I'm sorry Gubbs, i was a bit in a hurry, but that wasn't much of a comment eh? So; I thought the color didn't add much to the picture..the only color really visible is that from the trees. Now in B&W it's more timeless or something, it adds to the atmosphere. I very much like the composition; the line from right-down to the man further up into the picture; nice!
Thanks Simone, I keep changing my mind between colour & BW, I've swapped my entry 3 times already...... I'm on colour at the moment
Thanks Ginger, hope you've cheered up now!! This is DGRIN
My opinion about this is sadly predictible. When there is a tie, color wins. This is a beautiful shot with amazing composition, very expressive, and highly ambigious. Is the girl in the foreground the subject or the skipping figure in the background? The skipping figure seems joyful; the foreground girl might be sad or pensive that he is leaving. You've taken a couple of pages from HCB book on this shot and it works.
So why color? Because there is so much photographic history in B&W. Before about about 1940, color film barely existed, until about 1960 shooting in color was difficult because it was slow (ISO was ASA in those days, and it was about 60.) Until the advent of digital, color required much more complex darkroom procedures and even the masters were content to leave postprocessing to specialists. Now all that has changed. Color is if anything easier to shoot and post process than B&W, at least in a technical sense.
Color will always presnet a different more challenging aspect - color adds another dimension that can go either right or wrong. Removing this dimension without very good reason lowers the "degree of difficulty." Why do so unnecessarily?
Using B&W always invokes memories of the great 20th century photographers that made so many famous B&W images. Do this consiously and only for very good reason.
re water girl
Sid, I have seen your shot of the girl on the challenge official thread. I like the black and white best.
In the color shot, the light off to my right of the girl's head bothers me.
I think it is a gorgeous shot. I am not sure of the role of light, but I do think it is gorgeous and back light is a QOL.
I don't think it will win, maybe it will. But I don't think you should choose color over blk and white on the basis of which will win. Choose the one you really prefer.
Isn't this supposed to be a place for creative criticism? Sid's photo is amazing in both color and black and white. The water droplets in front of the girl really make this photo stand out in a beautiful way. I really don't think comments like Ginger's are appropriate. This should be a place where we give creative, constructive comments that help improve the photograph and the photographer, not discourage people from entering the contest. Ginger, was it meant to sound like that??
Sid, I have seen your shot of the girl on the challenge official thread. I like the black and white best.
In the color shot, the light off to my right of the girl's head bothers me.
I think it is a gorgeous shot. I am not sure of the role of light, but I do think it is gorgeous and back light is a QOL.
I don't think it will win, maybe it will. But I don't think you should choose color over blk and white on the basis of which will win. Choose the one you really prefer.
For Ginger with apologies to wxwax
Done very quickly with the eraser
Stan, no sweat. Ginger, your comments are appreciated, especially that you get to the point. I don't think it will win either, but that's OK, it's just fun to play. Damonff, I kinda like how Ginger tells it like she sees it!
Thanks for the kind comments folks, sorry I haven't participated more on this thread, last week was a very long week of work, but someday in September you'll be able to see the fruits of our labors. Rutt, I appreciate your comments. I picked B&W because I thought it did a better job of contrasting and emphasizing the dripping water, and things just seemed sharper. .
Isn't this supposed to be a place for creative criticism? Sid's photo is amazing in both color and black and white. The water droplets in front of the girl really make this photo stand out in a beautiful way. I really don't think comments like Ginger's are appropriate. This should be a place where we give creative, constructive comments that help improve the photograph and the photographer, not discourage people from entering the contest. Ginger, was it meant to sound like that??
No, it was not meant to discourage people from entering the contest, nor was it said to discourage that photo from entering the contest.
I had a very limited amt of time to say anything, within just a few minutes I had to be somewhere. I had seen The photo in black and white on The Challenge very early, about 4 or 5 this AM, and I was quite impressed. More so than I had been the night before. Off hand, looking at this thread at the time I made the comment, I still knew I liked the blk and white, I was not sure why, but the light was bothering me, I knew that.
