Recon ya need some help from ya mates....... I was having a bobby cook (look) through me stuff, and there it was........I says to meself fair suck of the sav Skippy this is very Steve Irwin'ish ..... Skippy (Australia)
I personally like this one alot, for all ages and all genders, etc.
well, funnily enough i dined inside this photograph tonight! i ate with a client at cipriani dolci, one of the three restaurants on the balcony in grand central...
mozzarella di bufala, with tomatoes and black olive paste
insalate cesare
freshly made spinach and veal ravioli
risotto alla primavera
This is my most commercial image (sold a fair few of them as prints) and you are welcome to use it. You can probably use the quote of EE in my signature.
Sheila Smart
Canon 20D and various Ls
All the technique in the world does not compensate for the inability to notice - Elliott Erwitt
Recon ya need some help from ya mates....... I was having a bobby cook (look) through me stuff, and there it was........I says to meself fair suck of the sav Skippy this is very Steve Irwin'ish ..... Skippy (Australia)
Can someone give me Skippy's name in a hurry? Deadline: 15 minutes.
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited May 18, 2005
I'll give an update when I get a chance but I have a fire to put out: I placed the copyright notices too close to the bottom in the bleed/trim area (something I tell our customers to never do) so the bottoms of the letters are getting lost.
We ended up with 15 variations of photos and quotes (my goal was 20, but 15 great ones is still great). A few variations went overboard at the last minute because other smuggers felt the quote wasn't powerful enough, or I didn't have permission (didn't get Ashley permission for the edgy one 'till this a.m. 'cus she was offline yesterday), or I couldn't find the original version fast enough in your galleries, or portrait mode didn't work on so wide a mug, etc.)
I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. When first I saw the request I thought, can you imagine if someone out of the blue came on and said "Hey y'all I need some some really neat 1st rate photos to promote my business, but no money will be changing hands".
Baldy askes and wala! (VERY DESERVINGLY) gets everyone, (including me) to contribute. In less that 24 hours he has new, original, and very high quality artwork for his project.
I for one hope your project went well. Next time give us more time. This looked like the best contest we have had. :
Now we'll have to listen to those few chosen ones tell us about thier damn coffee cups. :cry
I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. When first I saw the request I thought, can you imagine if someone out of the blue came on and said "Hey y'all I need some some really neat 1st rate photos to promote my business, but no money will be changing hands".
Yes I can imagine the response.......
So why no payment?
SmugMug is not free and is increasing charges vastly. Run as a business, as it should be that's not a problem....
The mugs are for a business venture that unless I'm very mistaken will not be provided free. The fact that the mugs are handed out free to advertise smugmug means nothing.
Could Baldy manage to send the 'lucky' people a free mug maybe? or what about giving out a 'free' upgrade to pro-account for those used if money is so tight....
Anything as payment, rather than what looks to me like a cheap method of gaining free shots and one that from any other source would have been greeted with outright rage from more than a few......
It's always nice to help out people out but this seems strange to me...
Dig into your pocket/business account and do this properly or lets hear why not....
Ranting on a Saturday morning........
"The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens." Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
SmugMug is not free and is increasing charges vastly. Run as a business, as it should be that's not a problem....
The mugs are for a business venture that unless I'm very mistaken will not be provided free. The fact that the mugs are handed out free to advertise smugmug means nothing.
Could Baldy manage to send the 'lucky' people a free mug maybe? or what about giving out a 'free' upgrade to pro-account for those used if money is so tight....
Anything as payment, rather than what looks to me like a cheap method of gaining free shots and one that from any other source would have been greeted with outright rage from more than a few......
It's always nice to help out people out but this seems strange to me...
Dig into your pocket/business account and do this properly or lets hear why not....
Ranting on a Saturday morning........
That seems strange to me
We all (me included) jumped on this thread when baldy 1st posted, and I don't recall anyone asking about $$. Now after the fact we should concern ouselves with some sort of payment
In fact Baldy's 1st post indicated your payment :lol
We all (me included) jumped on this thread when baldy 1st posted, and I don't recall anyone asking about $$. Now after the fact we should concern ouselves with some sort of payment
Whats with all the we? I must have missed the replies from the other near 3000 members or are you talking on everyones behalf.
