Countdown to Dgrin 2.0

Hey, Dgrinners:
Remember a while back when we announced some upcoming changes? With your cooperation we totally nailed Part One, which was focused on updating the database and properly prepping the stage for the second leg of renovations.
Since then, we've been working behind-the-scenes with an incredible designer to craft some new, highly visible Dgrin improvements. What does this mean for you? A totally new look and feel, cleaner design and overall better experience.
We'll be rolling these changes out over the next few months. Some will be subtle, some will be major. All of the changes will be noted in this post, so check back to see what's new, or if you're finding yourself lost with one of our new changes, you'll find some help right here.
Feel free to comment on the changes or ask us any questions right here in this thread. :thumb

31 May
31 Jul
01 Aug
Remember a while back when we announced some upcoming changes? With your cooperation we totally nailed Part One, which was focused on updating the database and properly prepping the stage for the second leg of renovations.
Since then, we've been working behind-the-scenes with an incredible designer to craft some new, highly visible Dgrin improvements. What does this mean for you? A totally new look and feel, cleaner design and overall better experience.
We'll be rolling these changes out over the next few months. Some will be subtle, some will be major. All of the changes will be noted in this post, so check back to see what's new, or if you're finding yourself lost with one of our new changes, you'll find some help right here.
Feel free to comment on the changes or ask us any questions right here in this thread. :thumb

31 May
- Announced upcoming changes
- Disabled Post Icons (not smilies, but the icons that appear next to thread titles)
- Disabled Profile Pictures
- Disabled "Hot Post" indication
- Changed "Lurkers" to "Guests" in "In Da House"
- Lost "Memory Card Full" from the Logout link
- Thread prefixes (FS:, SOLD:, etc.) are now required in the Flea Market sub-forums.
- Disabled thread rating.
- Disable FONT tags.
31 Jul
- Removed The Refinery forum
- Updated FAQ
01 Aug
- Moved Tutorials and Reviews from our SmugMug gallery to the forum itself. We also shuffled the forums around a bit.
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Yes! We're still doing a lot of work on it, but we're really approaching this like a spring cleaning. We're removing everything that's not helping and will be rearranging some things, as well.
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Lauren Blackwell
The last MB that did a major change for the better I no longer visit because it was a pain to try and do anything?
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I realize that the top navbar looks good, but is it that functional? I mean, those same links are available just by scrolling down
Will this be VB4?
Not immediately. We're not yet ready to move to vB4.
And please keep in mind that things are still changing with the new look. That screengrab was just the current state in our progress.
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It's nice to be liked!
Things will only get easier and navigation more clear.
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Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Now THAT is good news!
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No posts will be harmed as we make Dgrin better looking and easier to use. I'm sorry you aren't a fan of change!
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Yep. We're moving that. But your control panel is still available, so no worries.
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What's a VCR?
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Fewer clicks, familiar glyphs... yer gonna love it. :ivar
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I'm not sure I see the same value in it that you do, and I don't see it getting much use. How is the current setup convoluted and how could it be better?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Lauren Blackwell
I mentioned your control panel, which is what "You!" really is, just under a different name. Personally, I bookmark this link:
I prefer it for viewing subscribed threads over the control panel. But yes, "You!" Is still there. It's the little icon to the right of your username, which indicates your control panel.
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Maybe I should have said buried. It is hiding there with the thread tools and search thread drop downs. I rarely see anyone use it. I just rated this a 4-star thread but it doesn't show up (I think there's a threshold for number of votes before you see any).
I just think that encouraging rating threads fosters more activity and replies. That is the case for other non-photography boards that I frequent. Most of those are tech sites where you build up a cache of 'points' and/or 'reputation' based on your posts and the helpfulness of them. I can't help but think that a system like that would help grow the number of replies for a given thread. Some people who otherwise would not comment on a posted photo might be more inclined to give it 1-5 stars.
Just a thought...
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2. Has this been tested w/ Tapatalk; i.e., is the Tapatalk feature still going to be supported? I have been beta testing the latest iPad build on that, and it [strike]should be[/strike] was approved by Apple [strike]soon, too[/strike] today.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
1) We're not planning on changing this behavior.
2) It shouldn't have any impact on Tapatalk at all.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
You're correct--no rating is displayed until some magic number of ratings is reached. I don't know what that number is, but I do know that the number of threads with ratings visible on Dgrin is vanishingly small.
I also visit boards that use rating systems and agree that they can be useful. But I think in order to be reliable, there needs to be a much greater volume of traffic than we have here on Dgrin. It's also possible that if ratings were used more often here, there could be a tendency to use ratings as a substitute for comments. So the amount of real critique could decline. Another unintended consequence might be that unrated threads get ignored more often. All this is just speculation, of course; it could go either way. Since hardly anyone uses ratings here, there's no way to know.
What I do know is that to change the way the rating system works would require a substantial amount of customization work. Seems like that effort would be better spent on other things. Thanks for bringing it up though.
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No, sorry. I'm not following you. Will I be able to customize my view so that I have dark text on a light background?
I love Dgrin status quo, it's so easy on the eyes, and gives total focus to the images. Ageless classic. Are you guys bored or what?
In my experience ratings encourage drive-by nazism. A few faceless and gutless clicks can wreak havoc, distortion, anger and calumny on a thread. It is the rule of the playground, name calling from out of sight and out of reach.
One of the invaluable can't-be-ordered-or-bought qualities of Dgrin is that to participate you have to contribute, you have to be a real person, a personality, and put up your images, and make your comments, more, reason your images and reason your comments. You cannot be just an anonymous and irresponsible clicker of a up or down thumb. I don't want to come to Dgrin and have to be looking after my back, what might come flying at me from the dark, positive or negative.
Over the years I've been a member of Dgrin, the most frequently and spontaneously expressed appreciations I have seen have been for the quality of the communication here, for the help given on the spot by people you feel some friendship for, for the very real community of people passionate about photography, about enjoying photography, and enjoying association with each other. To my mind that needs no added tinsel. That needs no social media style whipped up ratings popularity frenzy.
But can I cajole, beg and plead that you keep the clean simplicity of the current dgrin interface? That's one of the things I LOVE about it. It isn't cluttered up by zilions of icons, buttons, colour-schemes, sub-menus and STUFF. Simple Can Be Good
Just my 2c.