Also, I thought about it more in the car, and I wanted to be online so badly, as I remembered what I had seen in the earlier hours, in black and white the water droplets did show up more and that was the quality of light. That had impressed me. I think it was more noticeable at the size it is on The Challenge thread, or something.
Saying that whether it would win should not be a criteria, all that is personal to the person entering, I think. Perhaps I should not have said that I did not think it would win, but it might, perhaps I should not have said that, but it was what I was thinking, if I had waited to figure out exactly how to phrase everything, I would not have posted. And I wanted to post, because I really did want to say that I liked it in blk and white.
On winning, or not, that would only discourage someone who only entered the Challenge to win. But I didn't say that it would not win, just that I did not think it would, and that was at that moment, but I also said who knows. I am certainly not an expert on which photos will be picked, as I have said repeatedly I am always surprised. And I have been surprised at the winner once................though I am pleased to say I did vote that way, just didn't think everyone else would. So I would not place any bets on my predictions, and I would not let my predictions make anyone's decisions for them.
I am very glad that the photo is still in black and white, though there is still time to change it. I, also, would hate to be responsible for someone losing because they followed my advice, and it turned out to be wrong.
I, personally, like to be happy myself, first, with the photo I enter, then winning becomes less important, IMHO.
remember, thick skins ...
nothing wrong with ginger telling it like it is. she does demonstrate plenty of constructive feedback -- and that's what we're after.
i rather like ginger's "free-associative" commenting and critiqueing...
guys, this has been a fun fortnight. i really, really have enjoyed the back and forth on the comments. i think overall, this is the kind of stuff that you'd pay a lot of $$ for in a photography class, and here we are, getting it for free... ain't life grand?
Hi, Snappy, I liked the poppies in the first place, before anyone played with them other than you.
Is that a rainbow, or is it the sun, to the left of the tree?
I think you did great stuff, Snappy. In fact, I think a lot of people did.
But you are one of the outstanding ones, IMO.
I really appreciate all the input I've gotten on the poppies. I took so many shots that day. Some in mid-day others in evening. I leaned toward the sunset shots because of the light. What you see in that shot is the sun, not a rainbow. It was really bright and I had to position myself so that it was behind the tree or risk having it right in my lens. It made a kind of halo effect. I tried different things with levels to get better light effect and I was trying for an almost silouette effect in the second one on the post. The sharp and saturated look was what came off the camera. Here's a shot from earlier in the day.
No bright sun here. I like the shot. I like the composition and the colors. I only chose to post the others because of the sunset light. The subject of the challenge. Believe me, that sun was a challenge. Thanks again, everyone, for all your help. :sweet
A black and white version. Wow, there are some excellent shots in this thread. Rutt's fog man is amazing.
Loved this, Sid, agree that it's stronger in BW.
Hey, Ginger. At least you're getting comments! I got a couple in private, one who thought my entry had not been shot within the week, but otherwise that's it!
I really appreciate all the input I've gotten on the poppies. I took so many shots that day. Some in mid-day others in evening. I leaned toward the sunset shots because of the light. What you see in that shot is the sun, not a rainbow. It was really bright and I had to position myself so that it was behind the tree or risk having it right in my lens. It made a kind of halo effect. I tried different things with levels to get better light effect and I was trying for an almost silouette effect in the second one on the post. The sharp and saturated look was what came off the camera. Here's a shot from earlier in the day.
No bright sun here. I like the shot. I like the composition and the colors. I only chose to post the others because of the sunset light. The subject of the challenge. Believe me, that sun was a challenge. Thanks again, everyone, for all your help. :sweet
Snappy put a picture up for us to see. Can the rest of you see it? I can't, just one of those crummy red X s. Is there anything we can do?
A gorgeous photograph, Lynnsite........
