I was thinking something along those lines, too. In fact the large photo almost had me jumping from here.
But Thomas don't listen to Ginger on this. When and if you do submit it, make it LARGE as possible (smugmug L or 800 pixels on the long side.) Monsters should be BIG.
But Thomas don't listen to Ginger on this. When and if you do submit it, make it LARGE as possible (smugmug L or 800 pixels on the long side.) Monsters should be BIG.
I can get cockroaches here, I am sure I could have a big one photographed and worked up in LAB by Monday.
Good spider, I did do a little fear take, must mean the thing is good.
hihi folks
Well its just been ages since I've posted. I've been sitting on the side, reading every post for the past 4-or-so months. Lost my digital so I've been shooting 35 for a while now. I'm trying to buy an f828 off ebay and would love for you guys to tell me how legit you think it is. Grey market eh?? Theres also a little backround on me included (very little). So of you guys who want to hear why I've been sitting back and watching for so long, or to help me out with a new cam purchase, then go there: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?p=18854#post18854
Anyway, not sure how much QOL I'm really getting here, I guess what does it for me is that big black eye against his soft fur. I've popped in pretty late, but I'll do what i can to participate. Its just such a hassle - shoot, develope, scan, upload, post, and on top of that, I'm hosting through a site that really limits my uploading. Too much right now with the current schedule. So, that is why I'm trying to score this f828 (finally got the $$$!!!). There is only 8 and a half hours left, so anyone whos got their online-camera-purchasing down, give it a peek and let me know what ya think. Try to get more going for QOL once I'm in the mood for some more scanning. Thanks folks!
I also want to add how much progression I've seen in you guys the past few months. Lynn, Ginger, stunning shots, great to see how much youve progressed lately (that goes for everyone too.) Great little community and I cant wait to visit and actually leave some input of my own, just gotta get this camera first!
No time for the old in-out, love, I've just come to read the meter
And one more
The original product was simply horrible! Thanks to Andys 'getting the most our of post' photography thread, I was motivated to work on some pictures that were feeling pretty lonely. Heres one of em (three versions of it) Which do ya preffer?
East 41st St. Around the United Nations area.
Not so sure about this one [above]. The black covering the right building has gotta go.
1, 2 ,or 3, QOL??
No time for the old in-out, love, I've just come to read the meter
10:30 PM, Commercial Warf
I've surprised myself with this one. Thanks to Andy for pushing the night shooting idea and thanks to Pathfinder for some good suggestons.
Rutt I like it alot. Although my personal favorite from this expedition would defintaely have to be-
Any Post-processing time put into this one so far?
No time for the old in-out, love, I've just come to read the meter
Oh, I disagree Snappy. I think the blown out exposure creates a better expression. A properly exposed photo wouldn't show the wonder of the child's face. But then, I tend to like over-exposed photos. I also think the black line in the background adds a lot to the framing.
Anyone is welcome to disagree with me anytime. In fact, I encourage you to do so if you so disire. Seriously, that's why we're here. Just remember to disagree "constructively" (smile). I love your ideas. I see your point of view. I may still stick to my opinion. Or not. I'm not a professional photographer, so my opinion may not be worth much. But, I know what I like and I can critique a photo from a viewers point of view at the very least. Take my opinions with a grain of salt if you like.
As a matter of fact, I would appreciate some critique (especially since Andy's not available) on my "People in our Neighborhood" shots in the "People and Pets" section. I promised those manicurists I'd bring in prints. Go ahead, be brutal.
There's garden furniture and then there's garden furniture
Since we are posting garden furniture, here is an offering of mine - Everyone PLEASE feel free to offer constructive criticism re this shot which is not as nicely lighted as Snappy's but I kind of like the repetition
(Laughing at myself) I don't know what I expected when I read your comment, but when I scrolled down to the shot I was surprised. It is soooo different from my shot. It's a different mood. But, a great picture! The light is great. The repitition is great. It's cool.
I like it.
A thought: What if you blacked out all the speckles in background and cleaned up all the spots and cracks on the chairs and made it real sharp? It might give it a more "modern art" look. Just a thought. Take it with a grain of salt.
