*** new comments and critiques procedure ***

the c & c thread *is* getting a bit unmanageable. let's try something new, okay?
go to www.dgrin.smugmug.com
at bottom of page, click "login"
username is "dgrin" (no quotes)
use guest password "dgrinchallenge" (no quotes)
upload your photos. comment and critique away using the comments button right there in the gallery. don't forget to add a caption (title) to your photo, and put your name on it to. use the html tag <br>to make a new line for your name.
for example
"how much is that doggie in the window"<br>
by jane challenger
*** if you are a smugmug user, you must first "logout" of your own account before you can "login" as a guest user on the dgrin.smugmug.com account.
the password is dgrinchallenge
have fun, kids.
go to www.dgrin.smugmug.com
at bottom of page, click "login"
username is "dgrin" (no quotes)
use guest password "dgrinchallenge" (no quotes)
upload your photos. comment and critique away using the comments button right there in the gallery. don't forget to add a caption (title) to your photo, and put your name on it to. use the html tag <br>to make a new line for your name.
for example
"how much is that doggie in the window"<br>
by jane challenger
*** if you are a smugmug user, you must first "logout" of your own account before you can "login" as a guest user on the dgrin.smugmug.com account.
the password is dgrinchallenge
have fun, kids.
Just a question, you will have to click on a photo to see if there are any new comments, right?
you are most welcome, greaps
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Thanks for your efforts.
I will go look at it, but I hardly ever log out of smugmug, I certainly don't want to go in, pick out a photo, copy in the share page, log out, log in somewhere else, and .....................well, I am sorry if the happy birthday thing caused this, because I hate to say I don't like it, but I don't.
I am sure everyone else will.
Enjoy, I will watch for a bit, perhaps, if I ever log out of smugmug, my acct.
Baldy, are you out there? Do I have this right? Can we use this? I think it would be a little more convienient.
give it a try. loging out of your smugmug acct takes about .3 seconds
you just upload the photo from your computer, the same way you do for your own gallery. that takes about 15 seconds. all in all, this should make things easier for everyone. all comments for a pic will be underneath that pic. good for you as you post your shots, good for the others that you comment on, which you do so well.
it's new - okay - and you'll have to get used to it. but it's certainly not difficult, i promise.
give it a try, don't stop doing what you're doing, okay?
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Sorry Rutt, I don't understand any of this, maybe just too much in a short time, or maybe I need to buy a book on it, but I don't understand what you said.
And I am glad everyone is happy.
Actually, I feel like someone came and took something nice away from me, and I am kind of in shock, a bit angry, and I know you all like it, I just don't.
But, do you think you are going to gain people this way? That was your goal yesterday, is this how to gain people?
Or just change the demographics.
What about the camaraderie, the fun, the caring?
you can comment without logging in. you must log in to upload a photo.
btw - you commented on the entire gallery, not an individual photo. just so you know
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ginger dude - you can still say the same exact things in the comments section that you say in the thread! honestly, give it a go, i'm sure you'll get the hang of it. you shouldn't lose out on any of the experience.
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don't be so blue - there's no need to buy a book, i promise you. you already are a smugmug user. you know how to do this stuff in your sleep
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It is definitely worth a try.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
I mean I cared who won this Challenge, it is why I use dGrin. If it is just my photo, well, I only do photography for the fun of it.
(I know I don't like change, but I carefully look for what I do like. When I find it, why would I want it to change. I do like what you just said about the upload, but then I will probably not use smugmug much, no need.) If I do this.
trust me. would i steer you wrong, ginger? :sweet
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I think a thread dedicated to ramblings would be best for the "Wide Angle" forum. We could create a thread aimed at nothing but conversations. As far as posting your pictures & ideas in a forum, you created a blog last week, but it has been neglected. I keep checking back for updates, but find nothing. Here is the link:
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
I'm sort of a fremarketer at heart.
I only have one problem.