Hi Lynnsite, Well I love your picture of your horse. I got most of the comments about that photo that I submitted over a week ago when I shot it, then I have been working on it since, creating controversy, etc.
That is such a great photo, looks like a great horse. I should go look at your biography. I see the little photo, do you raise them, etc?
Why don't you post, get a lot of people angry at you, then they will post, lol.
That is too bad about the person who was concerned about whether you followed the rules. Some of the pictures were so good when I first joined, they still are, if not better, but I didn't know the people then, and I, too, wondered that they could get such great photos right off.
Since I have gotten to know some of the people, not everyone "yells" at me, and actually, in the long run, everyone is nice, but as I get to know them, I would never question their integrity. I would not question yours. It is actually a compliment, I think, that someone would think you could not do that within the time frame. A gorgeous photo. Do you have photos like that blown up to put around your house?
Lynnesite's site, smile, on smugmug, beautiful, funny......
Lynne from Lynnesite, I just went to your smugmug site. You certainly do know your photograpy. Your horses, etc.
Very impressive and friendly, you obviously love your work.
Hey, Ginger. At least you're getting comments! I got a couple in private, one who thought my entry had not been shot within the week, but otherwise that's it!
Thanks lynnesite. I can't believe you haven't had any comments on your excellent shot. It's a beautiful photo and a perfect entry. So what if it was shot last year? Just kidding! After reading Ginger's reply, I looked at your website. You wouldn't happen to like horses, would you? Anyway, congrats on a lovely image.
Snappy put a picture up for us to see. Can the rest of you see it? I can't, just one of those crummy red X s. Is there anything we can do?
Soooooo sorry everyone. I just logged on to check things out before going to bed. And, I saw you were having trouble seeing my post. I found that "external links" were not turned on in this gallery. I put the picture in my "flowers" gallery instead of "other" which I had been using for all my dgrin stuff. I didn't realize that it wasn't set up right. It's funny that I could see it just fine, so I had no idea. Weird. So sorry again. Hope you can see it now.
Hey, Ginger. At least you're getting comments! I got a couple in private, one who thought my entry had not been shot within the week, but otherwise that's it! [/QUOTE]
Hi Lynnesite,
Love your shot of the horse! Was that the moon or just a bright light? Sorry, I didn't see it earlier. I think the reason you didn't get any comments is because you didn't put it on the comments thread and ask for any input. I think you just put it on the entry thread right off. Of course you didn't need any help there. The shot was just perfect to begin with. Only a few people here are confident enough to do that. It does happen though. I've seen it and I've only been around a short time. But, long enough to know (now) there are some really good photographers here. I'm feeling more and more intimidated all the time. I can't say I've been brave or confident in entering against these odds. Just new and uninformed. But, they have all been kind to me even when they are sometimes blunt. It's so hard to be tactful in writing. I was happy with my entry and that's all that counts to me. It was the best material I had access to during that contest period. You sure do a great job with the material you have. I looked at your website. WOW! Congratulations on a great entry. Good luck! Hope to see more of your horses.
I really appreciate all the input I've gotten on the poppies. I took so many shots that day. Some in mid-day others in evening. I leaned toward the sunset shots because of the light. What you see in that shot is the sun, not a rainbow. It was really bright and I had to position myself so that it was behind the tree or risk having it right in my lens. It made a kind of halo effect. I tried different things with levels to get better light effect and I was trying for an almost silouette effect in the second one on the post. The sharp and saturated look was what came off the camera. Here's a shot from earlier in the day.
No bright sun here. I like the shot. I like the composition and the colors. I only chose to post the others because of the sunset light. The subject of the challenge. Believe me, that sun was a challenge. Thanks again, everyone, for all your help. :sweet
Those are so beautiful, Snappy. Thank you for going to the work of sharing them. What a beautiful place you live in....
A black and white version. Wow, there are some excellent shots in this thread. Rutt's fog man is amazing.
Loved this, Sid, agree that it's stronger in BW.