I'M BAAAACK and so is The Storm
Very good, Rutt, I like it! Yours I mean, this is going to be tough! g
I was checking this out, just like it is I LIKE it! I don't think it pops, I think it is just beautiful. And it definitely has the qualities, again, that were found in paintings of my grandmother's generation. I opted, so far, for this frame. It is simple, but I think it brings the picture, that is how I think of it in this state, a picture, and I think the frame brings it together and sets it off as an entity in itself. I went back to my Elements and put a drop shadown on a very small white "frame". I just love it. Thanks Rutt. ginger
I've surprised myself with this one. Thanks to Andy for pushing the night shooting idea and thanks to Pathfinder for some good suggestons.
I read the other thread of this picture, this crop and tone, changes the feeling of the shot completly. The cold tungsten colour has made the picture less friendly and the tighter crop with less information, makes the viewer ask questions about what the figure is doing. An excellent sinister shot
The original product was simply horrible! Thanks to Andys 'getting the most our of post' photography thread, I was motivated to work on some pictures that were feeling pretty lonely. Heres one of em (three versions of it) Which do ya preffer?
East 41st St. Around the United Nations area.
Not so sure about this one [above]. The black covering the right building has gotta go.
1, 2 ,or 3, QOL??
I think something intermediate in the color/tone of 2 and 3. I prefer 2, but maybe it is just a little too cool and needs just a touch of wamth, but 3 is too warm to my eye. I dolike the Gaussian blur effect. Nice QOL too!!
Since we are posting garden furniture, here is an offering of mine - Everyone PLEASE feel free to offer constructive criticism re this shot which is not as nicely lighted as Snappy's but I kind of like the repetition
(Laughing at myself) I don't know what I expected when I read your comment, but when I scrolled down to the shot I was surprised. It is soooo different from my shot. It's a different mood. But, a great picture! The light is great. The repitition is great. It's cool.
I like it.
A thought: What if you blacked out all the speckles in background and cleaned up all the spots and cracks on the chairs and made it real sharp? It might give it a more "modern art" look. Just a thought. Take it with a grain of salt.[/QUOTE]
I am so grateful for your response, Snappy - I was beginning to think that maybe my image was not worthy around all the sturm und drang we have been viewing on this thread. This is just a simple little repetition theme with garden chairs that caught my eye as I was wandering around on another cloudy grey day.
I was aware of all the defects in the chairs and considered cloning them out, but that would be a long involved process and that is the way they truly look - they ARE old and beat up - maybe they would be better if they were in B&W???? or cleaned up color? You pick for me please....
Rutt I like it alot. Although my personal favorite from this expedition would defintaely have to be-
Any Post-processing time put into this one so far?
Thanks. I think I'll have a hard choice to make come Sunday night/Monday morning. I've liked quite a few of the things I've shot. I liked all the shots I posted in "Nothing But Fog". I also liked:
Judging by the lack of response to meh Camel, I'll give it a go with another little animal friend. This is my freshest material, and there isn't much of it. Such a pain to go through the 35mm process to get my submissions on the web. Cross your fingers for a good deal on an f828 for me!
Or how about these little guys??
Its one busy backround
QOL Critique??
No time for the old in-out, love, I've just come to read the meter
Just right, IMHO.
I was thinking something along those lines, too. In fact the large photo almost had me jumping from here.
I can get cockroaches here, I am sure I could have a big one photographed and worked up in LAB by Monday.
Good spider, I did do a little fear take, must mean the thing is good.
Well its just been ages since I've posted. I've been sitting on the side, reading every post for the past 4-or-so months. Lost my digital so I've been shooting 35 for a while now. I'm trying to buy an f828 off ebay and would love for you guys to tell me how legit you think it is. Grey market eh?? Theres also a little backround on me included (very little). So of you guys who want to hear why I've been sitting back and watching for so long, or to help me out with a new cam purchase, then go there:
Anyway, not sure how much QOL I'm really getting here, I guess what does it for me is that big black eye against his soft fur. I've popped in pretty late, but I'll do what i can to participate. Its just such a hassle - shoot, develope, scan, upload, post, and on top of that, I'm hosting through a site that really limits my uploading. Too much right now with the current schedule. So, that is why I'm trying to score this f828 (finally got the $$$!!!). There is only 8 and a half hours left, so anyone whos got their online-camera-purchasing down, give it a peek and let me know what ya think. Try to get more going for QOL once I'm in the mood for some more scanning. Thanks folks!
