Good grief, I just looked at the first page again and see who the judges are. Talk about "intimidating"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rofl
No kidding!!
As an aside, I feel the need to vent just a little bit.....I had to bite the bullet and upgrade from CS2 to CS4 :cry .....I am gaining an appreciation for the charges that photographers must charge their clients. So when my wife sees the credit card bill....and if she makes a stink about it.....maybe I could suggest that I charge her for pictures of our son (he's now 3 and we've never taken him anywhere to have his pictures taken...I've just done it). Somehow I don't think that argument will go over well at our house.:toni
And I also believe that everything can be illustrated in photography
- just think that the artist (band) hires you to do the photos for his album cover -
would you say that it's not possible?
Just how can you photograph "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by the crash test dummies scratch lol
haha.. well guys,,, since she isn't giving hints,,,, and we are all going to do our best groping around in the dark, I am guessing, John Denver.. hot or cold Kerry??:D
Hi all! I am now back from my trip to the Pacific NW and ready to help y'all (:D) in any way I can once Kerry is off on her adventures. This is an awesome theme and I know you great players are going to rock it! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Oh, and don't forget to utilize the other forums here on Dgrin. You've got plenty of time, so search the tutorials and Grad School, post to Technique, Other Cool Shots or if its one of your best, The Whipping Post. There are so many great resources to help you push your image further and plenty of people willing to offer their opinions. I'm not saying "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", but think beyond the typical "Freeze Frame" and push that shot into the "Wild Blue Yonder". :ivar
EMILY - you look STUNNING in that new avatar!!!! Not that you haven't looked great in the others, but love the longer hair and it's just so relaxed and pretty (vacation agrees with you, clearly!!)
ok, thats a easy one.... but now how would i do a Metallica song?
whiskey in the jar. i'd start with a jar... then find some whiskey.
HAHA ok, i'm done being a smartass now
we had something similar in a community photo C&C class here in town, but we could chose a song or a show or a movie... so i chose "this american life" (the npr program) because a song was too hard.
I'll have you and Mr Apostrophe know that I correctly used the plural in Heatherfeather's Mt McKinley thread (y'all's):curtsey.... and I'm not even from Texas or the "real" south!!!
Hi all! I am now back from my trip to the Pacific NW and ready to help y'all (:D) in any way I can once Kerry is off on her adventures. This is an awesome theme and I know you great players are going to rock it! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Oh, and don't forget to utilize the other forums here on Dgrin. You've got plenty of time, so search the tutorials and Grad School, post to Technique, Other Cool Shots or if its one of your best, The Whipping Post. There are so many great resources to help you push your image further and plenty of people willing to offer their opinions. I'm not saying "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", but think beyond the typical "Freeze Frame" and push that shot into the "Wild Blue Yonder". :ivar
Hi Emily...
I agree with Diva, nice photo and you looked so relaxed...
The thought had crossed my mind a few weeks ago to utilize the whipping post for challenge entries in order to get some rough and tough CC, I was not sure if that was legal.. Now I do..... ..... Excited to hear that.. Thank you..
Hi all! I am now back from my trip to the Pacific NW and ready to help y'all (:D) in any way I can once Kerry is off on her adventures. This is an awesome theme and I know you great players are going to rock it! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Oh, and don't forget to utilize the other forums here on Dgrin. You've got plenty of time, so search the tutorials and Grad School, post to Technique, Other Cool Shots or if its one of your best, The Whipping Post. There are so many great resources to help you push your image further and plenty of people willing to offer their opinions. I'm not saying "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", but think beyond the typical "Freeze Frame" and push that shot into the "Wild Blue Yonder". :ivar
Let's see some of those PNW photos you took Emily.
I confess to a love of all things Imogen, but my fave artist predates her, even in her Frou Frou days.
Hint?: The first CD I ever bought, in high school, was their ninth album.
Kerry, I scoured your blog for hints..
Who is singing in that awesome video? Maybe there is a hint there? or is that Imogen? I am not familiar with her work at all..
Interesting read for sure... what happened with the Imogen project? did you nail an idea down for that yet? Looks like we are not the only ones who have been wracking our brains for a creative idea :ps:D
I love the post on the black and white antique process, gorgeous. I also learned you are a stickler for post process detail... good to know since you will be judging the next round.. he he he...
Kerry should tell us what her favs are so we can avoid them.... Trying to do this challenge is hard enough, I cant imagine trying to do one of her favs as how she imagined it to have been done...which there is no way for us to know.
That would be like shooting ourselves in the foot....
:giggle The video song is by Imogen Heap (I do love her, but I'm not crazy fangirl over her the way I am over the artist who trumps all others).