As for those that offered pic's being the 'we' you can all do what you want. I'm asking why smugmug can't stretch to paying for a business product. What sort of example is that to set.
As I offered nothing I could not care less if your paid or not I'd just be interested to hear why not.......
"Cos Baldy's such a nice guy and lets us use 'his' forum....." Thats fine but smugmugs a business as stated many times in the don't mess with the smugmug good name type threads...
As usual, use your pic's however you want and if that's a free shot for a mug giveaway thats fine....But I'll stick with my 'Looks cheap' comment....Why? because it just does.
As for nobody asking for payment after post 1 saying 'you ain't getting one' who would want to mention it after that comment. Now after the event I'm asking why?
Does it? If thats the strangest thing you can't get your head round maybe you should get out more.
Whats with all the we? I must have missed the replies from the other near 3000 members or are you talking on everyones behalf.
As for those that offered pic's being the 'we' you can all do what you want. I'm asking why smugmug can't stretch to paying for a business product. What sort of example is that to set.
As I offered nothing I could not care less if your paid or not I'd just be interested to hear why not.......
"Cos Baldy's such a nice guy and lets us use 'his' forum....." Thats fine but smugmugs a business as stated many times in the don't mess with the smugmug good name type threads...
As usual, use your pic's however you want and if that's a free shot for a mug giveaway thats fine....But I'll stick with my 'Looks cheap' comment....Why? because it just does.
As for nobody asking for payment after post 1 saying 'you ain't getting one' who would want to mention it after that comment. Now after the event I'm asking why?
I'd laugh along with you if I had the slightest idea what the joke was....
Gee I guess you just straightened me out !!
Sorry, I really can't answer your question as to why no $. Don't work at Smugmug, just play here.
The "We" actually meant you and me, cause I thought for sure someone so interested in being compensated would have been one who submitted an image, go figure ??
Sorry as well about your sense of humor, or lack of it. Gotta go now and get out more.
smugmug has a lot of different types of users. Casual users, who pay for services they use, and never look at this forum. Pro users who pay and never look at this forum. There are users that are on this forum just to share images, some just to learn about API.
There are many customers here who have a connection with the people at smugmug. They are good people, a family owned and operated business. Kind, responsive people doing their best. By being so available to their customers, they have established a relationship with many that goes beyond just providing a service. I experienced this up at Yosemite. Sure, I paid my way, but in return I got a dinner hosted by smugmug, a hat, a fleece, and the expert advice of Marc Muench, an amazing landscape photographer. All this for my $30 annual subscription. Not to mention the amazing customer service that I've had here.
smugmug is a building business that has earned the right, IMO to ask for some help from it's customers that have benefitted from their hard work. Not that you have to give them anything for free, but there's plenty of us that don't mind. If you do mind, don't participate. But there's no need to complain about it after the fact.
Baldy made it utterly clear in his first post that there would be no money involved. Anyone who wasn't comfortable with those terms didn't have to submit anything.
Turns out a lot of people were comfortable with those terms. That's their business. Not for you or me to second guess them.
I understand that it seems odd that a business would ask for free images to promote itself. I think DavidTO did a nice job of explaining why folks who clearly understood the very issue you raise, decided to let smugmug use their images with only a credit. I might add that some of the donators are people who regularly sell their images.
A few days ago, I just wanted to know what is wrong with my photos.
Challenges, free offers of photos. If I paid someone would they take them, other than family and friends.
I do think that is a legitimate feeling that I set myself up for. I think I can handle the challenges, if not, I will get out.
But I just cannot respond to emergency calls for photos that don't turn out to be that urgent: lots of photos poured in.
At the time of the call, it was not about the money. It still isn't. It was stated at the beginning. I just wanted to help. Set myself up for another letdown at a time I felt full of them.
Life goes on.
What was wrong with my photos? compared to say the great pros like Andy, haha, of course, I understand that.
Just ranting.
Yes, I am feeling a bit of whatever one wants to accuse me of. Now I have to hunt up Baldy's site so I can see the mockups as they played out.
Baldy made it utterly clear in his first post that there would be no money involved. Anyone who wasn't comfortable with those terms didn't have to submit anything.
Turns out a lot of people were comfortable with those terms. That's their business. Not for you or me to second guess them.
