can you give us some hope please? This has been a consistently requested feature for about 18 months at least based on the quick search I just did.
I am in Australia and I don't think that is the problem with your sales. I am having the same problems as you and I honestly think from the feedback that I am getting that it has to do with the US$ and problems that your client has when they see that foreign currency. As much as I love Smugmug it isn't realising the potential I thought it would have and I think this is nearly totally because of the foreign currency transaction. I queried this but got a "not part of our plans - will add it to a list" reply. I understand this of course however for the life of me I can't figure why Smugmug wouldn't be aiming to rapidly infiltrate to global market on a bigger scale. Their postage prices are excellent, turnaround times (even to Australia) are well within acceptable delivery times and the product is top notch. All they need is a smart programmer to weave a bit of magic and hey presto - they have totally captured the market in at least Australia and New Zealand because their is no real viable alternative here...
--just going on The Official Record (in case one is ever released) that I'd like to have digital downloads available...seems like a "like, duh" thing to me...
Really good upload program for smugmug^^^
I am considering taking a photography position with a football team. One of the functions would be to upload the images into separate folders for every game. Then allow each player to purchase prints or (hopefully) buy the digital files. I know that theft might cut against my bottom line, but I still want to be able to offer it as an option.
Has there been any more definitive progress made on this often requested feature? I found even more ways then before where this would be appreciated.
Just let me throw out there that I too would like a digital sale option...
my digital sales FAR outweight my print sales.
I REALLY, REALLY like smugmug
but unfortunately I may need to look at a competitor in order to get this option...:cry
However, for my family members, I would like to still have the option to let them download it as they can right now (free); it beats having to send them a DVD of photos via snail mail. Thanks.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
The concept of non-exclusive royalty-free licensing is already established at such user-supported online image libraries as
If the option existed at smugmug I'd close my shutterpoint account in the blink of an eye. Currently the lack of this facility is the only serious failing I can see with smugmug.
George Cruickshank
George Cruickshank - travel & art photography
We are DYING for this with our event photography company. TO sell a digi download i have to go into the gallery, unlock it, TEACH the client how to save photo in original, and then lock galleyr again hoping client is honest about what they took! We get published every single month in one magazine here and it is an ordeal and a half to deal with digi downloads. I would LOVEto have a pro feature, where I can click a button, check a box, etc and it creates a page where the client can download the image(s) I let them after paying. EVEN better woudl be an upsale opportunity where I could offer each customer who buys a print to buy the digital download for the same cost. I gte asked about 7-15 times a week for this. It's crazy, but I also have 105,000 images on my smugmug site! Anybody know whta we can do to sell digi downloads?
I have wondered when this feature would get requested
If I have understod correctly SM could be doing it's own version of an image library, licensing images
It can't be difficult for a programmer to make a system where there is a limited licence for use for one price, or unlimited for another
Just look at any of the other digital image licensing sites for inspiration.
The options usually are Royalty free use for one price, or licensed use for another price. Some sites even vary the price depending on the license.
I would think that this would be very popluar with a LOT of photographers but should be thoroughly researched and done properly, NOT just an add on option in the current shopping cart that people could get confused about.
But I would definitely love this facility to be available, no one is going to buy PRINTS of STOCK photography, or a bunch of other stuff that would however VERY MUCH create an income via licensing. Obviously it needs to be an option that can be turned on or off and only for the pro accounts
SM could make money exactly the same way tthey do now, i.e. have a minimum download cost which the pro can adjust to make their profit too.
The base price has to be low because except for unusual shots, stock can be bought for next to nothing elsewhere, ( it is to compete with the stock agencies as some are very low indeed)
NB: I think SM would have to be prepared for a HUGE influx of new subscribers if they do this because tis is a facility that LOT of photogs want and is one of the reasons that SM gets missed when they are looking for hosting and licensing, but you can bet they had a look cos SM is recommended all over the net.
Songle price- originals only - sounds good to me!
