Star*Explorer Thread



  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited February 12, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    No not yet, sorry. After the Black Friday fix I didn't have stamina for the big things. It's still on top of my list, though!thumb.gif
    np.. Just a reminder :)
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2008
    188: coinitialize issue
    I have a few field reports that people are getting "coinitialize" error after upgrading to a new version (188 thus far).
    However it all seems to be related to the recent keys introduction, and is, in fact, fixable in place by following these simple steps.

    1) make sure you have the latest version (use About dialog to see your version). Keep in mind that nothing before 186 would work, 188 is the most current as of this moment - but better check the website (if you already have 188 or newer you can also use Help|Check for updates).
    2) launch S*E, do not connect
    3) go to Options|Account, hit Clear Hash, close the dialog.
    4) Connect manually (F9) - it should ask for SM password (just this once)
    5) Perform "Get Albums"

    As a result all the albums should display some data in the right-most Album Key column of the album list.

    Let me know if there is a problem.

    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NotTimNotTim Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited February 23, 2008

    Great bit of software, but I'm not quite sure if It can do what I want, I've read the thread and seen mention of syncing abilities, but I can't quite seem to get it working.

    I use lightroom to manage my photo's, and the directory tree is like this

    Photo Archive

    I've got a category of "Photo Archive", Sub Cats of 2004, 2005 etc, and then the album names such as 01-01 under those as required. I've manualy created all the Sub Cats, and used the Add Folder autocreate to make the albums and upload the photo's, and it worked great.

    What I'd like in future though, is once I've added more photo's to my lightroom collection, is just to be able to hit a button and have it upload any new files, creating the album names as it goes, what would be even better is to be able to have it create Categories and Sub Catagories as needed based on the directory tree. That way I can do all my management in lightroom, and just let star explorer take care of keeping smugmug up to date.

    I've got a feeling I'm just missing something here, is this possible?


  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited February 23, 2008
    NotTim wrote:

    Great bit of software, but I'm not quite sure if It can do what I want, I've read the thread and seen mention of syncing abilities, but I can't quite seem to get it working.

    I use lightroom to manage my photo's, and the directory tree is like this

    Photo Archive

    I've got a category of "Photo Archive", Sub Cats of 2004, 2005 etc, and then the album names such as 01-01 under those as required. I've manualy created all the Sub Cats, and used the Add Folder autocreate to make the albums and upload the photo's, and it worked great.

    What I'd like in future though, is once I've added more photo's to my lightroom collection, is just to be able to hit a button and have it upload any new files, creating the album names as it goes, what would be even better is to be able to have it create Categories and Sub Catagories as needed based on the directory tree. That way I can do all my management in lightroom, and just let star explorer take care of keeping smugmug up to date.

    I've got a feeling I'm just missing something here, is this possible?




    Welcome to Dgrin and thank you for trying Star*Explorer!
    Unfortunately LR has no apparent SDK, so what you want is rather hard to achieve. Maybe later...ne_nau.gif
    What you can do now is to tell S*E to ignore/replace the duplicates and then simply use upload/download commands to keep your stuff in sync. And future versions will most likely make that synching much easier.
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • Tomkirk23Tomkirk23 Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited February 23, 2008
    NotTim wrote:
    What I'd like in future though, is once I've added more photo's to my lightroom collection, is just to be able to hit a button and have it upload any new files, creating the album names as it goes, what would be even better is to be able to have it create Categories and Sub Catagories as needed based on the directory tree. That way I can do all my management in lightroom, and just let star explorer take care of keeping smugmug up to date.


    This is exactly what I am looking for as well (although more generically, not Lightroom-specifically). Having the software compare Smugmug categories/subcats/galleries/content with local drive folder structure/content...... and figure out the proper steps needed to synchronize them.

    This would allow me to simply store jpegs in a certain local folder (or move them between local folders) with the comfortable knowledge that the software will ensure synchronization to the proper category/subcat/gallery in SM. I wouldn't have to remember what photos I added, moved, or changed. Similarly, I could make changes in SM, knowng that the changes will synchronize down to my local folders.

    This holy grail software product would also compare more than file names in detecting duplicates, it would compare file-dates to determine if the SmugMug-stored version of the file is older/newer than the local version... and then appropriately ensure the newest version exists in both places.

    It would also allow me to make captioning changes in either SM or local and have changes replicate to the other side.