Hey, Ginger. At least you're getting comments! I got a couple in private, one who thought my entry had not been shot within the week, but otherwise that's it!
I dont comment a lot unless the person is asking for opinions, but I liked you shot this week and last very much. They are very impressive. I occasionally frequent another forum and there was a person asking if there was anyone who could photograph their horses. I sent them a link to your site. I like them all. Keep them comming.
Oh my..I just love this one..Many nice Sid! (I'm in KL again;-)
Thanks Ginger, hope you've cheered up now!! This is DGRIN
My opinion about this is sadly predictible. When there is a tie, color wins. This is a beautiful shot with amazing composition, very expressive, and highly ambigious. Is the girl in the foreground the subject or the skipping figure in the background? The skipping figure seems joyful; the foreground girl might be sad or pensive that he is leaving. You've taken a couple of pages from HCB book on this shot and it works.
So why color? Because there is so much photographic history in B&W. Before about about 1940, color film barely existed, until about 1960 shooting in color was difficult because it was slow (ISO was ASA in those days, and it was about 60.) Until the advent of digital, color required much more complex darkroom procedures and even the masters were content to leave postprocessing to specialists. Now all that has changed. Color is if anything easier to shoot and post process than B&W, at least in a technical sense.
Color will always presnet a different more challenging aspect - color adds another dimension that can go either right or wrong. Removing this dimension without very good reason lowers the "degree of difficulty." Why do so unnecessarily?
Using B&W always invokes memories of the great 20th century photographers that made so many famous B&W images. Do this consiously and only for very good reason.
please be sure and get your entries into the main challenge thread.
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Sid, I have seen your shot of the girl on the challenge official thread. I like the black and white best.
In the color shot, the light off to my right of the girl's head bothers me.
I think it is a gorgeous shot. I am not sure of the role of light, but I do think it is gorgeous and back light is a QOL.
I don't think it will win, maybe it will. But I don't think you should choose color over blk and white on the basis of which will win. Choose the one you really prefer.
For Ginger with apologies to wxwax
Done very quickly with the eraser
Thanks for the kind comments folks, sorry I haven't participated more on this thread, last week was a very long week of work, but someday in September you'll be able to see the fruits of our labors. Rutt, I appreciate your comments. I picked B&W because I thought it did a better job of contrasting and emphasizing the dripping water, and things just seemed sharper.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
No, it was not meant to discourage people from entering the contest, nor was it said to discourage that photo from entering the contest.
I had a very limited amt of time to say anything, within just a few minutes I had to be somewhere. I had seen The photo in black and white on The Challenge very early, about 4 or 5 this AM, and I was quite impressed. More so than I had been the night before. Off hand, looking at this thread at the time I made the comment, I still knew I liked the blk and white, I was not sure why, but the light was bothering me, I knew that.
Also, I thought about it more in the car, and I wanted to be online so badly, as I remembered what I had seen in the earlier hours, in black and white the water droplets did show up more and that was the quality of light. That had impressed me. I think it was more noticeable at the size it is on The Challenge thread, or something.
Saying that whether it would win should not be a criteria, all that is personal to the person entering, I think. Perhaps I should not have said that I did not think it would win, but it might, perhaps I should not have said that, but it was what I was thinking, if I had waited to figure out exactly how to phrase everything, I would not have posted. And I wanted to post, because I really did want to say that I liked it in blk and white.
On winning, or not, that would only discourage someone who only entered the Challenge to win. But I didn't say that it would not win, just that I did not think it would, and that was at that moment, but I also said who knows. I am certainly not an expert on which photos will be picked, as I have said repeatedly I am always surprised. And I have been surprised at the winner once................though I am pleased to say I did vote that way, just didn't think everyone else would. So I would not place any bets on my predictions, and I would not let my predictions make anyone's decisions for them.
I am very glad that the photo is still in black and white, though there is still time to change it. I, also, would hate to be responsible for someone losing because they followed my advice, and it turned out to be wrong.