I also want to add how much progression I've seen in you guys the past few months. Lynn, Ginger, stunning shots, great to see how much youve progressed lately (that goes for everyone too.) Great little community and I cant wait to visit and actually leave some input of my own, just gotta get this camera first!
The original product was simply horrible! Thanks to Andys 'getting the most our of post' photography thread, I was motivated to work on some pictures that were feeling pretty lonely. Heres one of em (three versions of it) Which do ya preffer?
East 41st St. Around the United Nations area.
Not so sure about this one [above]. The black covering the right building has gotta go.
1, 2 ,or 3, QOL??
I've surprised myself with this one. Thanks to Andy for pushing the night shooting idea and thanks to Pathfinder for some good suggestons.
Rutt I like it alot. Although my personal favorite from this expedition would defintaely have to be-
Any Post-processing time put into this one so far?
Anyone is welcome to disagree with me anytime. In fact, I encourage you to do so if you so disire. Seriously, that's why we're here. Just remember to disagree "constructively" (smile). I love your ideas. I see your point of view. I may still stick to my opinion. Or not.
As a matter of fact, I would appreciate some critique (especially since Andy's not available) on my "People in our Neighborhood" shots in the "People and Pets" section. I promised those manicurists I'd bring in prints. Go ahead, be brutal.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Now I have a delema. The poppies or the bench. Which has a better chance for the challenge?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Since we are posting garden furniture, here is an offering of mine - Everyone PLEASE feel free to offer constructive criticism re this shot which is not as nicely lighted as Snappy's but I kind of like the repetition
I like it.
A thought: What if you blacked out all the speckles in background and cleaned up all the spots and cracks on the chairs and made it real sharp? It might give it a more "modern art" look. Just a thought. Take it with a grain of salt.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Very good, Rutt, I like it! Yours I mean, this is going to be tough! g
I was checking this out, just like it is I LIKE it! I don't think it pops, I think it is just beautiful. And it definitely has the qualities, again, that were found in paintings of my grandmother's generation. I opted, so far, for this frame. It is simple, but I think it brings the picture, that is how I think of it in this state, a picture, and I think the frame brings it together and sets it off as an entity in itself. I went back to my Elements and put a drop shadown on a very small white "frame". I just love it. Thanks Rutt. ginger
I'm glad one of my photographs evoked some kind of emotional response. Maybe I'll change the name to "Arachnophobia".
TML Photography
I read the other thread of this picture, this crop and tone, changes the feeling of the shot completly. The cold tungsten colour has made the picture less friendly and the tighter crop with less information, makes the viewer ask questions about what the figure is doing. An excellent sinister shot
I think something intermediate in the color/tone of 2 and 3. I prefer 2, but maybe it is just a little too cool and needs just a touch of wamth, but 3 is too warm to my eye. I dolike the Gaussian blur effect. Nice QOL too!!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I like it.
A thought: What if you blacked out all the speckles in background and cleaned up all the spots and cracks on the chairs and made it real sharp? It might give it a more "modern art" look. Just a thought. Take it with a grain of salt.[/QUOTE]
I am so grateful for your response, Snappy - I was beginning to think that maybe my image was not worthy around all the sturm und drang we have been viewing on this thread.
I was aware of all the defects in the chairs and considered cloning them out, but that would be a long involved process and that is the way they truly look - they ARE old and beat up - maybe they would be better if they were in B&W???? or cleaned up color? You pick for me please....
or cleaner color?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
But right now, I'm think about this one:
Judging by the lack of response to meh Camel, I'll give it a go with another little animal friend.
Or how about these little guys??
Its one busy backround
QOL Critique??
Actually Rutt, with the changes youve made to this one, I'm now liking it better than 'Broad Street Grill'.
Definately more suitable for the current challenge too. Great submission!
Damon where'd you score your 828 for $720? Private seller?? GJ!
Help me out, where do i find MY new 828 for $720?
I like this one Gubbs! Specially the pose of the man..like he's waiting for something, somebody? Did you think of it in B&W?
everybody okay? any probs?
here's where i was
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