I understand that it seems odd that a business would ask for free images to promote itself. I think DavidTO did a nice job of explaining why folks who clearly understood the very issue you raise, decided to let smugmug use their images with only a credit. I might add that some of the donators are people who regularly sell their images.
As I said, that's their business, no-one else's.
All very good points the same as DavidTO who's well constructed reply I agree with....
Yep, your right it's been a **** day....As usual tomorrow is another day I guess I need to go and have a go at Flug or Icy on AdvR rather than start trouble here.........
I'm well aware of the 'family' type site structure and as such can be called the 'wierd Uncle' that turns up at Xmas and annoys the rest of the family.....:D
"The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens." Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Yep, your right it's been a **** day....As usual tomorrow is another day I guess I need to go and have a go at Flug or Icy on AdvR rather than start trouble here.........
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited May 22, 2005
Okay, an update:
The conference starts tonight and it's called D. It's Walt Mossberg's conference on all things digital. He's a noted Wall Street Journal columnist on technology.
It's the third year for the conference and Kodak/Ofoto was the official photo sharing site in the two previous years. They asked if we could do this on pretty short notice, but the site was the easy part. It's at:
Strangely, the gifts were the hard part because the other companies giving gifts were pretty wealthy and well-known brands. What could we give that would stand out?
We passed a number of ideas by the show organizer and they all feel flat. Been done, etc. So I came up with the mug idea from the photos we saw come out of Yosemite. By that time, we were down to the short end of a very short wire.
The goal was 20 mug/quote combinations. It didn't turn out to be so easy and near the end of my deadline I only had 10 that really popped. So I did the quick & easy thing and plundered Andy's galleries and came up with 5 more.
Unfortunately, not all of them made the cut after we saw the production on the mugs. Some photos reproduced beautifully on white ceramic and some didn't.
So, I'm re-working some art as we speak and tonight I'll load final art for the ones that turned out to be prime-time. I suspect we'll have 12 total. Still looking for photos to go with the rest of the quotes that really moved us, so we'll need about 6 more photos in time.
Once I get the gallery of final art, I'm happy to order mugs for anyone who wants them.
Sorry about the non-payment thing. I knew that would ruffle some feathers and that's understandable. We pay for photos we use in ads, etc. But the fuse on this was too short to negotiate payments & rights, get a contract drafted and signed, etc. So we just decided to draw on passionate amateurs who wanted to see their photos on gifts. We knew it meant forgoing the photos we could have had if we paid. I tried not to put pressure on anyone who does this for a living to give us their photos for free.
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited May 22, 2005
Okay, here's art for the small mugs (I also did art for the large mugs in a separate gallery). We have 13 mugs and I'm still looking for photos to go with quotes like "When your mouth drops open, click the shutter." But we're finally not in a rush.
I didn't make it on the mug this time.. oh well, some day:-):D
Nor did I. :cry
Ah well, that's what dgrin is all about, learning from the mastahs. bow
I will say I tried many outstanding shots, truly great ones, including many of Andy's that just didn't work on the mugs for one reason or other, so luck played a role.
Having said that, Andy seems to be a very lucky man when it comes to this stuff...
Isn't amazing how photos reproduce on various things?
A shot that is stunningly beautiful on photo paper maybe doesn't cut the
mustard with another reproduction process or media.
Gives you a little more insight into the art director's world. Doesn't it?
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
edited May 23, 2005
Yeah, it turns out that the photos which worked best here were landscape and the more pano the better.
Also, not too much detail, because the small mugs are only 450 pixels vertically.
And, since the mug curves, it has to be compelling when you just see part of the shot, because another part isn't visible unless you rotate the mug. If Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite makes the shot but you can't see it when you glance at the mug from some angle, that shot's toast as far as mugs go.
And there was something magic when they fit the quote perfectly. I have a collection of great shots that don't quite fit my quotes. It's painful to look at them and think there must be some quote I'm missing...
I personally like this one alot, for all ages and all genders, etc.
Including suits.
"... beauty and madness." -- Richard Avedon
OK, it's out of context. But you couldn't ask for a better quotation for this picture.
well, funnily enough i dined inside this photograph tonight! i ate with a client at cipriani dolci, one of the three restaurants on the balcony in grand central...
mozzarella di bufala, with tomatoes and black olive paste
insalate cesare
freshly made spinach and veal ravioli
risotto alla primavera
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Looks good, would ya mind dumping the "e" on the end of Lynne for me?