I viewed the pics and made a comment. Figured out that I put my name in and no email or anything else is needed. Fine so far.
But--- posting a picture is harder. I will have to resize everything that I post. Right now I upload my full size file to my account. That way I have the resolution needed for large prints. When I link to dgrin they automatically resize the photo when I select M or L . I just keep the gallery so that the original is not available to viewers. As I see it, I can't do that here. I have to post a low resolution file because all the camera info and file info and image size is accessable. I don't want everyone to have that. Am I right here? I will have to do a "save for the web" size file for anything that I post on this new site?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Hey Dave,
I never saw that thread. No wonder it never got going. The problem is these things don't stay on top unless someone - even Ginger herself- posts something. If not they just move down the list and nobody sees them. I remember posting a picture for comments once and I finally had to put a comment in the current comments thread asking for someone to take a look. So these things sometimes don't work. Ginger started a thread on "Doors" and "Windows". I picked it up and kept on posting until some other people discovered it. It's been fun. A nice distraction from the challenge. But, it has to have current posts to stay alive.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The thing that I do not like is that the comments are anonymous
Also there are no smilies - I complained about that in my comment - and I am sorry, but I think the emoticons ARE really necessary to communicate our intentions clearly. Many of our comments are in jest or light hearted and can easily be misinterpreted with out the emoticons to help spell out our intentions. Criticsim with out being leavened with emoticons can be kind of harsh sometimes.
I may siding with Ginger here.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I tried it. I did not have to log in to comment. It asks you to log in, but just below that it says OR put your name and or email address here. I just put Snappy and no email and it went along fine. If you don't put your name on that line, it would be anonamous. But, just put in your name and it's fine. Take a look at my comments on the pics.
I agree with you about the smilies. They do help.
I have a problem with posting pics. I don't like to have to resize everything before I upload. And I don't like having to upload twice. Once to my site and once to dGrin's site. Then we probably have to upload a third time for the actual entry on dGrin's entry thread.
So, there, I vented. Now I'll take a deep breath and wait for Andy to get back to me.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
dudes and dudettes:
you don't need to login to simply make comments on people's pics. you can just put your name in the name field. email addy is not required, either. or you can leave these blank, make your comment, and sign your name like this:
"hey this pic is really great. it could be outstanding if you bumped the exposure up just a bit, and maybe crop out the left 1/4 of the frame... -- andy"
not hard, right?
regarding smilies - so you do it the old-fashioned way guys! c'mon
here are some common emoticons, old-fashioned style:
:-) Standard Smiley (you are joking; satisfied)
:-> Follows a really sarcastic remark
(-: Left handed Smiley
:-( Sad Smiley. You aren't joking; You are not satisfied
:< Very Sad Smiley.
:C Very Sad Smiley
:-* Kissing Smiley
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you can load the full size file, or you can resize to 800x600 your choice. no reason to use "save for web" but you can if you like. i prefer "save as" becuase it keeps the exif.
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TML Photography
:- C
Please try to get to like this method. The other way was only good for the few people with lots of time to read dgrin several times each day.
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
That is one example of how I feel about this.
It will not be the same, not here/there, nor on the different threads. That is the purpose of this thing.
I did not keep up with my blog thing, because the comment was made that it was nice that now I could just put all my ramblings and things there. I thought that is right, I will be alone rambling down here in my own blog. That was not what I wanted. I don't much like writing, I do like sharing.
The threads that are going, imo, get "pity" visits from people who, for whatever reason, make it a habit to go around making sure everything gets some attention.
On the Challenge we were all working towards a purpose. I did not feel I was getting a pity visit. There was real "life" in the challenge. That is what I felt.
Some people had no problem that I know of with the comments and critique thread, they posted their entries directly onto the submission thread, bypassing that awkward critique thread.
: C
ginger:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
...and am now testing to verify that one can link to a particular post within a thread ...
YOu did not have to read it, as I said, many did not, they posted their entry and went on their way.