    There are several products, including StarExplorer, that are helpful and appear to be headed somewhere in this direction. I am certainly rooting for this to happen!

    ( stepping off my soapbox!)


    Tom Kirkpatrick
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited February 23, 2008
    Tomkirk23 wrote:
    There are several products, including StarExplorer, that are helpful and appear to be headed somewhere in this direction. I am certainly rooting for this to happen!...
    It will come, I promise...:-)
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NotTimNotTim Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited February 23, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    It will come, I promise...:-)

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited February 27, 2008
    500 customers (and counting)
    Congratulations to Eric Nelson who became S*E customer #500! clap.gif

    I want to thank dgrinners, smugmuggers and smugmug crew (esp. Andy and Devbobo) for helping me to make it possible! bowdown.gif

    The future is bright and I plane to improve existing code, streamline the workflow and add new exciting features in the months to come!wings.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • dogwooddogwood Registered Users Posts: 2,572 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    Star*explorer seems to be freezing when it opens-- a "checking for updates..." dialog comes up and freezes everything without ever going away. headscratch.gif

    Anyone else having issues? I can't seem to access the star*explorer website either. Does S*E need access to the site to be able to work properly? I also see a "" on the bottom of the page when it's trying to update. Doesn't seem able to connect.

    Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
    website blog instagram facebook g+

  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    dogwood wrote:
    Star*explorer seems to be freezing when it opens-- a "checking for updates..." dialog comes up and freezes everything without ever going away. headscratch.gif

    Anyone else having issues? I can't seem to access the star*explorer website either.
    Working for me... Both the program and the website.
  • dogwooddogwood Registered Users Posts: 2,572 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    DrDavid wrote:
    Working for me... Both the program and the website.

    Alright-- thanks for checking. It must be a local comcast issue. :cry I'm connecting fine to SM and dgrin, but not S*E. headscratch.gif

    Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
    website blog instagram facebook g+

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    dogwood wrote:
    Alright-- thanks for checking. It must be a local comcast issue. :cry I'm connecting fine to SM and dgrin, but not S*E. headscratch.gif
    sorry, Pete, prolly ISP glitch... ne_nau.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • dogwooddogwood Registered Users Posts: 2,572 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    sorry, Pete, prolly ISP glitch... ne_nau.gif

    Yeah, definitely an ISP glitch. I tried and tried and tried last night-- no dice even getting to the S*E website. Works perfectly now.

    But that meant I was forced to use the SM uploader... it actually worked fine, but it seems slower and less feature oriented than S*E!

    Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
    website blog instagram facebook g+

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    dogwood wrote:
    Yeah, definitely an ISP glitch. I tried and tried and tried last night-- no dice even getting to the S*E website. Works perfectly now.

    But that meant I was forced to use the SM uploader... it actually worked fine, but it seems slower and less feature oriented than S*E!
    Ouch, sorry!
    Next time this happens please go to Tools, Options, Miscellaneous, locate "Check for updates" below and set it to 0, at least temporarily.
    You didnt seriously think I'd leave you guys stuck with a mandatory connection to S*E site, did you;-) mwink.gif ?
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    120,000+ hits
    Another threshold, yay! clap.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • dogwooddogwood Registered Users Posts: 2,572 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    Ouch, sorry!
    Next time this happens please go to Tools, Options, Miscellaneous, locate "Check for updates" below and set it to 0, at least temporarily.
    You didnt seriously think I'd leave you guys stuck with a mandatory connection to S*E site, did you;-) mwink.gif ?

    Of course not. :D

    It's actually the first time this has happened (and I use S*E quite a bit) so this is good info to know. I appreciate the info, Nik.

    Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
    website blog instagram facebook g+

  • bssmithbssmith Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited March 15, 2008
    JPG conversion (good) and lost tags (bad); online duplicates
    I am currently evaluating Star*Explorer ( and have a couple of questions. Just to complicate things, I was also a former PSE 5.0 user but am now using IDImager to tag/organize my local photos.

    1. One of things that PSE 5.0 did for me automatically when uploading to SmugMug is conversion of my source image format (usually TIF) into JPG prior to upload. Poking around the S*E options, I see that there are a number of options re conversion of files, and in fact when I drag-and-drop a TIFF file into the S*E window, I see that a corresponding JPG file is created in the directory I've specified in the options - so far, so good.