Dave, of course I love those two of Alaina and my darling Em. Such emotion.
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Canon 20D and various Ls
All the technique in the world does not compensate for the inability to notice - Elliott Erwitt
The art of photography mostly consists of
being in the right place at the right time
having the right equipment and the right attitude
if it's not too late to submit...
DONE, via pm to baldy.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
We ended up with 15 variations of photos and quotes (my goal was 20, but 15 great ones is still great). A few variations went overboard at the last minute because other smuggers felt the quote wasn't powerful enough, or I didn't have permission (didn't get Ashley permission for the edgy one 'till this a.m. 'cus she was offline yesterday), or I couldn't find the original version fast enough in your galleries, or portrait mode didn't work on so wide a mug, etc.)
Film at 11.
Looks like smugmug has a new marketing give-away
I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. When first I saw the request I thought, can you imagine if someone out of the blue came on and said "Hey y'all I need some some really neat 1st rate photos to promote my business, but no money will be changing hands".
Baldy askes and wala! (VERY DESERVINGLY) gets everyone, (including me) to contribute. In less that 24 hours he has new, original, and very high quality artwork for his project.
I for one hope your project went well. Next time give us more time. This looked like the best contest we have had.
Now we'll have to listen to those few chosen ones tell us about thier damn coffee cups. :cry
I saw what looked like the finished mock-ups in Baldy's Smugmug gallery. They looked great!
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Yes I can imagine the response.......
So why no payment?
SmugMug is not free and is increasing charges vastly. Run as a business, as it should be that's not a problem....
The mugs are for a business venture that unless I'm very mistaken will not be provided free. The fact that the mugs are handed out free to advertise smugmug means nothing.
Could Baldy manage to send the 'lucky' people a free mug maybe? or what about giving out a 'free' upgrade to pro-account for those used if money is so tight....
Anything as payment, rather than what looks to me like a cheap method of gaining free shots and one that from any other source would have been greeted with outright rage from more than a few......
It's always nice to help out people out but this seems strange to me...
Dig into your pocket/business account and do this properly or lets hear why not....
Ranting on a Saturday morning........
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
We all (me included) jumped on this thread when baldy 1st posted, and I don't recall anyone asking about $$. Now after the fact we should concern ouselves with some sort of payment
In fact Baldy's 1st post indicated your payment :lol
JMO and 2 cents
My Galleries
Whats with all the we? I must have missed the replies from the other near 3000 members or are you talking on everyones behalf.
As for those that offered pic's being the 'we' you can all do what you want. I'm asking why smugmug can't stretch to paying for a business product. What sort of example is that to set.
As I offered nothing I could not care less if your paid or not I'd just be interested to hear why not.......
"Cos Baldy's such a nice guy and lets us use 'his' forum....." Thats fine but smugmugs a business as stated many times in the don't mess with the smugmug good name type threads...
As usual, use your pic's however you want and if that's a free shot for a mug giveaway thats fine....But I'll stick with my 'Looks cheap' comment....Why? because it just does.
As for nobody asking for payment after post 1 saying 'you ain't getting one' who would want to mention it after that comment. Now after the event I'm asking why?
I'd laugh along with you if I had the slightest idea what the joke was....
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Sorry, I really can't answer your question as to why no $. Don't work at Smugmug, just play here.
The "We" actually meant you and me, cause I thought for sure someone so interested in being compensated would have been one who submitted an image, go figure ??
Sorry as well about your sense of humor, or lack of it. Gotta go now and get out more.
My Galleries
There are many customers here who have a connection with the people at smugmug. They are good people, a family owned and operated business. Kind, responsive people doing their best. By being so available to their customers, they have established a relationship with many that goes beyond just providing a service. I experienced this up at Yosemite. Sure, I paid my way, but in return I got a dinner hosted by smugmug, a hat, a fleece, and the expert advice of Marc Muench, an amazing landscape photographer. All this for my $30 annual subscription. Not to mention the amazing customer service that I've had here.
smugmug is a building business that has earned the right, IMO to ask for some help from it's customers that have benefitted from their hard work. Not that you have to give them anything for free, but there's plenty of us that don't mind. If you do mind, don't participate. But there's no need to complain about it after the fact.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Baldy made it utterly clear in his first post that there would be no money involved. Anyone who wasn't comfortable with those terms didn't have to submit anything.