It's tough giving hints that won't just give it away... They formed two years before I was born, I've attended three of their concerts, and that plural noun usage should tell you the artist is more than one person.
And I'm a stickler for detail in about everything I do, which can be very detrimental, but it's very useful in an editing career.
Kerry should tell us what her favs are so we can avoid them.... Trying to do this challenge is hard enough, I cant imagine trying to do one of her favs as how she imagined it to have been done...which there is no way for us to know.
That would be like shooting ourselves in the foot....
so Kerry & Emily? what should we avoid?
Sooo True,, We would not want to risk defiling their favs with our feeble artistic attempts..... HA HA.. :lol4:lollolYou make a good point Aaron..
However, I am in this for the game. I already have my idea nailed down.. I think. lol..:D
...which I will now have stuck in my head for hours. Awesome.
No kidding!!
As an aside, I feel the need to vent just a little bit.....I had to bite the bullet and upgrade from CS2 to CS4 :cry .....I am gaining an appreciation for the charges that photographers must charge their clients. So when my wife sees the credit card bill....and if she makes a stink about it.....maybe I could suggest that I charge her for pictures of our son (he's now 3 and we've never taken him anywhere to have his pictures taken...I've just done it). Somehow I don't think that argument will go over well at our house.:toni
My Photos - Powered by SmugMug!
Here there are some beautiful frames - I think....
And I also believe that everything can be illustrated in photography
- just think that the artist (band) hires you to do the photos for his album cover -
would you say that it's not possible? ...... Facebook
At least guessing would give me something to do.... I am stuck on the music theme right now,, giving my mind a break for a few days..:D
Oh Kerry... that is evil! :cry
My SmugMug
Imogen or Frou Frou?
Just how can you photograph "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by the crash test dummies
haha.. well guys,,, since she isn't giving hints,,,, and we are all going to do our best groping around in the dark, I am guessing, John Denver.. hot or cold Kerry??:D
I confess to a love of all things Imogen, but my fave artist predates her, even in her Frou Frou days.
Hint?: The first CD I ever bought, in high school, was their ninth album.
Downright chilly! :giggle
Ah, but does that mean that it was a current release then or is that just when you bought the CD?
My SmugMug
That's easy! This is the first thing that popped into my mind.
Oh, and don't forget to utilize the other forums here on Dgrin. You've got plenty of time, so search the tutorials and Grad School, post to Technique, Other Cool Shots or if its one of your best, The Whipping Post. There are so many great resources to help you push your image further and plenty of people willing to offer their opinions. I'm not saying "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", but think beyond the typical "Freeze Frame" and push that shot into the "Wild Blue Yonder". :ivar
whiskey in the jar. i'd start with a jar... then find some whiskey.
HAHA ok, i'm done being a smartass now
we had something similar in a community photo C&C class here in town, but we could chose a song or a show or a movie... so i chose "this american life" (the npr program) because a song was too hard.
guess that's come around to get me. *sigh*
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
well, I needed it to give me a hard strike on the spectrum. So now we know where the arctic is..
Hi Emily...
I agree with Diva, nice photo and you looked so relaxed...
The thought had crossed my mind a few weeks ago to utilize the whipping post for challenge entries in order to get some rough and tough CC, I was not sure if that was legal.. Now I do.....
Let's see some of those PNW photos you took Emily.
Facebook Fan Page
Kerry, I scoured your blog for hints..
Who is singing in that awesome video? Maybe there is a hint there? or is that Imogen? I am not familiar with her work at all..
Interesting read for sure... what happened with the Imogen project? did you nail an idea down for that yet? Looks like we are not the only ones who have been wracking our brains for a creative idea :ps:D
I love the post on the black and white antique process, gorgeous. I also learned you are a stickler for post process detail... good to know since you will be judging the next round.. he he he...
I am still at a lost for who the artist is..
That would be like shooting ourselves in the foot....
so Kerry & Emily?
It's tough giving hints that won't just give it away... They formed two years before I was born, I've attended three of their concerts, and that plural noun usage should tell you the artist is more than one person.
And I'm a stickler for detail in about everything I do, which can be very detrimental, but it's very useful in an editing career.
For more distraction and creative inspiration, go check out this awesome photo thread. :smo
I'm so not that cool.
Sooo True,, We would not want to risk defiling their favs with our feeble artistic attempts..... HA HA.. :lol4:lol
However, I am in this for the game. I already have my idea nailed down.. I think. lol..:D
I Just Love a Good Hunt..
Awesome.. thanks,, Will check that out...