    But the queue list still shows the TIF file, and when I upload the queue everything churns along and then at the end fails, because apparently it's the TIF version that was uploaded and not the JPG version. Is there another step I'm missing? I was expecting the process to be something like

    drag TIF to S*E ->
    S*E creates JPG equivalent ->
    S*E uploads JPG equivalent.

    2. When I take a closer look at the JPG file that was created locally by S*E, there are no tags embedded in the JPG file, even though there are tags embedded in the TIF original. This is an issue, since I'm expecting these tags to stay with the image and show up once the image arrives at SmugMug. Are existing XMP/IPTC tags ignored by S*E when converting from a non-JPG format to JPG?

    3. Another big potential benefit I see with S*E is checking for online duplicates; this sounds like (for example) when I make changes to tags on 10 of my 100 previously-uploaded-from-S*E files and later select those 100 files within S*E for upload, only the 10 with changes will be sent to SmugMug by S*E. Do I have this right?


    -- Ben
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 15, 2008
    bssmith wrote:
    I am currently evaluating Star*Explorer ( and have a couple of questions. Just to complicate things, I was also a former PSE 5.0 user but am now using IDImager to tag/organize my local photos.

    1. One of things that PSE 5.0 did for me automatically when uploading to SmugMug is conversion of my source image format (usually TIF) into JPG prior to upload. Poking around the S*E options, I see that there are a number of options re conversion of files, and in fact when I drag-and-drop a TIFF file into the S*E window, I see that a corresponding JPG file is created in the directory I've specified in the options - so far, so good.

    But the queue list still shows the TIF file, and when I upload the queue everything churns along and then at the end fails, because apparently it's the TIF version that was uploaded and not the JPG version. Is there another step I'm missing? I was expecting the process to be something like

    drag TIF to S*E ->
    S*E creates JPG equivalent ->
    S*E uploads JPG equivalent.

    2. When I take a closer look at the JPG file that was created locally by S*E, there are no tags embedded in the JPG file, even though there are tags embedded in the TIF original. This is an issue, since I'm expecting these tags to stay with the image and show up once the image arrives at SmugMug. Are existing XMP/IPTC tags ignored by S*E when converting from a non-JPG format to JPG?

    3. Another big potential benefit I see with S*E is checking for online duplicates; this sounds like (for example) when I make changes to tags on 10 of my 100 previously-uploaded-from-S*E files and later select those 100 files within S*E for upload, only the 10 with changes will be sent to SmugMug by S*E. Do I have this right?


    -- Ben

    thank you for your inquiry!
    Let's see
    1) TIFF->JPEG and still uploading TIFF
    Sounds like I bug, I'll check. Weird, tough, that feature was there for 3 years witout any changes, never heard any complains about it.

    2) losing EXIF/IPTC tags during the conversion
    Well, the whole feature was added as a favor to a less-computer savvy users with NO extra software at all, as well as for an easy treatment of bmp files. I'm using simple standard GDI+ API call to convert one graphic stream into another. It's highly possible that IPTC is lost... Possible soultion: I though SM accepts TIFFs, I suggest you exclude them from the conversion list and try to upload them directly. In any case, at the moment I don't have an access to some library that would carry the tags over.
    3) Online duplicates.
    I'm afraid you got it a bit backwards. headscratch.gif
    S*E can either reject or replace the files that have been previously uploaded. Also, it doesn't go deep into telling the difference ebwteen an uploaded version and a version on yur HDD. It's a simple test - was this exact file uploaded to this exact gallery - or not.

    I'm afraid I didn't bring you any joy with my answers...:cry
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited March 15, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    Well, the whole feature was added as a favor to a less-computer savvy users with NO extra software at all, as well as for an easy treatment of bmp files. I'm using simple standard GDI+ API call to convert one graphic stream into another. It's highly possible that IPTC is lost... Possible soultion: I though SM accepts TIFFs
    Hey Nik... I'd use Imagemagik's 'convert' script to do the TIFF to JPG. It'll save you headaches and it probably does a better job anyways :)

    AND.. SM doesn't accept TIFF's.. I wish they did though :cry (That and RAW files.)
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 15, 2008
    DrDavid wrote:
    Hey Nik... I'd use Imagemagik's 'convert' script to do the TIFF to JPG. It'll save you headaches and it probably does a better job anyways :)
    Thanks, I'll check it out...
    Is it free? Just a source code or some dlls need to be redistributed?
    DrDavid wrote:
    AND.. SM doesn't accept TIFF's.. I wish they did though :cry (That and RAW files.)
    Ah, awright... I guess I added this feature for something real, then:-)
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2008
    New Star*Explorer version uploaded: 190
    New: S*E can now both convert and resize your files before the upload (jpegs included). :ivar Quick and easy way to upload your crop faaaast.
    Caveat: no EXIF/IPTC info from the original files is transferred to the converted/resized web-resolution copy, so if you want your tags/keywords to be preserved please use some more advanced DAM tool. After all, S*E is just an uploader...ne_nau.gif

    New: Separate size limits for photo and video files deal.gif

    Bugfix: conversion didn't work, fixed. bowdown.gif

    Minor UI improvements
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    New: S*E can now both convert and resize your files before the upload (jpegs included). :ivar Quick and easy way to upload your crop faaaast.
    Caveat: no EXIF/IPTC info from the original files is transferred to the converted/resized web-resolution copy, so if you want your tags/keywords to be preserved please use some more advanced DAM tool. After all, S*E is just an uploader...ne_nau.gif

    New: Separate size limits for photo and video files deal.gif

    Bugfix: conversion didn't work, fixed. bowdown.gif

    Minor UI improvements
    Check out Exiftool in the imagemagick toolkit. It'll let you keep the IPTC/EXIF info :) (I'm assuming that's what you're using now :) )

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2008
    bssmith wrote:
    1. One of things that PSE 5.0 did for me automatically when uploading to SmugMug is conversion of my source image format (usually TIF) into JPG prior to upload. Poking around the S*E options, I see that there are a number of options re conversion of files, and in fact when I drag-and-drop a TIFF file into the S*E window, I see that a corresponding JPG file is created in the directory I've specified in the options - so far, so good.

    But the queue list still shows the TIF file, and when I upload the queue everything churns along and then at the end fails, because apparently it's the TIF version that was uploaded and not the JPG version. Is there another step I'm missing? I was expecting the process to be something like

    drag TIF to S*E ->
    S*E creates JPG equivalent ->
    S*E uploads JPG equivalent.
    It was a bug indeed, resolved in 190. deal.gif
    No tags preservation yet, sorry ne_nau.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2008
    DrDavid wrote:
    Check out Exiftool in the imagemagick toolkit. It'll let you keep the IPTC/EXIF info :) (I'm assuming that's what you're using now :) )

    I'm using dEXIF and GDI+. I will check it, I promise! mwink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2008
    DrDavid wrote:
    Check out Exiftool in the imagemagick toolkit. It'll let you keep the IPTC/EXIF info :) (I'm assuming that's what you're using now :) )

    Well, I did check it out... Unless I'm gravely mistaken, I'd have to redistribute their dll... I already have two, which I'm dreaming to get rid of, so bringing another one onboard is not going well with my plans... Afterall, S*E is not a DAM tool, just a good SM uploader/downloader.
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2008
    Square thumb setting in gallery creation?
    Nicolai, any ETA on support for the square thumbs setting for creating galleries in S*E? I see that it's in the latest rev of the API.

    Since Smugmug apparently made square thumbs the default for new galleries, if we want to create galleries in S*E and not have square thumbs, we're left with a bunch of manual work to visit each one and turn it off. And, you want to turn it off before any uploads because changing the setting doesn't regenerate pre-existing thumbs automatically. It would be real nice to get this checkbox added to S*E. Thanks.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    Nicolai, any ETA on support for the square thumbs setting for creating galleries in S*E? I see that it's in the latest rev of the API.

    Since Smugmug apparently made square thumbs the default for new galleries, if we want to create galleries in S*E and not have square thumbs, we're left with a bunch of manual work to visit each one and turn it off. And, you want to turn it off before any uploads because changing the setting doesn't regenerate pre-existing thumbs automatically. It would be real nice to get this checkbox added to S*E. Thanks.

    Thank you, I'll see what I can do...
    Just for the record, I have created a whole bunch of galleries on Saturday, and none of them have square thumbs.. headscratch.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2008
    Nikolai wrote:
    Thank you, I'll see what I can do...
    Just for the record, I have created a whole bunch of galleries on Saturday, and none of them have square thumbs.. headscratch.gif
    That was a day before the new changes were made...

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2008
    DrDavid wrote:
    That was a day before the new changes were made...

    I see, thank you for the clarification!
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 18, 2008
    New Star*Explorer version uploaded: 191
    S*E lets you control your thumbs (Thank you John!)
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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