Turns out a lot of people were comfortable with those terms. That's their business. Not for you or me to second guess them.
I understand that it seems odd that a business would ask for free images to promote itself. I think DavidTO did a nice job of explaining why folks who clearly understood the very issue you raise, decided to let smugmug use their images with only a credit. I might add that some of the donators are people who regularly sell their images.
As I said, that's their business, no-one else's.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Challenges, free offers of photos. If I paid someone would they take them, other than family and friends.
I do think that is a legitimate feeling that I set myself up for. I think I can handle the challenges, if not, I will get out.
But I just cannot respond to emergency calls for photos that don't turn out to be that urgent: lots of photos poured in.
At the time of the call, it was not about the money. It still isn't. It was stated at the beginning. I just wanted to help. Set myself up for another letdown at a time I felt full of them.
Life goes on.
What was wrong with my photos? compared to say the great pros like Andy, haha, of course, I understand that.
Just ranting.
Yes, I am feeling a bit of whatever one wants to accuse me of. Now I have to hunt up Baldy's site so I can see the mockups as they played out.
All very good points the same as DavidTO who's well constructed reply I agree with....
Yep, your right it's been a **** day....As usual tomorrow is another day I guess I need to go and have a go at Flug or Icy on AdvR rather than start trouble here.........
I'm well aware of the 'family' type site structure and as such can be called the 'wierd Uncle' that turns up at Xmas and annoys the rest of the family.....:D
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Have a go at Icy for me, too, he deserves it.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
The conference starts tonight and it's called D. It's Walt Mossberg's conference on all things digital. He's a noted Wall Street Journal columnist on technology.
It's the third year for the conference and Kodak/Ofoto was the official photo sharing site in the two previous years. They asked if we could do this on pretty short notice, but the site was the easy part. It's at:
Strangely, the gifts were the hard part because the other companies giving gifts were pretty wealthy and well-known brands. What could we give that would stand out?
We passed a number of ideas by the show organizer and they all feel flat. Been done, etc. So I came up with the mug idea from the photos we saw come out of Yosemite. By that time, we were down to the short end of a very short wire.
The goal was 20 mug/quote combinations. It didn't turn out to be so easy and near the end of my deadline I only had 10 that really popped. So I did the quick & easy thing and plundered Andy's galleries and came up with 5 more.
Unfortunately, not all of them made the cut after we saw the production on the mugs. Some photos reproduced beautifully on white ceramic and some didn't.
So, I'm re-working some art as we speak and tonight I'll load final art for the ones that turned out to be prime-time. I suspect we'll have 12 total. Still looking for photos to go with the rest of the quotes that really moved us, so we'll need about 6 more photos in time.
Once I get the gallery of final art, I'm happy to order mugs for anyone who wants them.
Sorry about the non-payment thing. I knew that would ruffle some feathers and that's understandable. We pay for photos we use in ads, etc. But the fuse on this was too short to negotiate payments & rights, get a contract drafted and signed, etc. So we just decided to draw on passionate amateurs who wanted to see their photos on gifts. We knew it meant forgoing the photos we could have had if we paid. I tried not to put pressure on anyone who does this for a living to give us their photos for free.
All the best,
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I didn't make it on the mug this time.. oh well, some day:-):D
Ah well, that's what dgrin is all about, learning from the mastahs.
I will say I tried many outstanding shots, truly great ones, including many of Andy's that just didn't work on the mugs for one reason or other, so luck played a role.
Having said that, Andy seems to be a very lucky man when it comes to this stuff...
A shot that is stunningly beautiful on photo paper maybe doesn't cut the
mustard with another reproduction process or media.
Gives you a little more insight into the art director's world. Doesn't it?
Also, not too much detail, because the small mugs are only 450 pixels vertically.
And, since the mug curves, it has to be compelling when you just see part of the shot, because another part isn't visible unless you rotate the mug. If Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite makes the shot but you can't see it when you glance at the mug from some angle, that shot's toast as far as mugs go.
And there was something magic when they fit the quote perfectly. I have a collection of great shots that don't quite fit my quotes. It's painful to look at them and think there must be some quote I'm missing...