I, personally, like to be happy myself, first, with the photo I enter, then winning becomes less important, IMHO.
nothing wrong with ginger telling it like it is. she does demonstrate plenty of constructive feedback -- and that's what we're after.
i rather like ginger's "free-associative" commenting and critiqueing...
guys, this has been a fun fortnight. i really, really have enjoyed the back and forth on the comments. i think overall, this is the kind of stuff that you'd pay a lot of $$ for in a photography class, and here we are, getting it for free... ain't life grand?
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I really appreciate all the input I've gotten on the poppies. I took so many shots that day. Some in mid-day others in evening. I leaned toward the sunset shots because of the light. What you see in that shot is the sun, not a rainbow. It was really bright and I had to position myself so that it was behind the tree or risk having it right in my lens. It made a kind of halo effect. I tried different things with levels to get better light effect and I was trying for an almost silouette effect in the second one on the post. The sharp and saturated look was what came off the camera. Here's a shot from earlier in the day.
No bright sun here. I like the shot. I like the composition and the colors. I only chose to post the others because of the sunset light. The subject of the challenge. Believe me, that sun was a challenge. Thanks again, everyone, for all your help. :sweet
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Snappy put a picture up for us to see. Can the rest of you see it? I can't, just one of those crummy red X s. Is there anything we can do?
it's user error on the part of snappy. either bad link or the gallery doesn't have external links turned on ....
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Hi Lynnsite, Well I love your picture of your horse. I got most of the comments about that photo that I submitted over a week ago when I shot it, then I have been working on it since, creating controversy, etc.
That is such a great photo, looks like a great horse. I should go look at your biography. I see the little photo, do you raise them, etc?
Why don't you post, get a lot of people angry at you, then they will post, lol.
That is too bad about the person who was concerned about whether you followed the rules. Some of the pictures were so good when I first joined, they still are, if not better, but I didn't know the people then, and I, too, wondered that they could get such great photos right off.
Since I have gotten to know some of the people, not everyone "yells" at me, and actually, in the long run, everyone is nice, but as I get to know them, I would never question their integrity. I would not question yours. It is actually a compliment, I think, that someone would think you could not do that within the time frame. A gorgeous photo. Do you have photos like that blown up to put around your house?
Lynne from Lynnesite, I just went to your smugmug site. You certainly do know your photograpy. Your horses, etc.
Very impressive and friendly, you obviously love your work.
A pleasure to know you,
Thanks lynnesite.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Soooooo sorry everyone. I just logged on to check things out before going to bed. And, I saw you were having trouble seeing my post. I found that "external links" were not turned on in this gallery. I put the picture in my "flowers" gallery instead of "other" which I had been using for all my dgrin stuff. I didn't realize that it wasn't set up right. It's funny that I could see it just fine, so I had no idea. Weird. So sorry again. Hope you can see it now.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Hi Lynnesite,
Love your shot of the horse! Was that the moon or just a bright light? Sorry, I didn't see it earlier. I think the reason you didn't get any comments is because you didn't put it on the comments thread and ask for any input. I think you just put it on the entry thread right off. Of course you didn't need any help there. The shot was just perfect to begin with. Only a few people here are confident enough to do that. It does happen though. I've seen it and I've only been around a short time. But, long enough to know (now) there are some really good photographers here. I'm feeling more and more intimidated all the time. I can't say I've been brave or confident in entering against these odds. Just new and uninformed. But, they have all been kind to me even when they are sometimes blunt. It's so hard to be tactful in writing. I was happy with my entry and that's all that counts to me. It was the best material I had access to during that contest period. You sure do a great job with the material you have. I looked at your website. WOW! Congratulations on a great entry. Good luck! Hope to see more of your horses.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Those are so beautiful, Snappy. Thank you for going to the work of sharing them. What a beautiful place you live in....
You are right, the composition is perfect.