... except for this part. Why sell a digital download for a low price? Maybe if it's stock, but what if it's an event or portrait shoot? I've actually found that if my prices are too cheap, people are suspicious about the quality. But anyway, I like the idea of a digital download option. Not so much for stock but just because it would sure be easier than having someone mail a check and me mailing a CD to them.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Soprry! should have been clearer -I DO NOT MEAN SELL CHEAP (very very definitely not) what I meant is that SM's cut has to be pretty low so we cxan make some money cos it's difficult to charge a lot except for exceptional images BUT PRICING FOR SALE should be another thread:): :-);-)
For now i plan to have a "Order digital copy" on my nav bar then when they click on that it takes them to a DD journal gallery with a paypal button on it and instructions which will basically be:
Note file name of required print
click paypal button
send me £X per image and in paypal field type file name/s of images and the e-mail you want the image sending too.
Ill prob include screen dumps to show them through the process too.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Really good upload program for smugmug^^^
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
i definatly sell more digital copies than prints
Really good upload program for smugmug^^^
I'm in New Zealand and have quite a few galleries of events (Kiteboarding, Ultimate, Downhill Mountainbiking, Rallying etc)... There's literally thousands of photos and I've sold twenty 4*6's to one customer in 6 months.
People just aren't willing to make the international effort to get prints done in the US and sent to NZ... I speak to dozens of people at each event and know that I would sell literally dozens of Digital Downloads at a couple of bucks each. For me, that would pay for my Pro account easily...
As it is, I can't justify keeping my Pro account past the end of this year without the DD feature. DD's are so important for overseas members, and event photographers - imagine how overseas event photographers feel!
Please guys, I know you can't give us a date, but can you give us some hope please? This has been a consistently requested feature for about 18 months at least based on the quick search I just did.
Cheers - Neil Gardner (
Athletics is another area where this is popular.
Look--this is clearly something that a lot of people want--is the technology behind it that difficult?
People have been begging for many options (cutom watermarks, print packages, etc) for months, and they never see them. But the gui has been tweaked more times than I can count.
I know folks like Andy seem to be on board with feature requests, but does anyone else really listen (or for that matter, care)?
could you please enlighten us on what you are trying to say? & smugmug
Believe me, I want this, too!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Do you guys need a programmer? I have 15+ years UNIX/web experience, I've written code to do this many times... it's not hard!! What gives???
I love a good surprise as much as the next person, but this thread is way too big not to give us something a little more solid. Thanks...Kerry
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm really sorry to have to say this, but sticking to this policy is getting ridiculous after at least 18 months of this request... Tell us it's going to be done, or it's something that just isn't going to happen. I love Smugmug for many reasons, but the only extra feature I want is seemingly ignored for years on end. It doesn't make me upset or angry, it makes me lose faith that you listen to your customers.
But thanks for reminding us though, how important us reminding you about how important this feature is to us, is to you.
Neil Gardner (
that pretty much sums it up for me, too.
I can't tell you how much money smugmug is losing by not offering this, not to mention print packages. Lets face it, this is not a site geared to pro sales as its primary focus. There have been a ton of developments lately, but mostly aimed at the consumer market (cuter, glitzier, easier).
Don't worry, there are more companies for pros out there every day. My renewal is coming up, and it's time to start considering all the options again.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Well, I've been associated with SmugMug since almost the beginning, been on the advisory board, and for almost the full past year been employed as GM-House Pro and one of my jobs is to work towards getting new pro features on the site. I totally get it that it's taking too long - there's no denying that fact. There's also no denying the fact that we are missing an opporunity, not only to serve YOU better but also for us to make profits, as well - we get that for sure. We are also keenly aware that there are other offerings out there. It's painful, we understand. My story is getting quite olde and tired in this thread, and some others
Thanks again for posting, and most importantly, thanks for being our Pro customer.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I am in Australia and I don't think that is the problem with your sales. I am having the same problems as you and I honestly think from the feedback that I am getting that it has to do with the US$ and problems that your client has when they see that foreign currency. As much as I love Smugmug it isn't realising the potential I thought it would have and I think this is nearly totally because of the foreign currency transaction. I queried this but got a "not part of our plans - will add it to a list" reply. I understand this of course however for the life of me I can't figure why Smugmug wouldn't be aiming to rapidly infiltrate to global market on a bigger scale. Their postage prices are excellent, turnaround times (even to Australia) are well within acceptable delivery times and the product is top notch. All they need is a smart programmer to weave a bit of magic and hey presto - they have totally captured the market in at least Australia and New Zealand because their is no real viable alternative here...
Smugmug address -
Where is this feature?
If I didn't post it before, here's my almost-automated download-solution:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter