*** new comments and critiques procedure ***



  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2004
    I submitted to the Challenge, the submission official page, #2, my final entry, I am exhausted, am going to call it a night. I worked quite hard on this photo, one I like very much, I worked very hard, using LAB curves,RGB saturation, USM, etc. to lighten the photo up and make it a Challenge worthy photo.

    I have a question.

    Is it too green?

    If it is too green, I can work on it once more, tomorrow, then I have to get away from this for a little while.

    I like the amt of brightness present now, I like all the colors except I worry about the water being too green. It is a marsh there, with green marsh grass, evening is coming on. I am losing my objectivity. I like all the other colors, a shift will shake the whole balance, so I want to know before I do that, if I really need to, or if I should leave it alone.

    Page #2, official challenge, is my entry too green, or am I just tired???

    If it is too green, do you know what I need to raise to change the color cast of the green, without shifting the other colors?

    Please, ginger
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    I just desaturated some of the yellow. It is a tad darker, not as green.

    Please look.

    Is it too dark? Still too green?

    (It is so clear I can see a tiny boat in the creek I had not noticed til tonight, I don't want to hurt it.)

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    digismile wrote:

    Many people are longing for the past. There are things from the past I also wish we still had ... People like Humungus that got Rutt? WxWax? to take a picture of the inside of his fridge rolleyes1.gif , challenge threads that I could actually get through in under an hour, etc.

    Nice post, Brad. And it was me.

    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • gubbsgubbs Registered Users Posts: 3,166 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    wxwax wrote:
    Nice post, Brad. And it was me.

    Changing the subject slightly, is the Warrior ot the Wasteland (Humungus) still travelling??
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    Will this challenge be extended to Tuesday since it is a long weekend? I will not be able to post until I get back on late Monday night and I plan to shoot all weekend.


  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    dugmar wrote:
    Will this challenge be extended to Tuesday since it is a long weekend? I will not be able to post until I get back on late Monday night and I plan to shoot all weekend.


    If it is can those of us who want start the next Challenge on Monday, so there is an overlap?

    ginger, who is now wondering when her tripod will arrive.
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    gubbs wrote:
    Changing the subject slightly, is the Warrior ot the Wasteland (Humungus) still travelling??
    He's back, now. He posted a trip report at www.advrider.com. I dunno if he'll wander back here again. ne_nau.gif
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    dugmar wrote:
    Will this challenge be extended to Tuesday since it is a long weekend? I will not be able to post until I get back on late Monday night and I plan to shoot all weekend.



    Good question, Doug. You might PM Andy, in case he doesn't see this.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    digismile wrote:
    Like the many replys before me, I have definite opinions on the new challenge format. (I have humbly placed my own soapbox before you ... icon10.gif )

    I joined smugmug in the early spring and immediately found dgrin and the many popular threads. Even a few months ago, the challenge threads to me were like a slow moving stream... friendly and inviting. I wan't sure if I was good enough to "swim" in this new body of water (and still don't), but I jumped in and the water seemed pretty good. But as with most streams they eventually become bigger and faster ...

    I don't begrudge those who can spend many hours a day on dgrin. I would spend more time if I could. But the reality is, I have a busy life (including having some fun with photography) and I share my computer time in the evening so that my wife can use it too. The past couple of months, I could only make it back once every day or so and I literally was reading through HUNDREDS of posts (or should I say trying to read ...).

    One of the basic tenants of our challenge format was that you "have to give to get". So I would respond to some photos that I felt I had something worthwhile to contribute and sometimes post a photo of my own. Returning sometimes only a day later, I was faced with reading/scanning 60+ replies, just to see if anyone had anything to say about my photo. Heaven help me if I couldn't return for 3 days! It just got to be too much work for something that is supposed to be fun for me.

    So I've gradually pulled back from the challenges, still undecided whether to stay or go. But this new challenge critique format, despite a few shortcomings, works for me.

    This is what I like best about it:

    1. For me, the most important element of this process is still the photo! The thing I love most is looking at all the photographs that get submitted (and the photos in these challenges are outstanding!). I'm a visual person ... This format lets me immediately go to the photo that most draws my attention. I can study it, enjoy it, play with it, and after all that, even comment on it. I can then CHOOSE to read through any comment on the given photo.

    2. Less BLOG. Some of the posts in the old format were interesting to me, but in a lot of cases, it was simply of interest to the original sender/recipient.

    3. Now if I were to enter a challenge, I would actually have a snowball's chance in finding the one or two replies that I might receive on my pictures. At the moment, my time is limited and this format still allows someone like me to benefit.

    Many people are longing for the past. There are things from the past I also wish we still had ... People like Humungus that got Rutt? WxWax? to take a picture of the inside of his fridge yelrotflmao.gif , challenge threads that I could actually get through in under an hour, etc.

    Some seem worried that new people won't be able to "manage" the many points of entry. Just because someone is possibly new to digital photography, it doesn't mean that they don't know their way around a website. I personally believe that there are more people like me that simply find the shear volume more a barrier to entry than the technology ...

    I vote to give the new challenge format a try ...

    Thanks for the opportunity to respond. We still have one of the best communities going ...
    Best regards,
    jwear Well said Brad it took me 4 days to get a pic to challenge but it will take me no time the next time.Very new and very happy with what Andy has set up. jwear
    Jeff W


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    wxwax wrote:
    He's back, now. He posted a trip report at www.advrider.com. I dunno if he'll wander back here again. ne_nau.gif

    sid, tell him i miss him, willya? and, if he comes back, all the free beer and pretzels i can deliver via dgrin for him whilst he's signed on....

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    ***challenge end date is monday, sept 6th at noon***
    dugmar wrote:
    Will this challenge be extended to Tuesday since it is a long weekend? I will not be able to post until I get back on late Monday night and I plan to shoot all weekend.



    doug, i'm sorry - the official end is still noon nyc time on monday. we're an international community, and monday's only a holiday in the u.s. :D
  • ShakeyShakey Registered Users Posts: 1,004 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    And Canada
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    Shakey wrote:
    And Canada

    where? j/k :D

    i love my friends to the north, and i wish all those who are celebrating a holiday on monday a nice long weekend, filled with great weather, bbq, and good times.
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2004
    andy wrote:
    doug, i'm sorry - the official end is still noon nyc time on monday. we're an international community, and monday's only a holiday in the u.s. :D
    Oh well, I'll start shooting after dark shots then.


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